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Family: Cyperaceae
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Cyperus capitatus Vand.
Collector/Expedition: Orshan, G.
Collection date: 30th December 1960
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00352772
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° {e) Ke} 4 = Co} Ey a x ) 7) @ S < (2) a. Cyperus conalomera lus Rolth. GC. macro rrhizus Neos) Det. Hagar Jeschuer 45 Sept. Bef Cu gerus ¢ ag Kean Yanckoldic Determinavit P. H. Davis (1% 3 / EX HERB. UNIV. HIEROSOLYM. BIST anos es mess meme HERBARIUM UNIVERSITATIS HEBRAICAE HIEROSOLYMITANAE FLORA PALAESTINAE SR4WO7P MR mom iss \ won aa O¥peruS kalli. (Forsek. )Murbe Loc. & Hab... Philistacan Plain, Nahal. Soreq _SINITMI Dapis ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN aaa case are a ic lca rags pica aargerecegg y anal Bilt eee ee Leg... G, Orshan AIT a Lee, rey) open _ ER Dat... ; iy Nn E00352772 ATRL ESE Ea I LAR A Ee
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Cyperus capitatus Vand.
Collection date: June 1839
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Egypt
Barcode: E00181088
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ssl aaa EX HERB, BALFOUR. copyright reserved Cyperus capitatus Vand. det. Henry Vare 2003 Determined for monograph of Cyperus sect. Arenarii Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botanical Museum (H) re a Yeerus caprtatns Vancdlelee Determinavit P. H. Davis (7&2 ie cl ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wang = Cuperns GOh0enoiles Crised. Determinavit §.A, Vewte~ georsasie e — 3 he ae ; : Ee fieesdef Hage Mcrae’ °) Pot (= Cypems capitate Vow dalls >
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Cyperus capitatus Vand.
Collector/Expedition: Bornmüller, J.F.N.
Collection number: 11035
Collection date: 11th April 1908
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Egypt
Barcode: E00181087
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oO fe] ie << = ee - =e = () on @ s ES (0) =| O. Cyperus capitatus Vand. det. Henry Vare 2003 Determined for monograph of Cyperus sect. Arenarii Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botanical Museum (H) Cugerus cap fats Vorclolde Determinavit P. H. Davis (1¢' 3 a - J. BORNMULLER: Iter Aegyptiacum. | ee 1908 No. 0435- 4 Galilee mu ComoatHe CL) Dod . Inter Ramle et Abukir in arenosis palmetorum ( a aS cee s prope El-Mandara. = Tes Gaey Meatien 4 . fi Vandobl 1908. IV. 11. re < RDEN Det. ES o/ 7 | leg. et determ. J. Bornmitller. ROYAL BOTANIC GA Abe 5 b, ay Lbs ah Al irq uh 4 iI o
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Cyperaceae
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Cyperus capitatus Vand.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Gardner, S.G.
Collection number: 1015
Collection date: 29th March 1981
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E00074901
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