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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Collector/Expedition: Thompson, B.H.
Collection date: 31st May 1982
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00176504
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. * N *. S 2 = copyright reserved ~~ BLORA OF ARGYLL - ve 98 STenLratin NEGLECTA. fosowy loge horldea, Port Seal een Geel Grea, || Cup South of Cenarg, Teyvellih, Avyatt. Pletift wi Faro placa cmt Viny Onntd crea. 3/-5.92 |X Locality: = Habitat. | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH wu 0 pe St Ep ne
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Collector/Expedition: Barta, T.
Collection number: 1601
Collection date: 10th May 2012
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Austria
Barcode: E00711337
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Collector/Expedition: Ihara, H.
Collection number: 71971
Collection date: 7th June 2004
Filing region: Japan
Country/Territory: Japan
Barcode: E00849620
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Collector/Expedition: Sukhorukov, A.
Collection date: 2nd March 2008
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00854101
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00989783
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WT E00989783 FLORA OF Co prs NAME Sits » nnedia autia rregleora | Locatity teri ww Pal. ‘HABITAT Fond ta A REMARKS CottEcTor Dew wee 34 is (t2[qa (10869) Wt.70847/35 5000(4) 5/46 L.&S. G67. ALT. 20 4 REF. No. 2eo| kK copyright reserved
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00989784
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WI E00989784 FLORA OF Lebanon . { . : Nae Wann drredrc Mrectrn Certmegons Locatity Qbeve Seggin z HABITAT Rocke Slope ALT. 33e0§* . @ crercatiun eolan. REMARKS CottEcTOR P48. Dawe Date a] 3] ITGa, (13426) Wt.73860/25 5000(4) 2/50 L.& S. G67. Rer. No SGty, | iy ‘fh copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00989785
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Stow uwnweae sl copyright reserved FLORA OF | yar Wrorea tte Name Ql dane ae Jutip ee a LocaLity nq dik, J ; Yaaro HapitTaT : Aur. 500 ft. REMARKS Olencs © ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Cottector #7. fH. fonees ee No. Z/CG0 EDINBURGH / UNIT Dare B/ foy (14098) Wt.74226/43 10m(4) 3/51 L.& S. G67. E00989785
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00989786
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copyright reserved FLORA OF (trae NAME CA Aavin Pra ak OCC ey CAAVORL é LocaLity MS ab Malbdt ¢ De rma ii atts on tot 4 Wok. ee. . REMARKS Cg | Caren () . twa tk Mobiea cal, Grew. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN COLLECTOR PRD oes REF No. EDINBURGH INI Dem Ab (aun 409 B E00989786 HaBITAT
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00989787
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00989787 c Sfamrene fe. crn Sila f) * / \ i { Hein Maw OneUnrk PLANTAE PALAESTINAE PALAESTINAE BOREALIS mo ara “) Vhpal Habitat Dencted lated... Locus... Soa m. Datum. eee: ed. 19/2_ Nonny oles determ. J. E. Dinsmore. leg. Fred. S. Meyers et J. E. Dinsmore. The American Colony, Jerusalem. fps Large, bread: of lens) copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915031
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y , Var pnapir ee fC) ba J teg beck te o Lagphacbmele ew E segleels ey SEL. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TMOG ANTI HERB. A, SOMERVILLE, B.Sc., LAA PRESENTED 1935. £00915031 a : Order, (No. /2 \Oarnpathylleda,. CCrP bb, N% 232,c.. 9° 10 ts} copyright reserved el aT) Sisal See r az ie 5 0) cm
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915032
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36s. xo} ® Pa he ) n ® ke aa <= ie = > Q. ° (3) Name.-. 4 e, neglecta <lueike, ; ( ) ; Sain ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN D * van - SOMERVILLE, B.Sc, apeiee VE | A AACA seis Bd, VMI PRESENTED 1935, ee E00915032 ,| Date. er becky KD. S Collector. 7-8. cor. AM. Order, (No. Sa NA
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915033
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MQ@QQ0323 ROYAL ouW Wnt tel GARDEN EDINBURGH 10 ¢ 245 Be faa) Ena tal S62 aia 8 «9 copyright reserved r BRITISH PLANTS. TT jimceme| ieee) ce f ws am , 0) cm GARDEN G ni ROYAL BOTANIC ; y EDINBURGH | Big... ae UI a : ones E£00915033
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915034
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We €z<000W or-y,WE-s-t-) UL 0) B/Xe (oye) 07 ee meets ene 4 5) S v € 4 ic 0 \n Oo v > if WI ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E00915034
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915035
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is 2.2 82 e*__* 27 .,|.., eo: 2 2 e3 | rota | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Py Ree iS ay pt 10 =aaac| 8 9 copyright reserved it a 2 ve SP BD Saeeee HEE] ire Place aia Wee 5 aes 0) cm ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wt ” g oy oh: E00915035 .
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915036
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on N om fav) g ox} = copyright reserved vc IBD ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | E00915036 coit_Se fbn 18 EP bd Ex Herb. W. Lauder Lindsuy.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915037
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_——€& ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN E CT E 00915037 Mere R. Mackechnie FLORA SCOTICA. COLL. R. MACKECHNIE AND E. C, WALLACE. 9-9-1957 VES m. N om 2 S = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915038
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | Me@e0323 copyright reserved Herb R. Mackechua FLORA “SCOTICA. eae bola. a lid. hod pe. eal < oT: Vc. 10? LUNIA es = E00915038 COLL. R. MACKECHNIE ? 7 ltgg |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915040
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Mee0323 Ex Herb. FRED. HAMILTON DAVEY, F.L.S. L.C. 9th cadena 272 0 . Lllaren nected, var major, foal. | | Locality Aen. Ih ee HERB aS copyright reserved County @7 all ey Ge fae. con, HA. ee at Mey 10 Wa... « ft eo. ay Noth ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iL eos EDINBURGH A, SOMERVILLE, B.So,, Locantty wr Lr<c1hd Aaa Kk ath DGLUMA UNI PRESENTED 1936, / oe E00915040 We cscs gies omc wg ie Order, (No. /2. ) Carizot CC, 9% BLA, Na LIL, @ - Conestor—% MA Kas db fait :
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915041
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ie Otheed No soe). A Locatity Mohaeoes De bi Maceul hei County San Ae eee Order, (No. /2,. \ Can PALL: Ex Herb. FRED. HAMILTON DAVEY, F.L.S. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TL CONT E£00915041 LC, G* Eb, MG 233. HERB, A. SOMERVILLE, B.Sc, PRESENTED 1935. Name Marsaarduanthaart ds fota- Locantty. 2% L2e0ha,..0ermneralls, t VC im N ® S = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915042
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/ M@@0323 | % Ss = = oT vb. Delbenccs LantrvLo Laty banat? A / 4p eee r Lepeso ud — Whew, HERB. W. B. WATERFALL I AA 00915042 | tf Ww Tuoy ’ Presented by Miss M. Bowen, March, 7941 ee i ( . F
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915044
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My, WL. 77 WF Mee0323 C AY) S. umbrosa, Opitz. ; 8. Klizabethe, F. Schultz. Hedgebanks near Torquay, 8. Devon, May, 1876.—-F. TownsEnp. This is an ~X | copyright reserved extension of the known range of this plant to the south-west, but no doubt if the plant were looked for it would prove to have a wide range. I have very little donbt that itis a good sub-species; the seeds are tubercled all over, and not merely round the margin, as in S. eu-media, and the plant is truly perennial. Instead of going on producing branches which flower until stopped by frost, as in S. media, 8S. wnbrosa forms autumnal barren shoots very similar to S. nemorum. These remain through the winter, and do not flower till the following spring, as I have ascertained by bringing the plant into the garden and watching it. I sent a few specimens to the Club from Pirniss ‘Wood, Balmuto, Fife, to show - this autumnal and winter state.—J, T. Boswain, £6 @epert fo 1676. . SLR = tree Ops eee Dee eee OR ae. ‘ Foe ee a Sof ee eG — > ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mt Gch Ulete Mhfb-7 “iy ee. LA le A dX 7 OWS ee eC E00915044
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Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915045
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Herb: W. Edgar Evans. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mn E00915045 235 Ahelbaria negbota, Weke Hab. Bide. Loekington Zane ne Lorguc “i; Coll. 2a Aprul 19/0. Leg. W. Epear Evans. m N * 2 2 2 = copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915046
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| MGQ@323 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Pan se oy cs) copyright reserved Se (Sele 7¢ yi Eas PE | Fi {it A ae FS RS: a 3} CSc 0 cm i titi ang T re a a | : EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Caen heen il ere ee E00915046 | u W/W. Yo jo Presented by Miss M. Bowen, March, 7941 (ag Ts if ‘dé
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915047
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wT E00915047 EX HERB. MUSEI BRITANNICI. ord 7 Bib oe Bainter. oe Cf—rA EEL, Ve (s Mee00323 12) oO Ps = co) 72) o te — As > = > fo ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915049
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Ref. No. 253%. TO. media var. Ai aeese = of Whe. mmopor fi Vals, doug Soba m.0,/3 Wp dost 7d (o- Legit E. S. MARSHALL. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00915049 Mee0323 SB ® Po I ® n Ms — og (o) r= > 2 fo} oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915050
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN vA E00915050 Refs NO; Mi (594 | 4 a 7, Legit E. S. MARSHALL. (= Order, (No.:/2. ON AA ofthy exe HERB. A, SOMERVILLE, B.Sc., PRESENTED 1935, Name.-VCELAAC. Man Ait, MAL. Locantty 2 i laehasraherr. POUL... 10 aca fs] o} copyright reserved BEEZ) 7 6 a] 5 yi fer x} fan] aa 1 0) om N * 2 a 2 =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915053
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| HERB. W. B. WATERFALL Presented by Miss M. Bowen, March, 7947 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | iii i | EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. E00915053 - ven xo} oO Pa I c n o bw —) coy yc J > Qa ° oO MQ00323
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915054
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mm. N om 2 2 2 ca copyright reserved i ' iT Ex Herb, Mrs. snid By ice: Jister iat ve | . 2/ 3S of Killean No. Lbe. X/Edit, L. C. Date ala Latin Name Sith: neg le ka. hehe. Fresented by her Executor: English Name. --senesnsnsennnn ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee Cray aphy ‘A ie cee. EDINBURGH loa boey adige.,' Saaey UU ee Re E00915054 Collector
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915055
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN om N om 2 2 2 = copyright reserved Vy tell, Ee eggs pines 7 ees Aid Mb. we “tfy- ae : Legit E. S. MARSHALL.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Caryophyllaceae
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Stellaria neglecta Weihe.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00915056
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Mee0323 copyright reserved Ref. NaS . fn glondiloen £6, Loot, Mar Worvora lin; ee. ay Mente. frre F902 4th | et aire a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN / EDINBURGH ee NIN a» E00915056
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