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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 21761
Collection date: June 1922
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Holotype of Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Barcode: E00001159
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E00001159 Pe tn Coll. GEORGE FORREST Ss m@ EASTERN TIBET Tranens Ne 21761 Alt. (2-70 cman’ £6 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH } mo] i) e ® ® i ~ <£ 2 _ > a. ° (5) 0.21761 an ~ 199i OChlity SB akeenc -Kiar Obs. oPeay'é, et. 22 77K. Type Specimen
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collection date: 11th April 1996
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Garden collecting location: W08 - Woodland Garden (North side) Pieris formosa. Grid from North West corner.
Verbatim garden collecting location: W08:Woodland Garden
Barcode: E00269174
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19310497A
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00901978
Label data partially captured
E TTOAITOTL TNE OITA li 6 z 3 7 Z y => A, i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN UL. Cr th ferRirrmnca | EDINBURGH EASTERN TIBET NIN 25635 x6 Cott. GEORGE FORREST Fi { 10 cm E00901978 0. hy © 192G Approbavit 7 i Ge any D. F. CHAMBERLAIN Alt. f cae % ’ en ty ae jek tA oo Gut- eos oe Ou ae Rra—erv_d. Cocke eat elas e
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463505
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH YAMIN E01463505 C | EASTERN TIBET %a, Coll. GEORGE FORREST 21766 ue 1922. Alt. (223-7 «> WOCHity, Satlipann © Rone bens Anes M Lind . A % PB se 4, esau 2 i fet fone Ab muhon —S- 6 J+ Hower f . fi 2-49 . - 4 i -/lwwGsle - Bye CO faut 3 5 2 , 4 G Creircaen Elelek al tax pes ~— ou As Oo—CRe-u fey o- —_ ha Agama OW uff rs yore Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a centimeters Vef4areepeeenps uae eeee Perse gene |7 Jorrtpirctfaeeegererfouenpieet 1 60 z . i 1.64 9: -10 cs) 76 copyright reserved co} 3) 1.96 2.38 All values are batch averages Me@ee@ss9 D50 Iliuminant, 2 degree observer
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463506
No label status given
daniasgo eaJ3ep Z ‘ueU}LUN||| OSG Sa sefevene wegaiesenjenty sez 96t vet wet eco svo SMBIIQIM MOG 0 so wo s0 600 500, ’ Hi Ble IEE : wae] eee ase | ae | oe | : 2 Pa rex-YAWL--t-¥ LOL o] BYAVe (ore) HOUNANIGA i a= - _ Naduvo Quiutimigpuiiishitiie efrisitivizforeterepir | ov ENA Anes: syeyewiued | eG Zz lu a = a — oc. eer j2S=e ON per 252928 = 50 =s S —— = x —— > = 9 ao | ke ny lu ee EEG Z tye a = it] < mS 5 9 ZB) ¢ a cz > BO |i een = a 3 oh = b a q S t
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463507
No label status given
saBerane yoveg aie san|en |iy sez vet “00 60'T- o9'8z 860 sdaniasqo aaJdap Z ‘ueUjWIN||| OSA HOUNANIGA rex-jWL-J-t-) BLU L 0] BIAVe (ore) oy: Naduvo SINVLOd TVAOU EASTERN TIBET No. Coll. GEORGE FORREST 192 Alt. cality O L ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Approbavit Dab: EDINBURGH mL CHAMBERLAIN —>= Il E01463507
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463934
No label status given
Cree. §, 4 ack, Aon Q1995 A2k.: loos fA. tool SF. Tabet ee ld B orn breaparantion § SReur ie 5) ve y fA Cere-yy 4 pent - rol aia, eid fbrts. do, cart, . y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AMA E01463934 Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Southeast Tibet Rhododendron Bainbrids 1m oa @ ct ct ry £ Shrub 4-5 feet, Flowers pinkish red, in fir foresta, Altitude 14,000 feet. Mt. Kenichunpo, eastern and western slopes, Salwin and Irrawady divide. Joseph F. Rock, No. 21.995 May-July 1932 ao) o Pd i ® 77) a al = = = Po) a ° OF MQ00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463268
No label status given
sofeione yseqaresonjeniy sez s6t vot vet a60 sco SMUQQIM MOQ is! 0 0 «STO «600 S00 ——AyJsuaq pee] me |e |e ee me | ! : ae | peasesal }yBUAdOS a {Bs [ee |B LS | z fo j | CO] Eee see 1S yee eh eS sia}ouujued “| zy 42 4.2 6 No. 191 & re Ok pprobavit CHAMBERLAIN ~ Of 7 A LS lrns 200g D.F. GEORGE FORREST x Coll. YUNNAN, WEST CHINA ~° Locality EDINBURGH ML ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E01463268
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463269
No label status given
so sto SMUG 4OG 20 wo 9f0 600 «S00 <€—Aysuaq | Be o.| eos |e | ee | fe x (88 | ar Pa eV LL SOB IULSIEA (ere) ae | oe ee, ee eee cee | . betes Tet IGE g Naduvo ep iNa Aner: s TVAOU s1e}@uNjuad ~ 192G No. —, Coit. GEORGE FORREST Locality N. W. YUNNAN Alt. f Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN EDINBURGH E01463269 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463270
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INB' EDINBURGH E01463270 R. (reunbrodgeannm Tagg & Fore Det. D. F. Chamberlain /¢50 Ex HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. PLANTAE FORRESTIANAE Rhododendron esetulosum Balf.f. et Forrest NeWe Yunnan, Shrub of 6 fest. In immture fruit. In scrub on the mrgins of thickets in side valleys on the Salwin-Kiu Chiang divide. Iat. 27°15* Ne. Long. 98°40" 2 Alt, 11,0000 feet. Forrest 25562 July 192h. MQ@Q0589 3 o > — o o 4 =) KS 2 — > roy ° e)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463271
No label status given
pex-YWE=t-1-) Le 10) BLLVe (eye) wo _ ; ie a 20Cl : | oe en ee. ST ee i = . 7 : — ae —es aie: iia, eee ead RE gem ines eas a ||" suaj@wujued j | : : ee 7 FR * =f <a ) , \ —e aoa = . > i ee o 3 ‘ be Q r +X = 2 § Co ~ . "4 2 a sao <t ° = of 3} | oe Zz s : 3 ; Za te E 4 S ~ é ¢ q O w : oe f oe 4 3 S & +3 +} ) ee ee eae 5 2 ¢ 2 z wR oo . : <4 cee eed Na \ v ; — ~ & << . 3. t \ 3 Siero OO 22 |e j 2am ee 2 2 $ < ie 3 -EzZ=—> t. x - 8 a 3 : es oo =s 3 A ° =] a ) y8 —_ | = lstast 932 > == sS 3S SQ \2 fd 9 SA > So ee IS
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463272
No label status given
Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN PLANTS OF NORTHWESTERN YUNNAN, CHINA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Mountains above Tseku and Tsehchung, Mekong-Salween watershed WINALL 9347 No. 2 “8 J. F. ROCK, Collector E01463272 ae Sy xo} ® > i ® n ® i — = — =I > Qa fe) oO Me@ee0589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463273
No label status given
; : ; : Janiasgo eauBap z ueUILUNII| OSG saBesane yieg aesaneniiy 86% 96T P9T vet 860 i 600 S00 e——Ajisuag fex-YiWL--r-S BLULo) Live [eye] > fan 6h [aa Et He . ) seyoul Pi) Telefe bz sorednne suajawuijuea Mekong-Salween < Z >} 0 Z < . § . : “ o e a 4 8 a vy r 8 a Boe a . = fu B Oo Q 2 ay cf w aft GY ps We = 3 x % vase ‘es $ a 3 = foe S 5 Zz v Q Ww & @ — xy) a Ola=—o as © oF = Sh ~o ae 22 S onl <o=——C¢ -~ : 52s 3 3 a0 Sw ~S . = —— = $ 6 Se a A
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01463274
No label status given
in p saBesane yoieq aie sanjen|iy BE 96" i 860 SLO a — 2juurtinrgpiiitinisty tiliieloebenepeetaz pot sw0lgayy »°Q = 4anuasqo aaiSap Z “WUeUILUN}|| OSG oq! G a ni, wise QU 4s0130 1 > e e e e e e * . . . . . e . qoquL ws12 sea g oot assed ») eee rex- YW L-J-x-) LOL o1BYAVe (oye) OL ? 4 R. bainG ndgcanum Tay Det. D. F. Chamberlain 1976 EASTERN’ TIBET No. 21005 Coll. GEORGE FORREST 21005 Ait. 192 i ality Loc ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UM E01463274
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Farrer, R.J.
Collection number: 1644
Collection date: 21st June 1920
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E01463275
No label status given
-MQQQ589 | eld No. 1644 | Field No. 1644 9 OR 2000006 eth enees Soret cence *eeecene Cre gag Fi; zeld No. 1644 Coll. REF. Go co) Pad i 0 n 2 ad £ fo) 5 2. fe) oO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01463275 Altd. \etr6o.2...feet Locality ...... Canes 0h Srimng Rang onan . \ : . Vern Gre oahu sits 2 BP ee Qu oe a- Shark uot Te St S Tioumeas Tosy- ust P, bara brida e@anum Tags ic Forrest Field No. 1644 Coll. Crarty » Det. D. F. Chamberlain 1776
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 21697
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409016
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409017
swoggiy 9G danuasgo aauBap Z ‘ueU}wN)|| OSG occ a toy tet hi fee§ Naduvo DINVLOG TVAOU ex-YWi-so1-) BLE Lo] BLACe (oye) WY) ) x » ‘ 4 Ay No § “EASTERN TIBET NY. 1 Coll. GEORGE FORREST 9 ax 192 ~/ 38007! -., Alt. 12 re nN ee) % Ge r Ay SOK oO cna is ¥ q 4 ~~ ks : , PQs) 4 } : > A we BE a\) ao ~— " ey Se es Sx L se FU s ~™ 3! ey , LE Lf Za we < era beeel, a WL “Leta der : S > ‘2 } wh 6 ; y ~ yA 4 es ~ o E PA co Approbavit EDINBURGH ML ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN —_ valle : D. F. CHAMBERLAIN E01409016
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 21697
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409017
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409016
M@0Q0589 Y aia ht - Betding fin FLIG7 te. 37 jin] be ( ay ML xo} co) Pd i o 7) 2 eed on D = § 4) fod fe} Oo § ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01409017
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 21762
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409018
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409019
danuasgo aauBap Z ‘ueUIWN)|| OSG salesane yneg aie sanjenliy 8e°Z 68S5000W ex-YWi-tor-) BLE Lo] BLACe [oye] OL 69T ety SLTS Fe on ~ Cs ae CL -EASTERN TIBET a : A Coll. GEORGE FORREST lt. (32.0007 -.. A a go . > Sx 3 8 WA ae eo av\ 3 «< 3 on) 2 % g ) < > a e 1] ae g & Locality 9 ~~ 98 7 E. A bs. At 2 Mk -, WA V0 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a = xz rae sve 4 a on a a, O a. — oe a B ‘ oe -N y J 2 SQ { 0% e i ~) \ ¢ } x is f @ \ y P a cabo Nae ; wear Sato oh WV i woe E01409018
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 21762
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409019
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409018
68S000W = Ww ie a < oO 2 a E fe) a a < > 9 a = 9 a > a Zz a Ww — SS —= = = = == —— —— —— a ———— = @ vy oS a So + = oO Ww
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409020
No label status given
saBesane yieq ae sanjeniiy 8€Z 96 9T vT 860 SLO SHOGGLM WO wo «0 wo so Jamasqo saidap Z “ueUWN||| OSA iS bee NICOLg Naduvo gyi pitierShrabirepedief diez peep S/a]@uuUed DINVLOG TVAOU fox-YWi-t-1-) BIEL o]BIXe (exe) OL EASTERN TIBET Coll. GEORGE FORREST 192 « Alt. ¢-¢ 3 : . fp - C Locality Seluw- Ha & tg t vi ~~ 2 7. SF — I AAAWF ay Se “4 3 oy 7O4 Wa 27 8 yA =. 3 g . a yw =e 4 y J © . i » ry 0) a 4 at” iy Ne Noack e\.3 e X 1. we \A Q ¢ x yeh ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A, a cs % 2 P | e ad vabliys._ nH % SA ar-s S, Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN EDINBURGH E01409020
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409021
No label status given
sadesane yoyeg ae SanjeA |v a 3 i vet 860 685000W Sara cai efiriitirizfersitiveferiitinio] SIBJOWUBD ————— svo 600 500 , e<—-Aysuag daniasgo vaiSep Z “jueUwn||| OS x A o6t | coor | wer | ves | avo ng Me gz | fete . 13 x O60 | se¢y = er GEzE- eezt- | ove ie _| tees 6076 | ve's6 a 1S er tror_| tess 2 ey | 19 ie r tw To z 5 OUT {| seyour a bs tey Tet LiCeed Naqduvo DINVLOG TVAOU rex-YiWL-S-x-) LU Lo BYAVe [oye] (0) Ree emers) evecare, -EASTERN TIBET Coll. GEORGE FORREST - 192 ud Locality Alt. uv \ sess “9X Q 3 3 Q) \ 4° ¢ rps ¥ » 9 out ples ,, Annu, ” C8, ( 6 ws oe ot a) Ae uebhead ” Ow tek Ake Approbavit F. EDINBURGH TM ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN g CHAMBERLAIN D. E01409021
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409022
No label status given
saniasgo aasBap Z ‘ueUjUNi|| OSG wo 9T0 6600 S00 , #—-- Ayisuagq 950 govt | O6T | coor | uevy | vars | avo | tewe- | ooze ee at a . %60- | 060° gece | scot | ey t 6e7t- eza_| 2698 | Goze | vese | sets | aor i r ; seer | er 1 a Tt oT 6 e v = ee peiezk 6 8 S 8 Q Q W sadesane yoyeq aie sanjen lly SET x i vet 860 sz'0 SWO1G0Y 40g rex-YAWL-S-t-) BLU Lo BY,Ve [oye] coy 3 pS ty Tethers Naqduvo DINVLOG TVAOU ~tingtiibiishirtin efiitiriziieetenefiii ti] “sieyeumqueo ————————— O- | ¢ on ) ¥ z ¢ oe ; re = ( 3 “2 ‘i +i > a 3 Sy Jf : » 3 2 2 ts \ 245% 3 ~ Sse , ¥ ) \ * Le ; 2 > \ Sg eS é a: f= | ” a) ae : < il 6 mM irs ws ee E Se a a a a e | ee Se = , 5s lu et 33 BO ke : 3 2 Sp “” -% a mr ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01409022
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409023
No label status given
Oe y. : oe Bere og Coll. GEORGE FORREST Cesk’ 192 ye i Alt. decal elt : Locality ea bak DAO Arte nro . es cmb: 27 sh. Kons */ 9B 2 dave i wit B panto Ch Ky. da, ) cabin Meth ee Dy ies ile eb DP ait go, Oncaea bir Yili eh arhiut 1 . te a ( argue porecto nw Qed, Suita D. F, CHAMBERLAIN SSS ay i oO 0 Ln 2 2g ®Q = copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01409023
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409024
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN - aa oe EDINBURGH rbd ey | Approbavit UN ll oe D. F, CHAMREREAN £01409024 — - EASTERN TIBET arene - No.21834 Coll. GEORGE FORREST Purck 5) 499 a5. Ailt.u aeogl -- a Locality Batwow ue Chea vhtise de = het hrwrrtoug : hol .2P 7 Rh. Xone 5/99? 297 “§ [ oh: | : e, ” 0 oe Lf Shu Oy, —3-& | a COonit-re artis, buh o Lit Thon tier wit Rosy, Mtrgerck amma & fot’ ot haar : Ch te ‘ a we? a Ler pe ArH Oe wekhsapo - as co) a Pd et o 77) o - oo) <= M@00589
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409025
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409026
Alt. / Reaogl “. x Locality Sahu - Kru Chmk hecue. Lo. o SS eh - ls. Kal 27°g7a, Pee TF 7 SC / ix ae acl 5 <2 - "h f ‘ 2 - 3 [Kw Con ie | ae T, s 9 a : f , Feet ff ‘a £A £ tire ¢ xe: : “ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oe : oe EDINBURGH @ i EE Extere bc lar UC Ua pau moehiy 20 E01409025 Ce RAA iL Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN copyright reserved M@Q0589 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409026
No label status given
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE01409025
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01409026 MQQQ0589 xo] co) Pa iS ® ” cy ae 2s > iS Py a fe) OF
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 21894
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409027
No label status given
wo 9t0 ' 4emiasgo aap Z “ueU|WNi|| OSG Pa fox-Y,¥-S-1-Y MLE L oO BNAVe (ote) ee Gaetan ee Seco eccINCe| Naqduvo DINVLOd TVAOU <H ae Ns ) ni f fp ba a wy ar § © S % q a wn S rt ™ g « A ®t r , 3 ™~ Ne ¢ Not of Paratype : pr % ) - iy wy a } oe eS uu Oo \ ‘ 4 ~) a . mf |x & SY 53 — ww \ , “3 333 bK S » g cs o a } x £ a \ 27> z3 $5 FP \ AS $3 5 a \ 2 “ os “¥, = N \ SS ‘Y ’ 3 oo fk \ % ) oO 2 8 2 J Locality Alt. Ut -EASTER S- Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01409027
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409029
No label status given
copyright reserved -EASTERN TIBET ! No. 22713 d Coll. GEORGE FORREST ; 108 2m . Ait. Locality f a AE. t_e—al, ‘ , or é oa f & a Ton. 21F AT f JSUp: wo " ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN hes ? Y wi | at ro) eo wn s © S = ze
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409030
No label status given
4aniasgo aaudap Z “ueUILUNI|| OS sco |B let |B a aa WC’ = = | i oe , : See as or-VAW ETS BIEL ole Ce [exe] sty Bi ti a Tg T Tr rr = I : one . : | iy HOUNANIGA 2 ee x ne = zs te i - Naduvo ‘ Sey a Aner! Aiiiligiitishotiep lef tezpoe beeper lo] S/ajeujued ’ s | Baa cont =192 2 Coll. GEORGE FORREST Locality Alt. -EASTERN TIBET EDINBURGH VA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E01409030
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Tagg & Forrest
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409031
No label status given
Me@Qe@589 il" | neo i a ie) Pa copyright reserved Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Southeast Tibet Shrub 6-8 feet. Flowers orange to reddish yellow. Alvine regions. ltitude 13,000 feet ttl oF 15,000 2 G elects yp Northern slopes of Mt. Kenichunpo, north of Sikitung, Upper Salwin River. 0 doagiig Bem Be. 22104 May-Tune 1092 E01409031
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