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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura crateriformis Furuki & Long
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 24344
Collection date: 13th June 1993
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00774516
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BRYOPHYTES OF YUNNAN, CHINA KUNMING--EDINBURGH--GOTHENBURG EXPEDITION 1993 Aneura crateriformis Furuki & D.G. Long DIQING PREFECTURE: Zhongdian County, valley below Tian Shu Lake above Xiaozhongdian, 27°37'N, 99°38'E Rocky limestone valley with open Abies/Rhododendron forest; on wet limestone cliff Alt. 3705m 13 June 1993 | Han No. 24344 E00774516 | C Nat. Hist. Mus.& Inst., Chiba (CBM) Aneura crateriformis Furuki et Long, sp. nov. annotated by T. Furuki, 15 Jan. 1994 a HES J9499YI/C <P gaits Col: s ce o ae t“ a ” o | — ao = = > om ° iS)
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura crateriformis Furuki & Long
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 39733
Collection date: 31st August 2010
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00774680
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF SICHUAN PROVINCE, CHINA KUNMING/ EDINBURGH EXPEDITION TO SICHUAN 2010 Aneura craterformis Furuki & D.G. Long DAWU COUNTY: Zheduo Shan, below west side of pass NE ‘a of Bamei on Danba road, 30°32'18.1"N, 101°32'59.2°E SSVI BENE Ee Side valley with Quercus semecarpifolia scrub, on streamside; Sp agicc) a mossy boulders in flush = Alt. c. 3760 m 31 August 2010 D.G. LONG No. 39733 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00774680 \ | | I = (Es ATTTOAATTATTTTTTT| So ® Pd J ® n” 4 a) co = ae > Qa ° S)
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura crateriformis Furuki & Long
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 20915
Collection date: 3rd October 1991
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00665527
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BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF EAST NEPAL EDINBURGH MAKALU EXPEDITION 1991 Aneura crateriformis Furuki & D.G. Long SANKHUWASABHA DISTRICT: Upper Barun Khola valley; cliffs on S side of Lower Barun Glacier opposite Mera, 27°48'N, 87°07'E Rocky calcareous slopes below cliffs; on damp mossy rock ledges Alt. c. 4440m 3 October 1991 D.G. LONG ROYAL soranc = GARDEN No. 20915 i i i I] i) E ; | : eero Re eitte Det. D. ‘Singh & DK. Singh eee | | e aaa) oF r TMU NNOTO TTT TINTED Nat. Hist. Mus.& Inst., Chiba (CBM) 8 copyright reserved Aneura crateriformis Furuki et Long, sp. nov. annotated by T. Furuki, 15 Jan. 1994 a Th ie} ¢ aS ™ aoe eS ae ay 2 So aS | ieee 0) cm
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura crateriformis Furuki & Long
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 20990
Collection date: 7th October 1991
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00665528
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Nat. Hist. Mus.& Inst., Chiba (CBM) Aneura crateriformis Furuki et Long, sp. nov. annotated by T. Furuki, 15 Jan. 1994 BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF EAST NEPAL EDINBURGH MAKALU EXPEDITION 1994 Aneura crateriformis Furuki & D.G.Long SANKHUWASABHA DISTRICT: Up N bank of Barun Khola at foot of Lo 27°47'N, 87°08'E per Barun Khola valley; wer Barun Glacier, Calcareous SW-facing cliffs; on damp turfy rock ledges Alt. c. 4415m 7 October 1994 D.G. LONG ROYAL BOTANICGARDEN No. 20990 Mio E00665528 | Gon Q Aneura crateriformis F uruki & Long Det. D. Singh & D.K. Singh, 28 March 2014 jf : A we ie | } | Bes) 1949990 Wears tf aL ATTUINOCUATIT TTT = 8 9 copyright reserved Eaoed re 6 feszeoce ) r a i) ey cm coli
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura crateriformis Furuki & Long
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 22804
Collection date: 22nd July 1992
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00665529
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TST 19499YI1C Pda fee) } { (iv tiilinitiil ( ‘ ' te ; i a n : S { bn a P ° 1S) BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF SIKKIM, INDIA Aneura crateriformis Furuki & D.G. Long WEST DISTRICT: Moraine ridge S of Chemathang, E side of Onglakthang Glacier, 27°34'N, 88°11'E Nat. Hist. Mus.& Inst., Chiba (CBM) Stable sandy moraine; on calcareous banks Aneura crateriformis Furuki et Long, sp. nov. Alt. c. 4495m 22 July 1992 a ; annotated by T. Furuki, 15 Jan. 1994 | D.G. LONG No. 22804 | : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN will : é | | | | Aneura crateriformis Furuki & Long Eqoseene? Det. D. Singh & D.K. Singh, 21 March 2014 | {
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura latissima Spruce
Collector/Expedition: Wigginton, M.J.
Collection number: 5059A
Collection date: 31st January 1996
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Uganda
Barcode: E00939185
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura latissima Spruce
Collector/Expedition: Wigginton, M.J.
Collection number: 5059A
Collection date: 31st January 1996
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Uganda
Barcode: E00939186
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura latissima Spruce
Collector/Expedition: Yano, O.
Collection number: 1790
Collection date: 7th July 1979
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E01004348
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura latissima Spruce
Collector/Expedition: Yano, O.
Collection number: 28156
Collection date: 14th July 2004
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Barcode: E01004349
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura latissima Spruce
Collector/Expedition: Lambdon, P.W.
Collection number: 14/001A
Collection date: 19th January 2014
Filing region: St Helena & Ascension
Country/Territory: Saint Helena
Barcode: E01452590
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura macrostachya Spruce
Collector/Expedition: Spruce, R.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Isotype of Aneura macrostachya Spruce
Barcode: E00007746
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Herbarium sheetE00261119
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wy (She a i a Ineunm macros bachya Sprve Det D.G. Long I long (992 Hepaticee Spruceane : Amazonice et Andine.— ‘TAM Silva Amazonica : (to Silva Amazonica, : Hepaticze Spruceane: : Amazonice et Ane dine. Dis finn HEVO i Hl Ais bt 1 We» { | ae) ROYAL BOTANIC {GARDEN See 8, Ui ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN copyright reserved
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura macrostachya Spruce
Collector/Expedition: Spruce, R.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Isotype of Aneura macrostachya Spruce
Barcode: E00261119
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Herbarium sheetE00007746
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wy (She a i a Ineunm macros bachya Sprve Det D.G. Long I long (992 Hepaticee Spruceane : Amazonice et Andine.— ‘TAM Silva Amazonica : (to Silva Amazonica, : Hepaticze Spruceane: : Amazonice et Ane dine. Dis finn HEVO i Hl Ais bt 1 We» { | ae) ROYAL BOTANIC {GARDEN See 8, Ui ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN copyright reserved
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph.
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 23682
Collection date: 26th May 1993
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00051736
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph.
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 36888
Collection date: 29th July 2007
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00758196
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. BRYOPHYTES OF INDONESIA Aneura Maye/ Mae (QA iff) Steyh, WEST JAVA, CIANJUR REGENCY: Cibodas Botanical f garden, lower part, 06°44'25.9"S, 107°00'20.4°E i Subtropical woodland garden; on thin soil on shady vertical rocks by footpath. | is Alt. c. 1245m 29 July 2007 IISSVIO BED PELE A BLO D.G. LONG No. 36888 | Spa gies fore)! ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN is ; | wii | EDNA 07 - OSS E00758196 copyright reserved
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph.
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 36937
Collection date: 2nd August 2007
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00758188
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. BRYOPHYTES OF MALAYSIA Aneura maxima (Sth iff- 2 Sdegh, PAHANG: Cameron Highlands, near Robinson Falls, 04°27’N, 101°23’E River bank in evergreen broadleaf forest; on shady mossy bank above river Le. HESaH 19499Y9)0} Alt. c. 1440 m 2 August 2007 . eS = * D.G. LONG, D.S. RYCROFT & B.J. O'SHEA No. 36937 i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00758188 ! EINA 01-O0164.3 | [ copyright reserved
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura maxima (Schiffn.) Steph.
Collector/Expedition: Bakalin, V.A. & Borovichev, E.A.
Collection number: K-80-45-15
Collection date: 20th September 2015
Filing region: Northern Asia
Country/Territory: Russia
Barcode: E01452589
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 31917
Collection date: 14th April 2003
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00774518
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BRYOPHYTES OF ENGLAND Prev ( Cryptothallus\mirabilis Malmb. " EAST SUFFOLK: NW part of Dunwich Forest Swampy Betula woodland; under Sphagnum Grid: TM 4567 7279 v.-c. 25 Alt. c. 10m 14 April 2003 D.G. LONG No. 31917 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii | \ E00774518 i HERB. HORT. EDINB. [Bs OISSVIO BED RELI EIO. Nexrite Col: og | FCOOUAATTUTINTOTOTUATTTII copyright reserved
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Townsend, C.C.
Collection date: 26th June 1967
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00774533
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. es HES 194994910 DP agit) coli 2 se o Ps = cy r Na © ad bs re eS ~ row ° a) TI Cryptothalius mirabilis v. Malmb,. ENGLAND: In shallow litter under Sphagnum recurvum P, Beauv., about 13 inches down, in birch coppice, Burnham Beeches, Bucks., v-c. 2h. HERBARIUM 26 June 1967. C. C, TOWNSEND B. Goater & C.C. Townsend. C.C. Townsend Herbarium Presented 2001 OTUTAUE OTT UOTE OTT TO TAT TO ATTEN HTT TTY | E00774533
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Corley, M.F.V.
Collection date: 23rd October 1968
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00774519
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Ex Herb H & M Corley M.F.V.Corley Herbarium Pn MFVC Presented 2009 CHECK LIST No. 13/1 ryptothallus mirabilis Malmb. female ry HABITAT Under Sphagnum fimbriatum in damp birch wood LOCALITY nr Ascot Station a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 68 EDINBURGH VEC 55 MIM : E00774519 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Dba r Le OISSVII BED RELA BIO. NOTATLANTOOOTITI ATE 5°] S ten o 7 4 eal = =) ‘= > roy re) 3) ee)|
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Corley, M.F.V.
Collection date: 23rd October 1968
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00774520
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M.F.V.Corley Herbarium Presented 2009 CHECK LIST No. 43/1 | Ex,Herb H & M Corley Cryptothallus mirabilis Malmb. male HABITAT Under Sphagnum fimbriatum in damp birch wood LOCALITY Nr Ascot Station DATE 23.410 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ViGy22 HIN | E00774520 HERB. HORT. EDINB. is HSSa 184994910 <P aic) col r [Es AQOMATTITLANOTUOTITUATITTOD copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Townsend, C.C.
Collection date: 28th April 1963
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00774521
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Oy rm Cryptothalius mirabilis v. Malmb, C.C. Townsend Herbarium Presented 2001 ENGLAND: About two inches below the surtace in aecaying Sphagnum and grass litter in between tussocks of Molinia coerulea beneata pine, in wood with birch and Salix ;mosses dominant, Sphagnum recurvum «& Mnium sornum; 5 small wood near tne railway, ascot, berks., V-C.225 . — ma ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 25042-1905. iii \ G.uU.Llownsena. E00774521 | ; Lyvirrves Ss HSS) 19499Y910% <p aa) coli fe detours a | AMINATION copyright reserved
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 37757
Collection date: 7th April 2008
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00774644
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. BRYOPHYTES OF WALES Aneura pinguis (L.) Dumort. off L vata: \is MERIONETH: Cors y Sarnau, NE of Bala Valley mire; in wet hollow amongst Calluna Grid: SH 9705 3870 v.-c. 48 eo 80m ROYAL INBURGH oe 7 April 2008 5 cone, NUNN | apace 00774644 No. 37757 : \ < ( f byo VA Sp adits) ree)! Ane o8-Ol256 | | f gtu ye ; : j x} a = co n i =] oy D a > Qa fe) o
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Birks, H.J.B.
Collection date: 20th February 1971
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00434092
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Hers. H. J. B. Brrxs Coyprethaldin mrrarindes Mola. maek- buch weed | Publ M cy Kopthtd, Bed Srdure eT. Ve-3 Qasr ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 20 WT EDINBURGH _ H.J.B. Birks Herbarium Presented 2010 E00434092 1 Le OISSVIO BED BELA Ie. < Se xrite col: copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Collection number: 42364
Collection date: 20th March 2013
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: France
Barcode: E00817574
No label status given
BRYOPHYTES OF FRANCE Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet DEPARTMENT ORNE: Tourbiére des Petits Riaux, near Goult, 48°36'05.3"N, 00°04'41.2"E Margin of valley mire; under Sphagnum by Betula clump Alt. c. 270m 20 March 2013 D.G. LONG No. 42364 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH H hn E E00817574 _ Pe oISSVID BED RE) Bye ‘Doce col: - Us ATOINTTUATT TTT copyright reserved
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00817402
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[oISSV19 BED HE] ESTe exrite col ie ATMUTTNCUATTITOTUATIITT 10 A.C. Crundwell Herbarium Presented 2000 panes ; 1 Pola oe Spenm Ce 26 NS Toa anes \ASa ee fs) 9 copyright reserved Ee =e LE epee 5 stare A r / ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | | wu 4 * Geayelyo Nablus Sh x \walyong, 7 L pnlbinds sendy cloowe Capra een “2 - S ru “a QS Pady, hia ae x) AN tiki =, WAL LAMA une SaEER a 8 Fi 0
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00817458
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF SCOTLAND Cryptothallus mirabilis Malmb. EASTER ROSS: Monadh Mor near Tore, Black Isle Under Sphagnum in open pine woodland Grid. 28/586 537 vc. 106 Alt. c. 145m 24 July 1988 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | D.G. LONG | viii No. 15190 | E00817458 L EIESa] 18499Y9.C <P dais col « xo] o Ps = o 7?) oO & i ~ x (Sh 7 > Qa fe) oO
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00817459
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. L foISSV1O BED PELE A BT@ Ne xrite col * BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF SCOTLAND Cryptothallus mirabilis Malmb. EASTER ROSS: Pitmaduthy Moss near Tainfield S of Tain Under Sphagnum in_damp Betula woodland Grid. 28/781 780 v.c. 106 ; Alt. c. 45m 28 July 1988 HN AIUD No. 15286 E00817459 7 So ® Pa iS o ” a a) on 5S = > Qa fe) iS)
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Paton, J.A.
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00817460
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. \ Le OISSVIO BED RELA DIO <Paaies) col s (3/) Qapte trerblars.....minebrt CS... eee ee : a ; o Habitat ..... LisxBon. Solroiinwewa ee aera 6. Saad... Wacelies: bnloo © dom,.....daret..... hus chart, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00817460 copyright reserved Herb. J. A. PATON J. A. Paton Herbarium | 2 Presented 1999
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Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00817461
No label status given
(Sst BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES Cry p todhall us mirab;lrs balms. Wes Ryness : Pyiundla Wosd nv Shonttan, Sunart. Amongst Molirig in oak ous - Grid/7/ 8k. 64. Vio=c oct, Dt. 6. Ieo mm q Suly 1978 Legit. D.G.Long No. O69 ROYAL BOTANIC GARD! DINBURGH iii E00817461 ! EN a | ill Bossvio Bey REL Eye Ke xrite col % ; eg itll ; f | am; i I < cS EAS i ar). » | Ea tf i ie | } | | | | t | E i 10 feel 9 copyright reserved 3) aa =a is eee Sean T r =e an, ; fezele| 0
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aneuraceae
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Aneura mirabilis (Malmb.) Wickett & Goffinet
Collector/Expedition: Long, D.G.
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00817462
No label status given
BRITISH BRYOPHYTES Cryptothallus mirabilis Malmb. W ROSS: E side of Garbh Eilean, Loch Maree. Damp hollow with Juniperus, Betula, Molinia and Sphagnum palustre. Grid. 18/914 724 v.c. 105 Alt.c. 15 m 5 August j9 86 D. G. LonG No, 13854 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN LAA | 00817462 ae ISSVID BED REIN B® , <Paaiess ree)} ii a ASST nTen copyright reserved
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