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Family: Parkeriaceae
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Acrostichum aureum L.
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01014451
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ee Tee = 2 Qt AL K Li Cree 4 Be Pleo JIE | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E01014451 dar == Liesiecnill = mi v4 3 1 0 copyright reserved cm MGG0323
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium L.
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025153
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ECEOBOW ye - nu. ano Dy ereyWies=t-) | ATC lon [0)| be xe Sees] ey ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NT Se £01025153
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium L.
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025154
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on N om fax) eo ® = Ss) = if 6 copyright reserved ey 3 mi ees 5 _ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ia
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium L.
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025155
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Reece Mt aticlry 2 a ee ee PRO 2: » i E01025155 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium L.
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01024854
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN um E01024854 ? GLASGOW UNIVERSITY Herbarium (E-GL) * 2 7 2005 ‘ Gf Sa 2 EX DONO, THE SENATE OF TRINITY COLLEGE, GLASGOW, 1931 \ my copyright reserved MQ00323
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025156
Label data completely captured
A lectes 2 Whately ; f | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN _ | EDINBURGH SL a UUM E01025157 iN E01025156 : A. oethioy\ CU eee aetkio Bison | Afni foserBin Fh MG00323 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium barteri Hook.
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025152
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ECEOOOW | ee ID =z < => —— Ss 3 S 8 eS ad inavi Determ iw - 1993 ADR i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Vor RGH EDINBU viii oa.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium dregeanum Kunze
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025151
Label data completely captured
copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i a os ‘ Areaganuurn Kang win | ae 210. 01028151 a Ape Pach fits
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium mannii Hook
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1863
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025158
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i HERB. BEILL FRASER; PURCHASED 1905. A= BOs ia Ore =O copyright reserved 3 es MQ@G0323
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium mannii Hook
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1863
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025159
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ECEOOOW Gr. Harrie = fE2E| ‘ Vigne xa Lith Tea f Ke aoe Ww cle (0) Hesseel oar fiesta & ¢ lf D wh US pat 4 4 “fe blr i Zé ft ae Wy Wy ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E01025159
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium rutifolium (Bergius) Kunze
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01025150
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E01025150 To oe Le { » OY Flower /fh2. = A oS @ KUL ele os Coen. Hi | | TL pa i a 10 ar == =a == | 3 ui 5 6 7 8 9 copyright reserved 0) cm Me@e@323
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Erica mannii (Hook.f.) Beentje
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01014452
Label data partially captured
oe ROYAL enieune ai {iii iN E01014452 o Philippa manmix (Herty.) flim fits Determinavit k Row VI: ee Ole Catatan Gees <2 ke 2 Ge Ge Meg ala Bee 07, ae a’ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Boyle Cea copyright reserved | MGG0323
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Polypodiaceae
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Melpomene flabelliformis (Poir.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran
Collector/Expedition: Hewan, A.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Tropical Africa
Country/Territory: Equatorial Guinea
Barcode: E01010004
Label data partially captured
R ASERs Ls NENW 905: WER’ cHASEP : P MQe0323 Fibit. CLE Wee CELLO ate eS Bll. Ahuwariecte TEES Se eee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TL £01010 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN uN E01010004 ; Gao Sec Nox Rag Ne (8) 2:35 | A, S277, Sr Acicuneures Les PAY ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN M00 E01010005 ISOTYPE copyright reserved Palypohne ferteth fore Cae ee ) : | 4Mm oO’ t gs a g = PRASER: sep ee bees Telibobicere aaa Kam A fie / VERO ie He ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A - £01010003 . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN VAM a E01010004 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ay sat, Spun bc San oat LES GAY ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E01010005 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
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