Family: Saxifragaceae
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Saxifraga geifolia Balf.f.
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Saxifraga geifolia Balf.f.Det.E00086277Tebbitt, M.C. 1972
Syntype of Saxifraga geifolia Balf.f.
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, George
Collection number: 11438
Collection date: September 1913
Country/Territory: China
Collecting locality: China:On the mountains in the N.E. of the Yangtze bend.
Habitat: On ledges of cliffs and humus covered boulders.
Description: Plant of 6-12 inches. Flowers white, foliage succulent.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00086278
Herbarium region: 4 (Inner China, Korea and Taiwan)
Number of sheets: 2
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00086277
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet