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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collection date: May 1877
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045629
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045628
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045627
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Lacrowitz, W.
Collection date: 11th June 1901
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045626
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Rechinger, K.H.
Collection number: 21874
Collection date: 21st April 1961
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00045625
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collection date: 17th April 1881
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045624
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Sezer Genus. Bo. aie I, | MG. 2h UK. Wp. Herbarium D! Julii Augusti Tauscher. Fecceyfnece: - a Cece ce a Aled tegu Ppienee. YF E ig PX Let IFC. Fone y Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut flr Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ing E00045624 Senecio VoAnalis W oldok elLk, | Determinavit J. C. M. Alexander 1973 Pals) Cet copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Hasslow, O.J.
Collection date: May 1906
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045623
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collection date: June 1861
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045622
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045621
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045620
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Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut fur Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Senecio V 21 notLis Waldet cut , Determinavit J.C. M. Alexander 19784 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ip . Hee G Ie. a” Ahone Morake# MANIAC] AMOR tok Ferree acne copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Von Heldreich, T.H.H.
Collection date: April 1844
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045619
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045618
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045617
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045616
Label data completely captured
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Sintenis, P.E.E.
Collection number: 77
Collection date: 4th May 1896
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00045615
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Wiedemann, E.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00045614
Label data completely captured
HM ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH a Senecio vernalis WaLDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut flr Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Senecio vy Unadis Woaldch+ Wik copyright reserved Determinavit J.C. M. Alexander 19784 Ex herbario horti Petropolitani. wy Le vbecatir lt oF - 4 Aas Cue Lit Y ie Ke Et oe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : 4 ALL, FR.S: aT IMTHT Be y :-HERBARIUM OF JOHN BAL AN © ? a, = E00045614 > =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collection date: 1837
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045613
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Jacobsen, N.
Collection number: 97
Collection date: 25th July 1969
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Denmark
Barcode: E00045612
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collection date: 6th June 1922
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045611
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Krebs, O.
Collection date: May 1895
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045610
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Calvert, H.H. & Zohrab, J.
Collection date: May 1867
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045609
Label data completely captured
/} Mf ) we ALeG te Jb Cece Cem foe ARMENIA. Received May 1867. Coll. Messrs. H. H, Calvert and J. Zohrab. Vaz espe} Pa < O32 28 ar loli} aon % copyright reserved Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut fr Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Senecio Vv 21 nol s Wald r+ Lt , ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN = Deterainas ; J.C. M. Alexander 1978” INI I ~~ ee oe ie cell ; ee _ -
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Stojanov, N.
Collection number: 199
Collection date: 24th April 1952
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Bulgaria
Barcode: E00045608
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Pichler, T.
Collection date: 1882
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00045607
Label data completely captured
Museum botanicum wniversitatis Vindobonensis, ~PeeL5/ 666 Iter Persicum D™ J. E. Polak. 1882. v eee wreAT aL, ! Y In_agre_Eehatanensi_(Media) ns Cog ete’ Legit Th. Piohler. From tHE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED. eel eae] etl ae O<6 Chee) copyright reserved Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut fur Spezielle Botanik. und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Senecio V nalts Waldeh. + (dt . | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN * EDINBURGH ANN a E00045607 = eee Determinavit J. C. M. Alexander 19736
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Wilson, M.
Collection date: 11th April 1918
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045606
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collection date: May 1897
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045605
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Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Major, F.
Collection number: 364
Collection date: 5th April 1888
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00045604
Label data completely captured
ROYAL Propet GARDEN EDINBURGH A ROY pS copyright reserved Plante a cl. Dre Forsyta MAJGQ in insnlis Archipelagi auspice W. Barbey lectz, Corr bj) 55S. Ne JG4. 1887 Fag | (2 a) } Pigg eee: sefM. apc . , | Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. KALYMNOS ” i 2. Jb sey cat “eg-s50 | det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 feck), a Institut fiir Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Seneciovernalis W aldct. sit . From THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN rs HOAPMIINIIN —erninait 3.0.94 Alexander 19785
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 40519
Collection date: 28th March 1965
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00045603
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN un Eo00045603 Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det/rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut fr Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Senecio Vernaliy Waldst. 4 Kuk Determinavit J.C. M. Alexander 19735 Davis 40519 Senecio venalis W gt. GREECE. Is. Coss near Antimakia. 4100 Me Fallow field (sandy). Annual, ligules golden. 28.3.1965, copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Greuter, W.R.
Collection number: 10720
Collection date: 16th April 1973
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00045602
Label data completely captured
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Coode, M.J.E. & Jones, B.M.G.
Collection number: 2776
Collection date: 21st June 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00045601
Label data completely captured
Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut fr Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng FLORA OF TURKEY Agreed! ‘Davis < Kupicha. | Matthews te é UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Senacio viernolie iW, enee ae (A Ga Determinavit— ¢ T.£. MW. AQovenclor U-3° Tl FLORA or TURKEY M.J.E.COODE and B.M.G.JONES. B2 Manisa: Kula. ec. 700m. Lava blocks and rubble. Flowers yellow.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Compositae
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Filed as: Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter
Current name: Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H., Dodds, J.G. & Çetik, R.
Collection number: 18899
Collection date: 15th June 1952
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00045600
Label data completely captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ing Eo00045600 | | copyright reserved Senecio vernalis WALDST. & KIT. det./rev. Z. Nadalian Januar 1999 Institut fr Spezielle Botanik und Botanischer Garten Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Senecio Venalyu Wk. DH. Dams “I.CM. Mexande = I-71 Det Senecio Vn, lao wie, 24 C/ \ purkey. Prev, Nigde:; Hasan Dag sbove | FORA OF tune “faspinar, 1200 m, 15 June 1952, ml Ka. 19? QQ bf Pavi s 18899 > Deda s > Cetik e | at a j UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Ke
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IIIF Manifest
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