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Family: Ericaceae
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Filed as: Rhododendron × duclouxii H.Lév.
Current name: Rhododendron spinuliferum var. spinuliferum
Collector/Expedition: Ducloux, F.
Collection number: 61
Collection date: 29th January 1897
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Syntype of Rhododendron × duclouxii H.Lév.
Barcode: E00010089
Label data completely captured
ate ROYAL BOTANIC BOTANIC GARDEN Sdeaty pe . a A gA R : Apenulifercem : Franck z sd IP RORIEN FOSS ITS SDSS SN SS POSS PSS OSES SNS Lif, & Oe) area, DL ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE GEOGRAPHIE BOTANIQUE 2 H. LEVEILLE, Secrétaire perpétuel * a HERBIER DE“ CHIT BEE ar oe Genveset Wspice Race -.. Variété Stee ; »? 67 Forme 2 = Synony mie e sesseeneee Tiligove Se ee Habitat » Lowalité ;. Station Bias Nenmipine es eos a eS Toearg Altitude Cites Ne Yun eee Observations ........ C rete \ Ea 6. Paes te Pew N Gye ; Legi dedi. Pelt arbre lou, Vee (ory S & Ss DETERMINA VI. Y feu 47, : ; 2 4p, Ou clouge ? rows " [flexrs , ( | SH, St Se ( ( ¢ ¢ c( ¢ if oe ( ¢ C G ( ¢ ¢
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Collector/Expedition: Ducloux, F.
Collection number: 61'
Collection date: 29th January 1897
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Possible Type of Rhododendron × duclouxii H.Lév.
Barcode: E00327550
Label data completely captured
peniesa 1Yy6iuAdoo ROYAL BOTANIC aE RDEN es Paratype =“, « RS t IT ee 5 ms eC). Rie oo ee , A Gee 207 Qo , Vie = Wan- —~ tal ¢ @ , Ven te Cent ; few ber Colley , Ai hk v : Vile Ld fre Yared d Seve / Corse ees e Ruve Ge yo Gt.) AD -, 69) 9 Jeu = U. pe PrOI ; flaw Lip ae Clits SAB ANAS ASIN ANNES: AOS EON OS SLOSS ES ISLS SLO IOS A 4 ¢ ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE GHOGRAPIHE BOTANIQUE % H. LEVEILLE, Secrétaire perpétuel f HERBIER DE CHINE ) TS Se ( Genre et Espéce 0... b R 0 ACE... ¢ Variété C : ( Forme Habitat Station +» Loealité :. Menai. sce -, Altitude Observations . Legi dedi. » DETERMINA VI. D ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 2 Synony mic... : : : 5 ) } ; ) D
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491208
No label status given
M@@0589 xo} 7) Pa a ® no” ® = aa <= oe 5 Ps) fol fe) oO HERBARIUM KEWENSE. “OR Cyina: YUNNAN-SEN DISTRICT. 94 Y ®t lta cheent cprnabde > Pirinshs. | (474) | | of ; G i P ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Coll. J. CAvALERIE, 1900-1920. EDINBURGH VM Pordsed 12 E01491208
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491209
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oO 00 wy 2g g Q = copyright reserved ) A L. po Vaehonm bt! 3-4 ae ML Bevoods Trec-_ | Kl ae ft } a | | i? hon oA Na” VL wv y ped fLaity fitsweTt { ' ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN o j ' Wi iad Sk a LS iN CF Les fLAF Lg = : ) E01491209 | H \X ~ ' ff ; ALD AST kh . Mokufiticmmn CRLopet- Wn 44a Le 1
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491210
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AaKiH% (Bh A EHV Det. 2 RL. Oppecporvem ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN N EDINBURGH E01491210 Ficwer wae, ST $ 3 z% Fast oy, OS eee = = & é * : ‘ F bs 4 Wh a be! ox be : we t eh if ho sft Fi Cwins Sa PAS PE esitreirel | P ToR A. PSS a ae i Lot thy kA iN aq ETON T AT TS > peak t (rt Piet Bn ta # 4 i. - + ¥ ery ps re: : 4 ey & ; 7. Sd ayy fy z, aN Wiha ba bee em og aes, bone et Pea Wir VR, Ete Weisiiw copyright reserved OV oe wn 2g g g a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491212
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M@Q0589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii eo y FLOWE RS R Rai Pemtipacedl. PAINT. ret mm uae ae 5 aes bt yb UCORT 3 id ~~ -, PLY ss ‘alone : 9 " WAGRE-OR FEI YUFH | " =i iv x me MUMMIT Of A MOUNIATR TITAS OAW TR “aT reer DPS PISSSeMIN | GUNE SFEDS , rehevren AF’ 326 ja ~ WCC FLOWERS xo} 7) Pd a ® o £ ] = De 5 Ps) a ° (6) COMP. RiGH RED SSICRY. pe wach FEL TUET LING Stay Ob SUUNIALS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH TaATRO OPN Tey “vr Nye EY 14s MAMI Ringerkie = JUNE OEE OS E01491211 oe ’ ad
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491211
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01491211 M@Q0589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i oD ¥ FLOWERS R. Ralf Fnanch. PAAATR Cerra ae! ae Sie re yh ucyort J SB sh iJ ITE ALY por a beige ys. § ‘: ac $ Sd Ov ONS 4 ced WibPys ¥%3 SLT ait be MOUAIAT TITRA SOR ey “we Ther rome & PIASSMMIN =o GUNE SEEDS Iekeren FEF’ 326 lg xo} 7) Pa a ® ” 2 a) £ > = P<) a ° oO RV UG wy FLUWERS HEICHY. oe Weer UR fii TUE LING aisha MUMMIT OF MUUNIALS | TROOP Ti ‘TY rere PE a EK Cf Te JUNE oc DS
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491213
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U » free ase | A * RINNE ASE A AEE SE ONT SE A. HENRY | cnina, No_/0, 392 Yunnan tuman- thf 4! sed fh. ea 1898 | | Purchas 6 ere ern eee 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01491213 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Collector/Expedition: Henry, A.
Collection number: 10572B
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491214
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Herbarium sheetE01491215
A. HENRY 5728 CHINA, oO, S727 YUNNAN TN 2.9/3 tno Soy Lh 3' aed fl 4 1898. Purches ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mui M@Q0589 SB ® c o n 2 a on D 5 fod fe] oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Collector/Expedition: Henry, A.
Collection number: 10572B
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491215
No label status given
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Herbarium sheetE01491214
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURG | v0 ll 01491215 ea Be Dinip rr B jos 72. copyright reserved M@Q0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491216
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AANA E01491216 a» PLANTS OF THE VICINITY OF YUN-NAN-SEN. Collected by E. E. MAIRE. Pro Vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan. Received November 1906. i ics orn toes. No. Zz / Oe copyright reserved MQ@QQ589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491217
No label status given
PLANTS OF THE VICINITY OF YUN-NAN-SEN. Collected by E. BE. MAIRE. Pro Vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan. Received November 1906, f/ é ’ ff bats dencl.~ puurtifeu v sw 1949 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH HNN E01491217 ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved a oO wn fox) g g oa
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491218
No label status given
M@Q0589 xo} co) Pa cc C7 n E oo) = 4 oS es) a ° [o) 269) PLANTS OF THE VICINITY OF YUN-NAN-SEN. Collected by E. BE. MAIRE. Pro Vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan. Received November 1906. Unt Fenton iftrrLeflruen » ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UM E01491218 No, 269-7 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491219
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NEM E01491219 ee « / ; - g Oprns re pons W t wih Ah Det. dow linnr (274. PLANTS OF THE VICINITY OF YUN-NAN-SEN. : Collected by E. E. MAIRE. Pro Vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan. Received November 1906. ee. Apeceferm Yrunek : No. 7959 copyright reserved a oO wn 2g gS g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491220
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH TMA A E01491220 a a PLANTS OF THE VICINITY OF YUN-NAN-SEN. Collected by E, E. MAIRE. Pro Vicar Apostolic of Yun-nan. Received November 1906. No. 13,3, 4 SB ® = ea o n . ae <= — ‘—= > foX fe) Oo MQQ0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491221
No label status given
- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UU E01491221 > emcee g peut rie Aichit Det. Muti (973 | PLANTS OF YUNNAN, CHINA Ex-herb. G. Bonati Rhododendron Apanulificree ae Strauch. uv No. 1122 E, E, Maire ro) ® Pd I o n 4 ad ao je — > 2. ° i) M@Q0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491222
No label status given
a © wn 2 fox) g = copyright reserved PLANTS OF YUNNAN, CHINA Ex-herb. G. Bonati Rhododendron AD } uckifercem tie Ve ie / J i! ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MN om | £01491222
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491223
No label status given
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491224
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01491224 MC EES FLORA OF YUNNAN, CHINA KUNMING, EDINBURGH, GOTHENBURG EXPEDITION 1993 Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch. CHUXIONG PREFECTURE: 10km W of Yiapinglang Warm broad-leaved secondary scrub Shrub to 2m Alt. 1780m 23-May 1993 B. Aldén, J.C.M. Alexander, D.G. Long, R.J.D. McBeath, H.J. Noltie & M.F. Watson K.E.G. No. 67 HERB. HORT. EDINB. 10 ar 8 9 copyright reserved a ee ee es Ee A 6 my eee ee aa ae aE! 3 i; yA Pr mes 0) cm MQ@QQ589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491225
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UVTI E01491225 SINO-BRITISH EXPEDITION TO CANGSHAN 1981 W YUNNAN, CHINA No.: K 058 Rhododendron spinuliferum Notes: Evergreen shrub, 50-100 cm, Flowers red. Habitat: among scrub on hillside, Alt,: 2400 m, Locality: Dashao, nr Kunming. Date: 26 iv 1981 copyright reserved oa «0 wn fax) fav) g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491226
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i Rthain aA a 186 Km .(0 Determinayit Woody flcwver COIR. RICH REP RIGHT {L Wee HAIFA MOUNTAIN BIOSSOMIN «MAY a HN 36/2 & x ls g Ss S copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491227
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iL PLANTS OF YUNNAN, CHINA Gi i ) { mM. Cpermnle Wwrnr “awh , ‘ FT, L Between Likiangfu and Yiinnanfu, via Youngpel, Hwaping, Magali, and Wuting No. 1 1 3 2 8 J. F. ROCK, Collector March, 1924 lim S ee 1i88 Bee fe | 18 jase 7 Mab copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491228
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN {i} EDINBURGH . UUM E01491228 tit, 7. Ble R. spor ruclifercem : a nese Ln PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Yunnan Rhododendron scabrifolium Franch. free 1O-l5 feet. Flowers red. Mountains of Yin wu Kwan en route to Sha Yhiao from Peiping, Altitude 6,000 feet. Between Talifu and Yunnanfu. Joseph F. Rock, No, 25225 May 1932 ao] cy Pad _ cy) n cH =) ee od Da 7 > for ° o MQQ0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491229
No label status given
ie re F22¢ K : . PLANTAE ROCKIANAE nd Me pwth0e Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. De ™ - (572, Plants of Yunnan o, Rhododendron scabrifolium Franch, Shrub 4-6 feet. Flowers brick red, Mountains of Yin wu Kwen en route to Sha Chiao from Peining, Altitude 6,000 feet. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Between Talifu and Yunnanfu. WM penn Pe £01491229 Rk aprraclifercem , tanedk : xo) oO Pad . ® no ® i= et <= Do 7 P) Qa ° [S) MQ@Q0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491230
No label status given
PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Yunnan Rhododendron scabrifolium Franch. Tree 10-15 feet. Flowers red, Mountains of Vin wa Kwan en route to Sha Chiao from Peiping. Altitude 6,000 feet. Between Talifu and Yunnanfu. Joseph F. Rock, No, 25237 1982 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01491230 AR ial AS RA Ha ans aaa er eo ere) qe eae 25: 1 0 copyright reserved cm M@00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491231
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01491231 PLANTS OF YUNNAN, CHINA H, capi drm Ano Between Likiangfu and Yiinnanfu, via Youngpel, Hwaping, Magali, and Wuting No. 1 1 re 0 J. F. ROCK, Collector March, 1924 copyright reserved oO eo wn g g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491232
No label status given
BS Conve sINiekg Zjiritirrgfiiitiss| S@JOWIUBD 8 b J coe oot s ara) e __ mae Naduvd tbinigpiiebinepirie tir so| 1 1 i ‘ ‘ , . ‘ ey inna nert : BA P.CeR: fex-YWi-t-1-3 BLU L o] BAe (ole) oy Determinavit my +o I Goody TT pee ‘| a ay? C-fA. ¢ » c ~+F wile i be a ube > GARDEN EDINBURGH {UM ROYAL BOTANIC pgau E01491232
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491233
No label status given
MQ@QQ589 xo) o Pad i c) n ® = 7 ao Da 2 fo) °o a ean Da {ehniy .. $4 ‘tree fice, pink SRA ning & ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mi
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491234
No label status given
M@Q0589 copyright reserved 1 Hua-p' ing mt, 26 tree fic. red Hua=p e& mt ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN hh Ofrrnct te Franck. EDINBURGH UUM a Ee a ee ae 01491234 Iithirto Prot .e
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron spinuliferum Franch.
Collector/Expedition: McLaren's Collectors,
Collection number: 37
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01491235
No label status given
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Herbarium sheetE01491236
37 tree fle, yellowish Feng-yi mt, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN hm ea Uy Z a KL e. kL Aft . Frawch a e 3 — tm Dilan ak: MEL « a/ a eo wn a g g =
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IIIF Manifest
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