Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron jasminiflorum Hook.
Collection number: C6519
Collection date: February 1972
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01016212
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19680638
Label data completely captured
SEE COLOUR SLIDE CoLLec ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. CULTIVATED PLANTS. (a b519 AFtoly. ee Ol ie a Jarnini Hot ae ee Ridt. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wit E01016212 Ao extent {os We P. Lieve (SN )y3 ee mote » Lyobrs 1 [ ‘ 96 “ — Na Wi atk eye Cae copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron jasminiflorum subsp. jasminiflorum
Collection number: C113
Collection date: 16th February 2009
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: P10 - Research Collection
Verbatim garden collecting location: P10:Research Collection
Barcode: E00294651
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19680638B
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron jasminiflorum var. punctatum Ridl.
Collection number: C6519
Collection date: November 1970
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01016214
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19680638
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HU E01016214 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. CULTIVATED PLANTS. Coal |) a Nev. 1970 . fort leekiA fr aries ny Bisbee CS.) Aprikits us 4 Oe | at xo} ) Pa s ® n co) te ~-E <= aD re Ps) a fe) is)
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IIIF Manifest