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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Hooker, J.D.
Collection date: 1849
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Isotype of Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Barcode: E00010250
Label data completely captured
oe 14y61Adoo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE Wun : E0001025 | Merb Sud. Oh, Mock, fil Themasent, | joo Jian lAiicdted afl bicte, & © / S a p-/t220 flo sag ZL
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Cooper, R.E.
Collection number: 3959
Collection date: 8th June 1915
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Syntype of Rhododendron cooperi Balf.f.
Barcode: E00010251
Label data completely captured
SYN FLORA OF BHUTAN. Locality Yuden, Gumaen leroy Date | | iS, Altitude ote Remarks No. 39 Sq. Oe ae wang Us = vine Srnatt Cvel Aan Lm Keb, COOPER, Collector for A. K. BULLEY, Esq., CHESHIRE. xe] A . ® ” 4 ae <= ©] c= ey Qa. ° oO/ is: — Y AF pa Litter ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, : y KEW, SURREY. All communicationsShould ee to ) /) 2. se THE DIRECTOR. Naty hata fir lhe Grok peeens. y/X. loggers 5 prot ls MG Qa Colon fro J FO Canslboyf Germ P fase 22m. 00 muck range uf extan Us Doar. Wee PAN ERE fede. od. teal i ieee EU Af pve. 02, CUR : hw. , Ka hipo Yrstack ah hay ad Cann o frre tor ipe 1: Us Fels Aergh hells (x: 72) Arts kvcleaie had te mare Ses Ba lips, fy Iottl Yrore 23 3} 9 10 copyright reservedthen parkel rrengome ti arene TROAGAA bee ey ae of K canelhireftine rood fe ylabroo a te Gf 44 wean Knoak, allhinyh Sorbo, mation us uorhts ff Lh Fk a: ths davorplen 7 ang a Foalieee ha. Radel Poh Pts Thies Ee Ea Hoch. f. coffins esreblns fance cbrne villosa Conk oles frrcke © Que ase txnctt, Mie Sana 0 Baths ok MeNhaps Yo are Sammie bt 4 he pe DM iia te gee eet he Cu, Mo Dyrbimn way nh Celene “Meat de \ ae abl (hs lima! Pema kK Sabckiyk tite We byps br fot ter: eg Con plat cm tal BS Cortisol mpm ao a ei ys tae PORK oy “EeBin Dn wey Aevey a a a oe Yopcts, Mavaal tt R aay, Inmch ar Dohrta kan Me ts Yh bee 5 3} 9 10 copyright reserved. % 2 1 « o ” " re y e2a0 j > under ecim g $ : * * cy & r* . Ait) 7 ¢ os 7h ¢F % Z RAIS .f pS NA Pp & ¥ © + oa oe OFF { av. — - : , " PMaEOs « - we? =f @ we “Wiig Pd a ° A tn, 3 re " ' ‘ } . oy} e 4 4 ¢ 5 : Vea 7 ‘ ‘ , t é.7} a i aé at 4+ + ; + ‘ - a t * y ‘ ) he aes % ¥ & el as ae Ni Wed a & » af tle @ % : s 4 + * £'7 Fad 25 Ce e de : ne * 2 e > . & ; . she «, » § a pe - a, * , a <2 . * zat, 4 4 € < Hopes 4 hue ae dh ‘ » ad r 2 = - 4, £ 4. [ £ £ i . e ‘ 5 i é d ‘ . * Mi ad & Me § o> <x r r ra’ fs ‘ i @ oo if a ; ane ; oie 7 yore weg 4 cn eh j' * os £ s st ‘ . gy whe be . ’ awe ree a ~ . a 6 VF , € barr Yj H f ) 7; s f t @ \ + i] 4 + > t oe « a de SD ok i * mo vee) he? de ‘ © 4 . “ . , ia tes ‘ 4 i 1 oO i i Hi i Li Pp : Le i ¢ C2} ‘ 4 dik awe 2 é . a ds a 7 él = 4 . *¥ + $ $ m 2 ; we Ph) Wey ; | £ ry es i ¢ > 4 ey ae 4s on Paver a de w té f £ « die Wa iS Le \a A dhe Co} = souiipesstahnennmennncescrnann .siliaemeninieitincne . + c ‘ r = . * . “~ % + ‘ a 4 o f ¥ } . f 1 TE Ps é ci 2 2. i b 3ad z ares 460 i) a . on + “eee hints @iwmee #4 - @ ‘ © 7 . ry oo § : e 4 ¢ > op | € af ‘ a * Ay Ab Us bs as Gd LI j (ok . : 8 i tad ” ¢ 4 " : + * . ! we LA “> ‘ be t w 2% we < & m the e es ee rr wits FP ea « {Tne a a ‘ é esw es ‘ t i i « a4 z » * sy 4% \ eer : > . fas om cere BO £* oun i my 4 - 4 i iy x ! + ie obs 89 Ca oh 4 a & a . whe 8 O < po . ‘ 8 2 ce r% . : eh te ’ wh am > . . i ’ © ive asret IG i BA fy u i 2 y Y? ference % . } = A t 04 wt ee y . ¢ i. P & d ‘ & > , ‘ t é 4 © : 2% ; * Lert it * 3 , be ei r Ag rs ¥° > gs . a am . & 2 “~* ° ¥ 4 , 6 tALiL ear & * ’ 4 2 £2 : 4 bs ih GLb oS € no é ¢ eee ‘ vt 4 . * f +. 4 ign © ¢ Ps é és & A 4 oe & VW ‘ L@8 as € © 3 > "Od 3 2am yy? t ron ¢ he {ree hrs oe . of > P+ 5 t & & ° de \ teen ate 4 et 44 “¢ as ’ A j ; rus i . cA t xis zt I 7 aide i } : - yer AT Wee we . 2 Vd i 5 i . ot oe ; A ko ; : , ry : f ’ ri 4 es " 5 am « 2 - ‘ de ’ oh t em prac ponent a0 viene « eh t. crs & « A a> “we ¢ ta & %3 ele ¢ i 4 Rel fo et nF ¢) y* é ifour, : C te : . is 6 me, J °2 > de LAL } a ; gti. p LOT f i alts Of LLC ee +4 e sa > ; } i¢ TA a ; ; :6 : i Ri € ? O33 «J te tS ? ¥s m ¥ ‘ ‘ >” & . : . + *. « - . . » " : on ‘* phic of : ' ; os ' i J 4 4 » d rigs i 4 3 H wr a. a ~ i cts ” : ¥ 7 ' gy , 7 : : t i 3 oe : ‘ ty Vi - 2 : i ® ” n 7 , 4 » hr : > Grant] — 4 ’ . hens 4 4 > s4 12 : ‘’ + 5 Ls . ye J a . Pia Og &€ « ,c ad : 4 ‘ > Aten * ese oth 09 os yes 4 1 ‘ r . “2 ia ' “ 3 . “ ¥ i . L 23 LA, aa ¥ a Ch i Be ' ~ : ; ‘ . - , - ‘ ‘ $ . i _ i whe ‘ Ay wa iD } fi 2 cd ‘ a & 4 4 es 4 st . - . ey ‘ ~3% \ * / » vii © er de & VE. de f Be! - 4 ; ®& J ° one + Me “ % $. ; di es @8 tne i10i ; : d, ' La rr Suriace & 7} >< , & 7 ot o l oy et os or en t A ? a é be 4 daw & ei] \ : é ay by £ 4 5 am +. oy . . 4 " _—- ? & thu 4 su 4 } d I 3 LGU 2 &Q ‘ Lt U \ side the les yes ere ses Ler % < ites wee + SA AT e Lei ES & Z Cs J re i ee i e ! € > PUCELAY 5 € Y 404 aie eT 2 oy ee So + + tit rae ¢ “ ey ve Ps & 4 pe SY Att ANS lo es 4 a WJ Gh u ‘ € i 4QQzricgeG OD tn Yo pee annsttorea a i . ~a nmiraw #2 nd fe i &F cme se Kee f LOG 3 3 i gi f — 4d Wd hits @ on} =A = 4 , . ¢ 7. *% ¥ « ' < Ya } a 2 &€ rt) A c i < mu ¥ Con al ed = @ po tan ? om ve - : df % 9 ie ate . o, oh ~” £ a i awe “ FARIS & . A i wt & ) , Ps ' ) { “aolour i é ‘izht one, the Owe are few in a + ii ny hewn es " 4 enw oe ar ; ‘ % é , * 3 . we e ; a oF t , 4 f t / AO i ° Pe LA 3 Ui ‘ are > 4 ee ~ ‘ 4 . = , i ‘as 5 , :¥ r ‘ » Pry ; 4 “ w a 2 oF J L a4 La « i a a ©E ha WF PEt om roy % ‘ co . 12 he ir : 7 yates to > Wtk¢ d i a cig hus re 1 ee. UW CLG Gna are imua. } i eve” 7: 5 > time + ie es ix +” & » 3 . € ae hek oe eee 3 PiJU bh 0 aawe ; Le ro ro . ‘¢ Lh eh } s . a Kw en ra a 2 3 & VLE “LOVOG 1 oe ¢€ £ , ! € woh + 5 ' 7 oe ‘ a aa 2S AY ’ E si343 lid J a aA KO DP 2 sates 22 . _ ‘ ’ + { oe i + UG t 2 Bik J c ‘ £8 i & 4 ¥ re a , “| ox * § é. m z on 4 de ib Clea Bh VES -§ de 2 > i ; f ¢ t i Og RN TC nae ee CNR Srideedia eettieteal a oa j i 23 lose ts + 2 } mae 4 + q ce ? 4 > ¢3 7 7 5 ALOS3 CL05' & { 12 \ Tis 7 eT wee ‘te bones ohn whe € ab te t 4 2. Wes} we * - iS @ — _ % aw . Ps bing « ae + 4 ' : 4 : s é pi i > : > : Levy - ne £ a RA LADY, die Soe & » + de € a iC \ « he ' . i < a x i? dhe © oe , * ¥ nee ey , os “ $ y i » ¥ £ * b> €4é4 < > , a , * ‘ mitaw the § 3: ae ee ; ® MLeY OF pb €LI : 1c? fer=Y,Wi=S-1- 3 MLO Le] BL Ve [ele ao. Ure t 2b oo <2 2241 e g, 4 + “a : } ’ 4 Cea ¥ ‘ ) Cus Ve et ed TAsS « 18 nt we a ‘ + ‘ 4 . nem ‘ ey cy ¢ “y } ; : Ss a . * é i> , ‘ ’ be on Rt a ‘ 4, . . ; eo? } . ; ; oe # s 4 eb ry te p oe LS why oe de ° oe A % on y £34 , ‘ ’ . 4 . ex ' os p &d i c 4 , : OO per 4 a * a Be a , a? LIS S esas j 4 wi ¢ oe é “ [ ms a sE5 ; oP & 4 . 2 a . a . flo pened. > Le e ant, of the flc rs of oh a yt £ He ; 7 YY ¥ “ 69 ¢3 £ i 9% + a ‘ ; j pass ds ; ; Py 4 oe Aha } ~ : " * <a « ‘ ~ 5 % > he SF Ad , é é f > Li Wy rowtnh ‘ we > * Vea hea + 5 ; t dads {? =" wa ¢ > 4 4 7 ‘ TA 2 + gaa fu pIETELSA © ad ob & a? Ai, de aft Le (elif Lh 6 a b i g. } 5 c as ek. » ¥ $ tA we tate 4 ial > - . 4 £ > : ¢ * ‘ he ¥ 1 j o ne, 5 e. + p d « aby ale 4 4 bt Read a , a f iwods sanien 4 ow oe 4 i PAY) \ 4% ' 4 ny f 3 & #3 é * i ety yt ¢ | Paty an Re, { Dar 4 + & “ Me WER ade ai : J s é i ete meee ‘ + f be rE oh ey Ua & Gao not A ¥) ;% 5 ot t+ 3 s4 "y ; aa oe ah “ bad oe é « he de A é " 4 s 4 4 , 5 . * « : ; ; % a e b+ an es + - » 4 ; bs oe : 4 * * ae ' £ ; ; = ~ iL : tA a AON he e e 5 Me 3 Li i 1tS " } f APS Tit y enty % re , 3 . i & wh 5 us o fe* Ff RHODODENDRON COOPERI, Balf. f. ‘Ww D trtrndnine wel Mak Wie Wn, Lt Jw Oem om 6\— Ow Ute [Min bo Halas aalain (ofin et te Vitam Bo Sint RS. , Seetpte tw tf {bots “as Sn Eo og \ 3 4 s 4 wt bk os a) we i) tw. Wwiwhir i J en Nu = <a ; " Cooper obtained a third plant of this alliance in fruit only the field 2 s ( ticket of which runs 'Parshong Timpu. Alt. 10,500 ft. xxxxxx#No, 3506% “nA dy ¢ It has a strong resemblance to Rh. Cooperi but there are slight Me Dna differences in foliage that make me hesitate over identifying it with that species. It may be only Rh. Camelliaeflorum. We have seedlings raised from seed taken from Cooper's specimans and when they flower a Ms Ceyal Wb decision of the point will be possible. If the plant is Rh. Cooperi a the description of fruit which I have given will attach to thddiagnosis a = ? C>v06) of Rh. Cooperi = + young plant of this Cooper number flowered/for the — : - first time in the beginning of June this year and there is no doubt it is the same as Cooper's 3959. Two other plants growing under Cooper numbers have this year flowered for the first time also and are so like the Cooper 3506 plant that in spite of minor differences of foliage and of time of flowering I am forced to regard them as the same speciese Both are growing under wrong numbers,i.e. they do not match the herbarium specimens of the same numbers , x ©) cy) > oa ® ”) ® Bee vows oa Roy - a ok \e) Oo x» ae ioe Notes of Roy.Bot. Gard. Edin. Vol. X. (1947) p,o2. OO _——V<—V3VXn'nrnl ea iene a= = an sean The plamts are from two to three feet high and the species as they represent it,,promises to be a freely branched shrub less straggling Gu. in habit than Rh. Es An foliage and in tme manner of bearing its flowers mm #& essentially of the Rh. camelliaeflorum types wok how we ew sas Wt bale Makinlnr = oul . Karts Mi Nin LOW Wha Latin Ve vw dw wie arnliw ww du aN e a ‘ ~ f ey - Q ow WW Wwe www Lev Nea JIWiV b ow we Ww Mem WW SY 0 real ann Vo and : \ : , Cw plac OANA wn ) Bi, BD Wan Wa OA QVaret lolf 3% redlilg Une! or Gm HAF a. enchie Maret y MON {aed er. Apri) Ch oo ie bone Ly , Me UAwrerw lex note. 3. wo ane in QLavn Che Rusu: ii Mn fect “btn al: bre Now YUNA {) () ( () » Owns WW ht A Weer Cv WY = CA wn CL ut AD “a ~ 7 ~ ( Ma ae AnyA- Anna SLLow “, Sot atl. bo A SS ay “Ie Z \ ‘ ( - C e hereon de Do ieerltctapeettnliralicticcst) SMa, ¢ Rian: Lnw ww bwe Lars. ~d si \ L V . e. \~ ( - A my ie ® — a XW Sain J Wie o wet KA OM LAY ” a Uw pe CA OY Jv af Vw ob jo Le AA we uw AM V SA Via a \ Ay Cre | bin y Yous 7 ot fe Ad Mie Awe 19 6 ne OMAS ty MAHA N An sy FUNK Qcare i Vata bi < AWM Oe COA “WW \ YY | ~ Loin Cte Wwe Of Vi MAMA QM AC ) XL Own 7 NLOwW hf bas Sti Ihde Orne or: reap Owes om mtily (Wa gh ome w Al shvenadl me dalek i We ww awe Xu. Lravyin At Sw A ocolly A ~ \nen- (, a m9 We i \ LAr « ( oe , Lakin (nN — cw Rl” WW) aA, ha at Ae OU poronacs, MHL iS lorie QtoMinw Acote d Tain tnd” - OAL Wir Unfrrmmun, ont u p , hy. tolde—— ta We Saw wos | Dow Maty He a Dee bas 5. OM? Whe Ste Us Cen Male Ma TWlow crltw 1% wil—n Drege ont flee Vous au ‘ows ww te es _ We % day Ov worm 09 at 5 ie aa Terk Nabe’ vi Unilin Boat muti, Male al- Yur- a Garett Le, . we tr ly pvane tol Into Oellien Onl Grads Oey Ke ster vets ating. Gam fort Aubew Ak One ae ag vane willl 3} : 10 copyright reserved ..- =—-/“a > mr on dion malin Ma Wewns an cotta attroubire Yn Crralla a Teup wr wham Oy Awd Un, Opt Oe. Wry Pein ge Cam Ub aiklinrun wd Spe oa hy Quit eave ow of bin m winktel Acolts wun One Wee Wire Onn Hpi ww Macnn 5 a Qcole oo, MMe Cre Ha on Qi . Commer 9 Line wm : “Ve Becolie dl ww wes col Clan ons 1 “Vee Vite . VOW E - L andy ae we amt XSvaa ata he ee BF Core flan a Pe about an inch to an inch and a quarter across. The stamens, usually ten, exceed slightly in length the corolla tube and their thick purple filaments have dense tufts of hairs mie pentane of with the hairi- ness of the throat of the corolla give a circular 'eye"' of white soft hairiness within the flower cup. This makes a pleasing contrast to the deep colour of the corolla lobes. Then again the anthers are large and of a bright orange-brown. The hairs of ‘the stamens conceal the. : gate (caning 3 Ud, 1 ws } 7 : shert green densely lepidote ovary. 2 fine short thick permple style: ss io { Come purple cel» aw @ petits Waewye Xa LeAirns ant we curved as in Rh. cameliiaeflorum so that the discoid stigma lies close to the corolla or is thrust between its lobes "ip betlctnrtmer tries + Two of the plants had the young leaves tinted.a rich purple-bronze on the third be hE light gre omag phe bronzed plants flowered earlier and had slightly smaller flowers than the other which is a larger and altogether sturdier looking plant with stouter branches and broader leaves less curved at’ the margins. The plants showed differences also in the time of making new growth and in the relationship of this to the time of flowering. The first plant to flower, a form with: tae bronzed foliage (Cooper, 3506) had young shoots as much as six inches long when the first flowers opened yy The largeff plant, of the flowers of wi akin which I give a photograph, was three es flowering and the blooms were aiready open when the buds of the new zresth. were bextiniad to on Up. individuals but they suggest that we may be dealing with forms cultur- AWW tenho ally Gaeteeeret. Cptombec bY ord- frre (rae ee : Rh Cooperi is certainly interisting Kcemeeierse but I do not think expand. These features may not be permanently characteristic of the it. will. prove very attractive horticulturally, nor’ is it tobe expected that it will be quite hardy. The Edinburgh plants flowered in ®e open framesbut they were protected through the winter. | | | . on 7 10 Ss) ) copyright reserved
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Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collection number: 309
Collection date: 25th June 2002
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YS7 - Glen Massan: steep slope overlooking bhutanese pavilion to west (Bhutan) - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YS7:Benmore
Barcode: E00269940
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19842001B
Label data completely captured
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Cooper, R.E.
Collection number: 4083
Collection date: 1st July 1915
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Syntype of Rhododendron cooperi Balf.f.
Barcode: E00314455
Label data completely captured
rey=y,¥ [-}=1-3 MT cele 7. * o. SINTIPE js a te Paratype K comeltinftrnum Hoot, (ugga . "° t 76 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH eterminavit ‘ | | E00314455 a LW kT A 5 7 Lor rat. Locality Votelo Cag aay Date \/ ? [es Slee 3 - anal Remarks No... ASKA 4-4" Lephutéc trot, m Wen Hc epur Cee Ceioe ute och ae R. E. COOPER, Collector for A. K. BULLEY, Esgq., CHESHIRE./ is: — Y AF pa Litter ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, : y KEW, SURREY. All communicationsShould ee to ) /) 2. se THE DIRECTOR. Naty hata fir lhe Grok peeens. y/X. loggers 5 prot ls MG Qa Colon fro J FO Canslboyf Germ P fase 22m. 00 muck range uf extan Us Doar. Wee PAN ERE fede. od. teal i ieee EU Af pve. 02, CUR : hw. , Ka hipo Yrstack ah hay ad Cann o frre tor ipe 1: Us Fels Aergh hells (x: 72) Arts kvcleaie had te mare Ses Ba lips, fy Iottl Yrore 23 3} 9 10 copyright reservedthen parkel rrengome ti arene TROAGAA bee ey ae of K canelhireftine rood fe ylabroo a te Gf 44 wean Knoak, allhinyh Sorbo, mation us uorhts ff Lh Fk a: ths davorplen 7 ang a Foalieee ha. Radel Poh Pts Thies Ee Ea Hoch. f. coffins esreblns fance cbrne villosa Conk oles frrcke © Que ase txnctt, Mie Sana 0 Baths ok MeNhaps Yo are Sammie bt 4 he pe DM iia te gee eet he Cu, Mo Dyrbimn way nh Celene “Meat de \ ae abl (hs lima! Pema kK Sabckiyk tite We byps br fot ter: eg Con plat cm tal BS Cortisol mpm ao a ei ys tae PORK oy “EeBin Dn wey Aevey a a a oe Yopcts, Mavaal tt R aay, Inmch ar Dohrta kan Me ts Yh bee 5 3} 9 10 copyright reserved. % 2 1 « o ” " re y e2a0 j > under ecim g $ : * * cy & r* . Ait) 7 ¢ os 7h ¢F % Z RAIS .f pS NA Pp & ¥ © + oa oe OFF { av. — - : , " PMaEOs « - we? =f @ we “Wiig Pd a ° A tn, 3 re " ' ‘ } . oy} e 4 4 ¢ 5 : Vea 7 ‘ ‘ , t é.7} a i aé at 4+ + ; + ‘ - a t * y ‘ ) he aes % ¥ & el as ae Ni Wed a & » af tle @ % : s 4 + * £'7 Fad 25 Ce e de : ne * 2 e > . & ; . she «, » § a pe - a, * , a <2 . * zat, 4 4 € < Hopes 4 hue ae dh ‘ » ad r 2 = - 4, £ 4. [ £ £ i . e ‘ 5 i é d ‘ . * Mi ad & Me § o> <x r r ra’ fs ‘ i @ oo if a ; ane ; oie 7 yore weg 4 cn eh j' * os £ s st ‘ . gy whe be . ’ awe ree a ~ . a 6 VF , € barr Yj H f ) 7; s f t @ \ + i] 4 + > t oe « a de SD ok i * mo vee) he? de ‘ © 4 . “ . , ia tes ‘ 4 i 1 oO i i Hi i Li Pp : Le i ¢ C2} ‘ 4 dik awe 2 é . a ds a 7 él = 4 . *¥ + $ $ m 2 ; we Ph) Wey ; | £ ry es i ¢ > 4 ey ae 4s on Paver a de w té f £ « die Wa iS Le \a A dhe Co} = souiipesstahnennmennncescrnann .siliaemeninieitincne . + c ‘ r = . * . “~ % + ‘ a 4 o f ¥ } . f 1 TE Ps é ci 2 2. i b 3ad z ares 460 i) a . on + “eee hints @iwmee #4 - @ ‘ © 7 . ry oo § : e 4 ¢ > op | € af ‘ a * Ay Ab Us bs as Gd LI j (ok . : 8 i tad ” ¢ 4 " : + * . ! we LA “> ‘ be t w 2% we < & m the e es ee rr wits FP ea « {Tne a a ‘ é esw es ‘ t i i « a4 z » * sy 4% \ eer : > . fas om cere BO £* oun i my 4 - 4 i iy x ! + ie obs 89 Ca oh 4 a & a . whe 8 O < po . ‘ 8 2 ce r% . : eh te ’ wh am > . . i ’ © ive asret IG i BA fy u i 2 y Y? ference % . } = A t 04 wt ee y . ¢ i. P & d ‘ & > , ‘ t é 4 © : 2% ; * Lert it * 3 , be ei r Ag rs ¥° > gs . a am . & 2 “~* ° ¥ 4 , 6 tALiL ear & * ’ 4 2 £2 : 4 bs ih GLb oS € no é ¢ eee ‘ vt 4 . * f +. 4 ign © ¢ Ps é és & A 4 oe & VW ‘ L@8 as € © 3 > "Od 3 2am yy? t ron ¢ he {ree hrs oe . of > P+ 5 t & & ° de \ teen ate 4 et 44 “¢ as ’ A j ; rus i . cA t xis zt I 7 aide i } : - yer AT Wee we . 2 Vd i 5 i . ot oe ; A ko ; : , ry : f ’ ri 4 es " 5 am « 2 - ‘ de ’ oh t em prac ponent a0 viene « eh t. crs & « A a> “we ¢ ta & %3 ele ¢ i 4 Rel fo et nF ¢) y* é ifour, : C te : . is 6 me, J °2 > de LAL } a ; gti. p LOT f i alts Of LLC ee +4 e sa > ; } i¢ TA a ; ; :6 : i Ri € ? O33 «J te tS ? ¥s m ¥ ‘ ‘ >” & . : . + *. « - . . » " : on ‘* phic of : ' ; os ' i J 4 4 » d rigs i 4 3 H wr a. a ~ i cts ” : ¥ 7 ' gy , 7 : : t i 3 oe : ‘ ty Vi - 2 : i ® ” n 7 , 4 » hr : > Grant] — 4 ’ . hens 4 4 > s4 12 : ‘’ + 5 Ls . ye J a . Pia Og &€ « ,c ad : 4 ‘ > Aten * ese oth 09 os yes 4 1 ‘ r . “2 ia ' “ 3 . “ ¥ i . L 23 LA, aa ¥ a Ch i Be ' ~ : ; ‘ . - , - ‘ ‘ $ . i _ i whe ‘ Ay wa iD } fi 2 cd ‘ a & 4 4 es 4 st . - . ey ‘ ~3% \ * / » vii © er de & VE. de f Be! - 4 ; ®& J ° one + Me “ % $. ; di es @8 tne i10i ; : d, ' La rr Suriace & 7} >< , & 7 ot o l oy et os or en t A ? a é be 4 daw & ei] \ : é ay by £ 4 5 am +. oy . . 4 " _—- ? & thu 4 su 4 } d I 3 LGU 2 &Q ‘ Lt U \ side the les yes ere ses Ler % < ites wee + SA AT e Lei ES & Z Cs J re i ee i e ! € > PUCELAY 5 € Y 404 aie eT 2 oy ee So + + tit rae ¢ “ ey ve Ps & 4 pe SY Att ANS lo es 4 a WJ Gh u ‘ € i 4QQzricgeG OD tn Yo pee annsttorea a i . ~a nmiraw #2 nd fe i &F cme se Kee f LOG 3 3 i gi f — 4d Wd hits @ on} =A = 4 , . ¢ 7. *% ¥ « ' < Ya } a 2 &€ rt) A c i < mu ¥ Con al ed = @ po tan ? om ve - : df % 9 ie ate . o, oh ~” £ a i awe “ FARIS & . A i wt & ) , Ps ' ) { “aolour i é ‘izht one, the Owe are few in a + ii ny hewn es " 4 enw oe ar ; ‘ % é , * 3 . we e ; a oF t , 4 f t / AO i ° Pe LA 3 Ui ‘ are > 4 ee ~ ‘ 4 . = , i ‘as 5 , :¥ r ‘ » Pry ; 4 “ w a 2 oF J L a4 La « i a a ©E ha WF PEt om roy % ‘ co . 12 he ir : 7 yates to > Wtk¢ d i a cig hus re 1 ee. UW CLG Gna are imua. } i eve” 7: 5 > time + ie es ix +” & » 3 . € ae hek oe eee 3 PiJU bh 0 aawe ; Le ro ro . ‘¢ Lh eh } s . a Kw en ra a 2 3 & VLE “LOVOG 1 oe ¢€ £ , ! € woh + 5 ' 7 oe ‘ a aa 2S AY ’ E si343 lid J a aA KO DP 2 sates 22 . _ ‘ ’ + { oe i + UG t 2 Bik J c ‘ £8 i & 4 ¥ re a , “| ox * § é. m z on 4 de ib Clea Bh VES -§ de 2 > i ; f ¢ t i Og RN TC nae ee CNR Srideedia eettieteal a oa j i 23 lose ts + 2 } mae 4 + q ce ? 4 > ¢3 7 7 5 ALOS3 CL05' & { 12 \ Tis 7 eT wee ‘te bones ohn whe € ab te t 4 2. Wes} we * - iS @ — _ % aw . Ps bing « ae + 4 ' : 4 : s é pi i > : > : Levy - ne £ a RA LADY, die Soe & » + de € a iC \ « he ' . i < a x i? dhe © oe , * ¥ nee ey , os “ $ y i » ¥ £ * b> €4é4 < > , a , * ‘ mitaw the § 3: ae ee ; ® MLeY OF pb €LI : 1c? fer=Y,Wi=S-1- 3 MLO Le] BL Ve [ele ao. Ure t 2b oo <2 2241 e g, 4 + “a : } ’ 4 Cea ¥ ‘ ) Cus Ve et ed TAsS « 18 nt we a ‘ + ‘ 4 . nem ‘ ey cy ¢ “y } ; : Ss a . * é i> , ‘ ’ be on Rt a ‘ 4, . . ; eo? } . ; ; oe # s 4 eb ry te p oe LS why oe de ° oe A % on y £34 , ‘ ’ . 4 . ex ' os p &d i c 4 , : OO per 4 a * a Be a , a? LIS S esas j 4 wi ¢ oe é “ [ ms a sE5 ; oP & 4 . 2 a . a . flo pened. > Le e ant, of the flc rs of oh a yt £ He ; 7 YY ¥ “ 69 ¢3 £ i 9% + a ‘ ; j pass ds ; ; Py 4 oe Aha } ~ : " * <a « ‘ ~ 5 % > he SF Ad , é é f > Li Wy rowtnh ‘ we > * Vea hea + 5 ; t dads {? =" wa ¢ > 4 4 7 ‘ TA 2 + gaa fu pIETELSA © ad ob & a? Ai, de aft Le (elif Lh 6 a b i g. } 5 c as ek. » ¥ $ tA we tate 4 ial > - . 4 £ > : ¢ * ‘ he ¥ 1 j o ne, 5 e. + p d « aby ale 4 4 bt Read a , a f iwods sanien 4 ow oe 4 i PAY) \ 4% ' 4 ny f 3 & #3 é * i ety yt ¢ | Paty an Re, { Dar 4 + & “ Me WER ade ai : J s é i ete meee ‘ + f be rE oh ey Ua & Gao not A ¥) ;% 5 ot t+ 3 s4 "y ; aa oe ah “ bad oe é « he de A é " 4 s 4 4 , 5 . * « : ; ; % a e b+ an es + - » 4 ; bs oe : 4 * * ae ' £ ; ; = ~ iL : tA a AON he e e 5 Me 3 Li i 1tS " } f APS Tit y enty % re , 3 . i & wh 5 us o fe* Ff RHODODENDRON COOPERI, Balf. f. ‘Ww D trtrndnine wel Mak Wie Wn, Lt Jw Oem om 6\— Ow Ute [Min bo Halas aalain (ofin et te Vitam Bo Sint RS. , Seetpte tw tf {bots “as Sn Eo og \ 3 4 s 4 wt bk os a) we i) tw. Wwiwhir i J en Nu = <a ; " Cooper obtained a third plant of this alliance in fruit only the field 2 s ( ticket of which runs 'Parshong Timpu. Alt. 10,500 ft. xxxxxx#No, 3506% “nA dy ¢ It has a strong resemblance to Rh. Cooperi but there are slight Me Dna differences in foliage that make me hesitate over identifying it with that species. It may be only Rh. Camelliaeflorum. We have seedlings raised from seed taken from Cooper's specimans and when they flower a Ms Ceyal Wb decision of the point will be possible. If the plant is Rh. Cooperi a the description of fruit which I have given will attach to thddiagnosis a = ? C>v06) of Rh. Cooperi = + young plant of this Cooper number flowered/for the — : - first time in the beginning of June this year and there is no doubt it is the same as Cooper's 3959. Two other plants growing under Cooper numbers have this year flowered for the first time also and are so like the Cooper 3506 plant that in spite of minor differences of foliage and of time of flowering I am forced to regard them as the same speciese Both are growing under wrong numbers,i.e. they do not match the herbarium specimens of the same numbers , x ©) cy) > oa ® ”) ® Bee vows oa Roy - a ok \e) Oo x» ae ioe Notes of Roy.Bot. Gard. Edin. Vol. X. (1947) p,o2. OO _——V<—V3VXn'nrnl ea iene a= = an sean The plamts are from two to three feet high and the species as they represent it,,promises to be a freely branched shrub less straggling Gu. in habit than Rh. Es An foliage and in tme manner of bearing its flowers mm #& essentially of the Rh. camelliaeflorum types wok how we ew sas Wt bale Makinlnr = oul . Karts Mi Nin LOW Wha Latin Ve vw dw wie arnliw ww du aN e a ‘ ~ f ey - Q ow WW Wwe www Lev Nea JIWiV b ow we Ww Mem WW SY 0 real ann Vo and : \ : , Cw plac OANA wn ) Bi, BD Wan Wa OA QVaret lolf 3% redlilg Une! or Gm HAF a. enchie Maret y MON {aed er. Apri) Ch oo ie bone Ly , Me UAwrerw lex note. 3. wo ane in QLavn Che Rusu: ii Mn fect “btn al: bre Now YUNA {) () ( () » Owns WW ht A Weer Cv WY = CA wn CL ut AD “a ~ 7 ~ ( Ma ae AnyA- Anna SLLow “, Sot atl. bo A SS ay “Ie Z \ ‘ ( - C e hereon de Do ieerltctapeettnliralicticcst) SMa, ¢ Rian: Lnw ww bwe Lars. ~d si \ L V . e. \~ ( - A my ie ® — a XW Sain J Wie o wet KA OM LAY ” a Uw pe CA OY Jv af Vw ob jo Le AA we uw AM V SA Via a \ Ay Cre | bin y Yous 7 ot fe Ad Mie Awe 19 6 ne OMAS ty MAHA N An sy FUNK Qcare i Vata bi < AWM Oe COA “WW \ YY | ~ Loin Cte Wwe Of Vi MAMA QM AC ) XL Own 7 NLOwW hf bas Sti Ihde Orne or: reap Owes om mtily (Wa gh ome w Al shvenadl me dalek i We ww awe Xu. Lravyin At Sw A ocolly A ~ \nen- (, a m9 We i \ LAr « ( oe , Lakin (nN — cw Rl” WW) aA, ha at Ae OU poronacs, MHL iS lorie QtoMinw Acote d Tain tnd” - OAL Wir Unfrrmmun, ont u p , hy. tolde—— ta We Saw wos | Dow Maty He a Dee bas 5. OM? Whe Ste Us Cen Male Ma TWlow crltw 1% wil—n Drege ont flee Vous au ‘ows ww te es _ We % day Ov worm 09 at 5 ie aa Terk Nabe’ vi Unilin Boat muti, Male al- Yur- a Garett Le, . we tr ly pvane tol Into Oellien Onl Grads Oey Ke ster vets ating. Gam fort Aubew Ak One ae ag vane willl 3} : 10 copyright reserved ..- =—-/“a > mr on dion malin Ma Wewns an cotta attroubire Yn Crralla a Teup wr wham Oy Awd Un, Opt Oe. Wry Pein ge Cam Ub aiklinrun wd Spe oa hy Quit eave ow of bin m winktel Acolts wun One Wee Wire Onn Hpi ww Macnn 5 a Qcole oo, MMe Cre Ha on Qi . Commer 9 Line wm : “Ve Becolie dl ww wes col Clan ons 1 “Vee Vite . VOW E - L andy ae we amt XSvaa ata he ee BF Core flan a Pe about an inch to an inch and a quarter across. The stamens, usually ten, exceed slightly in length the corolla tube and their thick purple filaments have dense tufts of hairs mie pentane of with the hairi- ness of the throat of the corolla give a circular 'eye"' of white soft hairiness within the flower cup. This makes a pleasing contrast to the deep colour of the corolla lobes. Then again the anthers are large and of a bright orange-brown. The hairs of ‘the stamens conceal the. : gate (caning 3 Ud, 1 ws } 7 : shert green densely lepidote ovary. 2 fine short thick permple style: ss io { Come purple cel» aw @ petits Waewye Xa LeAirns ant we curved as in Rh. cameliiaeflorum so that the discoid stigma lies close to the corolla or is thrust between its lobes "ip betlctnrtmer tries + Two of the plants had the young leaves tinted.a rich purple-bronze on the third be hE light gre omag phe bronzed plants flowered earlier and had slightly smaller flowers than the other which is a larger and altogether sturdier looking plant with stouter branches and broader leaves less curved at’ the margins. The plants showed differences also in the time of making new growth and in the relationship of this to the time of flowering. The first plant to flower, a form with: tae bronzed foliage (Cooper, 3506) had young shoots as much as six inches long when the first flowers opened yy The largeff plant, of the flowers of wi akin which I give a photograph, was three es flowering and the blooms were aiready open when the buds of the new zresth. were bextiniad to on Up. individuals but they suggest that we may be dealing with forms cultur- AWW tenho ally Gaeteeeret. Cptombec bY ord- frre (rae ee : Rh Cooperi is certainly interisting Kcemeeierse but I do not think expand. These features may not be permanently characteristic of the it. will. prove very attractive horticulturally, nor’ is it tobe expected that it will be quite hardy. The Edinburgh plants flowered in ®e open framesbut they were protected through the winter. | | | . on 7 10 Ss) ) copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F., Sherriff, G. & Hicks, J.H.
Collection number: 20488
Collection date: 5th July 1949
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00314456
Label data completely captured
48 VMIUNS Lorry Veh, thal, 264 FL
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F., Sherriff, G. & Hicks, J.H.
Collection number: 19277
Collection date: 1st July 1949
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00314457
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH tl E00314457 | | | copyright reserved ° EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF BHUTAN it ; Rhododendron camelliaeflora Hookef. det.J.Hutchinson se Ti Locality Shimitang. Bumthang Chu. Altitude 11,000ft. Date 14701949 Miphytic (or net) shrub. 2ft.-ift. corolla pigk. Scales on upper leaf surface white. On trees, & on cliff ledges, F. LUDLOW, G. SHERRIFF, & J.H. HICKS No. 19277
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Beer, L.W.
Collection number: 8226
Collection date: 26th June 1971
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00430591
Label data partially captured
M@QQ0589 copyright reserved ; EX. ST ANDREW’S B.G. Presented by Robert Mitchell trom a bequest by Len Beer 2011 Hero.134 University College Bangor—Nepal Expedition 1971 FLORA OF NEPAL Rhododendron camelliaeflorum Plants growing on rocks up to 6 ft. high, in full sun. Flowers white. Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Between Gupa and Taplejung www.floraofnepal.org ©. 9,000 ft ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 26.6.1971 EDINBURGH | I E00430591 [ Coll. L. W. Beer No... 8226..........
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collection number: 15722
Collection date: September 1992
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: YS7 - Glen Massan: steep slope overlooking bhutanese pavilion to west (Bhutan) - Benmore
Verbatim garden collecting location: YS7:Benmore
Barcode: E00247876
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19842001
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: McBeath, R.J.D.
Collection number: 2529
Collection date: 13th June 1991
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00173646
Label data partially captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi) HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 copyright reserved FLORA OF NEPAL NAME: Rhododendron camelliiflorum LOCALITY: Kanchenjunga, between Ghunsa and Amjilassa. HABITAT: Epiphyte on moss covered rocks and in shade under other Rhododendrons. REMARKS: Shrub to 2m tall, flowers white 5 with red lines'‘on reverse of petals, petals thick and fleshy. DATE: 13 June 1991 Alt. 2750m COLLECTOR: R.J.D. McBeath REF. No. 2529
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Grierson, A.J.C. & Long, D.G.
Collection number: 3073
Collection date: 20th February 1982
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00173647
Label data partially captured
70272 HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook. f. Chukka district: forested slope 5 km N of Jumudag. 26°56" 89°33" Evergreen oak forest. Small shrub, epiphytic; voucher for seed. * ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Alt.c, 2540 m 20 Feb.19 82 EDINBURGH AA Coll A.C. Greson & DG. Lon No, 3075 00173647
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Flora of East Nepal (1997),
Collection number: 9755231
Collection date: 28th August 1997
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00152020
Label data partially captured
HERB. HORT. EDINB. fon} 0 wn 2 g go = Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www.floraofnepal.org copyright reserved Flora of East Nepal 1997 Expedition to Makalu-Barun National Park & Conservation Area No. 9755231 Rhododendron camelliiflorum }/ ook : f. Ericaceae p= 2am, DBH= am, He i2m Alt. 3100 m epiphyte in Rhododendron scrub on ridge 86E 88E 28N Koshi Zone, Sankhuwasabha Distr., Dogor Phuk (3755m) - Taklung Kharka (3150m) - Kuwa Pani (2930m) [27°38'24”'N 87°09'31”E - 27°35’57”'N 87°10'27”E] 28 August 1997 S.Noshiro, N.Acharya, YIbaragi, K.Kobayashi & T.Kurosawa ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN io 40 0 Flora of Nepal Database Registered by the Society of Himalayan Botany 2000
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Williams, L.H.J.
Collection number: 912
Collection date: 24th June 1969
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00723939
Label data partially captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00723939 A sample has been removed for pollen analysis For: Brooke Micke (E) Date: 19 July 2018 Ref. No: 2086 * 5 Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www.floraofnepal.org 10 copyright reserved Ex Herbario Musei Britannici op) 0 Ww g a g a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Collector/Expedition: Cultivated Plant of the RBGE (CULTE),
Collection number: 161144
Collection date: 28th June 2000
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: E56 - Experimental Garden N.E. frame yard - Edinburgh
Barcode: E00954890
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19920323A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01502292
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01502292 R eaneti hook Det. Putin (4749 Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF ASSAM 1938 13965 Rhododendron colletun Poshing Lag 13,000fte 214721938 Flowers yellow. A single truss in bloom on the north face of the pas; No yellow flowered specimen seen at Orka La. Coll. F.Kingdon-Ward No.13965 copyright reserved oO © wn Q g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507038
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01507038 Determinavit Duttine’ w Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron Cooperi Balf. f. Loc: Phobsikha. Central Bhutan. Alt: 11009ft. Coll: F.Ludlow-G.Sherriff. 16.6.1937, No. 5267 copyright reserved Oo eo Ww a g g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507039
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH A E01507039 # s a cle eg SS, Determinavit Sut 7: f % ? Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron Cooperi Balf. f. Loc: Phobsikha. Central Bhutan. Att: 11000 ft. 27.6.1937. Coll1:F.Ludlow-G. Sherriff. No. 3324 copyright reserved MQQ0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507040
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 9 i@ ‘ , Zp ‘ ul a. ww Determinavit eit ome pe d Loeality Pansrong. pert we Date aq [ to[ ce Altitude res) Soo’ Remarks No. 2506 tae eenes arch oy (get see R. E. COOPER, Collector for A. K. BULLEY, Esq.;, CHESHIRE: copyright reserved oD 0 Ww g 2g g a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507041
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a © Ww 2 2g g = copyright reserved ! ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH iin £0150704 FLORA OF BHUWAN Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hooker f. Tongsa/Wangdi Phodrang: On the crest of the Pele La In Rhododendron forest Epiphytic shrub; broad leaved form Alt.c. 11400 ft 9 May 1987 1 K. Rushforth No. 1279 . 1279
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507042
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQQ0589 copyright reserved FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hooker is Bumthangs: On road Jakar to Ura, 16 km before URA, 8 km beyond TANGSIBI On cliffs in mixed forest zone Shrub 1 m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 4 ‘ HHH HA Alt.c. 11600 ft 7 May 1987 mM K. Rushforth No. 1233 £01507042
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507043
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VON 01507043 FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron camelliiflorwm Hooker f. Wangdi Phodrang/Thimphus On the crest of the Dochu La In Tsuga dumosa dominated mixed forest zone Epiphyte; leaves broad Collected from felled log of Tsuga dumosa Alt. c. 10200 ft 10 May 1987 K. Rushforth No. 1296 a © wn fav) a g = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507044
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@Q0589 xo] cv) Pa tT ® n ® I es ao Lt = Py a fe) oO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NOMA E01507044 FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook. f. Wangdi Phodrang/Thimphus On the crest of the Dochu La In Tsuga dumosa dominated mixed forest zone Epiphytic shrub to 2 m3 leaves narrow Seed collected from 2 trees, on crest and on West side at 10200 ft D. Long suggests Rh. maddenii from herb. spec. Alt. c. 10200 ft 10 May 198 K. Rushforth me a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507045
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NN E01507045 copyright reserved a 0 wn g a g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507046
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a © w g g g = copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN re EDINBURGH E01507046 i FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hooker f ° Tongsa/Wangdi Phodrang: On the crest of the Pele La In Rhododendron forest Epiphytic shrubs; narrow leaf form Alt. c. 11400 ft 9 May 1987 K. Rushforth No. 1278
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507047
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01507047 t/ ye Vv a) ? a Ex Herbario Musei Britannici Coll es F, Ludlow . O. Sher: 4ff. Rhododendron camelliaefborum Hook.f. Loc. Sakden,Gamri Chu. Alt. 9100ft. Date. 3.7.54. Notes. Shrubs 3' - 4' Flowers pale rose pink,more so on center) f of petals sometimes epiphytic. No.589. copyright reserved Oo 0c Ww 2g a S =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507048
No label status given
ee eee ae eee a 0 wy g gS g =. copyright reserved 4 mao . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 6 At fi Pe As - EDINBURGH fee es 7 a a TMT E01507048 i
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E01507049
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH {UN E01507049 HERBAHORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SIKKIM Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook. f. SIKKIM, WEST DISTRICT: Chhurong Chu valley between Tsoka and Jamlinghang, 27°26'N, 88°11/’E Shady Rhododendron falconeri/ Abies densa forest Epiphytic shrub to 1m across. Flowers waxy, white flushed pink Alt. 2920m 9 July 1992 D.G. LONG, R.J.D. McBEATH, H.J. NOLTIE & M.F. WATSON ao) cH Pad i ) n ® — ad <= — = PI Qa ° (S) MQ@Q0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507050
No label status given
M@Q0589 3 ® re ry n 2 — b= i=) ‘= > 2 ° a) E ey g ‘ Heol ‘ Eo No Ie a. 4 : edd 3 ¢ > 3 Determinavit Bul 16. b 3 Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF BHUTA Rhododendron Cooperi Balf.f. Loc. Yuto La near Bumthang. Alte 11GOO" fs, Date: 9. vii. 1933 Notes: Epiphytic shrub 5-5 ft. Waxy pinkish-red, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Dense jungle. EDINBURGH UOT AA Coll. ¥, Ludlow & G, Sherriff, Now 258 E01507050
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507051
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UU E01507051 f Determinavit Buti (*. ; Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF BHUTAN Rhododendron Cooperi Balf.f. Loc. Do=Kyong-La. Trashi Cho Dzong. Alt. 10400 ft, Date: SO. vidi. 1953 Notes: Shrub 4-5 ft. Deep wine-red fleshy petals. Edge of forest. Coll. F. Ludlow & G. Sherriff, No. 190 xo] cy Pa i i n 2 a] <= 2 rs a) 2. fe} S) M@Q0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507052
No label status given
a 0 wn g g g = dion, Lowniy Wt ‘ hy copyright reserved i
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron camelliiflorum Hook.f.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01507053
No label status given
68S000W rex-Y¥[-\-4-) Ble] 0) BYe (eye) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01507053
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IIIF Manifest
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