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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Agrostemma githago L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 219
Collection date: 29th July 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00208525
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN in uu EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No..21G.....L.C.10th, Ea. Species. Ldthage, dittluun, tithe Akbar Uh Mt Ay». Locality Md tose dtp vluge-Ltrie. LE OT. Oe a (Coll Met See Y ) ré copyright reserved 6 ” N on fav) fax) g a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Woodsiaceae
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Cystopteris montana (Lam.) Desv.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 6th July 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00233936
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iia EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, % Le GLASGOW. | L.C. 10th, Ed. / i seni: Vy, Lh nf : a SS) yi eg y MA Altitudg, Lottie. = GeovoaicaL in behiak Datel Ply EL. ap (oA Le Mh: oe a Ps 3 0} F copyright reserved —— MQ00327
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Dactylorhiza viridis subsp. viridis
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 1573
Collection date: 6th July 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00317086
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH IMA E00317086 Vo EX. HERB. Species 9 7B... LC. 10th, Ed. ., “4 te uc xo] oO. > — Co} a Cd) , va) f oy tS > a. fe) oe (=) pa (o>) foo} | Ko} Ke) La © co)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Fragaria vesca L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 18th May 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00059320
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN il Ih Eooo UR! I 93 20 Mh EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No...22.9....L.C. roth, Ed. y Species tnd pd Mae Wille, Kes. a eet Locality .... Mah... aot Pele sc, A Hitude AM U. f Date lb= dd LY f'/ oO pea xo} a) 2 I ® 7) oO k= ad = — = > 2. fo} Oo )
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Habenaria conopsea Benth.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 20th July 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00053205
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Family: Geraniaceae
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Erodium cicutarium (L.) l'Herit ex Aiton
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 322
Collection date: 6th June 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00084095
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Family: Rosaceae
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Comarum palustre L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 27th June 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00058020
No label status given
EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE. » GLASGOW. Med 1 Cook Ex Spectes Lrintha.t TE NAMAE, A ie: Altitude. - cle. — FORMATION Pe tee ei f nn, y - Date junta? WUE Coll KA Kbit... eh es ¢ é i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A bil ooos IRGH Hl 802 A xo} cy Pa i“ Co) 77) z a io oD ‘= > Qa ° o
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Potentilla crantzii (Crantz) Beck
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 3rd July 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00058362
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EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. IN Decree VELCRO, VOTE SPCCtCS.. AMM LMM IA... Tht fle se Locality ...vAaTh ad ha. UAAIW, <A. Alittude,.2Ude ft -........ GeovoaicAl (AA. TOTHMes Date, MMbMY0d 2, 1Ga2. Coll LG MAU no oeensnene anh ee ee | si nn wun bectin . A Anil, paps Totintilla sali aaa Pf abjustus, Jall 4 Sum Mt - Kelbin asochuey bugs Uyn- Luly 2 Jd (Go. xo] C3) Po cy ® n oO h a Fl ox} sey = > 2. ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Potentilla reptans L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 23rd July 1909
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00058746
No label status given
J EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGow. | No. $b) iL. Girothaisad. species ntl, Nhe Lo. Aeflinae, 4 i Aaa | Locality .. Altitude... ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WML copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Potentilla sterilis (L.) Garcke
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 4th May 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00058778
No label status given
z) 56 eal oe Oe 9, 10 ue TG EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGow. copyright reserved No.5 Kp, LC roth, Ed, species Uf ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MOA Eooos5s
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Droseraceae
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Filed as: Drosera intermedia Drev. & Heyne
Current name: Drosera intermedia Hayne
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 668
Collection date: 26th July 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00092970
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 0400 EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE. GLASGOW. No.....99S....L.C.10th. Ed. VA Y, Locality Maths Nhth £0 Alt eet te GEOLOGICAL 4, 0 / Date ale: filly, 4% Coll Da n An. KLA xo] o Pa Po cc) n 4 ood con} Ss ‘= = Qa ° oO MQ00323
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Droseraceae
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Drosera rotundifolia L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 666
Collection date: 26th July 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00090224
No label status given
m N om fax) Q g = xo] E é > a co) 7) — | = : 4 > eee ) Ko} EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE. GLASGOW. = WEG. 2c rach, Be i, | r Species Anudita Mbivsadiftlid, de. a Locality WMA. Ahh. MW. ON Altitude Lo leitr. _ Geovoaica f ‘he A st ae Boe e et tea oarascareenacae anes Datefalydt® MY Coll Thal | ALK. es ees aia oe 0) cm 5 f ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN muy
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orobanchaceae
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Bartsia alpina L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 6th July 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00093598
No label status given
oe Meee323 10 8 ae | (0) ce} ® 5 2m) a ~ i ror) = 5 a ° rs) Es TE 6 EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No. libfed, EC. 10th, Ea. Species... Lnstin eM fpliitec, Mdliaa. A, pears ee See Es yA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wl
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Gramineae
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Bromus sterilis L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 1954
Collection date: 30th May 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00145347
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Family: Myrsinaceae
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Lysimachia nemorum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 1146
Collection date: 9th July 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00411189
Label data partially captured
EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No. L/bp....L.C. 10th, Ed. L Spectes..... Ukéaad t. xo} cD > I Ce. n 2 ae ao i = > fo} fe) 1) Order Er: Trimulaceat. Sribe T.: Wrinnular. oLytimachia nimorvwmn, Ls, ofpund wn- Cw Venu. so a Un 2 fuly Gt oy l | wl E00411189
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrsinaceae
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Lysimachia nemorum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 1146
Collection date: 28th June 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00411193
Label data partially captured
EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. Gs 1oth, Ed. Spectes...Z Aiding hl, aeons 2 ee Dates attb gy Wet =k 2 Ls Wa. tds ce tennant 6 SLL ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ EDI | ii E00411193 | ao) co 2 = Ce. n ® = a = fo) — > 2. ° (3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Saxifragaceae
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Saxifraga granulata L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 636
Collection date: 6th June 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00411273
Label data partially captured
EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No. LC 0th, aiid. 62h Species... Sa ML. Wh idle, me Locality . A ey ee oo Geovosicar “anh... Date ews tel, Cott Lh, AW Hl ROYAL eo ArT eEN i il i ve 7S ~ pe etm 0) cS) 6 r yA 10 5 Uh 9 copyright reserved i} F ta
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Myrsinaceae
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Lysimachia punctata L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 1142
Collection date: 24th August 1909
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00411315
Label data partially captured
copyright reserved 462 ae EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No. LL4A...L.C. 10th, Ed. Species. Locality Altitude... “Date tieth Mth. Coli Nf NAMA Lirias a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Agrimonia eupatoria L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 573
Collection date: 6th July 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00411472
Label data partially captured
MQ0Q327 EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGow. No...J.3.. L.C. 10th, Ea. Species. Vittddl tices... FORMATION <777>r2ers---n20-rnneeoost=2 setae Se eae lene eueaeenee xo} cy) 2 i“ ® n ® Son a a Ay - ) Qa ° oO i XXVI Aasactat. a, dh - Hic flak tint, a ) bul i (Goo. BO OTA A GARDEN wl | i |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Polygonaceae
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Persicaria vivipara (L.) Ronse Decr.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 3rd July 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00762415
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Family: Polygonaceae
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Persicaria vivipara (L.) Ronse Decr.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 4th July 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00762408
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Family: Tofieldiaceae
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Tofieldia pusilla (Michx.) Pers.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 1631
Collection date: 6th July 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00739553
Label data completely captured
EX. HERB. Rk. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW, No... Lk, L.C. 10th, Ed. tinal es ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN FORMATI wii | Date fly S% lng. cot Mp Mia. E00739554 copyright reserved EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. Nod@ee/. LC re Ba: Species LL; Y MA Ai Locality .. Altitude SOUZ(HE..Seovosicay 7 = FORM lies a ef /, 5 y, 5 mmm 24 PA occ E00739553
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Tofieldiaceae
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Tofieldia pusilla (Michx.) Pers.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection number: 1631
Collection date: 3rd July 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00739554
Label data completely captured
EX. HERB. Rk. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW, No... Lk, L.C. 10th, Ed. tinal es ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN FORMATI wii | Date fly S% lng. cot Mp Mia. E00739554 copyright reserved EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. Nod@ee/. LC re Ba: Species LL; Y MA Ai Locality .. Altitude SOUZ(HE..Seovosicay 7 = FORM lies a ef /, 5 y, 5 mmm 24 PA occ E00739553
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Saxifragaceae
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Saxifraga aizoides L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 4th July 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00739666
Label data completely captured
EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No..(Q82...L.C.10th, Ed. Species... Abgaidila a RM gee Re ww a a M ty Pee Sacitistel Meats. bie die Nireutud. vy Oaatifragt ee a ound, at bri av June. fe UG, ek ‘aly be (906. om 88) copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Primulaceae
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Primula vulgaris Huds.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 7th May 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00739689
Label data completely captured
| oealas ne non | EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. wh-Le2ed... LiCwotk, Ld: Species. a. Mh 2 hc Gah tc. ta = Locality wh, Hh ul ahd Ly tit AT. Gh LU EE, AEE 2 SL CALL Altitude. Yon kite. aa he Me eae leer. Date. 7 as fe Coll / { x & 3 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ranunculaceae
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Anemone nemorosa L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 18th May 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00739976
Label data completely captured
10 'S) EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. ce r e 4 o PO ® , — } i oy h = a ° rs) Ea emer j Wore. LC. 10th, Ld. | Species... UkAussda. ie ne ee ee bac i al eed 5 mn Locality ALUUAMAMAMME, occ cen Altitude gayoeen: Ltphyade... Date dig Mt. Coll HA. Aditi A ereniean Cel Pate ie: Fi aes = 0 cm ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00739976 Qa: SESE TT TF
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ranunculaceae
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Caltha palustris L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 12th April 1906
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00740058
Label data partially captured
MQ00327 Em xo) oO Po (<j Co) 7) co) is ~ = > S Py (ou {o} [S) EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, // ra L GLASGOW. y Vly 1. : Lynumncnlatiol. No......Pf4Z..... ZiC, roth, Ed. Spectes....... hatudbucad « dali ai eee eee ae aa 2 Saf ie Belek ntat. ee ea 7k fy te a hee 44. Fi, f Locality bout ff,, dollerie. tes Reni bal tty | VILE, xX. | J? je tude..... Ab. Y. GEOLOGICAL Lhe ot. 4% eae J pyaar 7 gee ie f- Lae Daw: eT rund at - Cif, rn Otten toad. Date Mul pth. Colt AMM MM orn L} Di. E Ard, /90G. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | wi | | E00740058 \ t ae
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Saxifragaceae
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Saxifraga stellaris L.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 9th July 1907
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00740159
Label data partially captured
Oo = o>) xo] o Pa Ses co n o +a =) on} a) h_ Ps) Qa 9° [S) 8 EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. & ha i p z « Ay lak No...QMy... L.C. 10th, Ed. (Sudor xxv, LAM j : Hace Species... UthMii.,Ce. pe ae ee ee Sa a: pecres. ae we Odattar JMopr 4 A ty eeeaee ee we de ee eee tilion en Wied Altitude A0L0 fh GNM Lh iin BE hs A a oe Date Judy 4,07. Coll Lie @ Ad Wand , A, Oe Mn = Bun De: Uy, oy ia Gt Ae Jaxyproga Mas Le Determinavit Lote dathine 12SS - EDINBURGH | HN __£00740159 eee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I —
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Saxifragaceae
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Saxifraga stellaris subsp. engleri (Dalla Torre) P.Fourn.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 6th July 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00740245
Label data partially captured
Saxifraga stellaris 1. subsp. Stellaris vergens ad Saxifraga stellaris L. subsp. alpigena TM. 1954 rev. E, TEMESY EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No. 04)L.C. 16th, Bel Species... MMA MMA. MAL RDENT Bele Sie 12: ULV i ssnaneeyeien cheat FORMATION = GH. | Date os Kit ee AL ROYAL eonene a i | copyright reserved EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. NEOL eee Spectes.. , Saxifraga stellaris ue LE ee subsp. stellaris Locality ... Me, iu. Saxi stellaris L. pe Oe amare vergens ad oe ae er TOM es LU cssacx isin clad bute be YO. Goll Ad 1954 rev. KE. TEMESY ROYAL eeu pa boeN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Saxifragaceae
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Saxifraga stellaris subsp. engleri (Dalla Torre) P.Fourn.
Collector/Expedition: Davie, R.C.
Collection date: 5th July 1908
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00740246
Label data partially captured
Saxifraga stellaris 1. subsp. Stellaris vergens ad Saxifraga stellaris L. subsp. alpigena TM. 1954 rev. E, TEMESY EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. No. 04)L.C. 16th, Bel Species... MMA MMA. MAL RDENT Bele Sie 12: ULV i ssnaneeyeien cheat FORMATION = GH. | Date os Kit ee AL ROYAL eonene a i | copyright reserved EX. HERB. R. C. DAVIE, GLASGOW. NEOL eee Spectes.. , Saxifraga stellaris ue LE ee subsp. stellaris Locality ... Me, iu. Saxi stellaris L. pe Oe amare vergens ad oe ae er TOM es LU cssacx isin clad bute be YO. Goll Ad 1954 rev. KE. TEMESY ROYAL eeu pa boeN
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IIIF Manifest
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