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Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 41496
Collection date: 20th April 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984695
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a0 E00984695 Determinavit J.R. Edmondson fires | J | +6 Davis 44496 Echium TURKEY. C2 Aydin: Gokbel to Cc Cine, near Gdkbel, 500 m Rocky granitic slopes, Annual, flowers light blue. WHCEX 200401965. xo} cy Po a ® n cy he od <= o)) oo 4) 2. a Oo
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 40936
Collection date: 11th April 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984696
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E00984696 Detelminavit J.R. Edmondson zs | 46 ah Davis 1.0936 Echium TURKEY. C1 Mula: 4. Bodrum: Gulluk, 50M. Grassy slopes. Flowers pale a“ i blus, 144.1965. ro] o Po Se ® 7) ® be rd = to?) a Re 2. ° iS)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H. & Polunin, O.V.
Collection number: D.25721
Collection date: 6th April 1956
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984697
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00984697 J eterminavit J.R. Edmondson E cloner plan Kenayinn Cran Lag refs [He Davis 25,721, & ©,Polunin, -Eechium furkey.Prov, Antalya,Kumkéy, between Antalya & Serik,20m, Fallow field, Biennial eFl1ls eblue, 6 April 1956, ¢ i xo] oO > cy ® 7) co i — <= be > 2. ° iS)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Fleischer, F.v.
Collection date: April 1827
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984698
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN m0 A _ £00984698 1827. Fleischer, Echium plantagineum Lin. Unio itineraria, Inter arboreta Sm mae, Aprili, Ss a FLORA OF TURKEY Agreed! mate z(s/% UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH | om | yA , ! |, =e = eas | = = = = = a copyright reserved N N oO a [av ex} =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Stainton, J.D.A. & Henderson, D.M.
Collection number: 5019
Collection date: 15th May 1960
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984699
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ROY 10 ie) copyright reserved cs) ) ry E Okiuws plaekasginern ee Determinavit J.R. Edmondson \ z S | + 3 Ie <o} ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN vin
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Ball, J.
Collection number: 2578
Collection date: June 1877
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984700
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ro) i) Po = o n e a) zo aD E a fe) oO EO pleas esti L. Determinavit J.R. Edmondson (v { S | +o HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PRESENTED By HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. wml ITER ORIENTALE, 1877. E ry Ix agro Byzantino secus Bosphorum. Yn FOLIA Tneunte Junio, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN = i ___E00984700 | J. Bang
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Coode, M.J.E. & Jones, B.M.G.
Collection number: 214
Collection date: May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984701
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FLORA or TURKEY M.J.E.COODE and 8.M.G.JONES. yt : -_ LARA VA pm lS NY f¥v) C5 ADANA : Adana to Karatas 5 miles S. of Adana. _ Near sea level. Roadside ditch. Flowers purple. N2 : 244 1 MAY 1965 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ch ink p lawKagiinerim Lae EDINBURGH | | Ml Ui | | Determinavit J.R. Edmondson E00984701 fe [v/s [4
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 40740
Collection date: 9th April 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984702
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ui E£00984702 Edin Plamrfowinerae aR Determinavit J.R. Edmondson iz]s | ye Davis 10740 Eehium TURKEY. C4 Aydin: Miletus, sea level. Ruins. Flowers blue, 9001965, xo} ) Po SS ® n cy) te a) = Da = > a ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H. & Polunin, O.V.
Collection number: D.25917
Collection date: 12th April 1956
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984703
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 84703 ) Echiiann ee ee L. Determinavit J.R. Edmondson (2. | 5 | 3 | | | F Davis 25,917, 0.Poluni n, Echium Turkey. Prov, Antalya, Alanya bay,2m, Fallow fields, Fls.crimson, sometimes dark violet, 12 April 1956, copyright reserved M0322
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Tobey, C.
Collection number: 75
Collection date: 5th May 1963
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984704
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 E00984704 Determinavit J.R. Edmondson Wee | y | 4 unter: 7§ FIQRA OF TURKEY Name: Echium = b4./ | Vilayet: Sinop Locality: Promontory, Southern exposure. Alt: 10 meters Habitat: edge of wheat patch Notes? Very common in Black Sea area. Specimens very small. Two stamens held high out of flower, 3held low. Pistil forked. Date: May 5, 1963 rexColl. C. Tobeyxe~ xe] cd) Po <i oO 7) ci) bw daa co 2 = Ss a fe} oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Baytop, A. & Baytop, T.
Collection number: 10948
Collection date: 1st May 1967
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984705
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ri Ee Oliannn cong ret L. Determinavit J.R. Edmondson (2/5 | ; i plate er ISTANBUL UNIVERSITES! ECZACILIK FAKULTES! HERBARYUMU Farmasotik Botanik Kiirsiisii So ) => i ® 7) ® i ood = fo?) 7 —) 2. ° iS)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Baytop, T.
Collection number: 11188
Collection date: 23rd May 1967
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984706
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Determinavit J.R. Edmondson iz/ y | te «A _.. ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI ECZACILIK FAKULTES! HERBARYUMU Farmasétik Botanik Kiirsiisii Nom. |: nd ecdstatn..| Fam. ; pli: otiees Patatya ce aud. ferk (AUTPL LA) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wu E00984706 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Post, B.v.D.
Collection date: 7th May 1919
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984707
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copyright reserved leq:B. Poxt R,theaal 1414 Ein i plowtagen cnn is j | Oe ‘e LJe7 Ahi Huver. HERBIER DE BERTRAM V.D. POST Herbier de Bertram V.D. Post (1871 - 1960), donné au hf : S IC GARDEN ‘ % ) 2 Pane EP Lbs IAL. Bove EDINBURGH . Conservatoire botanique de Genéve en 1956. 4 i &€> wert Fev hanied. E00984707
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H. & Hedge, I.C.
Collection number: D.26564
Collection date: 9th April 1957
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984708
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN BURGH i E00984708 FLORA OF TURKEY Agreed! cirontn 12/5 [FG dhite UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Paris & Heage (D. 2656.) F A ‘Echium plantagineum {. field, Flowers violet-blue. 94.1957. copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Haradjian, M.
Collection number: 2757
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Syria
Barcode: E00984709
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“visi ~ E00984709 FLORA OF TURKEY Duplicatum ex Conservatorio Botanico Genevensi Manooc HARADJIAN KRlantze Syriz borealis — cura Herbarii Delessertiani edite. copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Sintenis, P.E.E.
Collection number: 43
Collection date: 8th May 1883
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984710
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HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. Presenrep sy wis TRusteEs, 1891. P. Sintenis: Iter trojanum (883. GN 0, Lod nity | Corbina: plantaginenme o det. P. Ascherson. M@Q@322 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN niin ads: ik teas FLORA OF TURKEY Agreed! Davis cononaon 1/9 | 6 Wit UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Sintenis, P.E.E.
Collection number: 43
Collection date: 8th May 1883
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984711
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Herb. Dérfiey, Purchased 1919, P. Sintenis: Iter trojanum 1883. Boda bbinene pbamitag ineuas A FLORA OF TURKEY Agreed! oes i2[s |# Mit UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH _ det. P. Ascherson. _ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | “AC 00984711 i = iz a || a a copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 3045K
Collection date: 4th April 1941
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00984712
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copyright reserved HABITAT At.Loo-S00/, REMARKS — aie COLLECTOR te HA. Raves REF. No JOKS DaTE | Ca ul é K (645) Wt.74459/74 1om(4) 5/53 L.& S. G67. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MN E00984712
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Polunin, O.V.
Collection number: 5374
Collection date: 23rd April 1959
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00984713
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ARTES eee Tey HERB. Horr. BOW. REG. “EIN, : 3 Alt. 1,300 ft. “sales in Olive grove; ‘flowers blue tinged — pre OTANIC GARDEN Foy EDINBURGH | 23.1959 wi on. 0, min a . £00984713 i ce} ® PS “ ® 7) 3 pe w = “Sy i > a ° re)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Polunin, O.V.
Collection number: 13953
Collection date: May 1976
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00984714
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E Ohimwn (ee Lee Determinavit J.R. Edmondson i \d / ¢ [4 QO. Polumin 13955 Echium S.W.TURKEY. C2 Mugla: d. Fethiye. ce. 30 km west of Kurtoflu peninsuler . Pinus brutie woode ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Flowers blue=purpk « 16-28 May Mi a E 00984714 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Edmondson, John R. & McClintock, Mary A.S.,
Collection number: E.2808
Collection date: 14th April 1979
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00984715
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copyright reserved bo OCR AO Fi Cy Pe RS Division 2: Tillyria, slopes of mt. Lorovouno. Loose roadside banks of gravelly scree (gabbro); burnt forest. ewers pddiolh—purple . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | FRAT IT | Q J.R. Edmondson NI &M.A.S. McClintock —_B, 2 Fok E00984715 )
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Von Heldreich, T.H.H.
Collection date: May 1845
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00988068
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M@e@Q322 Lay Lge Jt ify Chie IPE Pins ey Ley pnts c Oe & eas 2 Z, felts ob, PA ba (EG 5° ROYAL Since. aoe EDINB M1 E00988068 copyright reserved cae. BE ouae “_— iA hc pleahapenao
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Faure, A.
Collection date: 16th June 1911
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00988109
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mM _E00988109 HERBIER A. Plantes de r , copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Faure, A.
Collection date: 1st June 1912
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00988110
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M@00323 se) o > be oe i sf Co oy F) rs > roy rs) 6 HERBIER A. FAURE Plantes de a we Oran: oe ate ue: Wotan gen wo FS <= ROYAL BCTEN AEtN Beteritnatye ae WV, - i 3 - Caen 0988110
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Faure, A.
Collection date: 19th May 1936
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00988111
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xo} ® Pa ® 7) cd) ed ~ = fey) = Py ro} ° S) Determinavit P. E. Gibbs HERBIER A. FAURE PLANTES D'‘ALGERIE. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NI £00988111__
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Faure, A.
Collection date: 2nd June 1910
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00988112
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Determinavit P. E, Gibbs ROYAL ae acme mi E£00988112 HERBIER A FAURE Plantes de PAI de lAlgeérie Ea ain lade (ne wen he Oran: 2s ay e : eka 81p yi WN a 0) 7 , copyright reserved 3 GB, yA Fi cm N N om g a g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Reverchon, E.
Collection date: 1897
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00988113
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, copyright reserved EuisgE REYERCHON. — PLANTES pALebaIE 1897 (KABYLIE) - a 190° Ppured ae Oh OEE. ‘ ae ae wait E00988113
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Pitard, C.-J.M.
Collection date: March 1909
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Tunisia
Barcode: E00988114
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M@00323 fs] copyright reserved Ears == Semana / 7 =a 3 Flore de Tunisie i | I SS 0 cm F ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I E00988114 Cc. J. Pitard.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Collector/Expedition: Jamin, P.
Collection number: 185
Collection date: 13th April 1851
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00988115
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mo N ~ {ax} fax) ex} = BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved P. JAMIN, PL. 165, EE ELANTAGINEUML. ae EE (Durieu.) | 1 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | | | Bs EDINBURGH Endroits sees prés la Maison carrée, eny, d’Alger, | — ; | | Ml IMM 5 13 Avril. E coer cts hii” OR Ire 00988115 PALGERIE, 185).
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Boraginaceae
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Echium plantagineum L.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00988116
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