Family: Zingiberaceae
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Etlingera frederikii A.D.Poulsen
Isotype of Etlingera frederikii A.D.Poulsen
Collector/Expedition: Poulsen, Axel Dalberg, Bau, Billy B., Akoitai, Thomas & Akai, Saxon
Collection number: 2593
Collection date: 21st January 2007
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea:Bougainville
Collecting locality: Papua New Guinea:Bougainville:Bougainville Island, 1.5 km W of Togarau village, slope of Hirayo Hill
Latitude: 5°58'S, Longitude: 155°5'E
Habitat: Forest on ridge.
Description: Terrestrial herb. Rhizome creeping: 24-50 cm between neighbouring shoots, subterranean. Leafy shoot to 5.3 m long. Base to 7 cm diam., pale brown. Sheath dark green. Ligule to 18 mm long, entire, green; margin pubescent, brown. Petiole 2 cm long. Lamina to 83 x 18 cm, narrowly elliptic, not plicate, dark green, glabrous; base oblique (13 mm). Inflorescence radical 12-27 cm long. Peduncle 6-18 cm long, subterranean, peduncular bracts pale brown. Spike: bracteal part 4-5 x 2.5-3.5 cm. Flowers extending 2.5 cm above bracts. Sterile bracts cream with brownish margin. Inflorescence with 9-16 flowers; 1-6 open at a time. Fertile bract translucent, cream to pale brown; apex pinkish red. Bracteole and calyx similar. Corolla cream, lobes red; dorsal lobe longer than calyx and - same length as stigma but pushed up and away from the stamen. Labellum pale pinkish orange; margin and apex darker; paler at margin of lateral lobes. Filament cream; anther pale yellow with a narrow red line at crest. Stigma brilliant red. Vernacular name: rurutate (Rotokas language).
Miscellaneous notes: Deposited at: LAE, E. Photographed. Material in spirit. DNA sampled.
Kind of specimen: SPIRIT
Barcode: E00830789
Herbarium region: 6E (New Guinea)
Number of sheets: 1
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