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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron auritum Tagg
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 6278
Collection date: 18th November 1924
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Holotype of Rhododendron auritum Tagg
Barcode: E00010095
Label data completely captured
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copyright reservedvy
Habit. A shrub of about 10 ft. Shoots straggling, those
below inflorescences about 3 mm. diameter; densely lepidote, bark
quickley peéling, exposing on older shoots a bare, smooth, coppery
red stem.
Leaves. Lamina elliptic, ee ite to
Suber asewo
lanceolate,/2.5-5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. broad; apex obtuse with a
tame Kremelhiy nrtoth ov
conspicuous mucro;{memgineentine; upper surface bright green,
minutely rugulose, lepidotes; under surface densely lepidote with
golden to rusty=brown scales which vary much in size, some much
tanner and darker than the majority, about their own diameter
apart but sometimes tOuching, epidermis papfillate (with white ry,
waxy papillae); midrib prominent, lateral veins obscure. Petiole
5-8 mm. long, grooved above and densely lepidote.
Inflorescence.A terminal umbel of 4-7 flowers; rhachis
very short sparsely lepidote.
Pedicels about 1.3 cm. long, green or sometimes tinged
purple, densely lepidote, epilose.
Calyx pale green, about 5 mm. long, with a thickened
basal cup which is densely lepidote; lobes 5, ovate, each about
4 mm. long, distinctly reflexed, sparsely scaly on the back,
margins eciliate but more or less lepidote.
Corolla tubular campanulate, about 2.5 cm. long, creamy
white with a slight tinge of pink on the lobes,the tube relatively
long, tube 1,3-1.5 cm.“long, outside sparsely lepidote, within
glabrous; lobes 5, about 8 mm. long, and 7 mm. broad.
I-K Om,
OP Stamens 10, unequal, S@—dGemwa, long; filaments white,
hairy at the base; anthers smadl, aout or less than 1 mm. long,
2s, Pistil saeoet, ajom. long, (shember~bren—eerebte); ovary
G] \ pale yellow. Soe a>
-2.5 ee
dome-shaped, rounded to the base of the style, slightly grooved,
8 9 10
copyright reservedSeries Boothii.
' Rho, auritum, Tagg
Habit. A shrub of about 10 ft. Shoots straggling, those
below inflorescences about 3 ma, diameter; densly lepidote, bark
quickly peeling exposing on older shoots a bare, smooth, coppery
Leaves. Lamina elliptic to elongate-elliptic or lanceolate} 7
subcoriaceous, 2.5-5 om. long, 1-2 em. broads; apex obtuse with a
conspicuous mucro; base broadly cuneate or subrounded; upper surface
bright green, lepidote; under surface densely lepidote with golden
to rusty-brown scales which vary much in size, some larger and
darker than the majority, all about their own diameter apart or
sometimes touching, epidermis papillate} midrib prominent, lateral ?
veins ohscure. Petiole §-s mm. long, densely lepidote, 5]
inflorescence a terminal umbel of 4-7 flowers; rhachis
ee ee
short, sparsely lepvidote.
Pedicels about 1.3 em. long, densely lepidote, epilose,
Calyx pale green, about 5 ma, long, basal cup densely
lepidote; lobes 5, ovate/ each about 4 mm. long, distinctly reflexed, 2k
sparsely scaly on the back, narginfeciliate but more or less %
Corolla tubular—campanulate, about 2.5 em. long, creamy
white with a slight tinge of pink on the lobes; tube 1.3-1.5 om,
long, outside sparsely lepidote, witnin glabrous; lobes 5, about
8 mm. long, 7 mm. broad.
Stamens 10, unequal, 1-2 cm. long; filaments white, hairy
ae em
at the bases; anthers about or less than 1 mm. long, pale yellow,
Pistil 2-2,.5 om. long; ovary 4 mm. long, dome~shaped,
greenish but with a dense covering of whitish glistening scales;
style white or tinged purple, thin, straight or slightly curved,
lepidote for about one third to one half of its length; stigma pink.
, Gapsule ovoid, 8-10 mm. long, about 5 mn. broad, dehiscing
from the apex by 5 valves, supported below by the persistent
reflexed lobes of the calyx, rusty-brown with a thick incrustation
of withered scales, :
Habitat. South-eastern Tibet, Tsangpo Gorge near Pemak-chung. X
, (Worn 278)
Ward's original gatherings| of this species are in fruit
Only. Jhe description of the truss and flower are based gpon :
cultivated specimens received/ from Sir John Ramsden, ®ulstrode te 19 30h
Gardens, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks, under Ward number 6278, and also
upon s ecimens which flowered in/t#3® at the Royal Botanic Garden, ~~" ¥~
Edinburgh, under the same number. These in leaf shape and type of
scale of the leaf underside agree with Ward's fruiting specimens
and there is no doubt that these flowering plants in cultivation
under the Ward number 6278 are the came as the plant gathered in
the wild in fruit. All the characters suggest affinity with Rh.
aureum but Rh. auritum differs in its smaller flower, in its
flower colour and in the much smaller calyx with smaller reflexed
lobes. ‘The style and stamens are short compared with those of
Rh. aureum and the filaments are less hairy. In its peeling bark
referred to by Captain Ward in his field note, Rh. auritum agrees/
Pout ee eee ee
223 2A See 7 SG
copyright reservedagrees with Rh. aureum. If differs Slightly in the scales of the
leaf undersurface. In Rh. aureum the scales are smaller and more
deeply pitted in the papillate epidermis. The fruit also in Rh.
auritum is broader for its length than the fruit of Rh. aureun.,
There is a link also with Rh. virgatum but the inflorescences
of Rh. auritum are terminal. None of Ward's gatherings have
la'eral inflorescences and the corolla in the cultivated specimens
is not hairy outside as in Rh. virgatum. Rh. aureum is a Tali
plant. The present species comes from far north west of the Tali,
viz. the Tsangpo Gorge, and thus is geographically remote from
Rh. aureum. The species is linked also with Rh. tephrope plum
but apart from the difference in the flower colour it has a
smaller reflexed calyx and the indumental scales of the leaf
underside are different.
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greenish but with a dense covering of whitish glistening scales
(densely lepidote); style white or tinged purple, thin, straight,
or slightly curved, lepidote for about one eb ioe tne half of
its length; stigma lobulate, pink.
Capsule ovoid, 8-10 mm. long, about 5 mm. broad, “
dehiscing from the apex by 5 valves, supported below by th
persistent reflexed lobes of the calyx,/rusty-brown with a thick) 3
(incrustation of withered scales. a if
a ieee
~ Habitat.) “Fsangpo Gorge near Pemayphung. . o-
Ward's original gatnerings of this species are in fruit
only. The description of the truss and flower are based upon
cultivated specimens received from Sir John Ramsden, Bulstrode
Gardens, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks, under the Ward number 6278, and
also upon specimens which flowered in 1930 at the Royal Botanic
Garden, Edinburgh under the same number. These in leaf shape
and type of seale of the leaf underside agree with Ward's
fruiting specimens and there is no doubt that the flowering ee
plants in cultivation under the Ward number are the same as the
plant gathered in the wild in fruit. All the characters suggest
affinity with Rh. aureum but Rh. auritum differs in its smaller
flower, in its flower colour and in the much smaller calyx with
smaller reflexed lobes. The style and stamens are short
compared with those of Rh. aureum and the filaments are less nei be
In its peeling bark referred to by Captain Ward in his field note,
Rh. auritum agrees with Rh. aureum. It differs slightly in the
scales of the leaf undersurface. In Rh. aureum the scales are
smaller and more deeply pitted in the papillate epidermis. The
fruit also in Rh. auritum is broader for its length than the
fruit of Rh. aureum.
There is a link also with Rh. virgatum but the infloresce
of Rh. auritum are terminal. None of Ward's gatherings have
lateral inflorescences and the corolla is not hairy outside wf
as in Rh. virgatum. Rh. aureum is a Tali plant. The present
species comes from far north west of the Tali, viz. the Tsangpo
Gorge, and thus is geographically remote from Rh. aureum.
The species is linked also with Rh. vephropeplum but apart
from the difference in the flower colour it has a smaller reflexed
calyx and the indumental scales of the leaf underside are
Te name ‘auritum' has reference to the reflexed calyx
lobes which suggest a likeness to ear-lobes.9 .E. Tuber:
Yisangpo Gorge near Pemalfchung. Alt. 8000 ft. Shrub of 10 ft.
in sheltered clefts of the cliff above the river.
19/11/24. Truss 5-7 flowerede The bark flakes off exposing the
coppery-red smooth stem. Branches flop over unless supported,
grows thickly forming a bush and last year bore abundant flowers.
22/11/24. Abundant here on big boulders in the river bed,
: u ;
flowered freely this year. 18/11/24. Ward 6278™ F
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Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron auritum Tagg
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409956
No label status given
kudloy . Komff TEC st
e Rhododendron lum Balf.f.& Farrer
F, Luptow, G. Suerrirr, & H. H. ELuior No. 12348
Locality ‘Trulung. Po-Tsangpo Valley. one, Alltitude 7,000ft.
Date 4.4.1947
Shrub up to 3
Anthers yellow
dull red, Lea
metimes tinge
J { J
en, Pedicels green tin
upper surface shining green, lower su
red, Open stony bay
Filaments and style pale yellow,
: 5
. CQ
hace rusty. Corolla
copyright reserved
Family: Ericaceae
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Rhododendron auritum Tagg
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01409957
No label status given
bb. S.0k. 13570-
' y
f. Qurdiom 41949
Rhododendron tephro oot Balf.f.& Farrer
det. J.H nson & G.Taylor 1919-50
F, Luptow, G. Suerrirr, & H. H. ELtior No. 13570
Locality petween Nyuksang & Senge Dzong. Altitude 8,500ft.
Tsangpo Gorge. Kongbo ‘
Calyx minute green; calyx cream yellow, sonetimes
with a pinky tinge; filaments white, anthers Date 29,4.1947
light browm; gynoeciun greenish white, stign —
light brown; pedicels green. Light brovm glands on under surf.
ace of leaves.
Hab. Shrub up to 4ft., growing on rock cliffs.
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