Family: Polygalaceae
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Bredemeyera lucida (Benth.) Klotzsch ex Hassk.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Zoe Africa & Lopez, German Nadir
Collection number: 1779
Collection date: 1st December 2010
Country/Territory: Belize:Stann Creek
Collecting locality: Belize:Stann Creek:All Pines road; ca. 1 mile along road.
Latitude: 16°46'27''N, Longitude: 88°22'33''W
Habitat: Dense pine savanna woodland turning into broken ridge. Canopy of abundant Pinus caribaea 12 (-15) m, shrub layer with frequent Byrsonima crassifolia 3 (-5 )m, Acoelorraphe wrightii 1-3 (-5) m, Chrysobalanus icaco 4-5 m, Ilex guianensis 4 m, Erythroxylum guatemalense & Davilla kunthii; sparse grass-dominated herb layer with abundant Cassytha filiformis. Not burnt for many years.
Description: Frequent scandent shrub to 3 m by roadside; large inflorescences with many young flowers; tiny flowers with 2 white sepals, yellow corolla.
Barcode: E00554128
Herbarium region: 14 (Central America)
Number of sheets: 1