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Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031766
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N lan Bt! Mba ficffiahn. eres Mtwiite. Ei bephaleo 7A faabainair, be ea, . oo . Bre Sennen Fumaria Cee Anke elu ae Creu ee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ini <a i “re a xe] o Po i ro) n “3 ~ | = 2 = 1 a fe) [S) MQ00322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031767
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WU E01031767 HERB. HORT. EDINB. F LUO. R AH ESP PE CNS EECA PAPAVERACEAE Fumaria capreolata L. Nom. : Etolias—Akarnanias Ep.: Mesolongiou Sas Mt. : 2-3 km S of the village of Fragouleika along main road Agrinion—Mesolongion. Large vertical limestone cliffs and stony slopes below the cliffs. —- In scrub below rocks. Corolla white with purple tip. [det. M. Lidén]. Alt.: 100-150 m Lat. S8vs0 Ni bongs-e21i23: E 1989-05-27 Strid & al. no. 29750 Registered for the Flora Hellenica Database le ss copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031768
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 E01031768 FLOR AH EE > Bing Gas PAPAVERACEAE Fumaria capreolata L. Nom.: Etolias-—Akarnanias Ep.: Vonitsis—Xiromerou isles Mt.: 2 km from the village of Kouvaras along main road to Rivion. Deciduous scrub at base of limestone rocks in agricultural area. — Corolla white with deep purple tip. [det. M. Lidén]. Alt.: 20 m Eat: 387420N 7 Longe: 21° 1375 1989-04-18 Strid & al. no. 28169 Registered for the Flora Hellenica Database [eines * copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031769
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. WV Va , x we FAlSOeRaA Hy ECE EM EON CsA 4 PAPAVERACEAE 7 Fumaria capreolata L. Nom.: Arkadias Ep.: Kinourias Isl.: Mt.: Parnonas By Elona monastery c. 12 km from Kosmas along road to Leonidion. Large, N-facing limestone rocks. — Corolla white with deep purple tip. [det. M. Lidén]. Alt.: 500 m Os °09’ . An? ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Lat.: 37°09’N Long.: 22°46’E A 1909-04-20 Ee oona =01031769 Registered for the Flora Hellenica Database x] ca Pd i“ ow 72) 4 oe) = sy ra > 2 fe) ()
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031770
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M. MW. GANDOGER, — Flora Hispanica ersioeata, — Flora Hispanica exsiccata. $$ 80 25 N° fad. oe Ve Akt. Vide M. Ganpocer Flora Europae vol. 7 pag. 342 Hab. Guipuzcoa : Zee Re Oct. IRE Ss, 1895 cp SAE SORE of ne oe La SuLEN by 5 TUCUSL Ted che a FIG BARGE CS MUC CUP uuu dit = CEG sche 1 RSG Re Det. Magnus Lidén ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ia MQ00322 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031771
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N = N 8 3 = Pant RGH P< = oe ie ws copyright reserved 7 [todiflern, Jou : ‘ EX HERB, J. F. HAMILTON. Name OF avtaee Fumaria _ caprolale &. ie | Locality D3 adeghera - ay ‘ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TCD ee arp te Say apr ow LA
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031772
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM E01031772 Fumaria Cogn aad a is ae Det. Magnus Lidén EX HERB, J. F. HAMILTON. ee heen stelle fetid bra Sond | Locality Hod eg her 4 not 199 Date ae Coll" by APY copyright reserved N N om ® a © =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031773
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\ i 6s) rr PLANTES DE LA CORSE (1878) . ee Cag nes abe J. a. I... Reverchon . * Ooh ee Det. Magnus Lidén 1997) Fumaria Pallidiflora Jord. YAL BOTANIC GARDEN L ; i See te Herb. Dorfler. Bastélica , 19 juin. wi Purchased 1912 MQee322 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031774
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Dic’ Meee Wf, & i Lago di Br racciano, prope Romam. April. 1849, J. BALL. Fumaria ¢ Pro LA Le os Det. Magnus Lidén CH ed Ge MMe a ha Prope Tusculanum Ciceronis, in Vicinitate Rome. April, 1841, JE BA HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PRESENTED BY HIS Trustuxs, 1891. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CT E01031775 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi HU £01031774 copyright reserved N N © S =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031776
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MQe@322 Fumaria _capree ale on Det. Magnus Lidén > ei ac. = HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, E.R.S, PRESENTED By ug S Trusrmzs, 1891, sca 3] 9 copyright reserved EES Exar] he 7 r Spaaidiset vines jisyrits Sehr eilalagen (ROR eb pee y Fi ee 0) is Ex vicinitate Rome. OD Ade ‘Monte Mario. Mart.1848. Oe eee nen ici Ss atte nt Pa ~ Oa ee - Coll. J. Ball! 4 wv
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031777
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Sm if f 4) a any Je a) \ Cayo v7) Die aes mo aL Fumaria Det. Magnus Lidén ora: HERBIER G. BONATI Pharmacien de ire Classe a LURE (Haute-Sadne) : Os. . . 2 us Lb eA OM ea Keven. LMG - > Bo pall LIA ete oe 4 DN ey C000. Ch whcht? a Sim e , Genus N:. HERB. F. C. CRAWFORD, PRESENTED 1908. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wn E01031777 MQe@322 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031778
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N N * 2 2 ® = copyright reserved fy, | Fumaria Conrrediala er Det. Magnus Lidén mug BURLE, A a P poh ta | | fi Cet hts cove i Dano... OF tes, Vase, | eae VBGq } q | . = i “ egit Grigor. She =F -eliqan WA, ae ate FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. NOME oc 031778 s ROYAL SoNeGe en
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031779
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10 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E01031779 aE ts} 9 copyright reserved ES aa Gh Snes 7 yi N i scphehnsch co aaaen . a » 3 ites cso sie ze san a Fr 0) ee Fumaria Cap rsakola Bl 4 on gahes Here tL $ e i / | YD. idé pee | hn YEE JihtE Det. Magnus Lidén 19? peas bao j Re ee ae N N om fax) © =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031780
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MQ00322 copyright reserved Fumaria _ CORP eo vee Pe | Det. Magnus Lidén 199 FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED. 2 Re oe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a / GAY. ie 4 os A ; | EDINBURGH Pate Ee ike | site
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031781
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7ZEQROW | ae re fex=y,WE=s-t-) Ie LU1 0) BPCe (oye) cj a | ’ es ey a ee yee ee ee ee e 4 —— saa nea. as a xR \ 2 — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mn E01031781 Lone Fumaria COP Yeap Cy Det. Magnus Lidén == — e a > ; SN Se FISK 4, f = | O~* Bvt £7 | " “\ as ) ’ Z be P RL S SS -Se i e ¢ -— g/ = Pelee — 7% oY) A = i al . x i > ee Ce aa ad 2 OS as a Q « “= xy Ae = $ 4 s = soo S BA = x B9 os SS 4 oO HB cs
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031782
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Herb. Dorfler. Purchased 1912. Flora selecta exsiccata publié par Cu. MAGNIER. 456. — FUMARIA FLABELLATA Gasp. Act. acc. Nap. 4, p. Bt. Fumaria cop reo late Ei Alpes-Maritimes : Menton, pelouses sous les oliviers et les citronniers. . Det. Magnus Lidén 92 janvier 1883. M. GANDOGER. 19 Py MN E£01031782 PEST PERE ES ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN xo} ci Pad . co) 7) cd) i it & 3 = > Qa 9° iS)
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031783
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FA, Fumaria Cap re ola. ue . copyright reserved Det. Magnus Lidén ne | ro UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS HERBARIUM (STA) FLORA OF SPAIN Tuma RGK Ata Lag. PROVINCE : CLAN A DA : LAS NPAT ARAL - hetyro. TokRieow Ord OKGWA- Thom. Celoavionr{ Cove ho Wak GARDEN Ta geAuNe . SNe afr No. DbL- 49 EDINBURGH Coll. P. E. GIBBS S, VVESTCE Date {QIN 1969 MN pe ; -VACwES
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031784
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN vm E01031784 Fumaria . Det. Magnus Lidén 19/2 HERBARIO DEL DEPARTAMENTO EX DUPLIS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE SEVILLA Fumaria capreolata L,. SEVILLA: entre Bormujos y Bollullo (eill 1975 Leg. et det,: P, Candau DE BOTANICA [O So 535/75 nM ae 4 = ae ; 0) EE Ea Ey i Esa 3 4 yA copyright reserved cm
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031785
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a ee ree eer : ear 5 HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ00322 aay fs} 9 copyright reserved See 7 6 =a 3 7 as 4 5 F Herbarium Musei Britannici Feceana vee, F SICILY: Trapani: c, 25 km N.E. of Trapani Monte Cofano i 400 - 600 m 22.5.1979 Limestone rock crevices Annual, trailing. Flowers white, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN sriedn hicped, EDINBURGH NAT pe veered we £01031785 Davis, D & S Sutton No. 63559 ;
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031786
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Det. Magnus Lidén 19 #7 iin Herbarium Musei Britannici SICILY: Siracusa.) 10) kmee soe Siracusa. Headland S. of Ognina. Oi elOnme NB555 FS) lhocky ledges above sea. Annual, scrambling. Flowers white ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN with maroon tips. wi E01031786 P Davis, D. & S. Sutton. D. 62973 copyright reserved MQe0322
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031787
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SI IO NF aT GL N N oO fav) = = » Gite 22 x q = :1884, May 27th, lo Port Bou, Spain. a Z TO C LOZ JS 01 Jaton “f a va Caja FE } ee Za a (Egon Lrdlos (002 Det. aes copyright reserved $ CNG Gt, 10°25 ) = fuUmARIA— sp b ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN M0 ht E01031787
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031788
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WMA] 2% Moon tise E01031788 ROMA OF Shon CRA) NaMe Piura Locauity 4. Kms. f WILLA NUE BE LA L Cente EPC oi r HABITAT ALT. GUsoanm ; ue yrsee REMARKS OTH AY a J SE ei, Date *{ ww (VAN. COLLECTOR (CIC POC ee ae 129 su) 19¢2 copyright reserved MQe00322
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031789
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| Herb. Walker Arnott. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | VM E01031789 Fi caprto ala a, Det. ee Cpe A bee Ce mf 6 v4 fs} copyright reserved 5 Me@ee@322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031790
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Fumaria Det. Magnus Lidén ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (00 E01031790 19¥2 HERBARIO DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE BOTANICA EX DUPLIS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE SEVILLA BALEARES: Mahén. QgLV 61077 Leg. et det.: A. Soler copyright reserved Mee00322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01031832
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WM i E01031831 | Hab. Island of St. Michael’s, Azores, 1845. | Coll. Thomas Carew Hunt, Esq., Her Britannic Ma- Com} jesty’s Consul in the Azores. ' BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. ik ; Fumaria mere Kee | : Sl | Det. Magnus Lidén 19 Yh : ee. Oy =. FOHERBARIUM ss 4 1s LORRI” Romana 8. / Det. Magnus Lidén 19 fh HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, FRS. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891, . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i : E01031832 So nr xo) @® Ps c ® 172) ® — — & iy = Po) a fo} [S) MQG0322
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Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01041161
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MQe@322 xo] ® Pa I ) 77) 3 Pad = io) = >i Qa 9° Oo Fumaria capreela by eZ Det. Magnus Lidén 19 92 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN An E01041161 ie
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01041162
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi A E01041162 = ——< Fumaidl Det. Magnus Lidén 19 #7 | HERBIER A. FAURE HE PLANTES DU MAROC ORIENTAL Fumaria capreolata L. var. speciosa HAMM. Environs de Taforalt Rochers et lieux rocailleux (850 m.) 20 mai 1931 Legit A. Faure . iat copyright reserved M0322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01041163
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MQe@e@322 Fumaria capreolata lL , var. condensata Ball Det. Magnus Lidén ao) ct) Po — ) n co) he a <= DS oe. J a. 9° [S) ‘ii Hers. Kew. No OS te FLORA OF MOROCCO No. f\ ayer ead Wielocnne ren wetorrfrak ov 1S ‘ Native Name: Woe: Oo eube, {? i Attitude: I, (@g t-: : Habitat: Hedge acsr : Collector: E. K. Batts. Date/ 95
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01041164
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Fumaria capre clase. Det. Magnus Lidén 19 BFA aa fer. (5b f (406 ie Ceficet Te / | HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, FRS. PRESENTED bY HIS TrusrEns, 1891, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mi E01041164 a ie ee a et ht in So i) Po i ) n 3 a <= DS E a fe) [S) MQ00322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Papaveraceae
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Fumaria capreolata L.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01041165
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Fumaria capreolata b. Unio itineraria. } Ad muros. Algier; Martio. 4832. W. Schimper. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wim E01041165 n Fumaria _ Det. Magnus Lidén 1972 xo} o Pa he co 77) o ~ | = ay roe > Qa ° oO MQ@00322
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