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Family: Ochnaceae
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Blastemanthus Planch.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123721
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od Pr »< O65 (- 7-1 Vat Re} I Pt On 10 copyright reserved > ee ae tes bit Manes 0 ( / < BO plesnina Lanyire, Poon LoD ieee) wt. te, Spree! LL $- Gy ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VINA | E01123721 See Ny
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Blastemanthus grandiflorus Spruce ex Engl.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01346176
No label status given
| LO0E A ge soacyibrwe thin Secus Rio Negro, Brasilia borealis, inter Barcellos et San Gabriel, coll, R. Spruce, Dec. 1851, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NMI E0134617 il copyright reserved Meee564
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea A.Gray
Collector/Expedition: Mantor, A.
Collection number: SAN113419
Collection date: 13th March 1986
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00004252
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SABAH HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST DEPARTMENT SANDAKAN Family o Botanical Name Photos sp rd ; ® Det. ® ae a —_ Vernacular Dialect + = Locality (see reverse for Map) gynoay Setiavan = 7 ° eee o District SEpulut Alt. m.a.s-l. Collector Date Asik #entor 13/03/86 Habitat = e411 top Notes : Flowers yellowish, climber about 2 meter long. Duplicates to : K/L/SAR/KEP/SING/BO/PNH/AA/OX/ Herbaria receiving duplicates are requested to communicate new ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN identifications to the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Centre, Sandakan, EDINBURGH | IWMI nae E00004252 SPC 1001H
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea A.Gray
Collector/Expedition: Church, A.C., Mahyar, U.W. & Afriastini, J.J.
Collection number: 1717
Collection date: 3rd February 1995
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00028769
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i UL HERB. HORT. EDINB. Plants of Indonesia Ochnaceae Brackenridgea Determined by: Locality: Borneo. W. Kalimantan. Serawai. 8 Km NE of Desa Jelundung, Batu Lintang. 1.5 km NE of camp along hunting trails towards small mountain, Cagar Alam. Lat.: 0° 30' s7a" s Long: 112° 36' 71" E Habitat Alt. 150 m Mixed Dipterocarp forest, associates include: Shorea, Dipterocarpus, Meliaceae, Ebenaceae. Growing above river 8 m on flat bank, open area. Morphology: Tree 13 m tall, 26 cm dbh. Outer bark brown, inner bark reddish-brown. Leaves light green. Young fruit whitish-green maturing dark blue, calyx brown. Local name: Notes: Church, A.C., Mahyar, U.W. »Afriastini 1717 i Friday, February 03, 1995 HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea A.Gray
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00783516
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ie ISSV19 BED BETTI a Daa ics * xo} ® Pa er ® n E a Ran D = b) 2 fe) oO FLORA OF QUEENSLAND No./Q 73 ’ Poniciinnidenn tun ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Bo : Mu bo Fu | EDINBURGH ; a WMA Rainfrait. ae 20m ip oe teil (pene om Sed — Collected for the Arnot ARBORETUM ik fred to San. by S. F. Kajewski 0 [10/1929
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea arenaria (De Wild. & T.Durand) N.Robson
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01335575
No label status given
H. Baum, Reise nach Siidwest-Afrika. Kunene-Sambesi-Expedition. ‘ae 502 Bwa ee ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E£01335575 | oo Lee aoe Brackenyidgen Arenana Det. (De wild. & TOral Shah 7Apal 2022. T- Durand) xo} c) 2 — 1) 7] Y hen od = D a Pa] 2. ° oO
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea forbesii Tiegh.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123585
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rT nN eet I Revised for Flora Malesiana Brackenridgea forbesii v.Tiegh. det. A. Kanis 7/19 64 NEW GUINEA—SOGERI REGION. Central position 9° 28’ 45” S. Lat., 147° 31’ 37” EB. Long. No. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a, MN ll pai E£01123585 S o > i o n 2 - <= 2D tee > roy re) ) MOQQOQS6A
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea forbesii Tiegh.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123586
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WAM E£01123586 FLORA OF NEW_GUINEA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae H.E. Henty. N.G.F. 28091. 3/11/66. Locality: Kui, Morobe District, ToNea. oat tude WOOs1G. Lat. 7-25 8 Long. 147 16 £ bitat: Hillside facing sea, in mixed forest with Anisoptera. B & A 3 Tree, unbuttressed, wi straight cylindrical bole, long de Gu ¢ d i narrow, sparse crown. Heigh bolero tts. ids bsdalouins. dark grey, in small flakes; un and inner bark red-brown. ‘§& pinkish straw; doughy smell wood dull red. Leaves dark shining, slightly lighter beneath, Flowers white. Fruit red. Local name Aki. Fam. Ochnaceae Name: Brackenridgea forbesii Dupl. tos Ie Bri. Canb. A. Ks k. Boge Sing. Syd. UH. PNH. US. Bis, xe) o > 1“ ® 7) © i ~ = 2 a ES 2 ° a) MOQAQQS6A
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea forbesii Tiegh.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123587
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mn E01123587 FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests,Lae. £,Gillison NGF. 25004 19/10/65 Locality: Ridge near Kui Village. Morobe District. Altitude 500 ft. Late 730 S. Longe 147.15 BE. Habitat: In rainforest on sloping ridgee Annots: Slender tree. Height 45 ft, pole 30 ft, debehe, 6". Bark pinkish- brown, papery and flaky. Underbark very thin. Blaze red-brown. Wood pale straw colour, very harde Leaves shiny yellow-green above, paler and shiny below. Flowers not seen. Fruit, calyx burgundy, slender pedicel, Fruit green, shiny, sometimes black at base or on one sides Fam. Ochnaceae 2» Brackenridgea forbesii v. Tieghm, miple. tor Le Brie Canb. A. Ke BM Bog Sung Syd Bul Py US 10 copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea forbesii Tiegh.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123588
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Sl « ur CS CS fa = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. A. Gillison A, Kairo NGF. 25766 42/12/68 P. Seruvato Locality: Saru River, Garaina Sub-Dist., Morobe District. T.N.G. Altitude 2400 feet Late; / 50 5 Long.: 147105 Habitat: wet rain forest. copyright reserved Annot.: Erect tree, height 50 feet, 20 feet. Bark flaky yellow, inner Fam.: Ochnaceae Name: Brackenridgea © ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Dupl, sent to: L. Bri. Canb; a. EDINBURGH : VMI Sess uosi San PNH, is 2d oh E01123588 H. US. Bish, K,
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea forbesii Tiegh.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123589
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E01123589 { | FLORA OF NEW GUINEA, Distributed by the HERBARIUM AUSTRALIENSE, C.S.I.R.O., CANBERRA, A.C.T with the request to be notified of new identifications. i Coll. R. Schodde No. 3037 Date 18 Sept. 1962 Bcackencidgen oes Loc. Kokoda Trail, c. 7 miles north of Sogeri Central District, Papua. ; : Hab, mixed hill rainforest; alt. c. 2000 feet Notes Tree c. 12 m high, DBH c. 20 cm: bark fibrous, red-brown outside, redder insides apwood cream, heartw ink: 7 s eave rather 1 . ler aaa yx green cre .ecium white, copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A.Gray
Collection number: 7310
Collection date: 1885
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00034479
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~ 4p A ery Gor i Kkeoterr , LL Herb. Hort. Bot. Caleuttensis. Flora of the Malay Peninsila, TLC Oe hnown “Oreo: pane GBC hos AS She wolriss, Hed. ished Ry? Moe oho ies lee Jong pu Hore Leese hy e haf Ad y ELIE LS, Hab. Perak, ee pee Crew Risete, Crack alt. /S TVA O41 Date 188. » Dr King’s Collector. 5 Feb teary ss oe, - ROYAL pongo reins gigi Revised for Flora Malesiana Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A. Gray det A. Kanis Tig 64 EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. CALCUTT. PRESENTED. o/ 20 / eo copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A.Gray
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123580
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Revised for ora Malesiana Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A.Gray det. Ae Local Name Botanical Name Where collected Elevation Loe oe pa faliee FLORA OF PENANG. \\ Kanis ve a 1G. P, D.-5,000-May, 89.4 GUVettt Date J - Zod fr T19 64 = Nr a/sy 4 Pee feet rae [oo Qe ane Collector. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wai E01123580 FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED. tn Leploiial i 0) ee ae ae 2, ROYAL Tony ite 8 P copyright reserved | 4 6 x} yA ee eee cm MOQQOS6A
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A.Gray
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123581
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j ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN H iM £0112358 Broacdsen ridqece heelevi (Planch \ A.Grey Cluwenile Specdme) Det. te Mecca Vil Ryze fopular English Name——— a flabitat ented —_ — Ricks a Height % mean sea-level WNC Station _| Date And © Collector Jaqpes Sinclair. ee Reference Nuriter = 0D of. : Mister, Abs le Abret= 6 fa 5°] o Pa ke ® n Nd .- E = =) . > roy Fe) fz) MOQQBS6A
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A.Gray
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123582
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu E01123582 Revised for Flora Malesiana Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A. Gray det. A. Kanis Typ 64 Singapore Field No.39573 DISTRIBUTED (20M THE BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE MaLay PENINSULA ° Name Gomphia Cony toan \ Locality Rock Path, Bukit Timah, Singapore. Altitude Date21st April a : 1953 Ded. Sinelair ColtJ. Sinclair Shrub. Sterile. Gardens 40—24534—100/100—10/49 s o > i od " 2 i = Bd - ES 2 ° 6 MOQQOBS6A
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A.Gray
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123583
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vo. 39136. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wl £01123583 Revised for Flora Malesiana Brackenridgea hookeri (Planch.) A.Gray. det. A. Kanis 7 9 64 Singapore Field No. 39136 DISTRIBUTED FROM THE BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE MALAY PENINSULA N2 6760 NameGomphia corymbosa. Ridl. LocalityWest end o: Altitude Det, J Sinclair Gardens 40—24534—100/100—10/49 ¢ Seletar Reservoir, 11 miles Mandai Koad, Singapore. Date 6th Jane 1951. Coll. L. Sinclair 9 «10 copyright reserved MOQAQCBS6A
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea nitida A.Gray
Filing region: Pacific Islands
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123590
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ma E01123590 VITI or FIJI ISLANDS Collected by Dr. B. Seemann in 1860, a] o 4 ® r E - r= 2 thes Py roy ro) 3) MOQAQACLA
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea palustris Bart.
Collector/Expedition: Amin Sigun, A.
Collection number: SAN126181
Collection date: 21st February 1991
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00091721
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@QBAS6A wa FLORA OF SABAH HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST DEPARTMENT SANDAKAN SAN No. 126184 Family P p rigs | 2 Botanical Name DIAack eric Daluistris Bark. o Ss % ® Det. “e nS Vernacular Dialect 2 5 Locality (see reverse for map) Baten Simpan Mendahan 3 a) District Papaw Alt. 30 @. m.a.s.l. Collector ag, Amin Sigun Date 21/2/94 Habitat Lowlend Notes : Height 12mg Clear bole 6mg Girth 125em, Baxk reddish,smooth, browns Inner bark pinks; Sapwood yellowish; Fruits orange and yellow, Duplicates to : K/L/SAR/KEP/SING/BO/PNH/AA/OX/ Herbaria receiving duplicates are requested to communicate new identifications to the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Centre, Sandakan, Il aoe APC-12193 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN im (0
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea palustris subsp. foxworthyi (Elmer) Kanis
Collector/Expedition: Elmer, A.D.E.
Collection number: 13074
Collection date: April 1911
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Philippines
Isotype of Ochna foxworthyi Elmer
Barcode: E00314292
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 4 E00314292 : ponncelietalipet ese cree ses ee aS Revised for Florg Malesiana i 7 An * 7 ss brackKenriageé foxwor | 1LUS tmnt a Ranrntell welLS partetlie - pecs ace man\Wanieae thyi (Elmer)Kanis det. AeKanis (196° ese TPE Ochna Foxworbhyi Elmer PHILIPPINE ISLANDS PLANTS DISTRIBUTED BY A. D. E. ELMER PUERTO PRINCESA (MT. PULGAR), PROVINCE OF PALAWAN ISLAND OF PALAWAN, APRIL, 1911
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea palustris subsp. foxworthyi (Elmer) Kanis
Filing region: Philippines
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123584
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Revised for Flora Malesiana Brackenridgea fascicularis (Blanco) F.-Vill. ssp.fascicularis det. AsKanis (19 67 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MA E01123584 < BUREAU OF SCIENCE NO FLORA OF THE PHILIPPINES HERBARIUM, BUREAU OF SCIENCE /} a ] 7 ) // : /. - 2 f Cada 4 B24 Lu baru f Ua. | z 3 SAN ANDALES RIZAL PROVINCE ie LUZON ol. C2 EenAvo DEC.W.1926 2——107 ‘ copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea palustris subsp. palustris
Collector/Expedition: Molesworth-Allen, E.E.G.
Collection date: 23rd September 1949
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00034480
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copyright reserved _ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ig Singapore Field No. DISTRIBUTED FROM THE BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE MaLAy PENINSULA Name GroyPhen CO Locality Kido feck. jot file) Lite : ae 3 Date 5 fe 5 fe MAMAL, , é : Det. Faz, Covered el RL AE Revised for Flora Malesiana Brackenridgea palustris Bartell. sspe palustris ene cela. téactteo. Gardens 49—24534—100/100—10/44 det. AsKanis N67
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea zanguebarica Oliv.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123591
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN M0 E01123591 MALAWI OCH NACEAE : Brackenridgea zanguebarica SOUTHERN REGION: Mt. Mulange massif lower slopes of Michesi Mt. above the Fort Lister Gap. 960 m. Very small tree 2 m tall. Flowers white, fragrant, fascicledr leaves just un- folded. 14 October 1987 J. D. & Es G. Chapman #8912 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM (MO) copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Brackenridgea zanguebarica Oliv.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01123592
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es ees | | r wy FLORA OF RHODES/A 9 fs] 1 me] ® 2 a ® n co) — at = = a Ps Qa ° o 6 5 rl 3 Name BRACKENRIDGEA ZANGUE BARICA (Olu, Locauity Dern ath Ranch Leyonal Aorta on path LE owe wth miputran Araurtngs. HABITAT ALT. 3/60" ae are Mttrextiie phrub up te bye. LVS. olosay, minute nt Lick mek Get Gaotlenad. Ws.shenkl enlien, Bcd ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN veloped, Ys.s : aenali les bark pe small, yon. euita Tn eat £01123592 Cottector S.C CoRNER REF. No.
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum Tiegh.
Collector/Expedition: Bernardi, L.
Collection number: 11513
Collection date: 15th November 1967
Filing region: Madagascar and Indian Ocean
Country/Territory: Madagascar
Barcode: E00292771
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a \ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00292771 BOTANISK INSTITUT. AARHUS UNIVERSITET Flora of Madagascar collected by Luciano Bernardi 1967, TamuLis ocaracs eis foliis ACEGLS, TLOLVLioOUs Crevoris, P10uUusS fort Yaupnins in nemorosis et copyright reserved Meee564
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4253
Collection date: 1911
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702111
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 02 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00702111 | Me 4d Id, G Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 194% G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. copyright reservedCampylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron Det.:P. Bissiengou 02 .X .2013 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense (WAG) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00702111 | Me 4d Id, G Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 194% G. Zenker, Flora von Kamerun. copyright reserved
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 4487
Collection date: 1912
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Barcode: E00702121
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron 02 .X .2013 Det.:P. Bissiengou (WAG) Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg)Farron C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 1974... GARDEN ~ PPM Oey ROYAL BOTANIC Si 1S ae ee v4 6 ee, ts] 9 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | ll 00702121 aes 5 by G. Zenker, Flora von nevi. | we Cerat ta/steptoaeele Zo Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 19 ALCampylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron 02 .X .2013 Det.:P. Bissiengou (WAG) Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium Vadense Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg)Farron C. FARRON DETERM. ANNO 1974... GARDEN ~ PPM Oey ROYAL BOTANIC Si 1S ae ee v4 6 ee, ts] 9 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | ll 00702121 aes 5 by G. Zenker, Flora von nevi. | we Cerat ta/steptoaeele Zo Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. 19 AL
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Zenker, G.A.
Collection number: 1845
Collection date: 1898
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Cameroon
Isotype of Ouratea calantha Gilg
Barcode: E00702123
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Camp Ylospermum Calanthum (Gilg) Farron Det.:P Bissieng UEP. Ou 02 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland - Herbarium eee ieee NM SEGA 189 F of OUk Ode. COLON... ile, Bota 1. Dok. Take. Sast,.38.1.28a....C1404) enker, Flora von Kamerun. Craton retical Li, Lift Bipinde, Urwaldgebiet. TTNETUTUNOTLTTOU TT copyright reserved wi ROYAL eotane GAR E00702123 &
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J. & Moutsambote, J.-M.
Collection number: 9462
Collection date: 27th June 2007
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00737067
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i HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo] o Pa ed 1) n J a <= Sy —_ > a fe) iS) Flora of Congo Ochnaceae Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 Sangha Department: Makamba Bai. ¢,2°09:37 N; 1670911 E Tree to 5 m high, with dense red inflorescences. Swampy clearing, in full sunlight. Collector: Harris, DJ 9462 With: Moutsamboté, J-M ROYAL Fone ggg 27 June 2007 | | | Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) E00737067 Centre D'Etude sur les Ressources Végétales (IEC) a
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Harris, D.J.
Collection date: July 1987
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00737068
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. se] 7 ps Sen o a 2 ca <= | D r =~ roy ° rs) Flora of Central African Republic Ochnaceae Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron Det: Bissiengou, P 2014 j Sangha-Mbaere: Bayanga. 2°54'N, 16°16'E Alt: 350m . men ates onnoan Collector: Harris, DJ sn. | | | | | July 1987 E00737068 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) Bie
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Family: Ochnaceae
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Campylospermum calanthum (Gilg) Farron
Collector/Expedition: Mbani, O.A.
Collection date: 19th August 2006
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Republic of Congo
Barcode: E00424015
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