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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Von Heldreich, T.H.H.
Collection date: July 1845
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Type of Centaurea pyracantha Boiss.
Type of Centaurea solstitialis subsp. pyracantha (Boiss.) Wagenitz
Barcode: E00383956
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ROYAL eae eon RDE WH E00383956 il Cewtemer oibrttialin |. wer A Yeotlle | ce elie (Bur. A | i ies Gattingsn De ee ota copyright reserved Type eae Ze Le Hildreiehe pol OrcestZaled. ee, Yacee Peep Big Leo ? : Phe s.
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Akeroyd, J.R., Jury, S.L. & Rumsey, F.J.
Collection number: 3460
Collection date: 14th July 1983
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Italy
Barcode: E00080427
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Gardner, S.G.
Collection number: 3008
Collection date: 22nd July 1985
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Bulgaria
Barcode: E00080426
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Gardner, S.G.
Collection number: 2384
Collection date: 26th July 1984
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Croatia
Barcode: E00080425
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Gardner, S.G.
Collection number: 1194
Collection date: 14th July 1981
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E00080424
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Andersen, J.S. & Petersen, I.C.
Collection number: 309
Collection date: 8th July 1969
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475786
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AIOE AATETENT OD ETT oe | ROYAL BOTANIC Centaurea s@lstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis copyright reserved det. G.Wagenitz L977 pe eseenee A Museo botanico Hauniense distributze. Senn FLORA OF IRAN Danish Botanical Trans-Asia Expedition Il, 1969 Jan Steen Andersen and Ivar Cornelius Petersen leg. & det. No. 309 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MN E00475786 | Iran, 140 km west of Bojnurd Mountain valley stony ground. Fls: yellow. gy: RE. ee 1969
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Walton, D.
Collection number: 162
Collection date: 22nd August 1967
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475787
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ROYAL EDINGHe apnoea eget artrkhAils atti ‘bay Géttingen, 25-4. 191 HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. FLORA OF IRAN au plo el a Kherasan: Gulestan Forest Grasslands under Quercus Flowers bright yellow: involucral bracts spinys commons 10-50 cm. high Alt. 1000 m. Coll. David Walton 22 August 1967 Noe 162 NTU NNOOH TTTO TO TAT zo}! o > — 7 Te ci he a rs Boy — > a: ° (2)
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Jacobs, M.
Collection number: 6811
Collection date: 6th June 1963
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475788
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ae Tnneneeeen reno TT copyright reserved Centaurea solstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis det. G,Wagenitz 1e1977 60 PLANTS OF THE ORIENT, 1963; June 6. M.JACOBS 6844 COMPOSITAE Centaurea solstitialis L. Northern and western Iran. Place: 33°06'N 47°43'R. Region: §.Lerestan-Sheshom. Alt.: 700-800 m. Habitat: grain field; the wheat about to be harvested. Notes: flowers yellow. Abundant. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN MIA nM 00475788 Expedition of the University of Minnesota, U.S.A., Dr. H. E. Wright, Jr., leader. Sets of this collection were distributed by the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands (L), to the Herbaria at Vienna (W), Minneapolis (MIN), Edinburgh (E), Kew (K), and Groningen (GRO).
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Alava, R.O.
Collection number: 10806
Collection date: 5th July 1972
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475789
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28 Leica} IAS eG oli Pols} 8S) x } copyright reserved Centaurea solstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis det. G.Wagenitz Led 977 Plants of Iran TURUN YLIOPISTON KASVIMUSEO (TUR) (Turku University Herbarium) ~ f Wa 1 Zo: NLA . Mazanderan, Tehran. Roadsides and waste places at the village of Darakeh. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | July 5, 1972 Reino Alava, 10806 | ih E00475789 |
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Archibald, J.C.
Collection number: 2684
Collection date: 12th July 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475790
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AITTTOENTUATOOO TOO TT copyright reserved ft Centaurea solstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis det. G.Wagenitz 1.1977 Clackay lyin FLORA OF IRAN Couséfiea luristan, Milleh Surkeh, between Khorramabaa and Burujir?: in clay at edge of stream: golden yellow florets; biennial ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH iil | | Altec it (vei m 12 July 1966 00475790 | Coll. J.C. Archibald No. 2684.
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Archibald, J.C.
Collection number: 2628
Collection date: 9th July 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475791
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} copyright reserved Centaurea solstitialis L, subsp. solstitialis det. G.Wagenitz 4461977 Cm Pryren FLORA OF IRAN A427 1OOU ie: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Alte Ce JO m ? EDINBURGH IM E00475791 Colle JeCe Archibald |
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Furse, P.
Collection number: 3283
Collection date: 19th July 1962
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475792
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Ltd ULL copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iu l wil 00475792 EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. FLORA OF TRAN CenYau tea salsti}ialts ff . 30° East of Bijer, 5000 rt, alte, roadside bank, det. G.Wagenitz Ll OG Base leaves withered, stems 15" high , much branched, angular, wolly, with many small télanguler leaves }" x 1/8", continuing as narrow fins down the stem, No prickles on leaveJor stem, One terminal golden flower 5/8" diam, on each flowering branch, Involuere erey woolly emed with 1" rigid spines which are pale yellow, P. Purse $283 19% 7s 1962 Centaurea solstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Koelz, W.N.
Collection number: 15285
Collection date: 12th May 1940
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475793
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MATTEL ACETONE ETT | copyright reserved Centaurea solstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis det. G.Wagenitz 1.41977 1 Et SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION From THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM PLANTS OF IRAN Centaurea solstitialis L, det. Rech.f, Cheshmashirin, Bakhtiari, Plant 3 ft. high. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00475793 WALTER KOELZ 15285 May 12, 1940
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collection number: 1
Collection date: May 1956
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iraq
Barcode: E00475794
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ROYAL sr TouV NE Ce! e7.W. 009 Dy EDINBURGH rs) 10 a 6 ie] copyright reserved al Ti Centaurea solstitialis L. ol 3) ri subsp. solstitialis det. G.Wagenitz 021977 aE 3 yA FLORA OF is ; Name Cenlacren sotsh heat. a Locatity C. HO m. WN. of Bayt had Aur ; 1 0 HaBITaT Snig ale aren REMARKS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00475794 Cortona, V. C- Reterts cn Rer. No. / wt Seruice, Le j | | Date Thaw x Dune 19 vt, ‘ (14098) Wt.74226/43 10m(4) 3/51 L.& S. G67.
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Koelz, W.N.
Collection number: 16643
Collection date: 1st August 1940
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475795
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Ore ite] rat] Bae ae nok copyright reserved Centaurea solstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis det. G.Wagenitz 103977 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION From THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM PLANTS OF IRAN Centaurea solstitialis L, (det. Rech.f.) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Garnia, Khorassan, EDINBURGH Steppe, 2 ft. high, wi meen 00475795 WALTER KOELZ 16643 Aug. 1, 1940
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Rechinger, K.H.
Collection number: 10037
Collection date: 13th June 1957
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iraq
Barcode: E00475796
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NTTTENOT TOOT NTO TTT Gil ri => i | co ” | ha oa oo [°)) = Ps a ° [) Centaurea solstitialis L. subsp. solstitialis det. GeWagenitz 1.1977 K. H. RECHINGER, ITINERA ORIENTALIA 1956/57 Ee eee 10037 Centaurea solstitialis Le IRAQ: Distr. Kirkuk (Kurdistan). In collibus siccis 37 km a Kirkuk orienten versus, ca 600 m ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00475796 13.V1.1957 I
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Post, B.v.D.
Collection date: 3rd August 1923
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00475797
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FLORA OF | nypxny NAME Centaurea ort Ailhn oa LocaliTY WMakry to $.Stefan ei ee f. HABITAT £30245 AL REMARKS colour photo det - hae -34 Date Aug.3rd 1923 COLLECTOR Bev Duteone Rer. No. EITM eeen TO e Ts | o Pa Le to) 77) ® bs a om oa = > foe fe} [S) HERBIER DE BERTRAM V.D. POST - Herbier de Bertram V.D. Post (1871 - 1960), donné au ‘0 ; . vA NDURO Conservatoire botanique de Genéve en 1956. | | | Récoltes personnelles du D* B.V.D. Post. E00475797 |
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Lister, A.
Collection number: 32
Collection date: 14th August 1975
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475798
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BITTON TMT OTE TTT iS) z es BE fe} (<2) } i, | ; 4 copyright reserved Centaurea solstitialis lL, subsp. solstitialis det. G.Wagenitz Tei977 FLORA OF IRAN Centanrer Kordestan: Ghaliastrojon, c.25 km west of Hamadan 1800-2159 m Yound duemyuohare. Gtria, - BO wis. hash. Cut. c. 829m, alia me Ie: Oneyrrnt, 14 V5 | | | Coll. Dr Anne Lister No. Sa! E00475798
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Sabeti, H.
Collection number: 4104
Collection date: 3rd July 1972
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00475799
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“(BORTUS BOTANICUS «ARIAMEHR» Pam. Com oostae. Sc. Name © mT morse ole : Ce Vernac. Name a a ! Date 3 JUL 1972 Collector 4. Sa b eli 4s plac 1e Aran. Chilgar snug Alt 7 8 9 0 Habitat wae $ Notes ... Dupl. Ariamehr Distrib. Botanical Garden copyright reserved oat Det. m.fA Pe pA.
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Péronin, A.
Collection number: 131
Collection date: July 1872
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00475800
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METUNNOHI TOTO ITOO TT ao) Re < als O06 oot copyright reserved Dupla ex Herb. Musei Hist. Natur. Vindob. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien | We, cs FE ae CO oi | 42781 CoxpPaiieee Ze v me PAGE me 4 2, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ | Hi pes te 5 | 00475800 Ii tian tech
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collection date: 13th September 1946
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Armenia
Barcode: E00475801
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copyright reserved Botanuyeckuit Mucrutyt Akanemuu nayk ApmMCCP HERBARIUM nomine V. L. KAMAROVI Instituti Botanici Academiae Scientiarum Armeniae No Apmancxaa CCP Cen Cceee free 9 cCee 0. Apr ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Leg (IN 1a 10g ou, Ae eeecter 07.2. E00475801
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Sopali, C. & Uskudar, I.
Collection number: 7113
Collection date: 17th August 1967
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00475802
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ere cer Pai One mao copyright reserved HERBARIUM BAHCEKOY istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakiiltesi Botanik Kiirsiisii (ISTO) CSompositae Centaurea solstitialis Nom. Loc. Denizli, 18/1. Hab. Honaz Daga. Glineybata. Meyil:%40 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Orman igi,aciklik saha, Rakim: : EDINBUR 92 1m:1050 | | i mi o Ceyhan Sopali. ibranim Uskiidar.17.8.1967 £00475802 i = Det. No: 7113
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Baytop, A.
Collection number: 11745
Collection date: 7th August 1967
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00475803
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rom ra a re NM F = 5 oy a 3) 65% HERBARYUMU L UNiVERSITESi ECZACILIK FAKULTESi IiSTANBU Farmasotik Botanik Kiirsiisii ROYAL Bi INN | “rep
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collection date: 20th June 1947
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Armenia
Barcode: E00475804
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MERBARIUM namine W, 1a KOMAaw Wt “Inst uti Betanict 2. cademiae Scitatiornm Armentae (aye “Wl gesu : Ou og a ROYAL BRING Une aes Yow mt ww \ Cohe salblal I ToT | co) Ps © he 172) co) = ~ = fo)) 1S > a ° [s)
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Avetisian, V.E.
Collection date: 27th July 1962
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Armenia
Barcode: E00475805
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eo 2s 2 ore (a2) GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Boranuyeckuft Mucrutyt Axagemuu nayx ApmCCP HERBARIUM nomine V. L. KOMAROVI Instituti Botanici Academiae Scientiarum Armeniaeé / 3 cules wlbids lla a : ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mL 00475805 Legh: WAMA96L Det. S Tomah
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Hohenacker, R.F.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00475806
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Perey 4 Res ale ori 7 Bed=) copyright reserved PRESENTED. i8e2 Ex herbario horti Petropolitani. | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Contacts taentatinces ww iv Be en ‘SE K 41Aataeh . Atoeter2eKw E00475806
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collection date: 30th June 1961
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Armenia
Barcode: E00475807
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copyright reserved yi Botanwyeckui Mucraryt Akagemun uayk ApmCCP HERBARIUM nomine V. L. KOMAROVI Instituti Botanici Academiae Scientiarum Armeniae Cutaaren. Sobphece ee Apmsaucxaa CCP eae Pret, Hi gee See ro PE Ae RevATS ae oe vos me sah Sa 3 y i as a Bo] 0) cm
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Hohenacker, R.F.
Collection date: August 1839
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Russia
Barcode: E00475808
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copyright reserved : e | a d es W. . y AL | HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, FRS. Centaurea’ Adami, f PresENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. Dumeta propé castrum Russorum Debhanjatach, Aug, (Planta sub hoc Unio itiner. 1839, nomine prius edita, yerisimiliter Cen- RE, Hohenacker. taurea solstitialis.) . ae 5 si aids 4 wit. : Me. ee "i : 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 5 caw | * EDINBURGH : i : is E00475808 f a - » s a re
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collector/Expedition: Prescott, J.D.
Collection date: 1826
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Georgia
Barcode: E00475809
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S10, rs) if 6 copyright reserved mn 3 Tea == =z] =a i 5 cm tN a 0) yA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00475809 . sl
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Family: Compositae
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Centaurea solstitialis L.
Collection date: 26th June 1971
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Azerbaijan
Barcode: E00475810
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| } | | copyright reserved Tep6apuit Borannyeckoro Uucrutyra Axayemun Hayk ApmsaucKkoih CCP Herbarium Instituti Botanici Academiae Scientiarum Armeniae SSR Ta seen, OTA A a Lrg yur d VPA leg bates ¢ - Ae per | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ai. ib. Mere 7] A fap eae EDINBURGH A Leg Yb.%0 wi iu pH te gee E00475810
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