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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Collector/Expedition: Furuse, M.
Collection number: 22389
Collection date: 12th July 1950
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00281588
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ROYAL Pe GARDEN DINBURG| {ll | Eo 10281588 Khododen dron quinquelolium Bisset et Moone UX ee A about 3.£m-_ high ‘ARIE Bt BAW eas AB about 1009 -- 1900 ms. (( about halfway up from foot )) Mt. Nantai x (( be 2484ms. ))x Nikko TOCHIGI! (€ Prov. Shimotsuke )) HONDO 12 July 1950 Coll. Miyoshi FURUSE No. 22389 writer Hobuke Punic PLANTS OF JAPAN Pref. copyright reserved Me00589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Collector/Expedition: RBGE, Quarryhill B.G., Polly Hill B.G., & Howick Arb. - Japan (2005),
Collection number: 204
Collection date: 23rd September 2005
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00348943
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF JAPAN Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore Locality: Japan: Gunma: Between path and lake around Lake Konuma, Mt. Akagi. Alt: 1480M Lat/Long: 36°32'3.9"N; 139°11'2.4"E Habitat: Sun in dry heavy loam on the east facing lakeside in open mixed woodland Vegetation: Clethra barbinervis, Stewartia pseudocamellia and Prunus nipponica Description: From a shrub to 5m x 3m with broadly ovate leaf to 3cm x 2.5cm, light green both above and below, margin entire. Fruit a green cylindrical capsule to 0.5cm x 0.2cm. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TMAUTINTUTT Collectors: | | | Brownless, P.; McNamara, B.; Bolton, T.; 23 SEP 2005 E00348943 Jamieson, R. & Tsukie, S. No. 204 | copyright reserved M@00589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Collector/Expedition: Idzumi, H. & Togashi, M.
Collection number: 387B
Collection date: 19th September 1976
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00171548
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©) Rhododendron quin uefolium Bisset and Moore ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg 0 Rhododendron pentaphyllum Maximowicz Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 Det. W.'S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS. 1988 oO’ ic) wn 2 2 2 = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iu Wn E00171548 copyright reserved Nar. Scr. Mus. Toxyo : FLORA JAPONICA EXSICCATA 387. Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset et MoorE in Journ. Bot. 15: 292 (1877) Honsuu Pref. Tochigi (#77 /%): Chanokidaira (4 7 734), on the Lake Chuzenji (-p>#is# yi), Nikko-city (A367). [C393365-12] In forest of Fagus crenata, Betula ermanii, Tsuga sieboldii etc. on hillslope, alt. 1500 m. Sept. 19, 1976 Coll. H. Idzumi & M. Togashi
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Collection date: 15th May 1973
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00171549
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN un uu E00171549 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS Herb. Horti Botanici Tohoku Universitatis Sendaiensis Bricaceae Shiroyashio (Goyotsutsuji) Rhododendron quinguefolium Bisset et Moore Japan. N. Honshu: Miyagi Pref., Miyagi-gun, Jégi May 15, 1973 H. Ohba & K. Otomo a 0 Ww g gS g = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493777
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Oo o un 2g 2g Q = Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NAMA E01493777
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493778
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBUR Cn E01493778 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 copyright reserved oO 0 wn S gS g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493779
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01493779 copyright reserved M@00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493780
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copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ EDINBURGH E01493780 No. 1664. JAPAN. - James Bisset. = Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 (heh (Ae (oes date JE MQ00589 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493781
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH M0 E01493781 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 copyright reserved oO © Ww g g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493783
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01493783 ESE REANTS._ Sle Oe Pocatiry,. MA... Be et ba $ Pate. hM NAA £3 : PPECIES. G/Mdan Pathdo rn 4 3 $ 3 5 3 5 ey Y pe PISsET. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01493782 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS JAPANESE. PLANTS. PPECIES. (7), ET. GMS A uP: oO 0 Ww g Sg g = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493782
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01493783 tha _PAPANESE RANTS: _ - ROE TW ; PPECIES. G/Wdan, Path dean Wocaliny. 2-0 AK, ins ese : ; aac ae em AE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01493782 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS L PANES eaNTE oducts he ABFA... ees i oO o va) 2 2g Q a copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493784
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| 68S5000NW | peaiosed yyHUAdOo 0 Saeed 3) 3] ZL ] E01493784 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH SVs ‘UOT “VM PPTL “SM °C sIO0W pure jessig WhpoyanbumMb Worpuspopoyy
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493785
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oD 0 wn gS og g fe copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ex herb. H. Takeda. EDINBURGH PAIN = 3 : 8 E01493785 y Wodadtn i wrmd...Of, pepe Uh be Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore ie y Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 ~- I9——o ws 0 gS aaa a a a Ie ET
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493786
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01493786 0 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 copyright reserved oO’ o un 2 a g a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493787
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NMA E£01493787 HERB. HORT. REG. BOT. EDIN. Jane Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 copyright reserved MQ0Q589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493788
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01493788 Ex, Herbarium Tohoku Universitatis Sendaiensis Khododendron guingue folium Bisset et Moore a7 7S JAPAN, Honshu: Tochigi Pref., Nikko-shi, Jakko-no-taki Fall (GZ % %,), alt. ca. 700-900 nm. May 18, 1984 Leg. H. Ohashi, Y. Tateishi, Y. Endo, T. Nemcto, H. Sakai, B. H. Choi. no. //549 copyright reserved a 0 wn g g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493789
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO) 0 wy 2 a g = e Ca s copyright reserved PLANTS OF JAPAN Ericaceae Rhododendron quinquefolium Bissett & Moore Tochigi Prefecture: Nikko-shi, Azegata. Mixed deciduous forest on southeast shore of Lake Chuzenji. Elevation 1270 meters. Shrubs ca. 2 meters tall; flowers white. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AAMT AU D. E. Boufford, E. W. Wood & J. Murata E01493789 25445 5 June 1999 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493790
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NAM E01493790 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 PLANTAE JAPONICAE EXSICCATAE No. 37 ex Herbario Universitatis Kyotoensis Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & Mocre Loc. Honshu. Pref. Mie: mental forest of Mie Uni Ichisigun, ait. 1000 m. May 16, 1965. Ge Murata & N. Pukuoka 3 o PS PI ® o ® Ls ~ ra 2 — > a ° a) MQ00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493791
No label status given
ed ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MAU E01493791 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 FLORA OF JAPAN distributed from the NATIONAL SCIENCE MUSEUM, Tokyo a Quinguefolium Biss. Moore in Shimotsuke KUDOTA May 2952 copyright reserved M@Q0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493792
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AMM E01493792 FLORA OF JAPAN distributed from the NATIONAL SCIENCE MUSEUM, Tokyo ———_—o—=« oa 0 Ww g g g = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493793
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Makino Herbarium LO] AIO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN From the collection of Dr. Tomitard Makino EDINBURGH (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan. E01493793 Rhododendron quinquefolium Biss. et Moore Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS 1988 copyright reserved Oo) co wn Q a g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset & S.Moore
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01493794
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UNE E01493794 Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset and Moore Det. W. S. Judd & K. A. Kron, FLAS Makino Herbarium i) ( V1 From the collection of Dr. Tomitard Makino l od (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan Rhododendron quinguefolium Biss. et Moore. Mt. Rokkosan, Koube City, Hyogo Pref, Date: May 1934 Coll.: Tomitaro Makino Det.:d.Sugimoto 1970) Oo) 0 wn og ® ® = copyright reserved
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