Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron viridescens Hutch.
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Rhododendron mekongense var. mekongenseDet.E00010060Cullen, J. 1976
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 5829
Collection date: 23rd June 1924
Country/Territory: China:Xizang
Collecting locality: Doshong La
Habitat: In boggy open pastures and lining the torrent
Description: Undershrub of 12-15 inchesFlowers pale yellow, spotted yellowish green
Miscellaneous notes: forming low clumps with No. 5828. Not yet in flower
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00010060
Herbarium region: 3A (Outer China incl. Tibet)
Number of sheets: 1
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet