Family: Boraginaceae
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Lithospermum hancockianum Oliv.
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Lithospermum hancockianum Oliv.FideE00284698 1995
Arnebia hancockiana (Oliv.) I.M.Johnst.Det.E00284698Johnston, I.M. 1936Herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum,Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Herbaria (A)
Lithospermum hancockianum Oliv.Det.E00284699 2nd June 1975
Type of Lithospermum mairei H. Lév.
Collector/Expedition: Maire, Edouard-Ernest
Collection date: Avril
Country/Territory: China
Collecting locality: China:Yunnan:Rochers dénudés-arides à Ma-Hong.
Description: Vivace; fl. bleues de ciel.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00284699
Herbarium region: 4 (Inner China, Korea and Taiwan)
Number of sheets: 1
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00284698
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet