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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Collector/Expedition: d'Argy, C.
Collection date: 20th April 1863
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Syntype of Rhododendron argyi H.Lév.
Barcode: E00327468
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Herbarium sheetE00327469
a — “HERBARIUM | ! f 1 MONSEIC IR LEVEILLE Pe aT Cle ea. \ Determinavit £ &- Abrere , SYNTYPE B eri 24, Soe SAIS SNS ISS SINS SSE NINN ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE GEOGRAPHIE BOTANIQUE ; H. LEVEILLE, Secrétaire perpétuel ‘ \ 2 HERBIER DE CHINE ) elie 5, Genre et Espéce io Bagg Cd, 3 Race - GZ . Variété } » Forme ) Synonymic ) Habitat , Loealité : ) Station D) Terrain ‘ , Altitude } Observations ' ) Le : Lt DETERMINAVI. LOSI SISOS OOS OSS SEES ESSN ESN CSN. Legi dedi. , ) Le MANS. — CL. ROULIER, 5, RUE DE LA BARILLERIE. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00327468fr a, x 4 ; z j f s a vss 7 ae Ye. of. x: rt aw ie ff ae as 2 : dee o Cheers ee ee : : Ve AV gh tt MA - Ses vm 4 ib? * , 4 a A nal \ ‘* . nite em .t ws é 4 a z ¥ x BO8D * if 8 2 aes | copyright reserved snare 3
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Collector/Expedition: d'Argy, C.
Collection date: 20th April 1863
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Syntype of Rhododendron argyi H.Lév.
Barcode: E00327469
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Herbarium sheetE00327468
HERBARIUM OF MONSEIGNEUR LEVEILLE ' : : | | | Zo} i) | c om ” ® a | - = | ' .)) | 5S 2 ee: aa | * , 2 = ee a9 Sj . C | A-LZ?. c Ls a i Ze aoe Tnx ; C74 de Cc £4 arte, Sy eo : ISOSYNTYPE ot Rhedeclendren argyi Hibey. in Repert: Spec,.Mor Regn! Veo, (149) 12 :.102 ! ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MNT | E00327469 | | {
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Collector/Expedition: Edinburgh & Howick Expedition to East Russia,
Collection number: 89
Collection date: 13th September 2015
Filing region: Northern Asia
Country/Territory: Russia
Barcode: E01021175
Label data completely captured
; HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@Q0589 CHEK. 8a copyright reserved The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of Russian Federation Ericaceae Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz. Russian Federation: Primorsky Krai, Hasan District, Path along Cliff at Telekovsky Bay Lat/Long: 42°34’46.8’N : 131°12'52.3"E (WGS84) Alt.: 20m Description: Deciduous spreading shrub to 1.2M with elliptic leaves to 5cm x 3cm, mid green and hirsute above, light green and hirsute below. Fruit a green ovoid/elliptic capsule to 1cm x 0.5cm Habitat: Localised in full sun on cliff top in open mixed woodland with Quercus mongolica and Pinus densiflora. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Edinburgh, Howick Expedition to East Russia (EHER) i aa ae 417 Neil McCheyne > E0102 No. 89 £56
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502011
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502011 FATE ose TANT LOCALITY ED mi a PATE. eh LET MOF he. ruAererr ala 6. sx Det. D. F. Chamberlain 19 % copyright reserved a 00 wn fax) 2 g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502012
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Lh,, meesdncunte $ WIV vwY Determinavit @/* /“t# ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UY E01502012 copyright reserved oO’ 0 wy 2g 2g eg =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502013
No label status given
. rie a Makino Herbarium 1 O18] From the collection of Dr. Tomitaré Makino 5 (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan 92 Rhododendron mugronatum G.Don ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Yamashiro Prov. wi beter 2303 96s Coll.: Tomitaro MAKINO Det. ,J.Sugimoto , iy copyright reserved oO o wn 2g 2 2g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502014
No label status given
MQ@Q0589 Ss 3) = a o 77) oe - I ao = os Po) Qa ° o . . i yey ; 4 Makino Herbarium 1 UZ coo From the collection of Dr. Tomitaré Makino (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan. Rhododendron mucronatum G. Bon ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH : ; wm Ghiunt-cho,Yertnaciy Tokyo Pret Coll.: Tomitaro Makino Det.*J.Sugimoto(1969
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502015
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Mi MU 02015 Makino Herbarium 107 From the collection of Dr. Tomitard Makino (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan Rhodododendron mucronatum G.Don Oizumi, Neirma-ku, Tokyo Pref. Date: May 11, 1932 : (1969) Coll.: Tomitaro MAKINO Det. J.Sugimoto oo o Va) 2 2 2 = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502016
No label status given
MQQQ589 ae) ci) = ee o n a oa on = _— > a ° cS) Makino Herbarium 4 peat 10 1/796 (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan From the collection of Dr. Tomitar6 Makino Rhododendron mucronatun G.UJon ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN « EDINBURGH Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Pref. AMAA Ta ee Be saznie Coll.:Tomitaro MAKINO Det..d.Sugimoto(1969)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502017
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i 17 fon) 0c wn g g fax} a copyright reserved Makino Herbarium From the collection of Dr. Tomitar6 Makino (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan Rhododendron mucfonatum G.Von Qizuni, Nerima-ku, Tokyo Pref. Tomitaro MAKINO Det.:Jd.Sugimoto
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502018
No label status given
HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE DEHRA DUN, INDIA. 0.36 Name Rhoolenaron ore Place of collection § 1 Shes. : 4 6 00! Assam Ba law de » Gardeie~ A Shou pie wkle flowers apilled purp Mo faeine Hie 26.2 Ye - tun. ZY. 7. 2, pe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN U i copyright reserved oO) 0 wy fav) fax) g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502019
No label status given
a o wn 2g 2g 2 = Ts RR. mucroae Poe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN / BUR EDINBURGH Det, D. F. Chamberlain | 48% UVM E01502019 copyright reserved HERB. THE YOKOHAMA NURSERY CO., LTD. YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. | Mledaondey Mee Ln Son. — , ee Zr ——_—-~<on K) Japanese name t. es ee ha. ie ee ys tof BT Locality. eM A so, oe | Date:____. a OEE cs a et
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502020
No label status given
oD Fa 0 wn 2g og g = Metoluadion Qusewrtlerne Determinavit i ¥. ihe. i we fi: ot) a Loto ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN es vi
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Japan
Garden collecting location: Tokyo
Barcode: E01502021
No label status given
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E01502022
No label status given
a co wn g g g = copyright reserved Makino Herbarium | HIZO U (5 From the collection of Dr. Tomitaré Makino (1862—1957), one of the pioneer botanists of Japan. Rhododendron mucronatum G. Don RONAN BOTANIC GARDEN Tokyo. Pref. NAMI Date: April 24, 1912 E01502022 Coll.: Tomitaro Makino ments ge rae : 1977)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron mucronatum (Blume) G.Don
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Japan
Garden collecting location: Japan
Barcode: E01502023
No label status given
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