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Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris × uniglumis (L.) R. & S.
Collector/Expedition: Johnston, H.H.
Collection number: 1785
Collection date: 23rd June 1922
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00477416
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x ROYAL eorene GARDEN yr" i iin E004774 The London Catalogue of British Plants, Tenth Edition, No. £ IS * fp * 2 Name. Lbochard MAG, { nnd , Sha Po | : ot lrtlan 2 becles. We “ a Habitat, Leese. 24 ein af hie Seatee Lica, bas & ShaxcK | Height above sea level. eA feet. | ‘Siation: Le Hate Beorssece? Mankind, O4 Pisce, | | Date. 3% Oh ees 32 a | Collector. Henry Halcro Johnston. Remarks. 72<feace » ee Ens te flowy L taucak plasm Alpnat A Ve a Sf aca an fetta» r fOrfirrerce foo. Lo SS? MQ00327 Yonv.WNt te GARDEN EDINBURGH e e copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Collector/Expedition: Evans, W.E.
Collection date: 17th July 2002
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00477409
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Ss N om 2 g g = Pah potot owe “ Morea. ie ae Det. D.R. McKean slofee Be (tz (Ss da Z f j <] —2> — +f Herb: W. Edgar Evans. : PRESENSED 1940. { | sad Ce Pia thaicti, ible nn : 8 Seer ee Mae? tack e0tk: sn “nl il iit nee | ei Gi ee cc genta Ml
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Collector/Expedition: Evans, W.E.
Collection date: 14th June 1902
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00477410
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EB pete el Z Mem "Chiles 2 : ae rd Wri Gt> <2 | See 4 : 2 2 Det. D.R. McKean 5/2/ #2 7 ag ¥ —] OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A 1 | MW E00477409 Herb: W. Edgar Evans. PRESENQED 1940. f. hrecp mcir , Peullauds; Initlebhces, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN f s L Lethe. EDINBURGH (Jou. E00477410 1. 17 2, Tait 903, CAG eens 9° 10 copyright reserved Nn N om © Ss = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Se
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Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Collector/Expedition: Currie, A.
Collection number: 0715
Collection date: 3rd July 1956
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00477412
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copyright reserved Eo if 6 pa 5 yi iE i in a 3 1 a = : HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. Bre emend. Roem. & Schult. Epoluslrs (L) Pac aro C ib 307056 = 0) cm 1 Af rulyarto bali Det. D.R. McKean 4/2 / G8. RY TAL BUIANIC GARDEN | | | | ii E00477412 In wet meadow, close to Rhinanthus minor, Rumx acetosa, Juncus spe and Lychnis flos=cuculi. Glencorse Reservoir, Pentland Hills, Midlothian, Coli. A, Currie Edin, No. 0715
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Collector/Expedition: Popper, Z.
Collection number: 14
Collection date: 26th June 1996
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01014720
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NS N on 2 2 S = copyright reserved FLORA OF GALLOWAY name ELROCKOT NULUAINS Sp Vgours | (Common SOI) Locatity Nk 899592 Sanh jill Boxy ALTITUDE ‘Ky pate 26! 0/9 HABITAT Sov Oly BRC. COMMUNITY JU) ICUN 1) HM HAWS Aw OSHC SHOIOAUE, Sirpur ManHWe . REMARKS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN COLLECTOR : ZOE POPPER No. I4 EDINBURGH VN es a E01014720
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Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418365
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Eleocharis pobustais (L) R rf Gudpp. Vi ass tok Determinavit 199s S. M. Walters FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES. No. 17-975 Name: ‘ger palystrin (bow. Fadi Aidap. valgonia Sit, Solan Locality: ji 904 NAURN grd 20/4014 Notes: Noddy aha i) Anal oes bine, - ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NB EDINBURGH UPN Collector: M. McCALLUM WEBSTER. _ Date : ak Wis E01418365 ao) ® Pa Se o n io —_ a <= bey — > 2 ° 1S)
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Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418366
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ww EDINBURGH | \ E01418366 \ | Pn Eleocharis patote (Re Pdpp. Vig arcd banda, Determinavit 1975 S$. M. Walters FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES. No.4 «6! 2 Name: Eles chan pal sles (A. ) R.A 8. Aubin, ~Hdgani 8.11. Wellin, w 6 Ean Ferns x 2e/eoo2 voit 7 ot Notes: Bamhs of Ae Spey in ebeee alin. _ Nol of Kam evs Collector: M. McCALLUM WEBSTER. Date /9° 7/973 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418367
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Ss N on 2 2 g = 10 copyright reserved Eleocharis polot=a cs Rd a noe ban Arts Determinavit 1995, S. M. Walters | 4 = —= = — — = —— — = FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES. No. /6 1 vz Name:Elepehania pabun luca (dj lem ldabl digs mkgaurs 8.1. Water Locality: ye 96 baa dee rd 3/9609 Notes: : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ege vey eT he ok Moc \ Ak EDINBURGH NIM HHI Collector: M. MeCALLUM WEBSTER. Date 4 .&- /473 E01418367
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Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418368
No label status given
N N on : = Eleocharis Peluohis Gi Red ? frnp, Vikg ores Andi Determinavit 1 993" S. M. Walters yi i i t # FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES. Non/G. 7/35) Name: a a — (L) Qe .at ) | Sd a os 95 MORAY ad as/qeeo Notes: a on Ane 5} i. anaes Nhe i Collector: M. McCCALLUM WEBSTER. Date a4 Is “Vii
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418369
No label status given
6S¢ is poluntae [h) Re Eleocharis ey hobag: virkg asec Av RA. Determinavit 1995 S. M. Walters FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES. No. 4 .23/ Audsp : wrlganin S11. Wotlire a Locality: we 93 MoKRAY qn 36/2¢50 | Notes: P aake of Pies Spey _maclh. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 6 ‘Us \ EDINBURGH UVM AU Collector: M. MCCALLUM WEBSTER. Date%2- 6- /978 E01418369 xo} co) > See ® n 2 a £ bes be ) rok fe) oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418370
No label status given
Ss N om S fox} = No. |, 38 3 FLORA OF BRITISH ISLES. | ede Cees palostwn (L.\ Rake. rubs - ETN Wlgonin sn LGble, | Locality: ‘| as MORAY and 284 2 Notes: dee 5) “pe ~~ moor Corder dee Collector: M. McCALLUM WEBSTER. Date § * 7) -!473 EDINBURGH ii i ll
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418371
No label status given
SN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01418371 HERB. A: CRAIG-CHRISTIE. (Of GOL. H. HALCRO ¢ OHNSTON, 42M ee. Pe bast zo ade, ees $e Det. D.R. McKean 3/2 a HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. FLORA OF WEST LOTHIAN Name : Eleocharis palustris (L. )Réem, & Schult, 7 . Loc. : Riccarton Hill. ( Reecr veges Z Date : 29 July 1868 ve. Bh N7/0172 Herb, A, CRAIG_CHRISTIE, xo} co) Pa he o n oO he od = es — > a fe) Oo
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Eleocharis palustris subsp. vulgaris Walters
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E01418372
No label status given
a nae SS ee : ad lll MQQ0327 pt copyright reserved HERBARIUM OF THE FLEMING SOCIETY. ) (NOV. COLL., BDIN.) Gen.. dle OC eat. = o.. Nololrd,, Moopalinr NAM 6 2225 cbn ccc en ss ce anacne ne cotncsennconcennncmmnancnnnenmracentnnnesnnd Loe. Duckduigilocsdel, Co... Kodisstoanal, owt. why 18 ri]. COLLECTOR. ; A Browne ‘elon Bp ee ee ee E, petiolrs ies Ss wot frat Ate hills Det. D.R. McKean s[2/ 98 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 0 E01418372
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