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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron lateriflorum R.C.Fang & A.L.Zhang
Collector/Expedition: Feng, K.
Collection number: 24128
Collection date: 10th November 1959
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Isotype of Rhododendron lateriflorum R.C.Fang & A.L.Zhang
Barcode: E00010265
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- oa 4+ # R mW it wm FR BRE Herbarium Kunming Institute ef Botany Academia Sinica (KUN) N- w. Yunnan t Grong en Xian, weelern ro. ® > KH. Feng 2ul2g, 1 /y / 1489 : ® rs ; D PEAR 3 xX Am~. os <I we: 5 * Wee: * g SEE: 4 - SER eee FRE 2 BTR: 33 qs eile A very interesting plant, very similar to R. keysii, differing, as far as this specimen in concerned, by the glaucescent leaves with hairy midrib beneath. It would be very 3 interesting to see the flowers. - J. Culten, 19383. R. lateriflorum R.C.Fang & A.L.Chang, sp. mov. (Subgen. Rhododendron, subsect. Cinnabarina) Species mova foliiis anguste oblomgis vel lanceolatis, inflorescentiis fructifera axil- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : laribus, stylis ad basim pubescemtibus proba- EDINBURGH . biliter affimis R. keysii Muttiall, sed foliis OA infra glaucescentibus pubescentibus, squamis 00010265 aequalibus, capsulis majoribus differt. —_ Rhododendrom lateriflorum R.C.Fang & A.L.Chamg, sp. mov. ISOTYPE R.C Forney : é Nokes, ROGE..41(1) :1@O-162.... (1943) eee Te. er
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron lateriflorum R.C.Fang & A.L.Zhang
Collector/Expedition: Feng, K.
Collection number: 24128
Collection date: 10th November 1959
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Isotype of Rhododendron lateriflorum R.C.Fang & A.L.Zhang
Barcode: E00073054
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