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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 13881
Collection date: June 1917
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Syntype of Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Barcode: E00010330
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Herbarium sheetE00001576
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ug NU E00010330 yl ~m SYNTYPE Buf f. & ot Khodoclendleon lepleth rium. forreet’.. | Nekes. RAGE. vel! 8-86. (9)... >. ame
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 13881
Collection date: June 1917
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Syntype of Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Barcode: E00001576
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Herbarium sheetE00010330
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN * EDINBURGH Balf. f. wu Avg » letthniuen & nu [e) Meee cee tee e babes Bepeccecee Type Specimen UNNAN, WEST CHINA “ No, Coll. GEORGE FORREST Ma 42 2¢ Alt. Kose fl-.. ” a U — r £G pn. ° . Locality Ot Ay, Ken Q- fre ‘ 9 > , M hole. 27°72 ' K.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 15673
Collection date: June 1917
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Holotype of Rhododendron australe Balf.f. & Forrest
Barcode: E00010332
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Herbarium sheetE00001575
of Rradodendhren..owsstrale,. Col. | 7 45 6/7 Notes ROCE v.12... page 13795... (1426) | | pomieseas }yubiuAdoo 1 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. PLANTS OF Collected by wry, “Hrani Date ow \4 (4 a Altitude (ovorti +, Number EY aK) ab, 26° 30'M. ae Place of Collecting Nit beebti shale ian We Veeck Visine Dard « val BOTANIC GARDEN ROYAL ANBURG wu _— . Shae - & |e. \ Pee deh. $x Rib rl eding Cuwihaks , RK rs Wunt § Determinavit 3 h.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 15673
Collection date: June 1917
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Isotype of Rhododendron australe Balf.f. & Forrest
Barcode: E00001575
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Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00010332
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Kunming, Edinburgh, Gothenburg Expedition (1993),
Collection number: 1766
Collection date: 20th June 1993
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00003288
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. "MQ@0589 | com. o Pd od co) n co) pa ad c= 2 i P) 2. ° ce) FLORA OF YUNNAN, CHINA KUNMING, EDINBURGH, GOTHENBURG EXPEDITION 1993 Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest LIJIANG PREFECTURE: Xin Zhu forest, between Judian and Litiping Plateau. Oak/Tsuga forest. Evergreen shrub to 3.5m; flowers purplish pink. Alt. 2800m 20 June 1993 B. Aldén, J.C.M. Alexander, D.G. Long, R.J.D. McBeath, ie H.J. Noltie & M.F. Watson EDINBURGH OMNES No. 1766 E00003288
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Summer 2006,
Collection number: 30664
Collection date: 27th May 2006
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00289653
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PLANTS OF THE GAOLIGONG SHAN REGION, YUNNAN, CHINA Ericaceae Rhododendron Tengchong: Hougiao. Vicinity of Gaoshidong in Guyong Linchang (forest farm), ca. 9.8 direct km ENE of Houqiao (Guyong). Elev. 2570 m 25723) 55.3" N98? 18) 19.4" E SW facing 10-30° slope Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest Disturbed by agriculture and felling. Secondary forest dominated by Lithocarpus. Shrub 3-5 m tall. Flowers purplish pink. Young fruit green. Occasional. Growing beside stream in forest in sun. sun 084 In loam on granite. leptothrium |. B. Balfour & Forrest ; i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ene) Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 30664 27 May 2006 | ED INE ORS \ Det from duplicate by Rhui-Cheng Fang | | Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunheng, Jin Xiaohua (KUN); Bruce £00289653 Bartholomew, Lihua Zhou (CAS); Neil McCheyne (E) 12/2006 xo} ci Ps + o no e aad £ so rs Ps) fo} ° oO a 0 wn eg g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Summer 2006,
Collection number: 30720
Collection date: 27th May 2006
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00287538
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Wg PLANTS OF THE GAOLIGONG SHAN REGION, YUNNAN, CHINA Num 30720 Rhododendron leptothrium |. B. Balfour & Forrest Ericaceae Det from duplicate by Rhui-Cheng Fang Rhododendron 12/2006 Tengchong: Houqiao. Vicinity of Gaoshidong in Guyong Linchang (forest farm), ca. 11 direct km ENE of Hougiao t (Guyong). ‘ oe Elev.-2280 m 25-23) 36:1" N; 98° 19'3.9" E Wa ch, S facing 30-60° slope Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest Disturbed by agriculture and felling. Shrub ca. 2 m tall. Persistent calyx green flushed purple. Young capsules green. Common. Growing on bank at forest margin in sun. baie Bis In loam on granite. ROYAL NBURGH EN Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 30720 27 May 2006 li | Wl | | | | iil Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunheng, Jin Xiaohua (KUN): Bruce E00287538 Bartholomew, Lihua Zhou (CAS); Neil McCheyne (E) com. ® Pd iS ® n 2 ad co ss = > 2 ° (2) MQQ0589 Ff
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Autumn 2004,
Collection number: 20845
Collection date: 1st May 2004
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00270014
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Num 20845 Rhododendron leptothrium |. B. Balfour & Forrest licate by Rhui-Cheng Fan Det from duplicate by ig Fang 42/2006 ROYAL oaeree GARDEN EDINBURGH i \ E00 UR 270014 HERB. HORT. EDINB. & ’ Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron Fugong Xian, Pihe Xiang. Vicinity of Bifu bridge, ca. 32.7 direct km S of Fugong city and ca. 7.7 direct km W of the Nujiang, E side of Gaoligong Shan. Elev. 2640 m 26° 29’ 14" N, 98° 49’ 21" E Forests slightly disturbed by road construction and other human activities. Shrub, 3 m tall. Flower pink. Growing under forest. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 20845, 1 May 2004 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Li Rong, Jiang Zhutang & Ji Yunheng (KUN); P. Fritsch & Lihua Zhou (CAS); kK. Armstrong (E) copyright reserved M@QQ589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Summer 2005,
Collection number: 24700
Collection date: 24th May 2005
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00351781
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Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron Tengchong Xian, Wutai Xiang. NW of Nankang Yakou, at km 24.7 along the highway 317, at bridge following a N-S ridge, W side of Gaoligong Shan. Elev. 2169 m 24° 50’ 56" N, 98° 45’ 36" E W facing 30-60° slope. Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Undisturbed. Undisturbed subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest dominated by Lithocarpus, magnilia, Schima, Bamboo, Rhododendron. Tree ca. 6 m tall. Calyx lobes tinged with pink. Old fruit brown, young fruit green. Occasional. Growing at top of the ridge, edge of cliff, in partial shade of forest. In loam on marble. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 24700, 24 May 2005 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunheng, Gao Fu & Liu Benxi (KUN); P. Fritsch & Lihua Zhou (CAS); M. Dickson (E) M@QQ589 4 GLGSG 24 +00 24/05 [2005 a Pd — ® 7) ® a ae a {o)) 7S > (o¥ o} fo} Num 24700 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN . Seana Rhododendron leptothrium |. B. Balfour & Forrest | | | | | Det from duplicate by Rhui-Cheng Fang | E00351781 12/2006 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Summer 2006,
Collection number: 28147
Collection date: 15th May 2006
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00351788
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PLANTS OF THE GAOLIGONG SHAN REGION, YUNNAN, CHINA Ericaceae Rhododendron Tengchong: Jietou. Shaba Cun, Yangjia Shan Jiao. In vicinity of Tiantai Daoist temple, on the W side of Gaoligong Shan. Elev. 2300 m 25° 23' 59" N, 98° 43' 41.8" E SW facing 30-60° slope Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest Disturbed by felling. Secondary forest with plantation of Taiwania first established 94 years previously. Open shrub. Flowers pale purple. Common. Growing in evergreen forest on moist slope. In loam on limestone. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 28147 15 May 2006 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunheng, Jin Xiaohua (KUN); Bruce Bartholomew, Lihua Zhou (CAS); Neil McCheyne (E) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00351788 pe CLES? 2814}. 1 /o¢ [a0ob eee Num 28147 Rhododendron leptothrium |. B. Balfour & Forrest Det from duplicate by Rhui-Cheng Fang 12/2006 rom. cy Pa h ® 77) 2 =) = = a > ro} 9° oO MQ00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition - Summer 2005,
Collection number: 25721
Collection date: 8th August 2005
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00320909
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO) 0 Ww g a eg = Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Ericaceae Rhododendron copyright reserved Lushui Xian, Luobenzhuo Xiang. E’ga Cun, on forest road at Km 20, E side of Gaoligong Shan. Elev. 2130 m 26° 28’ 45" N, 98° 48’ 32" E NE facing 30-60° slope. Subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. Undisturbed. Shrub ca. 7 m tall. Fruit green. Occasional. Growing in forest. In loam on shale. a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Num 25721 Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 25721, 8 August 2005 | | | | | eee Maia lp: eliet @ RaITeSt Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunheng, Liu Benxi E00320909 Det from duplicate by Rhui-Cheng Fang & Tang Anjun (KUN); B. Bartholomew & Lihua Zhou (CAS); 12/2006 Jin-Hyub Paik & S. A. Crutchley (E)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 12845
Collection date: July 1914
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Syntype of Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Barcode: E00314011
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YUNNAN, W At 1-H owe EST CHiN ~ {/ Locality rushes © ; ‘ Kot. 27°07 Me Paratype Determinavit ae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | E00314011 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition (2000),
Collection number: 11973
Collection date: 4th July 2000
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00256504
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. OV 0 wn g gS g =. a copyright reserved Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Gongshan Xian, Cikai Zheng. E side of Gaoligong Shan, below Daxue Cao waterfall, along the Danzhu He on the road from the Nu Jiang at Danzhu to the Myanmar border. Elev. 2350-2470 m 27 37 55" N, 98° 39’ 27" E Degraded broad-leaved evergreen forest Lithocarpus, Dipentodon, Corylopsis, and Juglans. Bamboo dominant in understory. Evergreen tree ca. 4 m tall. Fruit red. Growing on a steep moist slope along the road. Num 11973 ROYAL BORG GARDEN Li Heng 11973, 4 July 2000 EDINBURGH Rhododendron leptothrium |. B. Balfour & Forrest E00: with Bruce Bartholomew, Philip Thomas, Peter Fritsch, | | Det from duplicate by Rhui-Cheng Fang Dao Zhi-lin, Wang Zhong-lan, and Li Rong 3/2001 256504
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Rock, J.F.C.
Collection number: 9197
Collection date: 1923
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00173695
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PLANTS OF YUNNAN, CHINA pp f Litiping Range, Mekong-Yangtze divide, east of Weihsi ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN m0 E00173695 No. 9 1 9 ij J. F. ROCK, Collector 3923 a A “y Cine fue Loy tilol copyright reserved MQ@QQ589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Rock, J.F.C.
Collection number: 8071
Collection date: March 1923
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00173696
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ing PLANTS OF YUNNAN, CHINA Gl hefl oh rciism, Mk Lyf. Cul. f ot dorid Between Tengyueh and Likiangfu, via Shweshanting, Kantingai, Petlunguigo- Sanus, Lanping, Chienchuan, and Likiang O%1 No. J. F. ROCK, Collector March, 1923 ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved oO 0 wn fax) og g al
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Rock, J.F.C.
Collection number: 8633
Collection date: May 1923
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00173697
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest Determinavit: M.N. Philipson and W. R. Philipson. Christchurch, New Zealand. April 1981 ) © ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN / : EDINBURGH TM 00173697 PLANTS OF YUNNAN, CHINA ; ul. Y om, Pale fe lf pv rtd]. vj Between Chienchuan plain and the Mekong drainage basin to Lachiming No. 8 6 3 3 J. F. ROCK, Collector May, 1923 copyright reserved MQ@QQ589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901713
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ANS AN 9'7 4 2Q a *\ WY ITTETTOU TOTTI . SK Sy rs 4 4 \7 | BG Ais BE copyright reserved Co.tL. GEORGE FORREST Alt. Locality ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00901713
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901714
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a TTTENTTOA TONE LENT eo eee le ae oars copyright reserved j West YUNNAN fe 7815 | : f CoL.. GEORGE FORREST nate ie s- =y i Alt. j le ae tlic, On ttt Bee yee — j Lad. 5937! hilly 9 Fee r SG 2 fhr. Heuer lef etn ee Oleerdiuocea P= ROYAL Soe es iii ____E00901 o14
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901715
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hy . — 2 Ay AS IE > ai Ne ‘Ss S PS WSs Nant > ; \ ts LS ~s ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN). A E00901715 EASTERN TIBET 27430 No. Co... GEORGE FORREST O-el- 192.57 Alt. Locality ‘ ITTUTTOAA TOA TOE xo) i Po o n 3 ed = (oy) = J Qa fe) iS)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901716
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest Determinavit: M.N. Philipson and W. R. Philipson. Christchurch, New Zealand. April 1981 (a ATTENUATION copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN VAM EASTean Tiper 26597 E00901716 Co... GEORGE FORREST 265 97 7 192 6= Alt. 8-9 0- a : Locality Atk, Oneeer—o Tye - lz. Rats. 257° h' he Kags 9RRIE,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901717
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ES ATTENTION EOE copyright reserved he Co... GEORGE FORREST No. 26507 pane. Alt, 9-1 a Locality heel, nae * bey Gan bet. 25°38! he. Long 9 9 lee HMM eae \ aoe ~ £00901717 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ~ |L TTETCOUATTTCCHATITT as fe Ee] 5) 6 u copyright reserved z mrss) y 3 a 3 e. ) EASTERN Tiger 7 : - CoLL. GEORGE FORREST Ue q =] E 265 07% pra. 192 3- : 2 Alt. 9-1 +3 ea Locality A-<tlo arate gl ae - Gee Kek-.25 Re he Lome 9 7 eag/’E. re C Shane . i re wT faceht by ah ns ) ae —-«£00901717, , ROYAL noRate ae
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901718
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest Determinavit: M. N. Philipson and W. R. Philipson. Christchurch, New Zealand. April 1981 4 = ——_ | } y B= ses Upprs—T West YUNNAN | Co__. GEORGE FORREST ZiS27 No. —_- Locality With eceusd Alt. Poae4ft-.. be Rake. 25° S9'N. Keng io f te [kod : (rlicns) -¢ i. Saas eas dn Meehil,- 6.7 hans . | at Sree ae ‘tl £00901718 _ La L ANITNOU TTI TCCH ATT xo} cy Pa i o 7?) ~ od o£ Da c= > Qa fe) oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901719
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copyright reserved CoL_t. GEORGE FORREST Alt, (0-0-6-07L~-. Locality oneccnrol ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii Ex ee ats
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 21698
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01391991
No label status given
Confirmavit M. N. Philipson & W. R. Philipson Christchurch, New Zealand. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 0 E013 S- -EASTERN TIBET haneng. Coll. GEORGE FORREST 21698 foes » 19222, lt. = cane Ee Locality Seluri - Kui C4 licicde tarcel - “Oy Si - Kar. Kats 27°%U6°N.. Keg: 99 933'E. ee = ie L-.. OCeruere Hone. war fe LAE ° ”w pol he Uae po — a ee =A fel L ogee So o Po c ® no co) ta va) = iy = es) rou ° (e) M@Q0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01468050
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NBURGH wi LUN E01468050 Fan Memorial Institute of Biology FLORA OF YUNNAN 6 304% se 4 Ox Field No, 99043 Date. NOVe6, 1934 Locality Habitat Habit Height 15 Bark Leaf Flower Fruit Notes Common Name hy hy Name..4°%&.!. 4 ie@i~se Hsien Altitude 2300 a. in ravine shrub ft = DBs green Family pat LA Lopate Ith ef rALW Collector H. T. Tsai MQ@Q@589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01424115
No label status given
sco SMUIGRIM 4OQ wo Oro = 6et- - ‘0 z gov't i: re | ctr os ies ie] z i sto 600 S00 <— Aysueg 4aniasqo aei3ap z ueUjWn)|) OSA. tes Tet I Grg Naduvo OINVLOd Cott. GEORGE FORREST A 5 ti & be z ji i ob 0) ¢ LJ Locality April 1981 M. N. Philipson and W. R. Philipson. Christchurch, New Zealand. Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest EDINBURGH E01424115 Determinavit: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01424116
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn NP ee EASTERN PIBET Co... GEORGE FORREST Alt. Locality RR : be fplhuisetc copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01424117
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VM E01424117 heck ~ ,WEST YUNNAN Oe No. Cott. GEORGE FORREST 26375 pe re Alt. Jo ~ ts o-o-0Fft--> RAW Ane Ae Locality =~ rch” os: Loeh= 28 pat Vs he SWF O EF —< = \ [| hod . | Cuahunw bn ~_ So- as ft~-: PAD th > Wie Mace x ALevo cok ale tna - oat’ + awl Crna ee Wer FAMED * iA at, € y% a (Oy A Oy eA LA aA ( Vee > avis oO 0 wn fe) g © = Poe copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01424118
No label status given
0,016 = 02 ©6038 «03 ~Ygy Density——» 005 0. a 5 | a Fr u 21, D5O illuminant, 2 degree observer \ ~~ CE NO]; INE NBA ROYAL BOTANIC ~ GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved N. W. YUNNAN Sot. GEORGE FORREST Alt. o- 1100-0 fh Locality hichioiucg, cp fy: > ck dy — Pee rKOL io tes j » =a AT cae h-- Re - YY oD Ky Ro-A*. : - = + » ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN eee tw 07 1 3 pc. ee EDINBURGH - an ctl! rao wart unin eA ee 075 098 1.24 164 196 238 Allvaluesare batch averages 5 . > moeesso We
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron leptothrium Balf.f. & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 24284
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01424119
No label status given
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Herbarium sheetE01424154
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