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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bureavii Franch.
Collector/Expedition: Wilson, E.H.
Collection number: 3954
Collection date: June 1904
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Isotype of Rhododendron bureavioides Balf.f.
Barcode: E00001267
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Herbarium sheetE00001559
Cort. E. H. Wizson, (For James Veron & Sons). WESTERN CHINA. QIU STW « No, eo) oe Ses —-\ Ty = A. peng, a, — jot tt g 7% ’ , ee E / Wilsen 34954 ISOTYPE 1 A | Hut Kea ay aie Determinavit D. ChawleCaur ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu 00000 Rhedod encon bureaviorcbes Bal}. = “ copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bureavii Franch.
Collector/Expedition: Wilson, E.H.
Collection number: 3954
Collection date: June 1904
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Type of Rhododendron bureavioides Balf.f.
Barcode: E00001559
Label data completely captured
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Herbarium sheetE00001267
14 cm. longa 5 cm. lata subrostrata, basi lat# rotundata ; supra a/ atro-olivacea subnitens indumenti vestigiis plus minusve notata ; subtus rubro-ferruginea indumento crasso persistente molli lanato e pilis longis fibrilliformibus multi-ramosis acutis undulatis intertextis haud cirrhosis vestita; petiolus crassus circ. I cm. longus ad 5 mm. diam. ut rami vestitus. Umbella densa multi- flora sub anthesi bracteis bracteolisque cincta ; bracteae extimae ee ' ~1---400 intorjores sericeae ; bracteolae lineares pedi- TPE : RP bureaviades Belf, f pedicelli crassi circ. 1.5 cm. longi lanati circ. 8 mm. longus 5-partitus; lobi ele fi fs : LU a : mm. lati rufo-glandulosi et floccosi. tt - Zi iga campanulata postice rubro-varosa aa es ier / a Rhododendron Bureavioides, Balf. f. Note AY. GA. XIN (1920) 33 Frutex ad 3 m. altus. Rami crassi indumento denso pallide brunneo e pilis rigidis longe stipitatis breviterque ramosis et glandulis rubris constructo involuti. Folia breviter petiolata ad 15 cm. longa; lamina crasse coriacea elongato-ovalis ad ssp febsn F: 5 $8 /p- pratt ‘ intus pubescenti-glandulosa. Stamina ynaeceoque multo breviora; filamenta ee r,. i Determinavit “VD Bicedd we Sone pele! a =n an ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DPEcles Seri wugenyss mb aaa Weten Chink ‘ion, gpsa, Jimeramee Tne ew AAT 1904. In Herb. Kew. Matila Din. ff Bisse voles, Vili Lok dargetn Gm kof pith Hct anal tavithe ree Mh Chante eer en eee Se whites Aap thy meee low Ha ‘ ee ee = a, bh tea ce ade bole, Kercce Aol Telglue om lunches i [lear “Cae areal hic sabett ay Mh l Se ae he ut fs ahefauy why hocks Bax dg Made Rif Socom, y Me, JuruudeS ,; tflernn face Mehrtes” rar, phapene Ox wht fparrS aut) ANA om, Artem syn Hb ene o-S-€ Aaron OE afk. 77 gpa Pst bike. A+ rein ercstd woe Abana 22h> Oj ube a. Gok BYE Tin ache fotet J hace as Aacf hte: Kant —f sie ae Go fennthd - sbi Se daa foes Pimak be a xo} o Pa — ® 7) ® a oo <= od) ta a) a o oO Sli, biuhh hans fetey eo) a. Kah Hh tThe fet Aas fo, : baat rola une le, Fehe Hanns tad Bd te tig le bat, Melt > fT rat. i tae Meee thm I Slog), Gh, Cobb om bg Slike ; : hha Hay yeah ta Bm aelarbns ab F beh save lantol Colm hot By Lng 4 nf de poke us HA? by Aa ito sa hee prhoram hind pve SMe barTln oS pyrecasce~ Y. 399% | > / Out BH. Was : Wee heS rtd, ain 18 oe, yn Bed Kiker Ga trcene ChMD ST (For James Veron & Sons). WESTERN CHINA. : na, Bas saab Ob. Ce a by tre er? jlawtrAr ef ; Hi Handle be of, Determinavit *//’. lem 394: a a oe 6 4 cadens Q.- |r be Hey % —=—$-——— — : = Saas Fe ee een SR basin Clin s ketete. 9 —lovw [¢. A-lfe. UArre. lhe ho, 395% , b/o4. A FrOM . Poeeran eon 9.42 ' Rolf, wy Yelk «fle de hay ham 56542 BE Igy Athy, bi Hb. hous oJ) clhsor LY% OGS4. Ween . sree : ; (4.9 thee. hate PUenAS benny Harti aris tay Mite rapoile WY Crs. | ESS See SS '
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