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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Gibsoniothamnus cornutus (Donn.Sm.) A.H.Gentry
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373093
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UT E01373093 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION From THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM Scroph. PLANTS OF PANAMA Gtbsontothamus cf. moldenkeanus (Stand1) L. Wms. det. A. Goldberg, 1977 PANAMA: Below summit of Cerro Jefe, 21 km from Pan American Hwy., ca. 800 m elevation. Premontane Rain Forest. Slender tree to 3 m tall; corollas magenta. LAURENCE E. Skog 4220 11 April 4977 With W.G. D'Arcy & J.P. Folsom Collected for the U.S. National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. To ® Pa i co) n i = = Dn + J 2 ° Oo MQQQ0589
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia Miq.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373092
No label status given
Slligeh: of. Determinavit ND, ; Ay. igat ; $223 Spruce, Pl. Easicc. Aiquatoreales. Andes Quitenses. Dn sib ie a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH. N 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBUR' EDINBURGH E01373092 This is not verbenaceous! ~ H.N.Moldenke, August 1936 Po ikit nS ~ - | ie) ro) sg ® m7 ry pe P D . > rot ) 3) MQ@@@589
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia axillaris Griseb.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373086
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO © wn gS a g > ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved FLORA OF DOMINICA Solandra Schlegelia axillens Griseb. Layou River, GR 76 09. On tree growing beside river in rainforest. Taken from recently fallen tree. Woody climber to 20m. Fruit white, 8mm diameter. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Alt. 300m Date 19 April 1999 EDINBURGH : Pa Bel St 01373086
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia axillaris Griseb.
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373087
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UT 1373087 INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA FLORA OF JAMAICA Parish: PORTLAND “Name: Schlegelia axilleris Grigseb. Locality: Near site of NANNY TOWN, in gorge of the Stony River. Altitude: 1700-1900 ft. Date: July 26, 1967 Habitat: Kain-forest beside river. Notes: High-climbing woody vine. Collector: George R. Proctor No. 28394 10 copyright reserved MQ00589
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia brachyantha Griseb.
Collector/Expedition: Sintenis, P.E.E.
Collection number: 4615
Filing region: Caribbean
Country/Territory: Puerto Rico
Barcode: E01373088
No label status given
ROYAL een aoe wi / | Vi P. SINTENIS: PLANTAE PORTORICENSES, ee "RCYA SBD 1999. SEL Gizeck UGA. ee. porter te GA. apie: 270 —- el beso Till 11I# 1384 det. I. URBAN. xo] ® © ® n ® c=) ees on — ‘= Pa) Qa ° oO MQQQ@589
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia lawrancei Standl.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373090
No label status given
f ! '‘Schlegelia Lawra | Rec¥ee neei Standl, copyright reserved ECO SGOODGEL ino, I Woody i Heigh 'T00=T25 ft | ......Diameter [= =2 Flower, odo | fleshy Material co Flower BPESS S088 S8vey oe EP ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH INA 01373090
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia lawrancei Standl.
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373091
No label status given
" Common name “3B é Collector ARR) = 35.52 2 ee A. E. Lawrence Flower, odor, color, ete. Pure white with maroon base ge. See ee five petals. Special notes__ . quite rare here ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NM £01373091 ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved oO 0 wn fax) go g =
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach.
Collector/Expedition: Goodwin, Z.A.
Collection number: 336
Collection date: 6th November 2006
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00375931
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————————— ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00375931 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Ochlegelia, parvifolia (Cerst.) Monach, Det ZAGoodwin = OFEILZO8 Flora of Belize Darwin Initiative Project - Developing Integrated Assessment of Biodiversity in Secondary Forest in Belize Celastraceae Salacia sp Belize: Stann Creek District, Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, summit of Outlier Peak, ~7 km NW of visitors centre. 16° 48° 47" N 88° 30° 16" W (WGS84) Altitude: 650m Submontane elfin forest, exposed summit dominated by Purdiaea belizensis, Clusia sp & Temstroemia tepezapote. Numerous epiphytes, filmy ferns and bryophytes. Thin soil over granite rock covered with a thick, spongy layer of mosses. Liana Goodwin, Zoé Africa 336 06 Nov 2006 with S. Bridgewater, S. George, N. Mora, I. Chan & P. Walker Lape IL9, cs) copyright reserved MQ00589
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach.
Collector/Expedition: von Türckheim, H.
Collection number: II 329
Collection date: May 1904
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Guatemala
Barcode: E00705793
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Herbarium sheetE01373085
‘ ; A x ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH . : Samples have been removed for pollen analysis | for: Alex Wortley Sent to: E E00705793 Date: 5 May. 2015 Ref. No: 1741 * 18 FLORA VON GUATEMALA, DEPT. ALTA VERAPAZ. Nr, I 447 esaeLore Bg X foare Zee oy? Cubtlgiitz. 350 met. ee ceeds T/ 4+ i go Coll. H, von Tirckheim. oO ~ xo] ® Pa he ® n 4 ad o£ Da ‘= P) a ° cS) MQQQ0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach.
Collector/Expedition: Bridgewater, S.G.M.
Collection number: 3893
Collection date: 11th August 2004
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E00940855
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. 9 ao] co) Pad .“ co 7?) ® sy ad <= = — > Qa ° 1) FLORA OF BELIZE Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach. Det: Caroline Whitefoord Cayo District Doyle’s Delight; Maya Mountains 0281938 W, 1824544 N (UTM, WGS Zone 17) c. 1000 m alt. Tropical evergreen broad-leaved lower-montane palm forest ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mi 0940855 S. Bridgewater 3893 11 August 2004 Vine on $3892 (/nga)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach.
Collector/Expedition: von Türckheim, H.
Collection number: II 329
Collection date: May 1904
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Guatemala
Barcode: E01373085
No label status given
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Herbarium sheetE00705793
HERB. ROY. BOT. GARD. EDIN® ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Be i ala | CALM aon wu or Sed EDINBURGH ou Berm ateralyy aie ee copyright reserved
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia parviflora (Oerst.) Monach.
Collector/Expedition: Coyle, C.P.
Collection number: 3
Collection date: 15th January 2007
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Belize
Barcode: E01465125
Label data partially captured
———— ~ HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00589 copyright reserved Schleselia, paruifolia (erst, } Monoch, Det. 5WBrewer f ara OFRT 201+ FLORA OF BELIZE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Unknown Unknown Locality: BELIZE: Stann Creek: Cockscomb Nature Reserve. Outlier Hill. East facing slope. Montane Forest. 540 m. 16°18'50"N, 88°30'11"W. Description: Climbing in thick vegetation, to approx. 12m eae GARDEN Collectors: GH Coyle, Charles P No. 3 15 JAN 2007 I | 01465125
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia scandens (Briq. & Spruce) Sandwith
Collector/Expedition: Spruce, R.
Collection number: 2485
Collection date: Oct 1852-Jan 1853
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Brazil
Isotype of Schlegelia scandens (Briq. & Spruce) Sandwith
Barcode: E00259263
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COMIN ALE. - Cte aya < oe a Live in, ae See 2 Ao Aaccep es , cuca Oe (PS2 — — fea M89 ROYAL BOTANIC IC GARDEN UMN E00259263 ae | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH @ 8p) & Schlegelia scandens (Briq. & Spruce) Sandw. Identified by H. N. MotprnkE July, 1936 yas copyright reserved
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Schlegelia violacea (Aubl.) Griseb.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373089
No label status given
MQ@QQ@589 es fo 7 oFRe_ xo} ® Pad he cH) n 2 a = _ = > Qa ° oO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01373089
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia Baill.
Collector/Expedition: Swarbrick, J.T.
Collection number: 241
Collection date: 27th April 1961
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00705807
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M0589 copyright reserved HERBARIUM OF THE VICTORIA BOTANIC fy GARDENS, SOUTHERN CAMEROONS iy p yy - : ee & 4 Locality or Origin... oriied: Kane, - £ Q a Samples have been removed for pollen analysis . ae " " pg rm oe for: Alex Wortley Sent to: E Coll. Sepptowd ole. Bi keDate .. SF/L/ G)........... LSE : . 2015 Ref. No: 1741 * 19 ; o “ Da ae . Notes : ub to 10ft cf sccondery Le White, two-lioped. | Acanthne / —_ | the Wee x ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ) ¢ | Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 Be... Herbarium Vadense (WAG) i 1 E00705807 SCGP 154/860/5,000
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia butayei De Wild.
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Mouandza Mbembo, J.-C. & Walters, G.M.
Collection number: 8228
Collection date: 25th April 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217304
No label status given
penmiesay }yuBUAdOO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ta HERB. HORT. EDINB. A 2 j ~ Pv ie Flora of Gabon Acanthaceae Thomandersia butayei De Wild. Det: Pardoel, S.A. 20 March 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, Road from Iguela to Tassi, c. 20 km south of Iguela. 2°02" S,9°25'26" E Alt: 25m S Tree 1.5 m high. Corolla yellowish. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Harris, D.J. 8228 With: Mouandza Mbembo, J C.; Walters, G.M. 25 April 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia butayei De Wild.
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8298
Collection date: 2nd May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217310
No label status given
pemiasal }yuBUAdOO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH iii j 1 un Flora of Gabon | Acanthaceae Thomandersia butayei De Wild. Det: Pardoel, S.A. 20 March 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, Nick's camp, by Louri lagoon, c. 12 km south of Iguela. 2°00'51" S, 9°23'37" E Alt: 10m Bush 1.50 m high, forming clumps. Corolla mostly pale yellowish green with pinkish brown on outside of tube. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Harris, D.J. 8298 With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. 2 May 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia butayei De Wild.
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E., Niangadouma, R. & Walters, G.M.
Collection number: 8246
Collection date: 30th April 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217323
No label status given
penieses }y6IuAdoo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH mn Flora of Gabon Acanthaceae Thomandersia butayei De Wild. Det: Pardoel, S.A. 20 March 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, Nick's camp, by Louri lagoon, c. 12 km south of Iguela. 2°00'34" S, 9°23'10" E Alt: 10m Shrub 1 m high. Grassland.. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Perris. DJ. 8246 With: Armstrong, K.E; Niangadouma, R.; Walters, G.M. 30 April 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia butayei De Wild.
Collector/Expedition: De Wilde, J.J.F.E.
Collection number: 11134
Collection date: 21st November 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00634898
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00634898 Il RNR 5 EX NATIONAAL HERBARIUM NEDERLAND WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY BRANCH (WAG) Collected by: J.J.F.E. de Wilde no. 11134 d.d.: 21 November 1994 With: R.W. de Wilde-Bakhuizen Thomandersiaceae Thomandersia butayei De Wild. Det: M.H. van den Houten October 1995 GABON, OGOOUE-MARITIME, Gamba, just S of Shell jetty (oil terminal), c. 200 m from ocean shore. Coastal shrub vegetation on pure white sandy soil. 2°47.3'S, 10°01.1'E Alt: 5m Much branched densely foliaged shrub, up to 4.5 m tall. Leaves soft herbaceous, bright green above, beneath slightly paler green. Corolla very pale yellowish-green, the tube reddish-brown. The flowers bent downwards. —— —™ a0, fs) copyright reserved oO) 0 Ww a g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia butayei De Wild.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373072
No label status given
d MQQ@589 | So o Pa i ) o ® ba oa £ Da = > 2 fe) [2] Hrmandiroce butane de WEA | Det. Enay Hermraere . 2? -b pe 16h HERB. MUS. PARIS. | Join Ny : in ‘Lu? Sen PARIS BET INEUEGH Wirt oun aber ia bucages Me Wad. KOUILOU infr. (CONGO) Cell. SARGOS WAMU AL Fide W. tle ey ee E01373072 An Aut. od Boe. bo: ; sens (’Joe) 334
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand
Collector/Expedition: Louis, A.M.
Collection number: 2539
Collection date: November 1987
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00658249
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00658249 oat naaemmanna me mmr WERT HERB. HORT. EDINB. EX NATIONAAL HERBARIUM NEDERLAND WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY BRANCH (WAG) Collected by: A.M. Louis no, 2539 d.d.: November 1987 With: F.J. Sterck & A.A. Elias Thomandersiaceae Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand Det: J.J. Wieringa 18 September 2003 GABON, OGOQUE-IVINDO, Koumameyong. Végétation pionniére, bord de route. e030 N5 11°55 E Arbuste ligneuse, hauteur jusqu'a 0.5 m. Tiges 4gés brun pale, tiges jeunes vertes jusqu'a noiratres, blanches poilues. Pédicelle verte jusqu'a rose violacé. Epicalice et calice vert jusqu’a rouge violacé. Corolle jeune, lobes jaunes. Filets verdatres jusqu’a jaunatres, anthéres jaunes, style et stigmate jaunes jusqu'a roses. Associated materials: Spirit collection. xo} ca) Pd — 3) 7) 2 _— om (°)) 5 > a fo) (o) MQ00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373073
No label status given
ea Uomanduraee Corgdare De Wthd 1 Dag Det. Enayet Hynrreazd. 22. Gm Pe copyright reserved G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. Vomandentin conpetama Me Wala F Pee ke ¥ OY. Mur : i, Fide oe | ROWAL FO TANIC GARDEN Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. ov : : A32 a6 OT on
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373074
No label status given
eee pene A me 7 Py. Det. Cnoget Menace. 22-4 Fo. Shaman lttca congetann ke boaltef, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 5 3 J 40 ». EDINBURGH a Ml Nlens MINOR Butt Vand. Art. Brux. xxxve (466) 234 a oO Ln a g g = copyright reserved G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun, utl/bl aa Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 189F
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373075
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01373075 | Ss ammunbac s ary a ag Pre T dug , Det. bray trae, 22-6. 20 Yhamoweler ia tongetana Re boa . t FS Mer. . Fide Ml. Uerne Prutl. Jord. Boe. Bru xxXvI (906) 232 G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. nA fF. UL en Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet 1904 (Fein, xo) co) Pa — co) n co) i al = a = ) 2 ° o > Meee589
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia congolana De Wild. & T.Durand
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01373076
No label status given
Jhomarderee, longebns Det. a mayer ee Ra Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. : ee ec. ea XAKVI oe Ldh- xo] o “ co) n co) i) ae = 2 = J 2 ° oO 7 Mee0589 |
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Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8643
Collection date: 14th May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217305
No label status given
pensese, 1461 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH mi Flora of Gabon Acanthaceae cf: Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand Det: Wortley, A.H.; Harris, D.J. 20 October 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, East side of Rembo Nyoungou river, c. 2 km upstream from Akaka camp. 2°15'21" S, 9°42'29" E Alt: 10m Tree 2.5 m. White flower. Gentle pleasant smell. Forest. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Harris, D.J. 8643 With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. 14 May 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8687
Collection date: 15th May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217306
No label status given
pemesas }uBUAdOOo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NBURGH nig i ye ws Flora of Gabon Acanthaceae cf. Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand Det: Wortley, A.H.; Harris, D.J. 20 October 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, c. 1 km southwest of Akaka camp. 2°13'38" S, 9°40'40" E Alt: 5m Tree 3 m high. Flowers white. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Harris, D.J. 8687 With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8624
Collection date: 14th May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217307
No label status given
peaiesei }yBUAdoo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii ll E00217307 Flora of Gabon ~* Acanthaceae cf. Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand Det: Wortley, A.H.; Harris, D.J. 20 October 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, East side of Rembo Nyoungou river, c. 2 km upstream from Akaka camp. 2°15'21" S, 9°42'29" E Alt: 10m Tree 2 m high. Flowers white, fragrant, lips hardly open, anthers hardly visible. Ants on two types of glands - rough glands irregularly distributed on inflorescence axis and pedicels and smooth glands on calyx. Forest. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Harris, D.J. 8624 With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. 14 May 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8549
Collection date: 12th May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217308
No label status given
~ Flora of Gabon’ Acanthaceae 3 cf: Thomandersia hensii_ De Wild. & T.Durand 2 Det: Wortley, A.H.; Harris, D.J. 20 October 2006 =. Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, 1 km west of Akaka 4 camp. ie 2°13'50" S, 9°40'48" E Alt: 15m : oO ° Tree 2 m high. Forest. < Associated materials: DNA sample. a % Collector: Harris, D.J. 8549 With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. 12 May 2005 Pe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) EDINBURGH mu
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Schlegeliaceae
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Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8511
Collection date: 9th May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00217309
No label status given
aa Flora of Gabon pensesal yuHiuAdoo Bovw 3290 aes 26> = ZuZ> zZ0nr Acanthaceae cf. Thomandersia hensii De Wild. & T.Durand Det: Wortley, A.H.; Harris, D.J. 20 October 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, c. 2 km south of * Rabi village. 1°54'23" S, 9°35'04" E Alt: 15m Tree with whitish curved branches. Leaves slightly glaucous below, less coriaceous than Thomandersia hensii. Associated materials: DNA sample. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Collector: Harris, D.J. 8511 With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. 9 May 2005 i yin Tv Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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