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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum flavum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Asonganyi, J.N., Koufani, A. & Onana, J.M.
Collection number: 6573
Collection date: 26th November 1998
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00737047
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00737047 HERB. HORT. EDINB. i Flora of Cameroon Ochnaceae Campylospermum flavum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 East: Lobeke Reserve. Djaloumbe bai. 2°23'N, 15°45'E Shrub 3 m high. Inflorescence erect, even in fruit. Collector: Harris, DJ 6573 With: Asonganyi, JN; Koufani, A & Onana, J-M 26 November 1998 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) ; t ' f | t | |
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum flavum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Asonganyi, J.N., Koufani, A. & Onana, J.M.
Collection number: 6137
Collection date: 2nd November 1998
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00737060
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| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ih E00737060 | Specimen used for illustration by Rosemary Wise in Harris & Wortley (2008). Sangha Trees. Flora of Cameroon Ochnaceae Campylospermum flavum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 East: Lobeke Reserve. Djangi Bai and surroundings. 2°19'N, 15°46'E Shrub 3 m high at edge of swamp. Collector: Harris, DJ 6137 With: Asonganyi, JN; Koufani, A & Onana, J-M 2 November 1998 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaberrimum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Dalziel, J.M.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Nigeria
Barcode: E00702140
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MQQQGK 6A —« Campylospermum glaberrimum (P Beauv.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 11 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) copyright reserved my HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E£00702140 | De gm Dabyiel Ne. Megerca.MQQQGK 6A —« Campylospermum glaberrimum (P Beauv.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 11 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) copyright reserved my HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E£00702140 | De gm Dabyiel Ne. Megerca.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaberrimum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Leeuwenberg, A.J.M.
Collection number: 2344
Collection date: 6th January 1959
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Côte d'Ivoire
Barcode: E00702141
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | E00702141 HERBARIUM VADENSE Cia f Plants collected by A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, West Africa, 1958-1959. sthh Campylospermum glaberrimum a : let esa = (P Beauv.) Farron Ouratea glaberrima (P.Beauv.) Engle ex Gilg Det.:P. Bissiengou 11.X 2013 b Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Hab.: Ivory Coast. Forét de l’Abouabou, between Abidjan and Grand Bassam. Alt. 2 m. Coastal rain forest. White sandy soil. 3 calyx ‘ « te black; fr Campylospermun glaberrimun (P, Beauv.) Far- — Ee ie eet ala C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74. d.d. beI~195 Vern. name: = rie copyright reserved MARBAGCGAROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | E00702141 HERBARIUM VADENSE Cia f Plants collected by A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, West Africa, 1958-1959. sthh Campylospermum glaberrimum a : let esa = (P Beauv.) Farron Ouratea glaberrima (P.Beauv.) Engle ex Gilg Det.:P. Bissiengou 11.X 2013 b Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Hab.: Ivory Coast. Forét de l’Abouabou, between Abidjan and Grand Bassam. Alt. 2 m. Coastal rain forest. White sandy soil. 3 calyx ‘ « te black; fr Campylospermun glaberrimun (P, Beauv.) Far- — Ee ie eet ala C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74. d.d. beI~195 Vern. name: = rie copyright reserved MARBAGCGA
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaberrimum (P.Beauv.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Dalziel, J.M.
Collection number: 43
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Ghana
Barcode: E00702142
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ae. Campylospermum glaberrimum (P Beauv.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 11 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wil E00702142 C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO i9/4 Ectaicta eae. eae (? ee Fide + l w, Te. Bian Whe ih | er i ol. DR. J. M, DALZIEL, Coll ; ; } Lf Ls, otha a { UA q riARn a 4 é /- a KN, Utha Y copyright reserved @ ur § S =ae. Campylospermum glaberrimum (P Beauv.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 11 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wil E00702142 C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO i9/4 Ectaicta eae. eae (? ee Fide + l w, Te. Bian Whe ih | er i ol. DR. J. M, DALZIEL, Coll ; ; } Lf Ls, otha a { UA q riARn a 4 é /- a KN, Utha Y copyright reserved @ ur § S =
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaucum Farro
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 1647
Collection date: 1898
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Exomicrum glaucum Tiegh.
Barcode: E00702112
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ISOTYPE lo: Brun. Sec. Nowk., Bot, 224 VO: 340.((400) copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i £00702112 | \ Campylospermum glacum (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 15x 20138 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. wlth Durater. crrgete. (ir,) tye. Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 1898,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaucum Farro
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4349
Collection date: 1912
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702113
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2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN fe EDINBURGH | 2 E00702113 | Campylospermum glacum (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 15 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 9 LE S _ a} o > fe ® r 4 “ 5 =) 4 > roy ° fs) MOQQOCEGA2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN fe EDINBURGH | 2 E00702113 | Campylospermum glacum (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 15 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 9 LE S _ a} o > fe ® r 4 “ 5 =) 4 > roy ° fs) MOQQOCEGA
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaucum Farro
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 3733
Collection date: 1908
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702114
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702114 Campylosp (Tiegh.) Farron ermum glacum ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH e copyright reserved J « ur S Ss S = Det.:P. Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium 15 .X .2013 Vadense (WAG) NR aa aROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702114 Campylosp (Tiegh.) Farron ermum glacum ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH e copyright reserved J « ur S Ss S = Det.:P. Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium 15 .X .2013 Vadense (WAG) NR aa a
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaucum Farro
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 2830
Collection date: 1904
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702115
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MQQQG6A copyright reserved Campylospermum glacum (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 15 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. | | | Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. | | C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19 14... ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702115MQQQG6A copyright reserved Campylospermum glacum (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 15 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. | | | Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. | | C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19 14... ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702115
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaucum Farro
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 1030
Collection date: 1896
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Exomicrum membranaceum Tiegh.
Barcode: E00702116
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of -ExOM ACCUM... OnueVOCQUNO.CLUUM Tala. la: Arun. Sek. NOb., Bak... SOF 8.16: 340 (Mor) Campylospermum glacum (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 15 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) aidan, G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH — | E00702116
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glaucum Farro
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 2180A
Collection date: 1904
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isolectotype of Ouratea brachybotrys Gilg
Barcode: E00702125
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Ds MINNA OOOO TOTTI copyright reserved WoLECTOTYPE IN ' ROYALE BOTANIC sane of Qucadba. wee bert cogel Pern eke cesxs i il il | < _ Campylospermum lacu. in oat. Laceae. wilh. eerpnasin. zm (gaan (Tiegh.) Farron g m Det.:P. Bissiengou Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium 15 .X 2013 Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora ' von 1 Kamerun. Campylospermum..glaucun.....(van..Tieghem)...Par- Fe onl Cough Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74... 190 4;
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum glomeratum (Tiegh.) Biss.
Collector/Expedition: Conrau, G.
Collection number: 37
Collection date: 1898
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Exomicrum conrauanum Tiegh.
Barcode: E00702102
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L lint So o > = ® 77) 2 — <= = = > Qa om 15) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702102 | ISOTYPE - of “Exerc. COCOA OUI. THRO}... (rr. Prva. Sch. MAK Bettiny SPAB..IB2 3. (903) Campylospermum glomeratum (Tiegh.) Biss. Det.:P. Bissiengou 15 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) : re Cie C ewrac awed meee. Ecotype in stream-beds of C. glaberrimum Originale et spec. nov. or woreliion seid aerate a make Bueinde poe tesetnyattetccsse var ove ces cnet se rene erent Pyaeeerecnren teeter corer eerereerteeharyeeeratarte reescrars ape)
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum lanceolatum H.Perrier
Collector/Expedition: Scott-Elliot, G.F.
Collection number: 2320
Filing region: Madagascar and Indian Ocean
Country/Territory: Madagascar
Barcode: E00292793
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|) } ———————», mamas | Ex. HERB. G. F. SCOTT ELLIOT. No. Loh Ml. | | Eh pal. ages Xt as cee cb alec ae 4 LA peels f wid Ay : , LIE sige ogy se 2 2, | v LSP wi hs Be Ae Aree Ci ets ££ | a aa A200 220. LLCS. Ke Alaa, xo) a) 4 ® n E cd <= Do = > Qa ° cS) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00292793
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum laxiflorum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh.
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 4627A
Collection date: 15th February 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737048
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S ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Mt E00737048 Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum laxiflorum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh. Det: Bissiengou, P_ 2015 Sangha-Mbaere: 25 km SE of Bayanga, Kongana research camp. 2°47 N, 16°25'E Shrub, to 1.5 m high. In Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest. Petals bright yellow. Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest. Collector: Harris, DJ 4627A 15 February 1994 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum laxiflorum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh.
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 7770
Collection date: 20th May 2001
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737065
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved ~~ Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum laxiflorum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh. Det: Bissiengou, P_ 2014 Sangha-Mbaere: Kongana camp. 25 km SE of Bayanga. 2°48'N, 16°25'E Shrub 2 m high in Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Collector: Harris, DJ 7770 ww tat eS eee ia eS Pie pa BS ged ELS) E00737065 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) ——_— Se
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum laxiflorum (De Wild. & T.Durand) Tiegh.
Collector/Expedition: Ndolo Ebika, S.T.
Collection number: 36
Collection date: 12th April 2007
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00486220
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00486220 AERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Congo Ochnaceae Campylospermum strictaum (Tieg.) Farron Det: Ndolo Ebika, $.T.; Harris, D.J. 12 July 2010 Sangha Department: 37 km E de Bomassa. 2-12.68 N, 16°31.14"E Arbuste de 2 m de hauteur. Tronc lisse, grisatre. Inflorescences en cymes bipares, solitaires ou par paires. Fleurs jaunes. Fruits, 1-2 drupes, rouges puis noirs a maturité. Forét a <em>Gilbertiodendron dewevrei</em> de terre ferme. Collector: Ndolo Ebika, S.T. 36 12 April 2007 «2. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) Centre D'Etude sur les Ressources Végétales (IEC) BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum longestipulatum (De Wild.) Bissiengou
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 3577
Collection date: 1908
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Ouratea longestipulata De Wild.
Barcode: E00702099
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ISOTYPE a? a" of .umokig Longe sn QUseke. De Lyd. d la: Al. Bequeaer®.. tes. 4X2 (1929)... copyright reserved iy ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702099 i e Nationaal Herbarium
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum obtusifolium (DC.) Tiegh.
Collector/Expedition: Baron, R.
Collection number: 1969
Collection date: June 1889
Filing region: Madagascar and Indian Ocean
Country/Territory: Madagascar
Barcode: E00292794
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00292794 wo | /9 | dagascar. Rev. R. BARON, F.L.S. Purchase FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED. copyright reserved st © wn 2 2 g =
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum occidentalis Biss.
Collector/Expedition: Haegens, R.M.A.P.
Collection number: 106
Collection date: 6th December 1993
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Isotype of Campylospermum occidentalis Biss.
Barcode: E00653395
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00653395 HERB. HORT, EDINB. is ATION Ta Th 3 ra > te ® m7 2 all = =) cy > | roy ° a) ISOTYPE of Comapy laspedmutun.... occidemtalua..Bisc ; ae Blumea.. 521.) 6.....0B EX NATIONAAL HERBARIUM NEDERLAND WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY BRANCH (WAG) Collected by: R.M.A.P. Haegens no. 106 d.d.: 6 December 1993 With: X.M. van der Burgt _—_ Ochnaceae Campylospermum occidentalis Biss. Det: P. Bissiengou 1 October 2012 Isotype of Campylospermum occidentalis Biss. GABON, OGOQUE-MARITIME, Rabi-Kounga, 4.5km on road to Divangui. 1°54'S, 9°55'E Alt: 30m Tree, height 2m. Leaves papery, green. Sepals and petals yellow.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum oliveri (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 1001
Collection date: 1896
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Diphyllopodium zenkeri Tiegh.
Barcode: E00702087
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ISOTYPE of Diphyjlapodauinn. 2Mlerte. TAB... lee. Buss... Map... Hidk.. Nauk. (Pare 8396... (1902) ROYAL XouW. Wie GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Campylospermum..zenkeri.....(Engler-ex-van-~ Tieghen..)..Farron eee Isotype...of..0uratea..zenkeri..Eng]....and-- _— — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. | wil | | E00702087 bool, Uaeratee pew bord fag, | Campylospermum Oliver fr Say. (Tiegh.) Farron Ya. ae Det.:P. Bissiengou 22 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 189 b.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum oliveri (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Thomson, W.C.
Collection number: 15
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Nigeria
Isotype of Notocampylum oliveri Tiegh.
Isotype of Gomphia mannii var. brachypoda Oliv.
Barcode: E00702088
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of. Notocompyuan..cliven... Mean... Lox Prana. Sei. Note, Bott, SHB. Me: 310 (1002) of .Gormnelnio mount. Oliv. at. ‘proc Cc Geda 5 ONiv. har rae. Page Vt B22. (NBER an. Campylospermum Oliveri (Tiegh.) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 22 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19.74... ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 2 : f~ Vater Vos EDINBURGH . ‘s Ms BN | | ve ae EEO s i. L E00702088 5 vy, Z Pig d & ee Vit eS CCR f wee oe copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum oliveri (Tiegh.) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Thomson, W.C.
Collection number: 15
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Nigeria
Isotype of Notocampylum oliveri Tiegh.
Isotype of Gomphia mannii var. brachypoda Oliv.
Barcode: E00702089
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7 P : ie a i HO Pr me oh ma ee . ata On copyright reserved Campylospermum Oliveri (Tiegh.) Farron ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Det.:P. Bissiengou 22 .X .2013 | will \ a AdALOSI Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) E00702089 The only specimen seen of that species Campylospermum olive Isotype..of Gomphia manniiQlive..vare _brachy- pode Oliv... Isotype..of Notocampybum..oli- veri van Tieghem The Only
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum oliverianum (Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 4571
Collection date: 11th February 1994
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737051
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. a | xo] co) Pad i cc) 7) ® i od <= Da ‘- > 2. ° oe Campylospermum oliverianum (Gilg) Farron 2002. Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum sulcatum (Tiegh.) Farron Det: Harris, DJ 20 March 2015 Sangha-Mbaere: 25 km SE of Bayanga, Kongana research camp. f 2°47'N, 16°25'E Shrub 50 cm high. Calyx yellowish-red in young fruit. aa Collector: Harris, DJ 4571 | | | | | 11 February 1994 eA aM he E00737051 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) — —— ————w—
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum paucinervatum Sosef
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8338
Collection date: 3rd May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Isotype of Campylospermum paucinervatum Sosef
Barcode: E00477310
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ee Mah slots ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00477310 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Gabon Ochnaceae Campylospermum sp. nov. Det: Sosef, M.S.M. 28 March 2006 Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, Nick's camp, by Louri lagoon, c. 12 km south of Iguela. 2°00' S, 9°23' E Alt: 10m Tree 1.2 m high. Flowers yellow. Associated materials: DNA sample. Collector: Harris, D.J. 8338 With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. 3 May 2005 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum paucinervatum Sosef
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J., Armstrong, K.E. & Niangadouma, R.
Collection number: 8781
Collection date: 21st May 2005
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Gabon
Barcode: E00477312
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4 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Fa) <5 ~ {e) a} Det. Campylospermum paucinervatum Sosef Specimen cited by Sosef et al. (2007) Blumea 52: 15-19. a Flora of Gabon Ochnaceae Campylospermum sp. nov. Det: Sosef, M.S.M. 28 March 2006 copyright reserved Ogooué-Maritime, Loango National Park, c. 1.5 km southeast of Iguela lodge. 1°55'50" S, 9°19'46" E Alt: 10m Shrub, 1 m high. Bright red infructescences hidden under leaves. Associated materials: DNA sample. ee eee eee Collector: Harris, D.J. 8781 Siaek data sscnaens With: Armstrong, K.E.; Niangadouma, R. EDINBURGH ff 21 May 2005 WM Sone ee E00477312 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) eee
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss.
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4438
Collection date: 1912
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702117
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00702117 Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss. Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XII .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Campylospermum strictum (van Tieghem) Farron C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 19/4... G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. ws Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. | 9A. copyright reserved Me@e@Q@564
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss.
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4682
Collection date: 1913
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Type of Ouratea gymnoura Gilg & Mildbr.
Barcode: E00702118
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TYRE of Aadkta.. yymnoaa. Gg eee In: Athi Econ Dou Zente Dye. Eyed Beh... 2:59.19 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH si : copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss. | E007: 03 XII .2014 ve : issiengou Det cee S Herbarium Vadense (WAG) Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss.
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 2999
Collection date: 1904
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702119
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st Ne un Ss S = ce] o 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 3) EDINBURGH oO 2 = £00702119 r=] @ 3 > a ° rs) Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss. Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 190 4
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss.
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4389
Collection date: 1912
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702126
Label data partially captured
y A y™ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii | 00702126 : oa v Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss. Det.:P. Bissiengou 03 .XIl .2014 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ta WN Renee | Me ¥ISG, Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 19 a G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. copyright reserved Me@e@8BS5b64
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss.
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection number: 3990
Collection date: 15th December 1993
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Central African Republic
Barcode: E00737061
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. <_< Me xe) o > < o 7 o ed ~ <= f°?) il Pa) Qa fe} o Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum plicatum (Tiegh.) Biss. Det: Bissiengou, P_ 2014 Sangha-Mbaere: Kongana camp, GHI transect 1 km west of camp. 2°47'N, 16°25'E Shrub 2 m high. i | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Collector: Harris, DJ 3990 | iii | 15 December 1993 | E00737061 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E)
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IIIF Manifest
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