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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Yu, T.-t.
Collection number: 17404
Collection date: 19th August 1938
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00116155
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FAN MEMORIAL INSTITUTE Habitat __. Habit —> Height Bark OF BIOLOGY FLORA OF YUNNAN Altitude _ 2800 m, Grassy slope _ _terb. perennial. eDel ftexsn. Heat <= 7. Flower __.... Aeginetia indica L. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i Date: November 2000 Ii Determinavit: J. Parnell = _.. Fami§robanchac. ; eg leginetia (ndica Bayh Collector T. T. Yii xo] oO 4 co 77) o fw ww A ont ed Seer Ps) a fe) [S) MQ00589
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collection number: 773
Collection date: 11th October 1991
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Taiwan
Barcode: E00116154
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | -MQ@@589 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN - Eoo1 xo] c) . ) ” 4 od non D 5 a fe) o BOTANICAL INVENTORY OF TAIWAN OROBANCHACEAE Aeginetia indica L. Aeginetia indica L. Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell TAIPEI CITY: Nankang: campus of Academia Sinica. Elev. ca. 50 m On waste land. CHIH-CHIA WANG 773 11 October 1991 with Te-Sheng Hsu. HERBARIUM, INSTITUTE OF BOTANY, ACADEMIA SINICA, TAIPEI (HAST)
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Morse, A.
Collection date: 1893
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Taiwan
Barcode: E00116153
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Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iyi i FLORA OF FORMOSA NAME Prag inetia anciica Rexbr Locauty Taman - Acuth Jui Date: November 2000 HABITAT ALT. REMARKS Date \¥A3 Cottector A. Worse Rer. No. xo) $ ben ® n ® a Cd non Sy <= 4] Qa ° o MQ00589
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collection number: 89-1175
Collection date: 30th September 1989
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00116146
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO co wy 2 © fay) = Aeginetia indica L. Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell FLORA OF THAILAND Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, Thailand copyright reserved ; LIQUID PoLIacrzon FAMILY: counties Connor f lames : ZELLLLLLL L227 BOTANICAL NAME: keginetia indica Roxb, "waln kow gahm" Province: gitanag District: MAI istrict: Gaiang Dao Location: Doi Caiang Dae, SR° foctiills above Ban Ying Pong Laang Elevation: 550m, Date: 30 Sevtember 1989 Habitat; Shaded areas in soil in the mixed evergreen/ieciducus forest with meh a bamboep shale-granite bedrod, reot sapropiyte/parasites; stdus variously 0 es: streaked with violet/red and light yellowish; ealyx cream with reddish Ime a j nes} corolla purple outside, very dark maroon insides athers greyish, filame | maroon; stigma yellow, style maroonisi in the upper part, lower wrt whitish; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Capsules light Yellowishecrean; uo green colour to vlant, often growing in UL Collected "BY: JE Maxwell Number: 1175 duplicates: 4 Tl E001161
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Van Beusekom, C.F. & Phengkhlai, C.,
Collection number: 2368
Collection date: 7th December 1969
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00116145
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| | Mee@e@589 xo} ® Pad he ® n ® La od nod pe i ) a fe) o FLORA OF THAILAND C. F. van Beusekom, C. Phengklai Orob. 7012.1969 Aeginaetia indica N. Thailand, prov. Chiang Mai Aegeetia indica \. Loc: Western flank of Doi Inthanond, Mae Pau c 18° 40'N 98° 25 R Alt. c.:1400 m. Date: November 2000 Hill evergreen forest on partly open ridge. On cleared slope in grassy vegetation. : : Scattered between vegetation. Plant a fls mossy dark. Stamens white, sive Wilts. Determinavit: J. Parnell mig ——
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Larsen, K. & Larsen, S.S.
Collection number: 34316
Collection date: 9th September 1974
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00116144
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Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH il Wi 16144 HERB. HORT. EDINB. BOTANISK INSTITUT . AARHUS UNIVERSITET (Herbarium Jutlandia [AAU], Aarhus, Denmark) —eeeeeeeeeeSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMSsseeee Orobanchaceae . Flora of Thailand collected 1974 by Kai Larsen & Supee S. Larsen in collaboration with The Forest Department, Bangkok ' 34316 Aeginetia indica L, rthern: Maehongson 500-600 m alt. 15’ N, 98° E. te: 9.9, Alt: 500 m Date: November 2000 hrub along rvadside, det.: Kai Larsen DUPLUM 10 copyright reserved M@GQ589
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Larsen, K. & Larsen, S.S.
Collection number: 34258
Collection date: 7th September 1974
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00116143
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. OV 0 wn a g g = 10 copyright reserved BOTANISK INSTITUT . AARHUS UNIVERSITET (Herbarium Jutlandia [AAU], Aarhus, Denmark) Orobanchaceae . | Flora of Thailand collected 1974 by Kai Larsen & Supee S. Larsen in collaboration with The Forest Department, Bangkok 34258 Aeginetia indica L, thern: Maehongson: Khun Yuam. 600-700 m alt. Aeginetia indica L. 15’ N, 98° E. te: 759, Alt.: Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell vergreen forest, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN det.: Kai Larsen ugg DUPLUM
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Burtt, B.L.
Collection number: 5594
Collection date: 1st November 1967
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00116142
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Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell Date: November 2000 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wa FLORA OF /Aacla. NAME hegwmelon moitca tech. Locaury A oF suf F Cheer arn mt HasBiraT Gas vole b ‘ ALT: €. on Revanns Sade Coc 1n% rhts. Crbyx fale Date / Wor. g by COLLECTOR KA Kartl- Rer. No. SSO Ap copyright reserved a eo wn a fax) g =z
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collection number: 3003
Collection date: May 1930
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00116141
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{& M@Qe@589 ro) co) c co n e aed = D ‘= > 2. fe} oO Aeginetia indica L. Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. > a | am (, motion simelree (e oplr ; a SE bees ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg is | Pe E001161
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Van Beusekom, C.F. & Phengkhlai, C.,
Collection number: 2655
Collection date: 21st December 1969
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00116139
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Aeginetia indica L. Date: November 2000 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i in FLORA OF THAILAND Orobanch. Aeginetia N. Thailand, prov. Chiang Mai Loc: Fang te) 202m N 992) 2077 C. F. van Beusekom, C. Phengklai 2655 21.12.1969 Alt.¢e 550 m. Hot springs and surrounding evergreen forest. In groups in shady forest slope, now rather dry. Plant dark purplish. Expedition of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands, Thailand, sponsored by DITH, Netherlands, and the Thai Somat: Forest Hathariam, Bangkok, MQ00589 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Burtt, B.L. & Woods, P.J.B.
Collection number: B1891
Collection date: 23rd May 1962
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00116138
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Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NU E00116138 Date: November 2000 Herb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh FLORA OF SARAWAK ee deg Crile wmdtes Mad jas Bet .Division: fase biKist cpammry Hidan I Soberen dhocg: Sm yellorrck ait ara Lies ; stk ca Ad masher go ance fated | Cred, [x4 ple onctrcle , Very Aap 21 sve , Date: ws hag 1964, B.L. Burtt and P.J.B. Woods No. B. (8G 1. copyright reserved M@00589
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Burtt, B.L. & Martin, A.M.
Collection number: B5138
Collection date: 27th August 1967
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00116137
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oO © wn g g g = L On Caner. ee 0, copyright reserved ferb, Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh FLORA OF SARAWAK | ! Aepened a Atha Aeginetia indica L. Z 701A - Division: & ha ‘N, It x Zo! E Date: November 2000 C.306 tte ee AZCAD : one daghfh nW“b Hn) Determinavit: J. Parnell ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Date: 27° Vine 196 ONAL B.L. Burtt and A.M. ae No.B. $/3§
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Sinclair, J.
Collection number: 5670
Collection date: 8th March 1949
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00116136
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M@0Q@589 10 copyright reserved J 2 . Aeginetia indica L. : ‘ a Name .. bn die) Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell Popular English Name Habitat fp ato ha fertet area . (Piceachea) Fleight above mean sea-level. feet. : suggn Pach fom Basin 5 Ibieka® area Date _$ &, Ae | Gu 7: Collector James Sinclair. Reference Number ia Os are, Remarts Mega ae te. Renee Tn fale foes, Ara prusf te , ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN L EDI E 16 ae Se
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Lobb, W.
Collection number: 355
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00116135
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poenseses yBUAdOO be Rie 2 9 G Wena ne 7 = === rare 2 2 S NI i. 9 a e 5 3B es 9 a Determinavit: J. Parnell Aeginetia indica L.
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Lobb, W.
Collection number: 355
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00116134
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Be Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell r fe ae League Agel FIs. Date: November 2000 GL | al cal san copyright reserved kh ete rf yA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN nN ge a es Z a a eee lll ae ke i 0 Se rE C o S S S E cm
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Lobb, W.
Collection number: 395
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00116133
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Aeginetia indica L. Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell 10 ae La 2: ee copyright reserved 6 5 za 3.4 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 16133 FES i 0)
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Lobb, W.
Collection number: 395
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00116131
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MOQOA2DID7 xo} oO Po = cy) 7) o el = eo) = > fos fo} Oo Aeginetia indica L. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN m0 0 Determinavit: J. Parnell Date: November 2000
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Lobb, W.
Collection number: 377
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00116132
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—-——_—____— | } | } z r GL : ‘ O _ S | G g = a> S77 PIE g Lop Ze LEP! — 4 xo} ® Ps ra Aeginetia indica L. o Ke aed Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell T | as es ae ee te eo bs ans zi ‘ : ‘ hegre tECCOL
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Schlechter, F.R.R.
Collection number: 19591
Collection date: 27th May 1909
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00116130
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MQ00589 xo] cH) re co n 2 oa = D = P) ro fo} ) Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell ae Plantae Papuanae Kaiser = Wilhelmsland: . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Hldchecgar i EDINBURGH . WO PLM Leg. R. Schlechter S929 AtAtt
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collection number: 450
Collection date: 29th May 1954
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00116129
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Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN LM I E00116129 Date: November 2000 Hers. Kew. FLORA OF No. * Name f Vern. Name . , Cn Locality Date L¢ | » Altitude < Coll. 40. Habitat Description, etc. te aiaieia lz. ANS tha A tees : ; j Economics copyright reserved MQ00589
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Kairo, A.
Collection number: NGF45050
Collection date: 22nd July 1970
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00116128
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| 000589 | Aeginetia indica L. FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Botanical Collections of the Division ce) DM I ce Date: November 2000 of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. 3 NGF, 45050, 22/7/70 i Locality: Soro, 6 miles S. of Garai r= iets (9 s Long pus 3 Habitat: sland 3 Annot: S Fam: Name: Peer Dupl. sent to: L. Bri, Canb. AK, MN Bogs Sing. Syd. UH. PN. US. Bish, 00116128
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Reeve, T.M.
Collection number: 2349
Collection date: 21st May 1980
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00116127
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | M@0@589 Ee aen| Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell Date: November 2000 copyright reserved FLORA OF NEW GUINEA NAME <a inetic LOCALITY Kongenel ; Nondual ) Min} Disteret, Western Hra bland s Province. HABITAT Gina's (an ct ad acert to ALT. [500m cattle roiect. OROBANCHACERE NOTES Root arasite. as chlore ll. No {eaves tn Pleresconce, Ulowish lero induc au VTi pat mics anne be ct, Corolla whitish on \ ey Pe inside. [Photssrachs | T.MREEVEN. 234.9 DATE 2]. y. (420 DUPLICATES LAE, KL. €, cBG, ASW ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ; MN mi omne Hethted Thee fat pag. 1 ii wy oo1
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Cooper, R.E.
Collection number: 3408
Collection date: 29th August 1914
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00116114
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MQ00589 se) o > = o 7) e bd Fo =) 4 > 2 ° a) ux Herb. Hort. Reg. Bot. ‘ FLORA OF BHUTAN. Date: November 2000 Locality : SOAS Date L9-F -/y Altitude 3; 00-0’ Remarks No. SE Os ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN L we : Ye, - EDINBURGH F , ae Zz. & “ofk MES Aas fen oe WH A).60 o— 19.5.9..... Y £00116114 Ca ~ t Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell R. E. COOPER. Collector for A. K. BULLEY, Esq... CHESUTR TE
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Cave, G.H.
Collection date: 13th August 1913
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00116113
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Aeginetia indica L. Determinavit: J. Parnell ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1g 0 E00116113 Date: November 2000 HERB? HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. FLORA OF EASTERN HIMALAYA Aeginetia indica Linn, Riang Coll. G.H. Cave 2,000 ft. 130861913 copyright reserved MQQ0589
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collection date: 27th May 1913
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00116112
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Aeginetia indica L. Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell ee nee os NAME Aes vote mudica Ow, Locauity Kalijhore- HaBITaT ALT. /coofe ; REMARKS, FS, tea, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn RGH bas : iu Dene 39/9) CoLLector G. +7. CAVE Rer. No. copyright reserved MQ00589
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collection date: 13th October 1913
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00116111
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OD 0 Ww fax) gS g = ROYAL BOTANIC 10 copyright reserved Aeginetia indica L. FLORA OF *##£ EAST HI/7ALAYA NAME Abe rUtta Mudie Date: November 2000 : Determinavit: J. Parnell Locaurry Sista HaBITAT ALT. locoge r REMARKS Ys pew. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oq pase /3/4/3 £00116111 CoLtector G-4. CAVE Rer, No.
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Hooker, J.D.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00116109
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MQ00589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH A) Ages Leary, Fo | | Hat. tefl Faye Aap | | ae 2 lire Jee A GH. | 3 cd Mintbad. Ce Mock Jl Vemeten! Male RA Mere Page Loa Ob 2-4 yap Lex, Clb, 7X FF : va eC A | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH oo 116110 ae . agg xo] a d o 77) £ ~ = oD Hm ) ro} fe) oO Ml Aeginetia indica L. Mth E Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Hooker, J.D.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00116110
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ing gg E001161 | Ment. Sel lr, Ht fel be OPT2SOF Ae Beal 4, Foyt | | | tif A fe Tee Da he | teetwt: At4 4 2 en oo ues | Cthh. ses LITA y, DS Cole fA GY vo { —rrragaggee nt Aeginetia indica L. Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell Mertbad. Ce Mock fl Yomton! Z. “gael ae. Goole age oe Hal Len Say tH Us Br, Aegee 20 Alp 4-4 feel, Cll foo Ke A | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i nn oo 116110 E MQ0e0589 copyright reserved
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Cowan, J.M.
Collection date: 14th August 1893
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00116108
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MQQ@589 | Aeginetia indica L. copyright reserved Sindh, 747 Dome ickrileol log f= ay eo : ‘2D Sot ne . (poland ~/ ee ee. ed oe t - Boog hi” from PCE WORLD ali uae. Alt. i Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell HERB, HORT. BOT. CALCUTTENSIS. Flora of Darjeeling. 3 S ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i . Pete —Lo-d0 . Col, 3, x. coven, UNNDINIANNINI
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Family: Orobanchaceae
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Aeginetia indica L.
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 1945
Collection date: 14th September 1914
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00116107
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HERB. HORT. REC. BOT. EDIN. - PLANTS OF UPPER BURMA | COLL F. KINGDON WARD, 1914 | | ae ee while, colli Lied jl | etmao Ge de alipen , ‘dye An ey eo oy 4p ae | Aah, We. ye ooo Tg Toe si ally Aeginetia indica L. ees Date: November 2000 Determinavit: J. Parnell ROYAL oR oD wy £00116107 Sa 1 II Ei ii a? a Abb 6 ae 1 PP FIGs 0 copyright reserved
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