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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: East Nepal Expedition to Koshi Zone (1991),
Collection number: 9130070
Collection date: 19th July 1991
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E01005201
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a en fe HERR HORT EDINR., | MQ@QQ@589 copyright reserved Flora of Nepal Database Registered by the Society of Himalayan Botany Flora of East Nepal Distributed from the University of Tokyo (TD) No 91 30070 Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook f. det. S. Noshiro (2016/03/28) m alt [87°30'E 27°20'N] ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E Nepal: Koshi Zone, Sankhuwa Sabha Distr, Milke Danda, Chhippon ial (2980m) - Dobati Kharka (3320m) - Gidde (3500m) . Lo wi H Ohba, S Akiyama, H Ikeda, T Kikuchi, S Noshiro, Y Omori, M N Subedi & E01005201 ° M Wakabayashi
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Hponyin Mountains Expedition,
Collection number: 96
Collection date: 17th October 2013
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00855059
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r LL SION NOMEN TE Re Comp ylo gy num Det. 3 ® > i ® 7) ) = a 1 ot ‘= Ey a ° re) The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Myanmar (Burma) Ericaceae Rhododendron campylogynum Franch. Myanmar (Burma): Kachin, Putao Township, North and east | facing slopes below glacial lake camp, on the way back to Stone Cave area Lat/Long (WGS 84): 27.65924: 96.96817 Description: Small leafed, mound forming shrub to 20 cm; in fruit Alt.: 3850 m Vegetation: Rhododendron heath with bamboo thickets Hponyin Mountains Expedition Philip Thomas with Thin Maung Soe & U Pone Yin No. 96 17 OCT 2013 Specimen preserved in alcohol. Please send new identifications to RBGE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iL E00855059E TTTUNTOOT THIN THATTET IC xo] a) Po rT ® 7) iY —_ oad ao Da cS Pa) Q ° iS)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collection number: 13-054-004
Collection date: 17th October 2013
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00855060
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TTT LTTE THIE xo} ) ra ® n - 7 = Da 5 2. fe) oOHERB. HORT. EDINB. | E AMINTOHINUOTTLTT TIT copyright reserved Rielodendren cameyle qenum Grande: Flora of Myanmar Coll.-No.: 13-054-004 Leg: G. Miehe, P.K.Kine, L.Shein, M. Kyaw, P. Ma, S. Lan Wan | | Date: 17.10.2013 | Det: Locality: Myanmar Hponyin Razi Coordinates: N 27,65872 E 96,97018 Elevation: 3840 m BOTANIC GARDEN ( , ee ECU Habitat: Lower upland alpine Bamboo thicket iL ee £00855060
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Hponyin Mountains Expedition,
Collection number: 148
Collection date: 18th October 2013
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00855061
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= SS ITM MnOn MONON EE xe} cd) Pa — ® n ® sy J a Da = > a fe) 13)HERB. HORT. EDINB. ae SINTON TTAC fV campylog: yun Det. iD Chane t— se] o > te o m 2 pa = =) = > row re) 6 The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Myanmar (Burma) | Ericaceae | Rhododendron campylogynum Franch. Myanmar (Burma): Kachin, Putao Township, Valley floor and slopes on north side of watershed ridge Lat/Long (WGS 84): 27.67338: 96.95955 | Description: Small mound forming shrub; to 10 cm; in fruit | Alt.: 3626 m | Vegetation: Valley floor with Abies forest and mixed deciduous forest on slopes Hponyin Mountains Expedition Philip Thomas with Thin Maung Soe & U Pone Yin No. 148 18 OCT 2013 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Specimen preserved in alcohol. wi Mere Mee ec. E00855061
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Flora of East Nepal (1995),
Collection number: 9596427
Collection date: 23rd August 1995
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00241055
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wi E 00241055 ; Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www. floraofnepal.org Flora of Nepal Database Registered by the Society of Himalayan Botan Flora of East Nepal Distributed from the University of Tokyo (TI) No 95 $¥87 Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f. det. S. Noshiro m alt [27°44'N 86°51'E] E Nepal: Sagarmatha Zone, Solukhumbu Distr., Tangna (4030 m) - Samakang Kharka (3530 m). 23 August 1995 FE Miyamoto, M. Amano, H. Ikeda, C. M. Joshi, K. Arai & T. Komatsu copyright reserved oO) co Ww 2 a g =
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Third Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition,
Collection number: BY52
Collection date: 15th September 2005
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00250178
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQQ589 Flora of Nepal Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f. Ericaceae xo} cy > i o o co + ad om = = a] fo} ° oO Nepal: Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Thesiyo: Thesebu Khola, The northern part of the Valley ee Latitude: 27° 49' 42" N Longitude: 86° 41' 35"E Altitude: 3651 m Top of Thesebu Khola Valley, west facing moist slope Tree to 2-3 m. Bark ash grey. Petiole with glandular red hairs Juniper and Rhododendron dominant forest with the associated species Acer, Betula utilis, Lonicera, Pedicularis, Rheum, Corydalis, Saxifrages. & Collector No. DNEP3 BY52 Collection Date: 15 September 2005 Third Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition ‘ M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, K.K.Shrestha, D.Knott, C.A.Pendry | S.K.Acharya, U.Koirala, L.N.Mandar, N.McCheyne, R.C.Poudel ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN anes | | EDINBURGH : Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and W i ‘\ Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh : Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/1 2/030) E002: il www.floraofnepal.org j DARWIN 50178
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Third Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition,
Collection number: AY169
Collection date: 26th September 2005
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00246935
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i B ll 246935 ll HERB. HORT. EDINB. Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www.floraofnepal.org Flora of Nepal Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f. Ericaceae Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Omoga to Tengboche Latitude: 27° 50' 52" N Altitude: 4080 m Longitude: 86° 46' 59" E North facing slope Shrub to 4m; petioles with red glandular hairs; in fruit (fruit very sparse) Abies spectabilis, Betula utilis forest with Rhododendron campanulatum, Rosa sericea, Berberis angulosa, Bistorta vaccinifolia, etc Collector No. DNEP3 AY169 Collection Date: 26 September 2005 Third Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, K.K.Shrestha, D.Knott, C.A.Pendry, S.K.Acharya, U.Koirala, L.N.Mandar, N.McCheyne, R.C.Poudel, S.Rajbhandary, S.Vaidya. Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and \ Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/1 2/030) baa RNA a oe wn 2g g gS a copyright reserved
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition,
Collection number: 67
Collection date: 10th May 2004
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00226451
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i iH — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN OT HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of Nepal Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f. Ericaceae Nepal: Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Bhote Koshi Valley: Thesiyo: trail from Namche Bazar to Thamo, near Thesiyo Latitude: 27° 49' 2" N Longitude: 86° 41'11" E Altitude: 3430 m NW-facing slope Large shrub to 5m; flowers primrose yellow Deciduous woodland with scattered Abies spectabilis and Juniperus recurva Collector No. DNEP1 67 Collection Date: 10 May 2004 First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, D.Knott, A.G.Miller, B.Adhikari, K.Maden V.Manandhar, R.Uprety j Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and \ \ Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/12/030) |<. MQ@QQ589 se] ‘ > — ® ” 2 bo F hi 7 > roy ) 3)
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition,
Collection number: 220
Collection date: 21st May 2004
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00229327
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. a © wy g g g = Flora of Nepal copyright reserved Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook. f. Ericaceae Nepal: Eastern Development Region: Sagarmatha: Solu Khumbu: Imja Khola Valley: Yaren: seasonal settlement SE of Pangboche : Latitude: 27° 51'0" N Longitude: 86° 47' 23" Altitude: 3920 m ae N-facing slope Shrub to 5m; corolla pale yellow Mixed woodland with Betula utilis. Abies spectabilis Rhododendron wallichii, Rhododendron campylocarpum Sorbus himalaica : Collector No. DNEP1 220 Collection Date: 21 May 2004 First Darwin Nepal Fieldwork Training Expedition M.F.Watson, K.R.Rajbhandari, D.Knott, A.G.Mill ikari Dene ee 4 Miller, B-Adhikari, K.Maden, Building Capacity for Plant Biodiversity, Inventory and ix Conservation in Nepal. Darwin Initiative Project (162/12/030) BABY ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu 0 nz
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Rushforth, K.D.
Collection number: 3516
Collection date: 22nd October 1995
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00073522
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oD oO wn g fox) g = copyright reserved Tibet Exp. 1995 - K. Rushforth et al. Ericaceae Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f. China: Xizang: Attempt on the Doshong La. Open moorland. 3900 m. - mM of oe ea
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Flora of East Nepal (1997),
Collection number: 9755208
Collection date: 24th August 1997
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00148567
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh’ www.floraofnepal.org copyright reserved Flora of East Nepal | 1997 Expedition to Makalu-Barun National Park & Conservation Area Ex Herbario Universitatis Tokyoensts No. 9755208 Rhododendron campylocarpum H. oo k. f. Ericaceae D= 4am, DBH= an, H= 1om, Alt. 3780 m flowers red-white ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wu Lh bal Koshi Zone, Sankhuwasabha Distr., Dogor Phuk (3755m) — Lachembu zB (3880m) — Sano Birke (3990m) - Jaggu Danda (4210m) — Kibuk (3640m) — Flora of Nepal Database Chyakesha (3850m) [27°38'24”N 87°09'31” E — 27°39'22”N 87°07'39"E] Registered by the of Himalayan Botan sighs SA 2000 S.Noshiro, N.Acharya, Y.Ibaragi, K.Kobayashi & T.Kurosawa
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: East Nepal Expedition (1992),
Collection number: 9240924
Collection date: 20th June 1992
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00104837
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@Q0589 Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www.floraofnepal.org xo} o Pad be ® n 2 ae £ Da Ls > 2. ° oO Flora of East Nepal Distributed from the University of Tokyo (TI), No 9240924 Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f. Get. M.Suzuki Alt. 3500-3700 m. FI. cream. E Nepal: Mechi Zone, Panchitar Distr, Phedung Danda (Budipani Kharka) (3720m) - deurali (3720m) - Dur Kharka (3620m) - Gairi Kharka (3270m). ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Registered by the 20 June 1992 [27°23'36” N 88°1’43”E — 27°19’8"N 88°2'59’E] M0 SDabbaseNe eT E£00104837 Flora of Nepal Database Database No.
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collection number: 53
Collection date: 25th May 2000
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F15 - Taxus baccata 'Adpressa' (Listed west to east) - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F15:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00183556
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19805007C
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Botanical Expedition to Himalaya (1990),
Collection number: 9040219
Collection date: 7th August 1990
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00083527
No label status given
Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www.floraofnepal.org ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn Flora of Nepal Database Registered by the Society of Himalayan Botany 1996 Botanical Expedition to Himalaya, 1990 University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, Japan and Department of Forestry and Plant Research, Nepal Distributed from University of Tokyo (TI) Rhededendron campylocarpum Hook. f. E87°10"S 27°40°N] E Nepal: Koshi Zone, Sankhuwa Sabha Distr., Around Cha Ding Kharka(3970m) Surveying the whole area around Shipton Pass(4127m). 7 August *22°0h a Ding Khark— Numbuk 3710 m alt. M.Minaki, C.Yonebay i, F.Miyamoto, H.Takayama, H.Sugita, H.Yagi, M.N.Subedi & H.Ikeda No. s04O219 wo _— copyright reserved oO) 0 wy g eg g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Botanical Expedition to Himalaya (1990),
Collection number: 9060100
Collection date: 10th August 1990
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00083516
No label status given
Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www.floraofnepal.org ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 00 Se ee 1996 Flora of Nepal Database Registered by the Society of Himalayan Botany HERB. HORT. EDINB. Botanical Expedition to Himalaya, 1990 University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, Japan and Department of Forestry and Plant Research, Nepal Distributed from University of Tokyo (TI) Rhedodendren campylocarpum Heok. f. (87°10'E 27°40'N] E Nepal: Koshi Zone, Sankhuwa Sabha Distr., Around — Kharka(3970m) Tay ae he i area around Shipton Pass(4127m). 10 August 1999 H*2m + [Om Gofom ait n Rhododendron forest (He 3m) M.Minaki, C. ee F.Miyamoto, H.Takayama, H.Sugita, H.Yagi, M.N.Subedi & H.Ikeda No. 90 60/20 copyright reserved oa oc Ww a a g =
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502671
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH PON 502671 Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN K Campy berecn firme NANO ace agp we copyright reserved M@Q0589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502672
No label status given
68S5000W peasesoas yyHUAdOS OL a Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Wi ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502673
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wn Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN / ie pl / / M, Of sl Be ay RS 3 ° Sai kX ro] o Pa CI ® n 4 gt ao ‘= r) 2. ° oO MQ@00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502674
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mn - FLORA OF S(KK/m NAME Khgolylendven canny (0 chppum Nook. f LOCALITY Zowaves Thang svg ¥ napitatT Mudlyeale ahr rw art. [4,000 f ; es ap bsm. Flas poke yellors spottiol red beavts glaucoma green, silvery beled DATE 28 May /770 / ; COLLECTOR 4, Kurkpatreck REF. No. 52 copyright reserved MQQ@589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502675
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@Q@589 copyright reserved FLORAOF S/KKiM name Khyolodlendren compy lecagoum Node. f LOCALITY Dzengn' fb 7scka napiraT 7 ae WC lava , a Sper f tT) 3 000 ft. REMARKS sce 4 Wek Str 3 mr, plas pike jebon : Jus ROYAL BOTANIC. GARDEN bl. shaped . Leaves obit, yj opetn aber ii pp Leela COL OK hp , YU coLLecToR 4 wil patrick cakes
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502676
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502676 Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN copyright reserved oO’ 0 wy g g g =F
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502677
No label status given
68S000W i - cs < | g- FP 5) = Dina Anes: ! TVAOU peasesos yyHUAdoo 0) URC Hrmlet sto A 2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502677
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502678
No label status given
OV 0 Wn Q © g =F ROYAL Kony Wi Le iG copyright reserved FLORA OF HIMALAYAS. Locality Lasts J ith. Altitude 41 o6Od J Date offi No. /¢ Remarks, Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi f R. E. Coorzr for | Coll. Bees. Ltd. Cheshire, ] PO iyi aad
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502679
No label status given
eee meet snr lea Pet. Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH TON 01502679 k. ae fon ho a) o 4 o r 2 i D ES roy re) ) MQ@Q0589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502680
No label status given
M@Q0589 o) xo} co) Pa i co 7) ® i ad Hon is a 4) 2. ° oO No. iygg@ Approbavit upto 2 See D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Pp FLORA OF SIKKIM. No. Fay ‘ Name phodoce- el Ore Carmnp ee : Place of collection iL tng Ehavnoy J Si RRins, ll oere / ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Date Y= 6 1945. Coll. BOR and KIRAT RAM. wi
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502681
No label status given
685000W © ‘ 5 55 in sro 600 S00 +» Aysuag Januasqo aaidap Z ‘ueUjUN||| OSG : (Se [ee [oe |S e | a | Bs |e [ge | & ie | os | Se, |B | ae |S |e |e |e LTE TSB LED Ne Lele) — | s | ee eee ae Jroitirizy alti islrativielin svejounuso — Watt, / Cr, Ss s Zz uw oO — c— c= a OL a Ry oO SmED SS 5SS=o ce <o——- 562s a0=r5 a _, YS - 2 = : ) oO ‘ Ss ir ey — S 8 3 SS & S S N gq A pprobavit Dok. CHAMBERLAIN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502682
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502682 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Alpine Garden Society’s Expedition SIKKIM, 1983 Ro cde dundee Come@lecarpum B. N. Starling, E.M. Upward C.D. Brickell, B. Mathew a= SIKKIM: Thangshing to Dzongri. Along path by river Prechu in gorge. Dense Rhododenron forest with Abies spectabilis. Shrub/small tree to 5 or 6 m; lvs dark green above, glaucous beneath. Peduncles pale green; corolla pale lemon to clear yellow. Filaments white, anthers red- brown. Style pale yellow, stigma yellows brown, capitate. Ovary grey-green. Common. 29.6.83 AGSES No. 197 EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. xo} co) Pad i ® no 4 ed <= (°7) = > a fe) oO MQ@GQ589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502683
No label status given
ee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MPM E0150268 Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN K. Campy lrtarfiorn xe] o Pd i ® no 2 P=] = — 7 > fox fe] oO Me@ee589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502684
No label status given
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campylocarpum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502685
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i Ry cl ctlenid re be 5 pe gs Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN copyright reserved ro} 00 wn fax) g g =
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