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Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb.) Kadereit
Collector/Expedition: Collenette, I.S.
Collection number: 5782
Collection date: 25th March 1986
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Saudi Arabia
Barcode: E00402405
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jok=Y,W=\=x-¥ BLU] 0) BIAXe (eye) FLORA OF ARABIA ee Achep ne ee g YY HPA COUNTRY, PROVINCE, EGC sire Ay S| fH (2 tS | f i vs f . a & bw Voom. € ote aim ® ’ o > et oe Qa he DR, { oad - Salim : Reco. Adie, TO ay , NAME ( , a ¢ e 1 4 sucked Af Ae Cad Braden HABITAT CIEGET ATEN ISO ot ETE.) 2 )) rf i] Le orb_en > of \a horus ite aca leo i Y } ALTITUDE “7. OOD W DESCRIPTION OF PLANT, USES {j A ( A “a tA AA Ae SAA Vo “3 OAK 1 y wad . a ROYAL BOTAN GARDEN oe | MATERIAL | Herb. | Spirit | Living] Carp. | Wood | Cyto. | Bhai: DATE i | / 2 ( TOG NUMBER (3, 8 SPW SFk2.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb.) Kadereit
Collector/Expedition: Podzorski, A.C.
Collection number: 1103
Collection date: 24th April 1982
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Saudi Arabia
Barcode: E00402406
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00402406 HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC rey W Oya 3 cy = i ® 7) cy he hed tS jek i > roy ° co) p FLORA OF ARABIA Det. A (990. HIELESHOG EXPEDITION TO THE KINGDOM OF SAUDI-ARABIA Species: Papaver dubium L. Locality:yorth Asir Mts., south of Jabal Ibrahim, meadow campsite. Altitude: c-2000m Habitat: 974 terraced meadows. NoteS:riowers red. Date: 1982.Apr.24 No.: 1103. Coll.: A. €. Podzorski
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb.) Kadereit
Collector/Expedition: Collenette, I.S.
Collection number: 5369
Collection date: 8th May 1985
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Saudi Arabia
Barcode: E00402407
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ex=V.Wi-I=t-) UL BY o (oye) FLORA OF ARABIA COUNTRY, PROVINCE, LOCALITY SS AUDI ARABIA LO ben, NW Aw — Covad & NAME : HABITAT (VEGETATION/SOIL TYPE ETC.) Wee o| aLtituDE X00 DESCRIPTION OF PLANT, USES Vege 2145. Peat, dro Nee GO um vo (Geet ee wrk seal Soke spols a bce carbine ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00402407 eae er tn Lae pote ag AS Se le i nce et a COLLECTOR . NUMBER | DATE, on | SS (86 va sh S36Qq
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb.) Kadereit
Collector/Expedition: Manissadjian, A.
Collection number: 451B
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Type of Papaver lacerum Popov
Barcode: E00062064
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARD EDINBURGH - NA 00062065 n: Plantae orientales | 5B » | » Papaver laevigatum M. B. 4 Merzifoun, Paphlagonia. copyright reserved 21.1. Papazer lacerum M. Pop. : ap agon1 ie LrOouMm, Manis A a . ( olo yp yy fd. en. P. hlagonias rZ foum ani sadjian 45 Lb h type H b xkpakazx4eGOOxmxyxBarn Par jr ter Mybiun lt. “a Aaj yp bit (4. Bit.) Glew | Determinavit J.W. Kadereit 2 19% ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MM
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb.) Kadereit
Collector/Expedition: Sintenis, P.E.E.
Collection number: 3702
Collection date: 1892
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Type of Papaver lacerum Popov
Barcode: E00062065
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MQ00322 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN El GH MT issadjian: Plantae orientales | 151 b Papaver laevigatum M. B. & | Merzifoun, Paphlagonia tvon | Fagen Licomn | : er rm Sythe | 5 1s ick Toate (UD, : 77) 2 a = oD 5 Pay m M. Pop. 3 21.1. Papser lacerum M ae Mani jian 451b. (holotype). eb. : Paphlagonia: Merzifoun, Manisadjia Frapnlag as i xhpakazx4eGOOxmxzxBarn Ya puts Mnbiun C. pulpy. Lacvjgh Yin (1. Bit.) Uneleontt- Determinavit _J.W. Kadereit 2 19& ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MQ
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb.) Kadereit
Collector/Expedition: Sagalaev, V.A.
Collection number: 556
Collection date: 18th May 2010
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Russia
Barcode: E00855809
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HERB, HORT. EDINB, xe] co) Pd = co) n 2 ad = Da = > a fe) [S) FLORA ROSSICA AUSTRO-ORIENTALIS @Mnopa IOro-Bocroka epponeiickoii Poccuu Tep6apui Kadempb! 6uonoruy | “ Bonrorpafckon rocyfapcTBeHHbI yHUBepcuTerT Papaver laevigatum Bieb. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN [Fo Bonrorpaa, Hipaeen tne p-H. Beper Bonru y nepenpaBbl Ha OcTpoB CapnuHckuii. Maccosbie i ae awl F00855809 18.05.2013. Co6pan Caranaee B. A, ali idee tea aaa
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. amasiaca F.Karaer
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 41536
Collection date: 22nd April 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00367187
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| 3 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i E00367 187 D Popover dubiom L. subsp. Lacviac fom (M.Rieb) Kadereit var. amasiaca F.Carael” et. Fkoraee 2004 / viii Papaver dubium L. subsp. ; laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit 19%? 4 a al fe} ce BOTANIC 44536 Davis Papaver TURKEY. C2 Aydin: d. Karacasu, Baba Dag above Seki, 850m. Cornfields. Annual. Leaves glaucescent. Flowers black! Also observed at Geyre. 22.24.1965. copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. amasiaca F.Karaer
Collector/Expedition: Aznavour, G.V.
Collection date: 3rd June 1906
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402219
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JAP. AMASTAC & Det. | Varner , 200q f Vill penseses JUBUAdOO Papaver dubium L. subsp. : Pe een (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W-Kadereit ® 1947 ' HERBIER DE BERTRAM V.D. POST Herbier de Bertram V.D. Post (1871 - 1960), donné au Conservatoire botanique de Genéve en 1956. Spécimen prété par le Conservatoire botanique GENEVE (Suisse) Attention ! Ne rien écrire sur cette étiquette qui sera retirée lors de Ja réintercalation de la plante. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00402219 Papave r dylo tu (. subs > taralgston Ot
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. amasiaca F.Karaer
Collector/Expedition: Balls, E.K.
Collection number: 224
Collection date: 7th May 1933
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402220
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fok=Y,Wi=\-x-3 Le] o) Bye (ote) p dubesomn L.cuese. lerevigntour (A.Giels) Codertt \rav aurasin dg F- Va tee Det F-ddyicer neo +l) vin : a a” Papaver dubium L. subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit te J .WeMaderert 72 1967- a ROYAL Be Aue enpen arebtr Cate Board) aomttimes AK Aemnrtip slhifts alae otk setrkes- 2 6G 1S" XGA. Prem
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. amasiaca F.Karaer
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 41669
Collection date: 23rd April 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402221
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peAseses }UBUAdOS | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00402221 Pdurboiour L. Sion . | eeviget buna Ci Gels) Verden} Det. VOr.ceuresioca Farmer FLeraer deg /vii | Se hkKNIC Papaver dubium L. subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit 2 19¥F Davis 41669 Peraver Laconia, Aopev. Ade €t, Udo TURKEY. C2 Aydin; Karacasu. 500 m. Chalky cornfields. Annual, glaucous, flowers black. 23441965-
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. amasiaca F.Karaer
Collector/Expedition: Coode, M.J.E. & Jones, B.M.G.
Collection number: 1816
Collection date: 30th May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402222
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i?) {e} xe} a an © 3 a = 0) n cv) ts < 0) a. G L226 Da ES € aes v i) is az 8 6 S EE nae BRE HE PH FRaD Rv ae eS P|" Pp. d ubrouy L. Talay val. 4 awasiato, Det. £ Vareesr 2004. {viii ROYAL Ee Bee (a ay a Papaver dubium L. subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit -@ 19g} ge town Breb) Cer otter | Ae aie oe Pop, seca tes Grow ph ey CU porty Pos nee black - flowered sides Det/Rey. OULLE 1968 FLORA or TURKEY M.J.E.COODE and B.M.G.JONES. Papaver Cuban L, A5 CORUM : Iskilip , 2 miles south, 700 m. Roadside.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. amasiaca F.Karaer
Collector/Expedition: Tobey, C.
Collection number: 938
Collection date: 1st May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402223
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= ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NLU Nos 938 Name: Papaver LatirimA ope, E00402224 Vilayets: Samsun peaseses }yYBUAdoo Locality: Havza (Sekizgiéz) Alt: 1000 meters Habitats: Grassy banks by road. m Note: This colony of poppies had a number of specimens completely black, in flower. Papaver dubium L. subsp. ; laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit m19F77 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00402223 Dates May 1, igbs C. Tobey, a tenet ean 2 ie eal
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Tobey, C.
Collection number: 938
Collection date: 1st May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402224
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for=y,Wi=t=r-) BLU] 0) B,C (eye) | a a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH No: 938 Name; Papaver ope, E00402224 Vilayets: Samsun Locality: Havza (Sekizgéz) Alt: 1000 meters Habitats: Grassy banks by road. Note: This colony of poppies 1 had a number | $s of specimens completely black, in flower. Papaver dubium L. subsp. ; laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit mi19F77 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Dales May 1, igbs C. Tobey. | E00402223
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 33546
Collection date: 5th June 1959
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Ukraine
Barcode: E00367188
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er=y,WEst-r-) Ie LU1 0) B/,Ve (ore) BS toys BLiNICr§ Naduvo SINVLOG ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH m< , ‘ Bs | | ~«SNIC CG Qa “As E00367188 “A of a\ on ible Br Papaver dubium Ll. subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit #2197 ae ropl km. S. of me sanapneerenammnnannapeninnemeneremen sm « ropl, 1 orest GE i ONG « L. subsp. featowy Papavey dulotom L. sulesp. \aeviga cee sic. . slope in steppe Bud A1.b/eb}) Kaderd+ var (aeuigaetou (cale: A nual. 2621959. Dot . P-Kercet 200 &
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Parry, E.
Collection number: 109
Collection date: 20th June 1963
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402225
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Pe perwerdlateror, L. Sul Bigo(u.tiee) ieadectb yay laevigc, ty Tt AZ aor leory oP laeupatoun WN BS Co etiNiCers Nadavod SINVLOG TVAOU peeminait Soallon 1963 HERBS HORT BOI. REG..EDIN: FLORA OF TURKEY Prov. Nigde: Ala dag. Middle Narpi Rocky ground. Red poppy, black markings. Upright. 8-18 ins. N Q oO Le} JQ oO e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Papaver dubium L. subsp. EDINBURGH laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit 2100 me 90 dune 1963. | | | | Det. J.W.Kadereit £ 1997 00402225 pent No. 109.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Tobey, C.
Collection number: 2514
Collection date: 11th May 1969
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402226
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lemves pobeseus Fapaver dubious \- sutsp laeupadur IR (U.Bret) Kederett Vert « [de vigr oan Deb: F-Loroey 2004 ors iWtei=r-) Leo} Bye (eye) BS coretsinicersd Naduvoe INVLOG Tebey 2514 Papaver die arm Vo av Turkey Mergi n-Hagikby ; Amasya ‘7. WH t. 300m. recky clay. Srange with bright black ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Papaver dubium lL. subsp. bletching, semetimes entirely black. BURGE laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit 2 ft. Annual. May 11, 1969. | Det. J.W.Kadereit 42 19%+ E00402226
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Callier, A.
Collection number: 9
Collection date: 29th May 1896
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00402227
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Ar aj P. dubipun Eales, (aeuiger Queens cake Nar. \ae oo ee Fug ps top- (els iniCarg Naqduvo ey INA Roy:| TVAOU Papaver dubium L. subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit 42 19d7 ERLE I A ROYAL Berane | CARDEN j yey X& Oma fy un
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Fischer, D.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00402228
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e | = | le a j fe) Ke} o St — : = =r @ o 0) = 3 e Ts eS * ’ << Papaver dubiom L-subep-laeviga tum Papaver dubium L. subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit 21977 ; oy ae a W322 / Se Apathtiy La Ve galurn. Sued <7 é ALLE VLOOLP 7 LAMA oSfI2IS CBcex foc Zz 7 : pe Vi i1cKa, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN gt LF EDINBURGH | E00402228 4, ; 4 Ye ; : hy, J Q fap . | [ / ees EU ian May
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Sintenis, P.E.E.
Collection number: 215
Collection date: 24th April 1883
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402229
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Lee ies iil jul % a I P dukivar ts whose. leeuigrhown ities) pee Var. \eeutge hus rox=Y,Wi=\=x-¥ BLU} Bye Lote) 4 peer et Pee =. fa pt Loo" “AS LS HIE fo / d F rcoy f | i { § § ty | Papaver dubium L. sub laevigatum (M.Bieb. A egeneis bai se Det. J.W.Kadereit 21 OFA Mw & nS Herb. Dérfiey. Purchased 1919 P. Sintenis: Iter trojanum (883. LE le tree, liye 2p det. P. Ascherson.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Baytop, T.
Collection number: 11317
Collection date: 3rd June 1967
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402230
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oksyiWesi=t=) LU] 0) B,Ve (ore) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00402230 a a eS ee Eee ee (NOM) ie. Bam ce Dates aa. P.dulium L. Subsp-laeuigutom CAiBveb.) Caderuit gue Vay. laewe gator Del. ts Kerner 20d Papaver dubium L. subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb. )Kadereit Det. J.W.Kadereit 2 1947 iSTANBUL UNIVERSITESi ECZACILIK FAKULTES! HERBARYUMU Farmasétik Botanik Kiirsiisii Boy: DOE Me kt I ce) ime: Bh ae Raytep ecievans ucerads estes Det ee ee Wnts Rises teeter te esat x per ~ Se
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum var. laevigatum
Collector/Expedition: Karaer, F.
Collection number: 10251
Collection date: August 2004
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Isotype of Papaver dubium subsp. laevigatum (M.Bieb.) Kadereit
Barcode: E00202680
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ROYAL BTA GARDEN DINBURGH Ig. HERB. HORT. EDINB. ISOTYPE of Pduhinas.L.subsplaenieahiualt beh )Kedanlt pebaenigs __.... Nat quasi ata F TURKIYE FLORASI Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi Biyoloji Boliimii Herbaryumu SAMSUN 1985 Fam: PAPANGRA CE AZ... ae Nom : fapawes. dubiow. Le sie ni big ) PEE QB OOO, coercion vcidien.ac ete Loc AS. frmnsya., Katlelar. .Naq.,toad side Gonwn......6Av.4003...3eke\ SOLACIC Leg : EKataes.. Spaces Det. : 004, [siti No. : ste... ee No:
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Post, B.v.D.
Collection date: 25th May 1916
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402231
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Duplicatum ex Conservatorio Botanico Genevensi a herp HERBIER DE BERTRAM V.D. POST Herbier de Bertram V.D. Post (1871 - 1960), donné au Conservatoire botanique de Genéve en 1956. Torker X Reps wi Mybjun, Aubsp Pag lane h J4nt ROYAL ENNBURGH Determinavit JW. Kadereit 2 1947 £00402231 4 aac A a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Rix, E.M.
Collection number: 1501
Collection date: 29th April 1970
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402232
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fexsy,Wle\=1-) BLU Lo) BI.Xe (oye) Papaver dubium L. subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte)Syme Det. J.W.Kadereit 42 196 HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. FLoRA oF TURKEY OTANIC EDINBURG wus Lun cote, Em, Qiy ek of we. \50\
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Khan, Salar; Prance, Ghillean T.; Ratcliffe, Dennis,
Collection number: 357
Collection date: 31st July 1960
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402233
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | 00402233 Pips wy Mbi um l. subs Determinavit (Lams) S, J.W. Kadereit hs Git WL 4g 1944 HERB. HORT BO? REG. EDIN: FLORA OF TURKEY. 7 i p Panaver » 4 | Popaver trun | . 7 Bar, r + : Turkey. Prov. Isparta: distr, Efridir Eiridir - Barl 11. 900m, Egridir - Barla, Alt. 900m, Road side, ?Annual. Flowers red 31 duly 1960. Coll. Khan, Prance & Ratcliffe. = No. 357
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Dudley, T.R.
Collection number: D34505B
Collection date: 5th May 1962
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402234
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fersyiWi=\-x-5 Le) o) BPC (efe) HOUNENIGE NE Cee'hf3) ey en anes! TVAOU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00402234 Papaver dubium LL. subsp. lecogii (Lamotte)Syme Det. J.W.Kadereit 42 190+ ndlee SAB06 6 Det. J. Cullen 196 HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. D. 54506 & Papaver Turkey. Prov. Tekir Dag: Edirne ~ Istanbul between Gorlu and Seymen 50m, sandy roadside soil of new road. Flower red, Leg Dudley 5,5, 1962
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 33162
Collection date: 30th May 1959
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Ukraine
Barcode: E00402235
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poeniasas 1y6iuAdoo rey ce eS aa Ee Pod ea Aneyet TVAOU | . | db a publ h 1 jan L. AMID: 404! Davis 33162 | | i (devas IS one Determinavit J.W. Kadereit 4 19d¢ Papaver | see Crimea, Distr, Yalta: Sikita fe oe Be Ales me es { oats - 2 eee . | Waste tround near sea > ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i. At bc. ground near sea, Petals (fallen EDINBURGH x 6 re A 4 1 1 artic a -, s | | | l Determinavit tan, ved with black blotch. Juice drying. ~ Voi yellow. Se SOs5e tool. 00402235
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Uotila, P.J.
Collection number: 15509
Collection date: 11th April 1972
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402236
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Papaver dubium L. subsp. lecogii (Lamotte)Syme Det. J.W.Kadereit “2 1967 to West-C Papaver lacerum Popov : ae Se det. Huber-Morath 197: TURKEY. Izmit. (Loc. 55.) © n ° © 5 te Ww Ca. 60 km E of Istanbul along th to Ankara, W of Hereke. Olea — Prunus grove. Abunda: Alt. 90 m, Apr ila, oO ~ fa leg. MauriKorhenen No. LikkaKukkonea—No. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Pertti Uotila No. 15509 ere = E00402236
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Sintenis, P.E.E.
Collection number: 215
Collection date: 30th April 1883
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402237
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jeX=YWieior-) BLU] 0) B,Ve (eye) "aaa P. Sintenis: Iter trojanum (883. No. ld i? LALLMY CL Pur shaced i 900. 4 ss 3 ty QB Cit e Viboatis WU | UA, F J pare ubelicirrd haly of bat erhrer oF $72 ‘ PE Bet ont. fo Gk CM IPAG YET fipetl ; 0, Vig det. P. Ascherson. rr Papaver dubium lL. subsp. lecogii (Lamotte)Syme am Det. J.W.Kadereit A2 1962 ee, 7} ‘ KIA | al VA. Ass (SPA \ D “ Determinavit (ous ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a | | | 00402237
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Post, B.v.D.
Collection date: 11th May 1916
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402238
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Be toyfetsisiCer§ Naduvo esa Aone! TVAOU Duplicatum ex Conservatorio Botanico Genevensi | HERBIER DE BERTRAM V.D. POST Herbier de Bertram V.D. Post (1871 - 1960), donné au Conservatoire botanique de Genéve en 1956. Pea tw Lublun lL, subp hy) ee ; ' (hyn WS ae Sie ey} Kf ete nt tee rears i ed ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Determinavit JW. Kadereit 2 1904 | EDINBURGH E00402238
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme
Collector/Expedition: Duzenli, A.
Collection number: 715
Collection date: 29th May 1976
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00402239
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oksYiWEstat-y BLE lo] By,Ce (ef) oS ee ~ ann a \ MEA V ct — Papaver dubium L. subsp. lecogii (Lamotte)Syme DSi, doWolkewlemaia 22 166 >> Herbarium Turcicum Ankara Universitesi Fen Fakiiltesi Botanik Enstituisa Fam. : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00402239 |
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IIIF Manifest
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