Family: Marantaceae
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Myanmaranthus roseiflorus Nob.Tanaka & K.Armstr.
Isotype of Myanmaranthus roseiflorus Nob.Tanaka & K.Armstr.
Collector/Expedition: Armstrong, Kathleen Ellen, Nwe, Thet Yu, Thu, Moe Myint, Dee, San Naing, Tun, Zaw Naing, Htay, Hla Naing & Sar, Pa Rang Gang Ken
Collection number: 2844
Collection date: 9th June 2017
Country/Territory: Myanmar:Kachin:Putao
Collecting locality: Naungmang Township, buffer zone of Hkakaborazi National Park. Along road through Kasankhu
Habitat: Growing at semi-disturbed edge if road through primary forest.
Description: Herb; 2.5m tall; petiole 190cm long, leaf blade 60cm long; infloresence arising from base of plant; flowers and bracts pink.
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00891594
Herbarium region: 5C (Myanmar (Burma))
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00891593