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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 18939
Collection date: September 1919
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Holotype of Rhododendron sinonuttallii Balf.f. & Forrest
Barcode: E00010158
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Herbarium sheetE00327216
: peniesad yuBuAdoo OL 2-6 8 Z 9 £¢
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 18939
Collection date: September 1919
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Isotype of Rhododendron sinonuttallii Balf.f. & Forrest
Barcode: E00327216
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Herbarium sheetE00010158
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ° fe) me = ie Cotype > —s - ) o te) Ps rm) 2. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | E00327216
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F., Sherriff, G. & Elliot, H.H.
Collection number: 13077
Collection date: 3rd June 1947
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Isotype of Rhododendron goreri Davidian
Barcode: E00000424
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Herbarium sheetE01409877
° [e) me) < = co} = = = i) 7) 2 < @ Q. Naduvo VLOG DIN TVAOU ISOTYPE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IQ EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET F, Luptow, G. SHERriFF, & H. H. ELLior No. Locality mM, fal] Altitude 7,500 f Datecopyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Rushforth, K.D.
Collection number: 1880
Collection date: November 1991
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00039847
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Autumn 2004,
Collection number: 22563
Collection date: 13th November 2004
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00351770
Label data completely captured
Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron sinonuttallii 1. B. Balfour & Forrest Gongshan Zizhixian, Cikai Zheng. E side of Gaoligong Shan in the vicinity of Heiwadi below the road from Gongshan to Kongdang. Elev. 2000 m 27° 47’ 25" N, 98° 35’ 13" E NE facing 30-60° slope. Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Disturbed by clearing. Disturbed secondary forest and thicket with Pinus yunnanensis on drier slopes. Tree 5-6 m tall. Bark exfoliating. Leaves to ca. 30 cm long. Capsules red with a ca. 15 cm persistent style. Rare. Growing on moist slope with Alnus nepalensis, Euptelea pleiosperma, and Magnolia sp. In loam on decomposed granite. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 22563, 13 November 2004 Num 22563 M@00589 Rhododendron sinonuttallii |. B. Balfour & Forrest Det from duplicate by Bruce Bartholomew 11/2007 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Li Rong, Jiang Zhutang & Zhang Yuemei (KUN); B. Bartholomew & Lihua Zhou (CAS); C. Alexander & M. Dickson (E); K. Bach (MB) \ ( eo f -\ A. nor Talli (LES 5 22563 13/4 [2004 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WAN E00351770 | 1 a copyright reserved \ ms
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Autumn 2004,
Collection number: 22563
Collection date: 13th November 2004
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00320964
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“Rrodadendron Sivomu Halli LB. Balfour Fowest Det. Swe Batheolomew Nov |200% ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 32 E00320964 Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron sinonuttallii 1. B. Balfour & Forrest Gongshan Zizhixian, Cikai Zheng. E side of Gaoligong Shan in the vicinity of Heiwadi below the road from Gongshan to Kongdang. Elev. 2000 m 21° 47° 25" N, 98° 35’ 13" E NE facing 30-60° slope. Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Disturbed by clearing. Disturbed secondary forest and thicket with Pinus yunnanensis on drier slopes. Tree 5-6 m tall. Bark exfoliating. Leaves to ca. 30 cm long. Capsules red with a ca. 15 cm persistent style. Rare. Growing on moist slope with Alnus nepalensis, Euptelea pleiosperma, and Magnolia sp. In loam on decomposed granite. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 22563, 13 November 2004 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Li Rong, Jiang Zhutang & Zhang Yuemei (KUN); B. Bartholomew & Lihua Zhou (CAS); C. Alexander & M. Dickson (E); K. Bach (MB) ROYAL se renv ONE Ker GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved = O) , 00 un -© x 2 Ss
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Tran, V.O.
Collection number: 31
Collection date: 1st December 1993
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00196606
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition (1997),
Collection number: 9300
Collection date: 19th September 1997
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00100382
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HERB. HORT FDINR Aka dhe den rod snattalli: Det. D. F. Chamberlain poh 1996 July Flora of the Gaoligong Shan (China) Ericaceae Rhododendron nuttallii Booth China: Yunnan: Nujiang Lisu Aut. Pref.: Gongshan Co.: Primary and secondary forest on slopes above ‘7 Qi Nature Reserve Station. Evergreen primary and secondary Pinus yunnanensis/Taiwania/ Lauraceae/Fagaceae forest. 2150 m. 27°48'05"N, 98°34'07"E Tree 5-6m' bark red, peeling off in strips? fruits reddish yellow densely covered in red dots. Gaoligong Shan Expedition 1997 No. 9300 Is) eye tee) mminiuuyg —— cee Institute of Botany, Missouri Botani Garden (GSE97) (GLGS97) ei mo) o Ps i ) n co) h od <= 44 = P) 2. ° Oo MQQ0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Rushforth, K.D.
Collection number: 1880
Collection date: November 1991
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00039848
No label status given
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Rushforth, K.D.
Collection number: 2168
Collection date: 4th May 1992
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00039881
No label status given
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Rushforth, K.D.
Collection number: 2385A
Collection date: 14th May 1992
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00039870
No label status given
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Autumn 2004,
Collection number: 21551
Collection date: 30th October 2004
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00246419
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Num 21551 Rhododendron sinonuttallii |. B. Balfour & Forrest Det from duplicate by Heng Li 1/2005 ROYAL enue: GARDEN EDINBURGH E00246419 Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron Gongshan Zizhixian, Dulongjiang Xiang. W side of the Dulong Jiang ca. 2 direct km SSW of Dizhengdang (Lengdang) and ca. 20.5 direct km N of Kongdang. Elev. 1930 m 28° 3’ 47" N, 98° 19’ 58" E E facing 10-30° slope. I Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Disturbed by clearing. Secondary forest and disturbed cleared areas. Shrub ca. 5 m tall. Fruit reddish. Occasional. Growing among rocks. In loam on marble. SEE FRUIT AND SEED COLLECTION Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 21551, 30 October 2004 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Li Rong, Jiang Zhutang & Zhang Yuemei (KUN); B. Bartholomew & Lihua Zhou (CAS); C. Alexander & M. Dickson (E); K. Bach (MB) MQ00589 xo] ca) > <= ® n o et x = a Pa) fox ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Autumn 2004,
Collection number: 21551
Collection date: 30th October 2004
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00616661
Label data completely captured
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00246419
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Hanoi, UBC, Logan Botanic Garden, Longwood & Kew. Exped to Vietnam (2014),
Collection number: 364
Collection date: 10th November 2014
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00671001
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Hanoi, UBC, Logan Botanic Garden, Longwood & Kew. Exped to Vietnam (2014),
Collection number: 3
Collection date: 30th November 2014
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E00774958
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409865
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UT E01409865 See et. Beetl Cuore (97h. Det. x “EASTERN TIBET <c-e~e-~4, No: Qn Coll. GEORGE FORREST a 21680 oe: 192,95 Alt. (0-11 fe Locality Sx eBrsaw - Ko QE niet § AW Le - eh & hele. ae 986 MN g Nihkud vinenullabhe’. Rate Bet 4k . A ee. . Sat et. U--. Ce—nnery Che ye [niyo aw 7 ones feweets Sw tg . By pall. _—_awoaA_ copyright reserved MQ@QQ589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409866
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM E01409866 PLANTS OF SOUTHEASTERN TIBET Mount Kenyichunpo and region of Champutong, Irrawadi watershed , Son ct {999 J. F. ROCK, Collector + oh fw 20) Salween- 1923 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN En reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409867
No label status given
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409868
No label status given
= 68 SQ00W | saesane yr}eq aie saner|iy RE% 96T ieee weep) cd & | #8 | Be | oe ee oe ae le Ae la | ae | ee |g ey yyBuAdoo OL svo Prorat tciCert Naduvo SINVLO® TVAOU Det ,= EASTERN TIBET a tt No. Coll. GEORGE FORREST 192 Ait. Locality ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH YIM A E01409868
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409869
No label status given
PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ’ Plants of Southeast Tibet EDINBURGH Province of Tsarung ; wi sototentson gee mn a £01409869 pe Dace ihe Vactd : ee 6-8 fee’ swera i L ivi 11 flowel ee foreat ern tat e@ it rec ; 11,000 i 3S. Cc uti (9 74 m slopes of Mt. Kenichunpo, north of Sikitung, Upper Salwin River. _1F. Rock, No. 32216 ; May-June 1932 3) 9° 10 copyright reserved ri 6 OD 0 Ww a © g is
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409870
No label status given
35 | 228 Me@@e589 wel eal ee 20 2 | 24 var] 9. 433 | 3032 | 7250 | 7210 So | 3s | Sar | 352 | fece | ores 1.64 1.96 2.38 All values are batch averages 28.60 aa | oer 0981.24 075 DSO Illuminant, 2 degree observer ROYAL BOTANIC (oF. a OPEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Southeast Tibet Province of Tsarung Rhododendron megacalyx Balf.f. et Ward Be une Tree 10-15 feet Flowers pure wh : i : > 3 WINNT A = R NTT See ol Alpine rhodocer E01409870 Altitude 14,500 fe . o feet. Northern slopes of Mt. Kenichunpo north of Sikitung, Upper Salwin River. Bi: sa. Cen 19% eee : Joseph F. Rock, No. 25598 45« August-Oetober 1932
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409871
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UMMA E01409871 PLANTS OF SOUTHEASTERN TIBET rt es ¢ Kenyichunpo and region of Champutong, Salween~ Moun: . Irrawadi watershed No. 1 9 a 3 0 J. F. ROCK, etieti OZzE ZR par een tee) ue copyright reserved MQQ@0589 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409872
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM A E01409872 EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET F, LupLow, G. Suerrirr, & H. H. Exiior No. Locality ] v, Altitude Date etal RIAA Pao Oe Pe RO} copyright reserved Meee@589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F., Sherriff, G. & Elliot, H.H.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409873
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409874
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409875
No label status given
Yo 4 Aine youd WEST GH Coll. GEORGE FORREST vie am Pte 1942 /. Alt. [6 ~ (2.000 ff. Locality 7 ee : Lo nee Lae, 20 24/2 Lengiog? ty 'é ride rf ys ie dn fruit. On Adyes rh Lif Ie Ry hb hes im aun tonader | G. Forrest ’ R . ee ‘Ss Z / y Bw, S. Cullen 19%, | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH “ ITM E01409875 (SEA Jee | 7 copyright reserved ce) i ae y OV 0 Ln © © lay) = All values are batch averages Don Witbiame
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409876
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 Coll. GEORGE FORREST Alt, pe Locality Kehusew, a eG od sane ised Aal-. >} g oy OT & Aone 5 g x ony 4’ € = '" "« f2, f/f Thked, Si nornttlhs, (dat &- 4 -F fh-. r Roehk. a2brpre—u ard M@e00589 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F., Sherriff, G. & Elliot, H.H.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409874
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409873
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F., Sherriff, G. & Elliot, H.H.
Collection number: 13077
Collection date: 3rd June 1947
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409877
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00000424
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Farrer, R.J.
Collection number: 1590
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E01485540
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01485541
Herbarium sheetE01485542
m , centimeters copyright reserved _ Alitd. Agee... feet Locality Nvapleabi ibaa eee cn Tai 2 2 See Vern name... ce Ss Yeu nh dare a Ce ey Sake iy be & w ral: roe m : Rowe ae seve, 5 ts “ZtKte : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01485540 ae Koss as i \\ ad Sud Rone S \rRorracrumn cid rwaotolrQe tla re Ro sSermd * te eCoutol a Srotinem «Sue eater oplundlul | . ba peas Te AG = IS. eae, ioe a - Field No. 1590 . oe (At oe é Dek l
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron nuttallii T.J.Booth ex Nutt.
Collector/Expedition: Farrer, R.J.
Collection number: 1590
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E01485541
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01485540
Herbarium sheetE01485542
ee ; Field No. 1090 Coll RP. | Fi \Sqo A i oer + Ra. Ypomborttou | Shc mea yrinh cae hat UKE cal ur wsliéne shonin 2 ae Kote See alien . ohana : Conk igserne dust iy rornrcion : ‘ea: nanny Magpse tia ow Ra. Nw) Hodl — ae olen. Sub on tid Ms hong nw 5 Ai Sous dnsel ‘ or moukaslly wl ay mut Meus dust a as to wt aru . aad, dh. ‘any a ath gah dln Seales “ meus y Coys: orale bubs won os we Wha a und , al - coke, Koko % cums & ALY = leg Rounded woth a Ni a Laos a ous lum cA ern rome sb wilt, (Ah yt scales alll ¢ roto ve Ly - 7 0) ry a oe a we Wphor- remddlle look un aA Took 7% Coe NV. Sty (Ve rudsricomk ¢ res Orn \\ Lou. say & § seul ,\ KULZ. ae. & 2 (ott AMIN Ns N08 ‘A noSe cn ht Nee t OR ors) a wt, a BWUb Pom of ge\ouy Louw) oh Yu Uh unns “fi fool ” Kr miinmaDly 5 % oil Nae inti “nat , poubic Kors ny ty pre ww Worl Pod uth a ro getdun- Caner as wen l 4 £5, - Shronied a st yall men tae Un wut) Womieonemt cml ban rkourad Be eas. ey tule, re wr peday Iackiagy A, unt 5 Haare tin laure fe rm ob i Kore . Ne Scam oN Collettob "i * 130, ¥, wr ok 22.0 © Nae RQauastas RAL, Adin, th rd, i Vo mie vs he \ it LCM Ku. aM, mh am Stank Rom mont “mom mg suk ha Ap tra rahe \eoe Cee Nad, ROYAL lene. oe Hi E01485541 Pid ° ta Noy Corre Sw uk \2.0 alin Laine Dorn copyright reserved M@QQ589
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