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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Baxter, P.R., Christian, T., Hinchiiffe, W., Katsuki, T. & Ibaragi, Y.
Collection number: 137
Collection date: 27th September 2013
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00895739
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-_ HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@ee@589 xo} 7) Po = ® ” £ aor ce > = ) [ow fe) (2) The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Japan Ericaceae Rhododendron dilatatum Miq. Japan: Tokushima, Tsurugi town; Tsuzutou. Lat/Long: 33° 52’ 54.7" N 134° 3’ 11.1" E (WGS84) Description: Suckering shrub to c.2m tall. Alt.: 1127m Habitat: Steep NE facing slopes surrounding a small stream. Loose, moist, rocky soils. Cool-temperate forest with Pterostyrax corymbosa, Acer rufinerve, Carpinus japonica, Acer sp. Associated material collected: Seed. Edinburgh Iconic Kew Japan Expedition (Baxter, P., Christian, T., Hinchliffe, W. & Martin, K.) with Toshio Katsuki; Yasushi Ibaragi. EDINBU e RGH we MM re [L-4 27 September 2013 E00895739 : ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Midorikawa, K.
Collection number: 885009
Collection date: 4th May 1988
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00895363
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Herbarium Universitatis Tokyoensis RAAF OMS Ea (TI) Rhododendron dilatatum Miquel S79 IO Loc. Honshu. Tokyo-Pref., Nishitama-Gun. Okutama-cho, Left side of Kawanori-dani, unnamed stream (foot of Mt. Honitayama) Date 1988 May 4 . Homrtayau Col. K. Midorikawa Xx (cate No. PESO0F ¢ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a E00895363 HERB. HORT. EDINB. | copyright reserved MQQ0589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Collection number: 83508
Collection date: 28th April 2006
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00849814
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a OE Ee ee HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@QQ589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN y) EDINBURGH | | WI HMI B > £00849814 a} 3 , oo) eos 4 ao} 5 a fo} (5) 425153 Flora of Nagano Prefecture No. 83508 Rhoded ondyon di lata fum (ig, . yy 7 Loc. :Shimoina Co. ;:Hontani, Ohshima, Takagi Vil. (FRRBBAHABASA) Date: Aus. 28, 2006 Alt. : 790-820 m Hab.: Forest - 137' 57' E, 35° 29'N Coll. : Kazuo Asano & Haruko Asano Det. : Kazuo Asano (3 — Hi - BEAT)
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Furuse, M.
Collection number: 46277
Collection date: 29th April 1968
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00270868
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oD oo wn g eg g = copyright reserved Rhododendron dilatalum Mia. SYAYIY , A, W/ EL f e b unple Ig BP EE/I TEE CEBRAPELIAE) about Kawore Naka-tsu-gawa-shi ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Pref. Gifu HONDO EDINBURGH ((Prov. Mino) ) E00270868 Coll. Miyoshi FURUSE PLANTS OF JAPAN
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Furuse, M.
Collection number: 19171
Collection date: 20th May 1948
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00270909
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 0; E00270909 ll Thededex dron dilatatum M iq. Sm) N/a ae Lz PSR Wa Sv eg about /Zoo m. Mt. Mitsutooge 4 1786m.;; Nishikatsurasmura Minami-tsuru-gun Pref. Yamanashi ( Prov. Kai })} HONDO 20 May 1948 Coll. Miyoshi FURUSE NO. /9//7/ | writer PLANTS OF JAPAN Nobuko Furuse xo} a) = i co) n ® 7 a £ D = > 2. ° oO MQQQ589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Bisset, J.
Collection date: April 1880
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00173623
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A. bali i Mie. Det. D. F. Chamberlain {7&4 copyright reserved Rod - than tow Mayet Determinavit Ore aso ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mg : as a 0 wn a g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Collector/Expedition: Makino, T.
Collection number: 99872
Collection date: 5th November 1933
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00173624
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 . ; GARD Makino Herbarium soo From the collection of Dr. Tomitard Makino (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan Rhododendron dilatatum (s. 1.) Migq. Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Date: Nov. 5, 1933 Fret. i Coll.: Tomitaro MAKINO Det. 2d .Suginoto(197¢ ROYAL BOTANIC (e7.0 S02 ans copyright reserved OD 0 Ww g g S =
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493839
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UM E01493838 — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UM E01493839 copyright reserved Oo) © Ww fox) g a =
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493838
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VIM E01493838 ™ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01493839 copyright reserved oO) © Ww fax) g g =
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493840
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i Makino Herbarium 19778 Tokyo Metropolitan University Rhododendron dilatatum Miquel Flowers rosy purple. Mt. Takamidzu, Nishitama—gun, Tokyo Loc.:Pref.,.central Honshu Date: APR. | 9.1959 Coll.Sumiko KOBAYASHI pet.. M-Mizushima Dec. 20, 1961 ) copyright reserved oO’ 0 Ww g g S =
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493841
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ROYAL ee eo 01493841 16151 Makino Herbarium Tokyo Metropolitan University Rhododendron dilatatum Miquel In Quercus crispula - Fagus crenata forest. Shrub ca. 3 m high. Wood hard. Innovation viscid as in ovaries. Coro- llas purple, rotate. Anthers brown. Loc Mt.Mitake, Nishitama—gun, Tokyo Pref! meABR 2 l0gi © 100 ~ 1000) Coll ML. Migs pein Det.;M.Mizushima ( Nov. 10, 1961 7 copyright reserved MQ@Q0589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493842
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01493842 Makino Herbarium IOS Tokyo Metropolitan University Rhododendron Kaempferi Planchon forma Kaempferi. Corollas salmon-pink. Mt. Takamidzu, Nishitama—gun, Loc.fokyo..Pref., central Honshu Date:APR. | 9. 1959 Coll: Sumdke-KOBAYASHT Datu" o2¥ggea®) > 20, copyright reserved M@Q0589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493843
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01493843 14540 Plants of Japan Kaempferi Planchon Rhododendron Y forma Kaemp INVACLL Hondo Det. : M. Mizushima oO) 00. uw 2 2 2g = copyright reserved
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493844
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MUL E01493844 Makino Herbarium IIOO From the collection of Dr. Tomitaré Makino (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan. Khododendron dilatatum Miquel Mt. Takaosan, Hachioji Vity, Tokyo Pref. DatetsApr. 14, 1907 Coll.: Yomitaro MAKINO Det. -J. Sugimoto aleve copyright reserved oa 00 wn fox) g g =
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493845
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UVM E01493845 Nar. Scr. Mus. Toxyo : FLORA JAPONICA EXSICCATA 879. Rhododendron dilatatum Mia. Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 1: 34 (1863) Honsuu Pref. Yamanashi (jl|4l!%): Takamarubi (/fé5,2), Yama- nakako-mura (jl|-P ji), Minamitsuru-gun (FABER). [C384353- 23] In Pinus densiflora forest on volcanic lava, alt. 980 m. May 1, 1975 Coll. M. Togashi xo} ) Pa - co) n 4 Cd c= = ‘= > foe ° o M@Q0589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493846
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 xo] ct Pa ee ® 72) co I = co sk 7 a) 2 ° (e IN Approbavit r D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Ex Herb. Tohoku Universitatis Sendaiensis Rhododendron dilatatum M iq. JAPAN; Yamanashi Pref., Minamitsuru—gun, Yamanakako-mura, alt.ca. 950 m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH May 1, 1285 IME a E01493846
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493847
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NMA E01493847 FLORA OF JAPAN distributed from the NATIONAL SCIENCE MUSEUM, Tokyo Cee tee NBM. Wo. 47S Hondo: Shomarutoge Colle @. Ohwi et EK. April.21, 1952 co} ca) Pa = co) on cy — fo > = > joe ° 3) M@00589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron dilatatum Miq.
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493848
No label status given
oO 0 wn So g = copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBUR 0 E01493848
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