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Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Stewart, O.M.
Collection number: 05 5/73
Collection date: 11th April 1973
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254203
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| FLORA OF 4/244084 GM TLAIRE Je 43 NAME Als #céalivensA “TRIeHOMAMES S33? QVADRIVALENS Locaurry 4bnne &SES Ste Cotuencl oe 44] ALT. HABITAT E los IQ obi ff. Remarks GF C voy Dare {1 APR 1973 COLLECTOR 24. STZ. ART Rer. No. »¢ 5/43 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: November 1854
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254204
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HERB. NEILL FRASER, PURCHASED 1905. /MQ@Q0327 Asplenium trichomanes L. Aspren ca ‘ts rech oe Ses ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS Wald SECU EUE 8 ty Oo, Cas2? 2 Du 2rF¥ ries. Sh J. D. Lovis determinavit Nou®™ 1984 ute a a wr he xo} co Pa I o on 2 ad on Da = a) Qa ° oO ie Ve Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS | ~ ) | "ROYAL Bi Z J £ J. D. Lovis determinavit . OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN z BE BOTANIC G flr Prihomauss Limi ‘i a | : ; ‘pa eee Ki EO i - G f f nog x = = a ial Se
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 24th April 1855
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00254205
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HERB. NEILL FRASER PURCHASED 1905. As filemeui: Cir C ATG or Cee s Wald of CRED Fe yo oy, Castle Er. 66, C1. Nou®™ 1984 a KI te Re tere Ore Herb. A. OSWALD BRODIE, Nov. 1874. a ae ; OVAL BOTANIC GARDEN . ELINBURGH vu os ang G NY E0 Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit Ve 7 Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit xo} o Pad -— ® n Nd a <= Da = es) a ° [S) /MQ@Q0327
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Stewart, O.M.
Collection number: 03 3/73
Collection date: 20th March 1973
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254206
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EUULS42U0 copyright reserved FLORA OF WKiRW cub eiGHtrsy Ve 13 —_—, NA mMiom 1SicHomManies ME Ase Lene Sap SoALe Re Locauty Neac Carruchan Suse | umbtres Hasitat qpeains ww @ld Arr. a REMARKS dab C a DATE 26 /8 jr 3 CoLLECTOR O,M Q+EWAQaT REF. No. O8 3/73
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Stewart, O.M.
Collection number: 03 14/73
Collection date: 16th April 1973
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254207
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copyright reserved FLORA OF AVP AC VOB RIG 78H VETS a — ANES Sak a eae QUADRIVALENS Locatity xe a Kirhendl Angel on GIS oot ALT HABITAT — Asc Ae ‘ REMARKS - hi ¢ vee DATE i 6 APR 1973 Coutector ©, 77. P@sso4 Rer. No. OF 4/73
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Stewart, O.M.
Collection number: 03/134/74
Collection date: 5th April 1974
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254208
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. NAME ASPLENWH TRicHOMANES S39 QVABRIVALENS LocALITY OLD BRiPGE CF FRR HasrratT ~~ nde Atr. REMARKS GR 23/77 67 Date $/a¢/19 74 COLLECTOR GO). Stasai.b REF, No, Geetess es/isy. /19
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Stewart, O.M.
Collection number: 03 17/73
Collection date: 30th March 1973
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254209
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{ FLORA OF AV@XKCUDGCRICHT OH ve73 a Nam nurnr TIPICHOPIANES on AOA SSP QVADRIVALENS Locauty AJoeHEn CAs eV Afou sk Hasirat 29a oY ee ALT. du C Jere REMARKS DATE 30 /'3 3/9 3 COLLECTOR ©.97. Pérvark Rer. No. 48 44/2 3 S) ie) fs} copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Stewart, O.M.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254210
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Ve.7 3 FLORA OF WMiRKavbeGeiacetrsa NaME AQeLENI UM “TRIG Hen ane 3 Si hcens Qva Locauity Near fuchen aa we ees ea HABITAT Grevtina ww Wel ALT. Remarks ®ack {\ Specie. a. “to ase dor Se DATE CoLLECTOR ONY S-reuAry Rer. No. = = ra ° a 2) le) cs) copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Somerville, A.
Collection number: 1874
Collection date: August 1890
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254211
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Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS copyright reserved J. D. Lovis determinavit Te) Herb: W. Edgar Evans. 4 PRESENTED 1946, Nc ve +—- - =~, | a +) (ay a an | (op) oma. (al. $= Bo. Yio. HFFNG | | eae A a > Ware. Leap Comtcinyn Srzchomomes, f. FI + ») NA 1 | Saale ¢ A Co emewor z= rote [focaoces. Yeuneck, | Ei in m0 Oo NA bo i. ae / < | 00254211 | Heb: SE Brock. Coll: Asowercitle,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection number: 442-3
Collection date: 23rd June 1849
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254212
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Sy eee + xo} ® Pa = ry n o k= — =m 7) :— > Qa ° oO Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit \S 4AazS OYAI BOTANIC GARDEN | WANN E00254212
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 1862
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254213
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— te Clo fil recur ee fistel® Si encuchahine; SECL. Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS ial aia, Aelia ihe ase J. D. Lovis determinavit ll ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH l NI G' lh 254213 Ml sacs ans 2 eta tens AtEm ees eree ‘i oP copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Maclagan,
Collection date: 3/7/67
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254214
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FILICES R. Brown. Cryprocam. FILIcEs. ASPLENIUM Tricnomanes Linn. Common wall Spleenwort. Rocks and walls. Loc. Roches or le wit. %. Tem. 3 | mg | bf. Cor. Gftnaclagar BERWICK COLLECT. OA} ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDI LM YO Gl 0254214 Asplenium trichomanes L. 0025421 ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit M@e@@327 no} ® Po < ()) no cy — Ae 7 re Py [oy fe) (s)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Beattie, E.P.
Collection date: October 1972
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254215
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re) cy Pad .— ® n oO — et <= 2 = Py fo} ° oO 36,57 ASPAENIUM TRICHOMAINES Ssp CUADRIVALE IVS EAST LIN TOT (merrTar oF WALL) V-C 82° BLY BEATTIE ao Asplenium trichomanes L. ROYAL BO EDI ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS Wilh Oct-19 7 2 ll J. D. Lovis determinavit
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Cullen, J.
Collection number: 27
Collection date: 21st May 1962
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254216
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ANIC GARDEN NBURGH NIA E00254216 | | I Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit riors or Sttie® (ova. NAME Myplovivn Melenranes 4: LocaLity E é CaaS HABITAT Ried wihdna. REMARKS Wrote Herr a roan 4, asetls. ArT ccs 50/ COLLECTOR JC aS DATE Qu ’ (2698) Wt. 73703/83 fom 2/84 de (962. Ree. No. 2 jo) = xo} ® Po [< ® 17?) ® bs _ ts iy = Py (or o} oe © )
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Page, C.N. & Blair, F.M.
Collection number: 8613
Collection date: 3rd September 1975
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254217
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ce Ex HERB. HORT. BOT. REG “EDIN: SCOTLAND, EAST LOTHIAN, V.C. 82 Asplenium trichommes Le Woodhall Dene, 34 miles south of Dunbar Stream cutting through sheep- grazed upland grassland Alt. 340 ft. In mortar of old wall in B29. 1975 mixed woodland beside stream. C N Page & F M Blair Ref No. 8613 xo) ca) Po = ® o ® a va) fess iy Sy >) for ° oe
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Beattie, E.P.
Collection date: November 1972
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254218
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mill 36 Se ASPAENIEM)D TRICHOMAWES SSP. QUADRIWALENS MDCAADER- NoRTAR GW WALL (U,0.83/ Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS E. P. Beatke Wov. 7a. J. D. Lovis determinavit 2. | i : | 4 10 9 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: May 12/??
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254219
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wea eae teil hoa ag a Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254220
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E00254220 oO oe Ps < BOTA DEN * fo) a vn 1 S + Nt oO << waa Il Ht .o)) 5 foe fe} (o} Asplenium trichomanes L. HERBARIUM ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS UE A COL. JAMES BRODIE OF BRODIE, M.P., F.B.S., ORIGINALLY GIVEN TO WALKER-ARNOTT. J. D. Lovis determinavit (See Britten & Boulger, Bibliograph. Index of British and Irish Botanists, 1893, p. 23.) ve & 3 zw a settee Succlorweanes 2 re Lt fe ot. LED, Lo, Ligbed He ays ae ol, ang 2-764 Ay: fen P1CLEI72 Pieemanes ‘ 2 e Sittin ais >) z Cc >) < ’ Fae ie od ee AA ts
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: December 1849
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254221
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OYAL BOTANIC G; EDINBURGH i A 125422 | 1 tl ARDEN | | | Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit Lt Bdlenk Gdeer ID--Yy So cy Pad i 1) 7) i —~ <= ee = > fo} fo} iS)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: Jun 21st 1811?
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254222
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» ‘ ; Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit GE nae Po ra LIT AY ‘ FROM THE MUSEUM HERBARIUM, BRIDGE OF ALLAN, P prep tes PRESENTE " DOE G a ee ERTHSHIRGE, 222 copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 1831
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254223
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Asplenium trichomanes tL. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit \) oe w bated L Mr E00. FROM THE MUSEUM HERBARIUM, BRIDGE OF ALLAN PERTHSHIRE, PRESENTED 1930, 10 =a fs} 9 copyright reserved pce aaa Oh: eet Cae Pie, i Bia) 0) Cyl Toten Stee ‘ . | le afl rues Goritocen ae L ERS cm
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Beattie, E.P.
Collection date: October 1972
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254224
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copyright reserved R6/97 BSPAEN(UA7 TAICHOMANES Ssp. QUADRIVALIENS TORPHICH EN - WAIL = (usc. Fe) Ve Sk. Asplenium trichomanes L. EE. FP. Be athe ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS 1H BBIH BRIID nee | lh Mi I HH 0 cf e 1G 72, J. D. Lovis determinavit HELE l : 4 EC
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 30th May 1903
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254225
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xo} cl Pd ei oO n 2 =) on fey - Pa a ° 3) Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 1864
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254226
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A . cae Olof ler tecerr ey 2?’ 2220 LA ee SPC Ly ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ION 00254226 “ cl Ne lias atic IS \ Za | ix : ie f splenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 1864
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254227
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Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. Lovis J. D. Lovis determinavit Brpt es, ee a oLee eo oe ae, is es ee S ECL, i Wi Mi 0254227 hh copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 30th June 1849
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254228
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ROYAL ROTA Nie GARDE Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit MQ00327 xo} ® 2 he ® n cD I oa <= aD = > a ° oO | re Seo Ex Derb. W. Lauder Lindsay. | Ashlenim Lriehamanes| | | WB. (ouil/a Pe eee | Ariclilaplec Ge to. FLEE chs Ei as te] on 304 Tunersog.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 5/9/82
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254229
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | il l i copyright reserved Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit | FILICHS. | Asplenium Trichomanes, L. Common Spleen-wort.—Rocks and walls. Loc. fiat 2 : | Tra, 2 3 \52 Cor. Pk ben, |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collector/Expedition: Czekalowska, A.
Collection number: 89
Collection date: 30th October 1963
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254230
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Name (#SPLEAIUM TRICHOHAWES Z Locality Wwe COTHIAN QUEENWSFERR ¥ : / Altitude $y Date 20-10: 62 Habitat RY STONE wALC Community Replemuie mtr murania i Remarks Collector ACEKALOWsSun No. 8&9 Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit VUBVMUE TIL ART) TT VL BLL) E00254230 —o copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 4th May 1859
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254231
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ANIC GARDE? giana iancapnanammpactadnamanisacnsiere \ Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS J. D. Lovis determinavit @ yg ee A Oe Herb. A. OS (itt 7] 9254231 a a, See nase sihaa HERB. NEILL FRASER; PURCHASED 1905: Mirling Inay fT bias tle ode k oe Asleniion Trubsmor AN pres xo] CO) n o - <= Do - fox fe) (o) _M000327 5
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Aspleniaceae
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Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens D.E.Mey.
Collection date: 1804
Filing region: Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00254232
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"A, “helt ofl Cinrere eat “ Me : , Darter a e ) : ut ? ve Se “we a xo] ; oO Ps ‘_ o : 7) | ci) = j _ £ ce \ @ = ‘ ) fo ° (3) Jo U7 Z Cb MAE A ECOLELAL LS : “,! HERB. BACKHOUSE; PURCHASED 1908 C tafe L604. Asplenium trichomanes L. ANIC GARDEN ssp. quadrivalens D. E. MEYER emend. LOVIS L iil UHI tll J. D. Lovis determinavit UAH A | £00254232
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IIIF Manifest
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