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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Collector/Expedition: Watt, G.
Collection number: 6401
Collection date: 11th April 1882
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Type of Rhododendron formosum var. johstoneanum G.Watt ex Brandis
Isotype of Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Barcode: E00010130
Label data completely captured
me Walt «x : jo at ai Hutch... Nokea. ROG€....w0..72...(I99)..... Date Shh I AUAOY MEI ocr feet pennant Locality. ¢. LebpcOta fefad ns | Field . ae 6401 ¢ of Herb. G. Wate. Qo? Field No. 64 | { ) j Herb. G. Wate. PGR y PLOoA OF MuMIPHE | (ON THE EASTERN FRONTIER OF INDIA). ee coro. FU. DATE... COLLECTED an (3 nying {he Gauernment Demargation Sauer af 1881-82, : 4 ne During the 0 7 Pure Say | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ¢.. RTE ST ee a ——w incu
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Collection number: 26
Collection date: 4th June 2012
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00615594
Label data completely captured
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 22200
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00887219
Label data partially captured
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Herbarium sheetE01502437
is NSIT ION ITH copyright reserved H.IRVING 12] 200) FR johns brunnvin f 6nd? ~ Yyarsupaa mon’ @ Qlyse margins. rod hetpre © a Slo dpivote af OVWoY owha Sins only ae ] “patsily i dole 7 A bushy shrub, sometimes a stout little tree, Leaves glaucous beneath, closely lepidote, the scales scarcely a diameter apart. Truss 2 ~- 3 flowered. Corolla white, flushed pink outside with a yellowish green flash inthe throat. Scaly on the outside. Be APE OTANC GARDEN A colony of trees on one ridge. EDINBURGH LU ee —£00887219 a enceideaennNNETU ETE
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502345
No label status given
Ov co wy g a g = AL ona ec EDINBURG ; PUR Ar Arn é ) . Field ae a A I ’ | 6881 Og Ie fers. G. Wate. ROYAL INC UEE a EDIN MC Paratype 1-O° S74 Te calax 4 Mod Obras a9 deseviteA - bites tin Re taka k telew. Yee ths Jighkh ae froeero.. Tt hex > Ove tet oe ah lowermprd copyright reserved en Ee Lorman <ifloon Date 88 e zie a ALG ig ee Coar.. feet FLORA OF MIINTDITR Locality. pO Jee em (ON THE EASTERN FRONTIER OF INDIA). NAME... ; . ALT. in Goo. 2... pare (2: ove re GOLLECTED | DHuying the Goucynment Demargation Sunuey of 1881-82, | ‘ By GEORGE WATT. 5 Boys) = RO Field No. 688 | Herb. G. ties
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502346
No label status given
O07) 00 LA t Q a © = | } \ } { . I j Paratype so} o P4 <= C7) 7) e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oe ; lo. : - EDINBURGH bo eee ee : } = OD D va hsp pe Seen ( - Do 4 | UC. 1174. > | E0150 / 9 Eee Se ; a 40 bg LGLL— i Shank eo 88 et me Date... VEA¢k....1.. 188 % G ttat tt | Altd. 4-9-0 -#—o feet | j FLORA OF MiAIPER | Locality ot wh os (ON THE EASTERN FRONTIER OF INDIA). | | NAME Lthavlardeolaip. cee Ltt? tO De aaa iJ isk ieee Lee ” Se uae See eee See . | abr. Ly... we FT. DATE So t pach g /y2 Ww S Q BS N : N i i | : COLLECTED [ | / Daying the Gaucynment Demargation Suyuey of 1881-82, } o, Yi Torr AOWL Boeing pee By GEORGE WATT. & | [ue 2 Leche bie a Com eee, Legge) : Field "G913 2 Herb. G. Watt. an alas tC IDL ANAS POOP A st. oun) i)
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502347
No label status given
M@00589 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH : E01502347 re} : S 3 ae een ; a g Approbavit ites P ; ‘fe iY J.C, LOG re f°?) r Paratype vA = y — , Lh ° ; GON Ey LAr p-—f. - (ON THE EASTERN FRONTIER OF INDIA). Locality... a Alida oa ig feet © FLORA OF MUNIPH i NAME... SAO POON AER, FE PRE, ne 2 ae oe om | | | | SF 9S Jota, ALT Hee Ok. PT DATE. m x x COLLECTED | Daving the Gouennment Demaygation Suyuey of 1881-82, | . b ; By GEORGE WATT. 5 | or [ \ Field No. 6 { ()4 Herb. G. Watt. LN, panernine nbn ill NOE Ry
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502348
No label status given
oO) 0 ny g g g = FANG G\D0EN) DINBU GH ia ri ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ey : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH es tT 000C 502348 is Pa | — NITY 3 No. ot a te i i c Do O | } 4 S o B Approbavit s - ie L) h 5; J.C. 1974. ea TGF é 7 . Date ae po — ‘Fe \ A ltd.. oo ae a. ron TIER OF INDIA). Locality... Gran st ane (ON THE EASTERN _ i Teceeew vAME é ctl “4: Re NAI Wta—-_ Gr PoRA OF MUNIPUR | oa yu j 4 3 z | Llarrioke fh Yaris Mean Ur ane . | ve fete ee aly ene nr Aine, | \ | ily Lr 4Cowst et EM Seve 97 folie, | | | jo De Clo ote, Vip CBinpot? t= | "Ne Gels beet Uy fat heerr | | LOGALIEY. AMMA fade ec | ES See es spate i ri | | AL ay ae. FT, DATE. opal BQ. | ; — - COLLECTED | | 2d ra ee | During the Gouennnrent Demangutian Suyvey of 1881-82, | ) ae " 2 By GEOnGis WATT. & Herb. G. Waite. Field No. 64 ( \? pera AN SD DH CR l8.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502349
No label status given
ay j io , pf / A-7F ) | MID oS A , ve Lill Wid 64/5° 4 O44 Ms Y bow SAK Vo) bez Ok ~ § “fp od 4 el a’ oat Cae S aes P37 ae Pee i , i ors : ot" ty ; Pinat QP / Na Ve a pA A | oS i wy Sate ide { é . / | \ / ' f e~ i § | z C A. Te Lec LL». { oy { 4 <Lat ~ | } rm XY , \* 8 7 iG ® j RS ee rf on" Ayr od Qn} POVL SR. LF, Serie LA ee Piciced: ShLoneur fly fad 4ovlerr , , ee: . 7 Lei a ff BT 2 OP fe ? ot. ice. Sip: fe ey = Ch aot _ Af A? “ eH of. é cae eat c Dy i iY éé A Ba é- L 4s Se we ; J & my, ; TAI TSS LA TTA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDER EDINBURGH BOTANIC GARDEN EDI ROYAL / a 4 ; : e : Date FA tse FEEL Li a ’ : Altd.. Boe ae Jeet Locality tots 4 , Lone see eye R. frhmstonenmnecn i A Det. * a =“ SG «ct ~La, Maas 7ONSTOA~Y — A. ) SOO / A JZ 4 ~f- vo An dw “psn wreets SAere cade pLo7 ty Coarse, bf Car 9 Dy ntA ne NA Sct ail Fore ras ay me f, Z. , ; 4 . : i ae a , a / ~~ ; hing — 7, Approbavit J,€, 1974. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MA : E01502349 oO) 0 LA od x gS =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502350
No label status given
M@0Q589 | HERBARIUM J9040 Collegii St. Francisci Xaverii, BOMBAY. . sae ed, Genus...... Rh erdochendron. NPs Sac e a saea can che DP PECles res si. frheraticmeanuan, Watt NOMEN Vern. wave 4 Tocuaapee Bee em etiam Altitudo.“Geta~/o. 000 ff ee emae PAS a, _ - ( Pr ‘+ Arbor, Hrutex, Suffrutex, Herba.................... Too cca... L~ s COME. .oc:. ‘i oe ee AT Yeas > Cem oj The tf A , ee . | * ae QA Simoti bork, ernarordley ers Thon SPE Commis) rara in a kk . sow ee Talien wi Le Pow | Indigena, ndemica, introducta....................... . Ve ope Serle ov The Serna Lecta meise Guay AL sae Obern, |Lorees nalicr lower (queo- At xo} o Pa I ® n ® —_ aod aol Dn = > Qa ° cS) cc ecceececsec.ee.. . ey — a a - e ia Sea iy dado CRcdrdin Anan), a j j | sane uelurd t ii Taharo, haga Holla Say 2. (98, EDINBURGH | AMAA \ E01502350
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502351
No label status given
MQ00589 xo} ® Pa fe ) 177) ® = 4 aon Do = > 2. ° oO PLANTS OF ASSAM, INDIA DISTRIBUTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 5 flowers white, yellow sfeot tn Treat, ROYAL BOTAN GARDEN Ce teat, pragrodt, Lowers a acrass, Lowey | | | | i | | | | a f or L Hmuntha, Lushai Hills, 5000 ft. . AMN tw an De WALTER N. KOELZ, NO. 24 44 2 4), APRIL 1954
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502352
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH ii PLANTS OF ASSAM, INDIA DISTRIBUTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN un, on / 5 Bt | Delp. w foal Lise (3 Ht, whit wil, Qala | Te Low0n Lbeken in Lio Se ee ae i — 1” \pragqrance Blue Mountain, Lushai Hills, 496 ft. U 7002 WALTER N. KOELZ, NO. AQ F FD Sj APRIL 1953 MQ00589 xo} o Pa h ® 77) ® =) ood = Do = P) 2. ° (3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron johnstoneanum G.Watt ex Hutch.
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 22200
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E01502437
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00887219
Wawra” ee 7500, 20, Vi ‘SG C Senta Clhyn Huis \ a. Vi ee Buren) VnotKorhew lho Bre Gl Viicodyrs . A, \ruswy Srp, Somalis a. SOW Lice tie <i 7 Dunsow> \aneal Clore i lawAcle, Tet Seales Seonrcely se Mri A). wn, \ Sige 2-DB Flowered. 4 ‘ Cron whats Pushed pu YL OWN AR WN % YUrbourala en OA tan We howl | Sealy om, Use mina, OW colomy of ae AA A . - \ Ae Seak Ctangh Und yok. LAS PA x J Ls Sh. Se aa a Pon “4 A _ ral. MRAZ. | aT — DMA OL pol Voie ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502437 copyright reserved MQQQ0589
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