Family: Zingiberaceae
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Etlingera calophrys (K.Schum.) A.D.Poulsen
Collector/Expedition: Poulsen, Axel Dalberg, Ardiyani, Marlina M., Chahyadi, Agus & Gufrin,
Collection number: 2789
Collection date: 11th February 2009
Country/Territory: Indonesia:Sulawesi Tenggara
Collecting locality: Indonesia:South East Sulawesi [Sulawesi Tenggara]:Boroboro Range, N of Wolasi. 16 km S of Kendari.
Latitude: 4°9'9''S, Longitude: 122°29'43''E
Habitat: Roadside, disturbed vegetation in forest, dominated by Dicranopteris.
Description: Terrestrial herb. Rhizome rigid, scales dark reddish brown when young. Leafy shoot to 3.1 m long. Distance between neighbouring shoots c. 25 cm. Base to 5.5 cm diam. Sheath glabrous, olive-green. Ligule to 1 cm long, slightly emarginate, densely pubescent, shiny dark brown. Petiole to 2 cm long. Lamina to 68 x 16.5 cm, narrowly ovate, not plicate; base rounded to slightly cordate, - oblique. Inflorescence radical. Peduncle to 12 cm long, peduncular bracts dark orange-brown, pubescent at base and axis. Spike to 6.5 x 7.5 cm. Flowers extending 1.5 cm above bracts, 5 flowers open at a time. Sterile and lower fertile bracts orange-brown, slightly green. Inner fertile bract, bracteole and calyx pale orange-brown, rigid. Pedicel and ovary densely golden hairy. Corolla tube cream; lobes pale red in lower half, brownish red in upper half. Staminal tube white. Labellum yellow. Filament white, anther pale yellow. Stigma white. Receptacle in young infructescence to 5 cm long. Taste of centre of leafy shoot base: bitter and hot. Vernacular name: olae (Tolaki language). Use 1: inner part of young shoot for cooking. Use 2: fruit edible (tastes nice!). Use 3: pound young shoot and apply externally to cure liver disease.
Miscellaneous notes: Deposited at: BO, E. Photographed. Material in spirit. DNA sampled.
Kind of specimen: SPIRIT
Barcode: E00830638
Herbarium region: 6C (Malay Islands)
Number of sheets: 1
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00643345
Herbarium sheetE00643346
Herbarium sheetE00643347
Herbarium sheetE00643348