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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Collector/Expedition: Cooper, R.E.
Collection number: 3990
Collection date: 18th June 1915
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Holotype of Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Barcode: E00001407
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oR Aanaliom ldook-f. Det. D. F. Chamberlain 1979 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee Hotes a ae Rhododendron Ponce Rocndrian Determinavit .WN. Soundian qs FLORA OF BHUTAN. Locality IC eats coe Rosi | Date 1 [ofes Altitude °, ooo! ) Remarks No... 399 ° Dranec_ ) Puriceen Gina buy RE: COOPER, Collector for A. K. BULLEY, Esq., CHESHIRE. 3) jé is] ) copyright reserved 5
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Collector/Expedition: Cooper, R.E.
Collection number: 2148
Collection date: 22nd September 1914
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Holotype of Rhododendron tsariense var. magnum Davidian
Barcode: E00314479
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genOrcer..T ee ae: Nedocecckiun sfedes..2.:308 (1484). HOLOTYPE ot Khodedendeen.tsceriease...vor ha nvr R. Rnnelar Det. D. G. Long (0- % FLORA OF BHUTAN. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : { . 7 5 EDINBURGH Locality {brotya Yu. we) hang, . | | | : | | Date 22, q [uy E00314479 Altitude Poa! Remarks No. DIR’ Iw. aee pe nat CAA R hace oe re n f. 2148 R. E. COOPER. Collector for Det. D. F. Chamberlain |%77? A. K. BULLEY, Esq., CHESHIRE. , ~ ah i aman
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F. & Sherriff, G.
Collection number: 3089
Collection date: 20th May 1937
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Holotype of Rhododendron poluninii Davidian
Barcode: E00314480
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@ s089 Ri Bee om tt gogo: Bhutan, : Dungshing Gang Shrubs 46f+, B1.Mt,N,Side, Corolla palest blush pink, with very C,Bhutan, 20-5357, small basal. patch and a few spots in some flowers, Calyx very small, fleshy, pale pink, Fi laments white, hairy at base, Ovary hairy; style glabrous, Leaves,upper surface shiny green,glabrous;: lower surface with rather thick felt-like brown tomentum, Few seen; in Abies forest, beside rocky streams, eat 4 AY + Ga em ae copyright reserved Rhadlo dames poloninw Tid weber | whe, Fid€ “Pavihow (WI e307 A 9 MK: honolir< eathef: RRedoclyncrer _— Approbavit @ R. fSaviense xR fplnrchit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Det. D. G. Long Ozt 198C : G3 => Co com Determinavit OY Ex Herbario Musei Britannici oe Rhododendron Batenanii | Hook f. Loe: Dungshinggang. Black Mountain. Central Bhutan. Alt: 13,000 ft. 20.5.19357. | Coll: F,Ludlow-G. Sherriff. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN No. 3089 EDINSURGH : | | E00314480
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Collection number: 61
Collection date: 30th May 2000
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: W13 - Woodland Garden South Side Long Bed West - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: W13:Woodland Garden
Barcode: E00183536
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19151020A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Collector/Expedition: Bowes Lyon, S.A.
Collection number: 13180
Collection date: 3rd August 2000
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00148734
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@Q0589 copyright reserved Flora of Bhutan Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) Ericaceae (93.01) Rhododendron flinckii Davidian Bhutan: Upper Kulong Chu Dist.: Shingphel, [Tashiyangtse] near Tashi Yangtsi. 3800 m. 5m shrub. Leaf gathering, to show more orbicular leaf. Young leaf pale creamy orange underside, old leaf deep brown orange. Nearest specimen seen tsariense. Bowes Lyon, S. No. 13180 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN No. 13280 EDINBURGH N00 ina E£00148734 D. F. CHAMBERLAIN
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502256
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Khedodand ro~ ferckii Dav iolidar Det. D. G. Long Fore (C687 Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF ASSAM 1938 Loc. near Orka La. 10,000-11,000ft. 250921938 With No. 14287. Leaves buff beneath, hairs cobweb=like, easily rubbed off. See Nos,13705, 13706. ( This may be the same as 1431h). Coll. FéKingdon-Ward No. 14288 oO © wy fav} fax) g : =. ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502257
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PA ocvclond ex frockiv ees (Arw Det. D. G. Long Fue Se. _ Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF ASSAM 1938 14314 Rhododendron sp, . SS.Campanulatum. (see No.14288). Loce Orka Lae 13,000ft. 309.1938 A small shrub, hor 5ftehigh, almost hidden by a large bush of R.colletim on the open grassy ridge. Truss many flowered, capsules longer & thimne than those of R.colletum,on longer pedicels. Flowers probably white pale yellow, not crimson. Leaf indumentum cinnamon, floccose the oat layer easily rubbed off exposing an inner white compact layer, not = removed. The leaves are larger and of a different shap t a Reelin CSR. ime mcvety of Reamer Coll. F.Kingdon-Ward Now 1431 oa 0 wy fav) gS g = ROYAL ouy Nice! copyright reserved
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502900
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oO) 0 wn 2g a g = Sat. 1Guus copyright reserved OLvvgm Aum Oy INET Det. D. G. Long @zA (967 thy d Q compo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502900
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502901
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH EO 1502901 eas ee, = pe HERB. HORT. EDINB. Zp / / we Si Nee ACK t, “A ant Car f an wWlatan 2 i? ; LA XK 920 lu arnil Det. D. F. Chamberlain ° Ocl 7& A Savi Phedodonvon off ease Det. D.G. Longé-Sd-Rae Ok ty FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron aff. tsariense Cowan Bumthang District: Narthang La; Gayzamchu to Ura NW facing, with R. lanatum. Only one or two bushes. wh Flowers light pink, bud tinged deeper pink Alt. 3800m May 1994 Rebecca Pradhan No. 44 a 0 Ww 2g a g = copyright reserved
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502902
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MQ@00589 21298. xo] o Pa c“ cH 77) o bud ~ ao jos a a) 2 fo) [o) x R. com pantatum los ee Cideok- [2 Cham Ss p- Ose 4 OSHA Det. D. F. Chamberlain 1979 hb. pyanchhet 2 pehol Lodien Timbrba , aida ate rt whisk lata Det. D. G. Long /M4 V7 ¥ A hincei Zavidiar ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Det. D. G. Long /(y I7 wn
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502903
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sanuasgo eaiBap Z ‘ueUjWN|| OSG ctumcomentomnty att_act_wst_att_ ste = wine ‘ ams peasesal }yHUAdOo Bite) et: Ni(eEg Naduvo OINV.LO@ TVAOU SJBJOWHUBD 5 & naw! &) va J mnt xt = - b 2 =) re oO Ess na) of (L. SD fo 0 | ~ 5 | u oO <x ot Zz 3 ~ vi Fick? HN & iL a wt | a ae } ss 5 6 2 5 Dek <a avit TT ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A. K. BULLEY, Esq, CHESHIRE. I CHAMBERLAIN D.
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502904
No label status given
OV 0 un 2 2 ® = [03 2p copyright reserved Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wil Rhodedendron lanatum Hook.f. 19..49=50 DET...J.Hutehinson..&
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502905
No label status given
oO) 0 wn g g g = copyright reserved R. Linck Dard igre Det. D. G. Long Jey (987 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH E 502905 E01
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502906
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a © wn 2 g g =F copyright reserved Det. D.G. Long Oct (ye FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron flinkii Davidian Possibly Upper Kulong Chu district; Bandiling, West side Alt. 3,500m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN fe May 1994 £01502906 - > Eee
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502907
No label status given
M@QQ0589 R. f Wnchix Det. D. G. Long (0-& xo] co) Po a (1) @ = ~ con} Db Pe Py a fe) [o} ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Tee ees EDINBURGH RR. aff. Gana baum Mock? WIV AU aeop on Crore Approbavit hs IR. se a 01502907 a Det. D. F. Chamberlain /§ <7 D. F. CHAMBERLAIN EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF BHUTAN L.S.& H. 20648 Rhododendron lanatua Hook.f. Flowers pale yellow with pale orange bands running up corolla det.J.Hutchinson & G.Taylor 1919-50 & widening at lobes; sparse vermilion spots in throat of corolla; calyx absent?; pedicels pale green, furry; filaments Locality Shingbe Me Lae pale yellow, furry at base, anthers brown; style pale green, stigna green; ovary coated with thick white felt. Altitude 11,-11,500ft. Date 1605619h9 Lamina fawn coloured, fur on parts of surface; Shrub h=12fte growing in open glades in abies forest. dense orangey brown indumentum underneath. enue L.S.& He 20648 K LuDLow, G. SHERRIFF, & J. H. HICKS No. 20618
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502908
No label status given
ausy hijiasygooor Bhutan, gia Phobsikha, Tree or shrub 10-15ft, Cent, Bhutan Corolla, Pale yellow; most have red spots, 16_5=37, but some are: pure yellow, Filaments hairy at base, gtyle glabrous, Ovary covered with white wool, Calyx small,glabrous; pedicels with white hairs, leaves shiny dark green, with grey-brown wool on midrib and sometimes over most of upper surface; lower surface thivk with, bright brown tomentum, ; Commonat.:13000' ,.not. seen below on rocky hillside, Re Cees oO oO wn Q g gS = probable, R. flinch: Davidean Det. D. G. Long bat (16 copyright reserved | g No. 3063 POR IRIU Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron lanatum Hook f. Loc: Phobsikha. Central Bhutan. Alt: 13,000 ft, 16.5.1937. norte een Coll: F. Ludlow-G. Sherriff. No. 5063 PAN y E01502908
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502909
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi Ex Herbario Musei Britannici L.eS.& H. 18890 Shrub ift.-ift. Shrubs vary considerably in height, and also in colour of flowers, which may be purely yellow, cream, or distinctly pink. These here are creamy yellow with red spottings on upper half inside; filaments & style same as corolla. Extreme base owtside, pink. Indumentum bright rusty fawn. In rhodo.forest, usually on cliffs or very steep banks. Those marked 18890A. are distinctly pink. Otherwise similar. L.S.& H. 18890 R. firk (o Det. D. G. Long xX -& i = Te K. Mt 0A. e York. f Determinavit EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICT FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don deteJeHitchinson & G.Taylor 1949-50 Locality Rudo La. (E.side) Altitude 11,500"12,000ft. Date 1805e1949 Shrubs 1ft.lft. In rhododendron forest, usually on cliffs or very steep banks : ( continuation of floral notes separate) F, LupLow, G. SHERRIFF, &J.H. Hicks No. 18890 x] ro > — o 7) 2 a) = Da ‘= > roy ° (2) M@Q0589
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502910
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i Chetek ia inci a Det. D.G. Long Su, (19 FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron flinckii Davidian Bumthang District: Bumthang--Ura-- Geyzing Chu On steep bank 3m shrub. Buds bright pink, flowers pale yellow and pink. For comparison with 1011 Note irregular leaves and thi N cker indumentum. Upper side powdery. Alt. 3385m 2 May 1994 S. Bowes Lyon No. 10012 copyright reserved a © w g g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502911
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO © wy fav) a g =i copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron flinckii Davidian Bumthang: On road Jakar to Ura, 16 km before URA, 8 km beyond TANGSIBI On cliffs in mixed forest zone Shrub; leaves with a good lanate tomentum; flowers pink Alt. c. 11600 7 May 1987 K. Rushforth No. 1234
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron flinckii Davidian
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01502912
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oD 0 wn 2g g g = Hedegaard B Li2 Rhododendron lanatum Hooker f. Coll. C. BHUTAN, Umta Tso Long. ca 90°12’ E Lat. ca 27°39" N ie ee sy ) <. {inch Pvidic— Alt, ca 4700 m 7 ais Hedegaark 1982 Det. D. F. Chamberlain §=/ 99 ¢/ copyright reserved O47 os s ~ {4 KG. k Le Is vl of ( P { he et. D. F. Chamberlain 1G gy Cv Hedegaard B 112 Rhododendron lanatum Hooker f. Coll. C. BHUTAN, Umta Tso | Long. ca 90°12’ E ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ; nae EDINBURGH Lat. ca 27 39° N KUALA A. © 4100 igs Teigaanl | { z (Od OB @as 9 E01502912 Fphauned ( va (982 he
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