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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron aeruginosum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Hooker, J.D.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Possible Type of Rhododendron campanulatum var. aeruginosum (Hook.f.) Cowan & Davidian
Barcode: E00010382
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= R fap enulee in “eS ee Subse. AR MBO SI (Ioeh / ) Chat Det. D. F. Chamberlain /977 Hert Sad. be. Hock fel Veemsen: [tlecdt Chictf accel ce loge Lewd, (Cee 4 Cece 2eet, | el es eis aa Kegue z iZZ, ED Am” eae SI ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IQ copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron arboreum × campanulatum Sm.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507320
No label status given
MeQG0589 xo] ® Pa I c) 7) 4 al <= io = > 2 ° oO Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Ex Herbario Musei Britannici a LSU Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don (a form ) Solu Khol: Ly Tae Egt @ Ts 33 s ° 5 e 1 A RhoLodenk x wwboreu or be {atom ou x7 Cam pan fatnn ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Flowers mauvish-white. ar EDINBURGH Det. D. F. Chamberlain 474 0M J.D.A.Stainton Noe 454.0
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron barbatum × campanulatum Wall. ex G.Don
Collection date: 11th April 1996
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: W07 - Lower Woodland Garden - W07
Verbatim garden collecting location: W07:Woodland Garden
Barcode: E00269176
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19760142B
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collector/Expedition: Wallich, N.
Collection number: 756A
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Possible Type of Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Barcode: E00010381
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ROYAL BOTANIC ) Fs copyright reserved ) pee Whe & pn 7StA, Crh p doy Paulk oud perenne) * ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NIN
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collector/Expedition: Botanical Expedition to Himalaya (1985),
Collection number: 8572176
Collection date: 2nd September 1985
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00269623
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00589 A sample has been removed for SEM preparation for: C onienss Chomoawar Fonde| Sent to: = Date: 200 Ref.No: 1 2OQ\ -€ FA ig % ro] o Pe i“ i 77 o I oad om = he Pa) eo fe) oO Ex Herbario Universitatis Tokyoensis Botanical Expedition to Himalaya, 1985 University of Tokyo(TI) and Department of Medicinal Plants(KATH) Rhodoc Pror ty > large capsules. In shrubberies 2 m tall, [86°35'E 27°40'N--86°36'E 27°37'N) ; E. Nepal: Sagarmatha Zone, Solukhumbu Distr., Beni Kharka(3970m) ee --Sarkari Pati(3350m). EDINBURGH H.Ohba, M.Wakabayashi, M.Suzuki, £00269623 N Kurosaki, K.R.Rajbhandari & S.K.Wu 8 ll C1 a rT we ~ij cD
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collector/Expedition: Kirkpatrick, G.
Collection number: 47
Collection date: 28th May 1990
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00269622
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@Q0589 we edhe: 2 es Vals. Rejib Goson , Sepl, 204 copyright reserved FLORAOF S(KKiIM NAME Rhocloclenttron OTe 2-2on tocaLity Reuke from. Thampsing fe zongrt HABITAT Opin mood) ALT. (keooft . i ae uf A lof Flanes pode mare /rilale, bell shaper, gyro teal pregehe. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A sample has been removed for SEM preparation for: Farm Chandan Youdet ; DATE 25 May /110 Sent to: & Date: ‘ j ll | TT | | | | Ih Ne eK. || eet cotecror §. Kk pall wh REF.NO. 4.7
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collector/Expedition: Stainton, J.D.A., Sykes, W.R. & Williams, L.H.J.
Collection number: 235
Collection date: 26th April 1954
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00269621
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Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF NEPAL Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don Tarakhola, west of Beni. Recorded for Flora of Nepal by ae Beneath forest trees. Shrub of 15ft. Flowers pale mauve. Underside of leaf brown. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH A sample has been removed for SE preparation Sent to: Date: ‘ : ; : “ | ‘fee “Why 200% STAINTON, SYKES & WILLIAMS No, 235. E00269621 Bet Nor yey, 4 7% { Alte 9,500ft. 26. 4. 195k. ROYAL BOTANIC (oP. a0) ON EDINBURGH EG copyright reserved | O) 0 gn fax) s = © a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collector/Expedition: Chamberlain, D.F.
Collection number: 158A
Collection date: 30th April 1975
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00269618
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0327 ke] oO > = ® o o — cm 2 — > 2 ° ° FLORA OF INDIA (HiMAcHAL PRADESH) NAME Afhodeckndron campanule linn ED EDo x LOCALITY ates fuss A sample has been removed for S preparation ha dees , for: Ram Cnandra Youcde\ HABITAT umd Quercus Sent to: & Date: Soly 2wo¥ ] Ref. No: \2O\ « 76 REMARKS Jpee ¢- Bw j i OAT Ed SS) AVE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iH 618 MTA ae ta UI 9 Or EECTORM ICL aecdan| Cans Rer. No. ])$&e Pp
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collector/Expedition: Stainton, J.D.A., Sykes, W.R. & Williams, L.H.J.
Collection number: 4071
Collection date: 13th May 1952
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00269617
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A sample has been removed for SEM preparation for: Laws Chandiarm foudel Sent to: Date: Ref. No: aia 2008 120\ * ZW Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF NEPAL FLORA OF NEPAL in coniferous f Leaves olive Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh r nae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH www.floraofnepal.org | | [ oe . WO fe ee SL. BI, Wee £00269617 O. Potuntn, W. R. SyKes & L. H. J. WILLIAMS ROYAL BOTANIC PW ed EDINBURGH EG copyright reserved a | a |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 9
Collection date: 25th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294810
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19800205E
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 11
Collection date: 25th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294812
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19942750C
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 25
Collection date: 26th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294805
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620908A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 26
Collection date: 27th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294806
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620940C
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 28
Collection date: 27th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294796
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620937D
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 30
Collection date: 27th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294790
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19720858C
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 32
Collection date: 27th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294792
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19800205A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 34
Collection date: 27th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294785
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620908A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 37
Collection date: 27th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294839
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19720857D
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 39
Collection date: 28th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: F18 - Nepalese Bed Gallery Brae - Edinburgh
Verbatim garden collecting location: F18:Rhododendron Walk
Barcode: E00294840
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19790211B
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 45
Collection date: 30th April 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH4 - Lower Fernery Road West - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH4:Benmore
Barcode: E00294845
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19568238G
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 46
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294846
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19720858A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 48
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294847
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19720857E
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 49
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294848
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19760149B
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 50
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294849
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19740714A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 51
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294783
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620908B
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 56
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294832
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620911B
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 57
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YH6 - North - east of upper fernery turnaround - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YH6:Benmore
Barcode: E00294833
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620937E
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 58
Collection date: 1st May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YA1 - North Avenue West - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YA1:Benmore
Barcode: E00294834
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19620937F
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 60
Collection date: 15th May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: V02 - Buildings, Main Access and Azalea Terrace - Dawyck
Verbatim garden collecting location: V02:DBG: Buildings, Main Access and Azalea Terrace
Barcode: E00294836
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19760740C
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron campanulatum D.Don
Collection number: 64
Collection date: 15th May 2008
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: V02 - Buildings, Main Access and Azalea Terrace - Dawyck
Verbatim garden collecting location: V02:Dbg: Buildings, Main Access and Azalea Terrace
Barcode: E00294787
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19800205B
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