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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collection number: 661
Collection date: 29th March 1939
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00366253
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00366253 J —————— ‘ ce} ® Pa Be ® 7) ® i= ~~ < _ se ES 2 ° re) BIOTA Ne I POA ASENS np?3012% aAprnon QYRID7-YUN IMD ‘niversitatis Hebraicae Hierosolymitanae Divisio Botanica Flora Terrae Isratlis Exsiccata 661, Vicia peregrina L, Spee Ue oo) Judaean Mountains, Jerusalem, Mt, Scopus, 29.3.1939 Leg. S, Leinkram and A, Grizi
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Dinsmore, J.E.
Collection number: 10592
Collection date: 29th February 1936
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00366254
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O° [eo] xo} i pa vo} Is a = i) 7) i) x os 0) a PLANTAE PALAESTINAE DESERTAE AUSTRALIS Nomen Ce Peigrena er A Habitat SLL menue ieee leg a ke Alt 620 m_— RDEN Datum SCE. ag 19 SG No. 49592 leg. et determ. J. E. Dinsmor re ROYAL BOTANIC GA' EDINBURGH E00366254 | The American Colony, Jerusalem.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 2442K
Collection date: 28th February 1941
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00366255
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° 9° Ko} 4 5 Ko} % = = 1) n @ = = oO a. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ] E00366255 FLORA OF G f NAME Vine bi ae qi, i d LocaLity Go K ur HABITAT ~~ yadda & Denies. fh REMARKS i ben Lid, War CoLtEcTOR \YéNw DATE 99 \m\ ay (10869) Wt.70847/35 5000(4) 5/46 L.&S. G67. aL Att. 8g (r Rer. No. ~kkha «
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 33785
Collection date: 29th June 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Georgia
Barcode: E00366256
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s mh. ee) Fa 3 ut 5 6 vi 8 9 10 copyright reserved | fe ) wn 0 “uy (Goo Plitna a E0036625
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Meyers, F.S. & Dinsmore, J.E.
Collection number: G1655
Collection date: 3rd May 1911
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Jordan
Barcode: E00366257
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© ° xe} < ae vo} = - a © ” @O = ~~ © 2. ee PLANTAE PALAESTINAE GILEADENSES ET Fore oes eee ae s Wt lae..X.. var. ; ee AA Habitat es LAC Locus AA. a Alt. 4.30 m. Datum Sra 3 fap. 1911. No. /@ 59 determ’ J, E, Dinsmore. leg. Fred. S. Meyers et J. E. Dinsmore. The American Colony, Jerusalem. joie. , Parviflora (Peat) Ply bw, Determinavit Piha aun log awe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00366257 va wy TT er
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Zohary, D.
Collection date: 29th April 1949
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00366258
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Hedge, I.C. & Wendelbo, P.E.B.
Collection number: W3249
Collection date: 16th May 1962
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Afghanistan
Barcode: E00366259
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(9) ° ao) < A io} Hy a ba © n @ s ~ © 2. FLORA OF AFGHANISTAN Vicia YAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH RO lll ll | | l Prov.Kabul: Kabul, west of the town, corn field weed. £00366259 2? annual. Flowers deep violet. V. peregrina t. Alt. c. 1800 m 46th May 1962 Hote: Leaflcha sxtrimelty Leng ani — Ian Hedge & Per Wendelbo leg. No. W. 3249 Determinavit Plilmann leq Det.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Hedge, I.C. & Wendelbo, P.E.B.
Collection number: W2840
Collection date: 28th April 1962
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Afghanistan
Barcode: E00366260
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FP \ 4 p Ses — iy . Ys Ss a ee YS — hal - : \ | a nal ~ 7 i \ i, eae A ~ iY WP WZ Wh rr i == t FLORA OF AFGHANISTAN . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ' ; Vicia EDINBURGH WNIT \ E00366260 i Prov. Kabul; Kabul, west of the town, field weed, — annual, flowers violet. V. plrtarine L. Hote: Leaflabs 4x Frimtly dong Alt. c. 4800 m 28th April 1962 i Plikmans |b ee ee \ - Ian Hedge & Per Wendelbo leg. No. W. 280 Det.
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Barkoudah, Y.I.
Collection number: 1248
Collection date: 18th May 1964
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Syria
Barcode: E00366261
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er= NW i= l--) LOL 8] BYXe (eye) B dg gall GL 2 tes Herbarium Syriacum Damascus University G=#> deele - all Far ae henna... ee dail SI Aor. — psa - ee i clioll Deser._ grea, E oe Hab. Jabal. Druge, H. of. eee * oee fell Shihan; lava soii, fellow ‘tields, Date 1g@501964 Not! 1249. eo lec De Ye Ie Barkouflah #2! —>le WO t fpr a eo MOS eet ce ell ROYAL EOeUING ne RDEN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Ehrman, , Maxted, N. & Khattab,
Collection number: 4045
Collection date: 18th April 1987
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00366262
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— ran! ees ee | HERB. HORT. EDINB. \ Ur Maxted, Allkin & Khattab 4045 Vicia peregrina L. penseses yUBUAdOO Det. Nigel Maxted O53 vidi 87 University of Southampton Flora of Turkey Vieia peregrina L. Province : Hatay Nearest Settlement : Samandagi Location : 2 Kms from Samandagi on road to Kaburluk Habitat : Amongst Roman ruins ROYALIBOTANICGAREEN Altitude : 75 Latitude : 36 06N Longitude : 35 57E EDINBURGH | | | Collectors : Maxted, Allkin and Khattab 4045 E00366262 Date : 18/04/87
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Maxted, N., Allkin, R. & Khattab,
Collection number: 4065
Collection date: 19th April 1987
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00366263
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or-YiWC-t-r-) BLEl eo) B/Ce (ele) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH \ | E00366263 SS eee LE ee TS TS HERB. HORT. EDINB. Maxted, Allkin & Khattab 4065 Vicia peregrina L. Det. Nigel Maxted 05.viii.87 University of Southampton Flora of Turkey Vicia peregrina L. Province : Hatay Nearest Settlement : Karatas Location : 6 Kms from Kirikhan on road to Delibekirli Habitat : Steep valley with stream Altitude : 460 Latitude : 36 31N Longitude : 36 20E Collectors : Maxted, Allkin and Khattab 4065 Date : 19/04/87
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Zel, M.
Collection number: 1002
Collection date: 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00366264
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ee y6iAdoo -_—_— ie ~< Pr S = i SN vi ae IZ ae Sa od v é I / y 2 4 a) " Ankara Universitesi Fen Fakiltesi Botanik Enstitiisu a 2 ARERR ST a I AT EE ET SN RAE SEIT OSA SES, Fam. =e Pep smsine ae ————————__——— Nom. : ypc penva a Loc. Un fo {Harz} Weed a rT SS Vietses fT ee Leg. : M. Z2el a No. 100 2.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Haines, R.W.
Collection number: 1492
Collection date: 17th March 1958
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iraq
Barcode: E00366265
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0) BS ag pe amens sf xyclee? AUIS Rea STi e gat ey 9 rer=YiWiel-t- 5 LL o) BLVe (ole) FLORA OF IRAQ Sy | COLLECTOR R. WHEELER HAINES ge Deie ro be Je bel Maclrte (7 Mow M95 eo Weed a story prow om Ka tom ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AMIN ee E00366265 = = | LG Rwy He,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 3144K
Collection date: 11th April 1941
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00366266
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE EDINBURGH wu E00366266 FLORA OF Cay pres / / : NAME AY ( on Locatiry Lonsasun os ALT. Qoqy- HasitatT Town Lian St W: in od: LT, om chahle REMARKS Q A \ey uw) w COLLECTOR You es Rer. No. DATE WE Ly Ak KC (10869) Wt.70847/35 5000(4) 5/46 L.& 8. G67.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 2758
Collection date: 19th March 1941
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00366267
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00366267 ROYAL BOTANIC HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. a Viena hi , puna Kins beYbane «190 (A=, etl UN, shee Fam. ( - Wear) . \4\3 (Aur Clasien 4 EY copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 2785
Collection date: 17th March 1941
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00366268
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xo} a Pa co cD 7) co oa ed £ ie ~— > 2 ° o FLORA OF Cope No. N1 845 Sie Name : Ni@eics / } reG-r Native Name : 8 Locality and Altitude Mano ow ( Re. harmree pdb cok el mT! AA (mnk . Habit, Colour, Uses, etc.: / Es Hi Chin Collector ; Mn pow Date vals \s, Gt
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 5272
Collection date: 16th February 1943
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00366269
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copyright reserved FLORA OF 242>c0>7 | { NAME { eh gee LOCALITY Sadat tes ae Lovctegtade Hanirar “eran tiey Booplass, Jf’ aHaber SC as oGSy ee REMARKS Eee Sb i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : Jae : ss COLLECTOR pac Rer. No. S2¥2 Pie Ps | iil | DaTE 1b f 2/79G-3 | (13426) Wt.73860/25 5000(4) 2/50 L.&S. G67.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Dinsmore, J.E.
Collection number: 8592
Collection date: 1st April 1911
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00366270
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PLANTAE PALAESTINAE - | SARONAE Avs}, Nomen Voce o— pert grena a Habitat feracag pelle Locus Sess 2am Alt. 200 m. Datum tifead. ey ho. £5. 7 2 leg. et. determ, J. E, Dinsmore. The American Colony, Jerusalem. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00366270 - - a = " _
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Meyers, F.S. & Dinsmore, J.E.
Collection number: 592
Collection date: 31st March 1903
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00366271
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i?) ° Ke) < as Ce] > ad - tv) ” fe) eS < 19 a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00366271 - PLANTAE PALAESTINAE HIEROSOLYMITANAE ET MEDIAE PALAESTINAE Nomen VWOcomew Tae ae Habitat factlola Locus Jerusalem Alt. 800 m. Datum Miar0ohs3/ 19.03 O72 PC No..8.7 hy. ned Puegerd icf ot determ, J. E. Dinsmore. The American Colony, Jerusalem.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Dinsmore, J.E.
Collection number: 4592
Collection date: 27th March 1911
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00366272
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Petey yy6uuAdoo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00366272 PLANTAE PALAESTINAE - SARONAE Nomen Viena. fe regina Pd a Sf Habitat rete fe (AA Lg a “Ly , Locus Akar Atae Alt. (2? m. a ; Lee Datum 42AQR.. 277 19%. No. FOF leg. et. determ, J. E. Dinsmore, The American Colony, Jerusalem.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Meyers, F.S. & Dinsmore, J.E.
Collection number: M1655
Collection date: 24th April 1911
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Jordan
Barcode: E00366273
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i?) {e} ae) 4 as Ko} a a pad oO me @ be o i) 2. ! 4 i» PLANTAE PALAESTINAE Z _-* .MOABITICAE Nomen ee SD) ol Habitat fhactg ioe Locus ewl lbw. Alte. 7 m. Datum a ee 1911. No.., loos. determ, J. E. Dinsmore leg. Fred. S. Meyers et J. E. Din ROYALE BoA: ONEmN The American Colony, Jerusalem. IA
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Bornmüller, J.F.N. & Bornmüller, F.
Collection number: 11724
Collection date: 13th June 1910
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00366274
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a \ 0 | {WM “A | , . a & E00366274 YY XN + ) a J. BORNMULLER: Iter Syriacum II (1910) 4 —s iter Oriental XT ae 7 = No. A184: ; Fara frequen a Le In Libani australis regione subalpina, in declivi- tatibus occidentalibus ad Ain Zahalta. 13.—20. VI. 1910. leg. J. et F. Bornmiller. alt 12-1300 m.-s.-m. yes ly copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Aucher-Eloy, P.M.R.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00366275
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Pa (ll. 8 1SEY 2 1 PEREGK/NA, OW , CY NONO ok YN Wy Ve EDINBURGH THE SENA OF ROYAL PRINITY COLLESE. (00M GLASGOW, 1931 00366275 s A a oO : 2 Mute SLEEP beeesd,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00366276
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Blanche, C.I.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00366277
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9° {e} e Cn e = ¥ a be | oO 7 0) "= es i) 2. YAL BOTANIC GARDEN RO We G EDINBURGH E00366277
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Stapf, O.
Collection date: 17th May 1885
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00366278
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oo S & ix Herb. O. Stapf. di i Purchased 1893. peniesas yHiuAdoo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E0036627: Leuia CEL ox r- che tect, Yt
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Ball, J.
Collection number: 1
Collection date: May 1877
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00366279
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ITER ORIENTALE, 1877. ae . E oe Vepea- [4 Ex collibns Palestine prope Nazareth. Ineunte Majo. Ju. BABTA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00366279 HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RS. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. | I
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Collenette, I.S.
Collection number: 7147
Collection date: 22nd April 1989
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Saudi Arabia
Barcode: E00370138
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A. . hese ctl Gost ean oN ot igrsangel nea aly ‘apt Spe anche ina é “ HERB. HORT. EDINB. Seen for FLORA OF ARABIA tu Bowles (19v COUNTRY, PROVINCE, LOCALITY SA JD Ag A Ri fh ARmoa Fy qm bO km wel o U oda maw "NAME 0 tt LAA SK Vile qrviey iS HABITAT (VEGETATION/SOIL TYPE ETC.) ivf . ae \ f gal PARRA GULL a ourtLin , U ~ 8 ALTITUDE S OVD \v PpeAsaseas JUHUAdOS DESCRIPTION OF PLANT, USES ane aa “1037. @ ot ae SAAR C8 (Vv tb DKA Stal) Ve q bX Aor Yer opens TI ie ae Ne. } ’ } as e U ( A 4 { KAKO. AN K JW », yA A \. /r Ac0,,. . \ { ) BANOO NA Ree ( \ } | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN eo P EDINBURGH UI ys nN LN wart [ es] [a om [Wo [ - | Photo, i E00370138 DATE. 4 ew GOLLECTOR 4254487 QO cea n NUMBER | i Vg, ut
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Type of Vicia megalosperma M.Bieb.
Barcode: E00326459
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oD | cd cd +a ca 7) i eae oo a Aes a > rom fe. oO 4/69.1 Vicia ’ MB = megalosperma MB. (>V. peregrina)L.) Caucasia. LE, type. OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii 00326459 Type Specimen
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Family: Leguminosae
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Vicia peregrina L.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Gardner, S.G.
Collection number: 1637
Collection date: 13th April 1982
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E00102049
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EX HERBARIO M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees HSS 1949949. Beanie rere) copyright reserved Herbarium Martin & Sabina Gardner FLORA OF SPAIN Vicia peregrina L. Prov. Almeria: Mojacar; Sierra de Alhamilla, near Lucainena de las Torres. 600m 37°4'N 2°11'W Rocky roadside verge, Flowers purple to lilac. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH up Po . gee? 13 Apr. 1982
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