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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 9200
Collection date: 4th February 1931
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Isotype of Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward
Barcode: E00001388
Label data completely captured
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00001018
romano) ot Riyedlodenclran, reve rear bi winnie She HL cone 495 3)Boks ymane ‘rey 0 Yan} ere ame Fuwag rwombys yyn(vo ys. Me™ mL Wyss mayday mroys Yop yyw ° cman oy5 ae Sat QMS map] aeehrg “Hy we A MNS ww mm Ve opr arpe| who yore g apm ‘arora yfun| meu prop v ap : Rysay| wayne mie bra see Ma-8 hes YM rem WYN Seen eqs ay ere 1 Hy! Yeas Hyp | ROS ELE a a TN a Sars (i eR Crag Sway — Mee Ol 6 8 ra 9 ie 4 peniesal " v ie Fran ong hemo wy bras ~w}o Sy SM wey omy HK More ayo vps _bupae wey w~ apm 8 | : Sy ayy] Mays (1m bx 81 way}o Se) 59 pm Pomeh wo) mpm wn g Fg “haw ch a Soyane vorenh ny - Sapvag yen Ryo apn “Baa 09 Pry) ey MY | et : Cree, ys varyne 1 \ vb UL, taj - werd § sow ts agnpoyy oosb' my Ye amy S nnd, x O19 L, ~ A004 “a Uh ya | > omeongy Fayoyy Por - a O%-41 | apo hry bmaayy Joey oe hypoom aM oS>) nas ro} <b = — ® 7) ® © | ar i ao) = > a | fe) Ooeae 9 lk US nuke be O hewr | | <= Cast L HOUSE, | Ind IC Crawers Wer 1 ; R. 7 < ; ° . eagerbene. : | Yew i Te Me elon ws Berks. iy 3.32 Reel nseelion Omen ofan porte trour stp —ew 2 2 “Dean. laga an 0 Rovlin o Gashuy S ofa © be alte © sel Yow af WAR rlalle ever Tan RR. (aot oo Sumth lusee of pn . eg, 2 cat Shea Thu 2S ie. haan untie 2S [bowers ‘ — j WA OW as ; | J sheudA We eer Se grattfl Yrowt Hale Sar Beglawt re oe i eginid. ok” Tepcke vlan af, are my fatd Atserapliors = rs} Se 10 copyright reservedL. The corolla shape, funneleshsped rather than shaped, cut s it out from all the species of the series except > ih aes << a f£ * 2 = th. giganteum and Rn. protistum. > ft 9 cheracters giganteum and the flc wii venation an Lo 2 Ne 4 SU ry Py & Uille to tawny and seminudum t + ony D “< These two are very. = an relate they ar LC te: would appear to be ae irker ie colour than Rh. protistu wwers slightly larger. is Line eaf you sent has ibe indumentum (es our Rh. pro chief differences are in the leaf Ue Ps ty i om oO ate pet @ fond n , rh A + he a 2 Sn <3 ¥ : d the leaf indumentum. Leaf shape and size. orotistum are length than those of Rh. giganteum. I give the ne i nonimance D Aris Satan on m sX m - nany specimens :- Rh. protistum, 20 cm. y CMe U 21 em; Rh. giganteum, 12 cm. by 4 cm. up to 57 cms Your leaf sent to me is about 30 cm. By 18 cm. thus srotistum indumentum of Rh. crotistum is developed only ae Bose our type - is whitish end not _— same as the in per nteum nor is = the same as the tinal cae sae ae eveloned over the whole of the leaf underside - not tistum e entum copyright reservedi not confined to marginal area w CGC. The leaf venation of your plant is nearer to our plants of Rh. protistum than to the leaf venation of typical Rh. giganteum. 4. Geographical distribution. The gatherings of Rh. protistum come from areas further north than those of Rh. giganteum, but in approximately the same line of longitude. Thes north gatherings by Forrest of Rh. protistum in the Mekong-- Salwin are I should think, nearer to your 1971 area than his gatherings of Rh. gigsnteum on the N'iaikna--Salwin divide, Leta 26-15. a @ The conclusion I have come to are :- 1. That your plant may be a form of Rh. protistum with the indumentum fully developed all over the leaf undersurfac and not as in Forrest's gatherings confined to the leaf margin. 3c Zz See enclosed specimens Forrest 18395 and 18545 and compare these with typical Rh. giganteum, Forrest 19355, 18458 and the seminudum var. Forrest 26311 A. 5 2. An alternetive suggestion is that you have got something new. A species with the leaf of the Rh. sinogrande type and the flowers of a protistum. The leaf you send is typical Rh. sinogrand (see your earlier gathering K.W. 8130, from Delei Valley). If you had sent me the leaf only I would have said without hesitation Rh. sinogrande but the flowers are undoubtedly of the giganteum—-protistum type- not the sinogrande type with its oblique calyx and big anterior belly. I am wondering if in packing these to send to me a sinogrande leaf has been sent with flowers akin to Kh. protistum. The leaf you send as K.W. 9200 is almost a perfect match of your 8130 but the flowers of 9200 are different. In order that you may follow my reasoning I am sending you the following svecimens:s- 1. Typical giganteum, F. 18458. re 22 ,? F 1g 3 ar. séminudum, F. nal indumentup. 1A. Note identical venation but 4 4. A bit of Rh. protistum, F. 18548. Indumentum thin but the wenation nearer Rh. protistum than Rh. giganteun. 5. Rh. protistum, F. 18393. Indumentum thin but of the Rh. protistum type. I am also returnéng to you the leaf of 9200 which you sent o that you may compare it with your 8150. ta Il was much interested to hear of your queer Glaucum and shall look forward to seeing it. The Professor asks me to say that if you think we have anything at Edinburgh that you would like to see for comparison with any of your 1931 collection, we would be very pleased to send them on to you. ie had Taylor here for the Easter week-end. He was in good form but wouldn't look at Rhododendrons. He was quite right, he was on holiday. X Yours sincerely, ROYAL 5 6 vA 8 9 10 Cy eae ae]
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 9200
Collection date: 4th February 1931
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Isotype of Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward
Barcode: E00001018
Label data completely captured
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00001388
| ae] C3) re o n @ | = | a=] ce ES | Ps) oe oh oe Approbavit byor.a, 920-0 Dz F. CHAMBERLAIN PS es ae ae Hat hie. (UWS Mh Ogi At: Conait 7d ee Eee tat le Mdudes Gan; th Csbidtuins ecto oo oe Zien on l0lh bY HO. Vie hi kad Wh. 400 4 wd Iaondlald offi 2 re Me & forerag laauhy ph J bey heaves aud a shat Hedunthe. Scocaal rene flor ct ane fisted Me d- ‘Cfdtle. fa Uf, rail d bide ratiaet G Ue hot We TM Mie Mahuta, labelld. a KW. E752 fram 1S eee Wade - bute Ujed | S@ as aa nuk witli Wan we, Cheendugs othe ory wutth dieyared Te flere We boutons. : Ka, tJ fue noflon tab we The faite Langs y ML. SR flo wens UN ALTMAN GNe Rity Ca. | ee ke Be a le hljvent % Ge Aiipitiid, J hace ut wale. ee eles KOE i jul Whe Coy 4 Me Cleiyal Nou aud Ce yporvers silt I Cie fem’ De pe sped for gor fate. ofemlan hh LRM SDH GN FOV fhe é D Ath ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Soe un Coty + ht on [1h jan ALN a beth 0 Stuluihy on JR. Un ha J
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00894931
Label data partially captured
|! vont) Er 8 9 copyright reserved 6 ae Es a 5 7 ry ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | E00894931 pase eae! i) Be HERB. HORT. BOT. CALCUTTENSIS. 1 Flora of Upper Burma ’ Sel cm 0) Khampti Long Mission Collection 1911-12 Locality Phyet. Altitude 7000 : Date pm (9/2. een Ne ee aMtniae ates Rhoden ro qromde bight Det. D. F. Cha | 2k , * 4 . me L9 ay ULiJavekd WBerlain ain 9 23 Coll, Capt. $8. M, Toppin R. A. 5 _— 4 eoreccapec eae as
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502244
No label status given
oO 0 Ww g g g = J A ce EE ZkS xo] i e 0) o : - het Fem i = — Gout Grodin aos G ey Corng__ = ; < fo} e) sR tmnagecfcun QR .r@ax Ae. re) Det. D. G. Long Lag : f hokgson'! i Det. D. F. Chamberlain ‘* “¢ a Ex Herbario Musei Britannici a FLORA OF ASSAM 1938 1 Rhododendr of Rogrande Wig nbs. put with ti —= purpye fl Repraestans Palf.fet’W.W.Sm., 1a =| the decurrent of the leaf. a a et.J.M.Cowan Loc. Poshing La, Assam Himal: Alte 10,000-11,000ft. Date A good sized tree, more or less gregarious or with other tree Sppe in Abies forest principally. Flowers rosy purple with a small peep purple blotch at the base; fragrant; (flowers also probably whi te): ilaments glabrous, ovary densely wooly with white hairs; stamens 16; leaves large ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ‘ with a thin cobweb like indun antum, silver or buff, which gathers up EDINBURGH and partjat ily sloughs oft, leaving bare patches; broadest about the middle. (This &} 3647 are the same Bpecteae re except for the MIKI ovary, wooly in this, and glandular in No. 13047) R.grande? E01502244 Col1.F.Kingdon Ward ~ No.13646
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00268274
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH WOMAN E00268274 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of NE India Ericaceae Rhododendron magnificum Kingdon-Ward INDIA: Arunachal Pradesh: Lohit District: Delei Valley, Chumra Ridge, Station 413. 2,400 m. 28°09'12"N, 96°28'10"E. Leaves cuneate but not decurrent, on a round petiole, obovate, to 35 cm. Rushforth, K.D. No. 8385 28 Sep 2006 3) 9 10 copyright reserved Fé 6 a 0c wn fax) g g =
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