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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: Rahman, M.A.
Collection number: 1123
Collection date: 27th June 1997
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Bangladesh
Barcode: E00274267
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@Q0564 se] o ra ® r 4 oe P =) = a) rot fa rs) FLORA OF BANGLADESH BIODIVERSITY LINK PROJECT Department of Botany, University of Chittagomg Regional Flora: Rangamati Dae 27-64-97 ROYAL Seno A eeends M.A. Rahman ” 5 a WON MW Romrod Handa, $ogitt bas LM Hebe ll
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collection number: BRF 1691
Collection date: 4th October 1999
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00293431
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00293431 HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBARIUM WANARISET EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA (FLORA OF EAST KALIMANTAN) Ismail; Arifin, Z. BRF 1691 Gee 1295 Family: Asclepiadaceae Asclepias curassavica L. Det.: Ismail; Arifin, Z. Oct 1999 Kalimantan, Bulungan Research Forest , around the BRF camp, Long Seturan, at land, along Seturan River. Gat 2° O4'"N Leng 126° 28's Alt. 180m Flat land, by Seturan River, Riparian. L.6 m tall. Stem greenish-grey calyx green, corola bright stamens yellow. Fruits pale <ploration >d by CIFOR gan Forest Research Project xo, o 2 he ) n 4 a = iS = Pe) rok ° (S
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: Morse, A.
Collection date: 1893
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Taiwan
Barcode: E00393742
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00393742 n°) ® > < ® o rH —_ a=) IS Ro a > 2 ° (e) Ancleai'ag CUradsavtcr L.XAa Det. Jord zy 1S Tall 9070 A. Heyes Sony oul hy A. Muxse) Tomsuri, Frrmosa th 1893 Det. 7kA/echk Vous 15 Jaf. 20/0 lo7 FLORA OF FoRMosA Name Prsclopias ouroaaourca hinn, Locaury Tamsur HABITAT ALT. REMARKS S22 capsid. Dare | $48 Cottecror “A. More Rer. No.
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: McLeish, I.M.
Collection number: 38
Collection date: 5th October 1984
Filing region: Arabian Peninsula
Country/Territory: Oman
Barcode: E00199527
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQ@00564 ao) co Pa i ) n 4 od a bg ‘= > 2 ° [S) Arclops CurAssar & ks, FLORA OF THE SULTANATE OF OMAN - i Da 04-0 200% 4 Adeyias cf. CALraggasica tL. Scrubland near Argzat Farm (17.00 54.18E) nr. Salalah. Near water (semi-saline) - Flower red/yellow 1m tall plant. Flower not fragrant. | Alte: 5x0 1984 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN * No. 38 NBURGH | ONL Ee il I 00199527
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: Alvarez, D.
Collection number: 7
Collection date: 26th June 1997
Filing region: Central America
Country/Territory: Mexico
Barcode: E00177465
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: MacDonald, J.A. & Ismail, R.
Collection number: 4824
Collection date: 24th July 1994
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00037326
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@00564 PLANTS OF INDONESIA Z| ro 9 oo ® o 4 tod io > — Es roy ° re) ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias currassavica Bali Timur; Tabanan. Central Bali, vicinity of Candi Kuning on Lake Braton. 1200 m 8°18S; 115°9E. On east shore of lake, disturbed forest below steep slopes. Dominants include Ficus, Schefflera, Voacanga, etc. Robust shrub 1.5 m tall, branching above and below: calyx green, corolla red, corona yellow. ; Local name: Comments: ROYAL BOTANG GARDEN McDonald & Ismail 4824 07/24/1994 gi HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: Gaoligong Shan Biotic Survey Expedition (1997),
Collection number: 8559
Collection date: 5th September 1997
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00124596
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i G0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of the Gaoligong Shan (China) Asclepiadaceae Asclepias curassavica L. China: Yunnan: Baoshan Pref.: Slopes above village at the eastern border of Baoshan Region After Main Checkpoint. Dry stony south and southwest facing slopes. 1220 m 25°25'45"N, 39°17" 26"5 Scrambler; flowers with deep orange co corona palen orange, anthers yellow. ec | Gaoligong Shan Expedition 1997 No. 8559 5 Sep 1997 1997 Royal Botanic Garden Edinbur i Institute of Botany, Missouri pecan ee Garden (GSE97) (GLGS97) To S fee ® Yn co) Ls a co = <= > a ° iS) Meee5s64
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: West Nepal (1996),
Collection number: 9662129
Collection date: 8th August 1996
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00232606
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. st oO un © 2 © = ae ) copyright reserved Te) Flora of West Nepal al Distributed from the University of Tokyo (TI) e a } No. 96 62/29 ae [ x] = on ted m alt. [28° 30'N, 83° 39'E - 28° 22'N, 83° 34E] KOZ W. Nepal: fee Distr., Tatopani (1150m) - Beg Khola ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (1050m) -Rahugha (890m). eet i Flora of Nepal Database 8 August 1996 a AW oer Bitte bythe T. Hoshino, M, Amano, H. Kaba, N. Miyoshi, K., Rajbhandari M. Sto, £00232606 a ee P. Shrestha and S. Takatsuki
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00798631
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Ais M VW 2 Wi / \7 i DISSV19 BEY RELI SCP am iKs) GARDEN EDINBURGH gasee EEen) ets copyright reserved Ressed Yur bel. Sea fore HERB. LEEFE. : Presented by the Royal Cardens, Kew, 1889. ROYAL BOTANIC GA EDINBURGH E00798631 | 7 eee , .
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00798632
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L PoISSVIO BED BEL BS TMU TUTTO copyright reserved Jak | fee a oy le fia ke mo. bean Loy ele = o S i. Ace? (eet Yee Fun fi. Doc oe Hee Auvecuslouh, Misd (GG? gar Ob 3 HERB. LEEFE. Presented by the Royal Gardens, Kew, 1889 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE! NF WAI E00798632 se ‘iene ee Ace ‘ oe Sees ae |
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Australia
Country/Territory: Australia
Barcode: E00798633
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LL J oissv10 BED REL BD lamang copyright reserved = Sa \ feed amet lenis Zeal scotia i ee (E-ov utes ¢ Lh, fhafflue , See* 22 BAY E- ROYAL STNG be: an MII TO E0079863
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: Zimmermann, A.
Collection number: 2086
Collection date: 6th November 1954
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00780128
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. t oO w fav) g g = copyright reserved Duplicatum ex Conservatorio Botanico Genevensi EXPEDITION SCIENTIFIQUE GENEVOISE AU NEPAL 1954 N° J 0 BE Date be Slot Hoc Sah elrewiees ee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | i Alt. GEO. news Leg. A. Zimmermann | Recorded for Flora of aw Garden z 00780128 Royal Bot raofnepal.org Det. iM, bee eo
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: Gonzáles, P., Goodwin, Z.A., Aparco, W. & Balvin, R.
Collection number: 7034
Collection date: 21st February 2020
Filing region: W. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Peru
Barcode: E01059364
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WMO E01059364 HERB. HORT. EDINB, Herbario San Marcos (USM) FLORA DE PERU APOCYNACEAE Asclepias curassavica L. Peru, Departamento: La Libertad, Provincia: Pataz, Pataz: Km 111 entre Chagual y Pataz. 7°49'24" S, 77°36'55" W Alt: 2071m Bosque seco dominado por Acacia aroma y Caesalpinia spinosa. Hierba 40-50 cm, abundante, flores anaranjadas. Paul Gonzales 7034 21 Feb 2020 Zoé Africa Goodwin; Warner Aparco & Richard Balvin Proyecto del Fondo Newton-Paulet - Aumento del conocimiento de ecosistemas secos y montanos a través del Peru FONDECYT - UNMSM Financiado por el Numero de Convenio/Contrato 026-2019 xo} cv) Pa i ® n ® =) od ao Ss = > 2 ° (3) MQ@QQ564
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Collector/Expedition: Dobremez, J.-F.
Collection number: 103
Collection date: 15th May 1969
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00826958
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| ‘ll ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH il 00826958 FLORE iu NEPAL Université de Greno>le Laboratoire de Botanique Asclepias curassavica L. Lieu ; liayangdi Khola Latttude : 28° 26' Altitude : [000 m Longttude : 85° 25" Date : 15-05-1969 Observations ; 3ords de la rivitre Collecteur : J.F. DOBREMEZ DBR NEP N° 103 xo] o Pd ee o 77] o Pa 7 nom io rT > a ° o Me@e0564
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213264
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st oO wn 2g 2 ge = SON g.0 copyright reserved fx HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. Name : Asclepias curassavica L, Loc, : Almunecar area en Hab. : Damp area on cliffs a bove the sea, Naturalised between Nerja and Motril ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN on the coast, EDINBURGH Alt. 100m 12 April 196% i won, gaa eens 01213264
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213263
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURG ED H E01213263 Herb. Dorfler. Purchased 1912. Plantes de l’Andalousie. 1887 I. Reverchon . 2. ye ap : Law Vz Ge be.” — 2424, — oS cy) = i“ ® 7) o = a = — — > 2. 9° o | M@@@564_
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213268
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HERB. HORT. EDINB. HERBARIUM UNIVERSITATIS HISPALENSIS FLORA SELECTA. CENTURIA I 28. Asclepias curassavica L., Sp. PJ. 215 (1753). CADIZ. Algeciras. El Cobre. Parte baja del Arroyo de la Miel. 7.V.1982. Leg.: S. Talavera & B. Valdés. Det.: J. Pastor. Esta especie tropical, de origen americano, se encuentra naturalizada en el S de la Peninsula Ibérica. Aunque su presencia ya habfa sido indicada or F. MaRKGRAF (1972, in Tutin & al. (eds.) Fl. Eur. 3: 70) para la provincia de Malaga, esta cita amplia su 4rea hacia el W de Espafia. J. P. D. MQ@Q0564 copyright reserved
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213266
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Herb. Dorfier. Purchased 1912. ELIsEE REVERCHON. — PLANTES DE L’ANDALOUSIK 1890 E Ne 482 Asclepias curassaviea L. WILLKOMM. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Malaga. lieux humides, herbeux sur le caleaire. Wii — E01213266 ROYAL Es Es ial ea i | if a copyright reserved Me@ee564
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213267
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii Plantes de l’Andalousie. 1887 pur E.Reverchon . No Y= \ Valoited oe sh phy ltt ced, oer tittsied , 74 O gee hoe - [/ : Sa | ROYAL copyright reserved Sf oO wn 2g 2 2 =
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213265
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P. SINTENIS: Iter transcaspico - persicum 1900 - 1901, E1369 Asclepias curassavica L. Persia borealis; prov. \sterabad; Bender Ges : cult. in Lorto prope pagum Ges. 29, XT. 1900. determ. J. Freyn. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ey EDINBURGH /2 E01213265 copyright reserved st) OO} LA! Q g Q fl
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213280
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VA E01213280 r river bed ee 26,7 1974 mo) ® > i ® n ® ae a nest = ‘= > Qa ° oO Meee564
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213279
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: ee ‘ gi: 4 A 5 § . No. 8568 YUNNAN, WES CHINA HO, Coll GEORGE FORREST No Q RAQ U oO-s ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH WMO i fe lea N oS o Pa i ® n ® i ape a} D ‘= a) 2. ° ° MQ00564
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213272
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. (BLANTS OF E. TIBET AND 8.W. CHINA. 40 SZ, Councrsn sy GEORGE FORREST. /05 6 ous ECTOR For A, K. BULLEY of NESS, NESTON, CHESHIRE. Aeclkifrar turarvanten, Kenic, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TT —— PLat ee Se acne dam ., Be, ee eee | Aa—G eet Z. /o A i axi—ees = 71% Meee564 x] J Pd <j o 77) o i at Ho oD i > a ° [)
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213278
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Me@e0564 xo} a) Pa & ® 77) ) 4 Sed i oD E 2 ° (3) Pub K 2&2 HR A therbarium of College of Agriculture Sun Yatsen University, Canton F.No.679 Coll.Tsiang Ying Herb. No. i ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA L. ROYAL B ioe EDINBURGH : Acer Way to Hom Tin, Hongkong Li termined DY ¢ a MVM : June 20, 1928 E01213278
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213274
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH IU E01213274 FLORA OF KWANGTUNG Sun Yatsen University, Canton, China. Name Mlacdapasia.Lusddstit Oe. ut ah ——- elle = eb te xo} ® Pa c ® 72) ® ba tnd cj Da ‘= es) 2. ° iS) Me@Q0564
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213276
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Me@Q0564 FAN MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY FLORA OF YUNNAN Field No. 27478 Date Ail te 23, 1938 3 ry PS i ® 7) ® =) - Le By = > roy ° ce) Habitat... _ Inder thicket ...._.___._. Habit... Berd perennial... 28 Height 289 LbepB.u. Bark Flower... Naren Notes Hemmer i See ah cree hat hy Lb Common Name 4 Js. Family Name ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA kinn ROYAL Oe ce Collector T. T. Yi } 1 | £01213
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213271
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E 01213271 FLORA OF KWANGTUNG Sun Yatsen University, Canton, China. Field No. O100 Herbarium No. Locality Tseh Kou Yen Shen Pe ae Fruit Special Notes ya Pe ee copyright reserved st oO Ln Q 2g 2 =
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213273
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M@Q0564 xo} o Pa a ci 77) cy ta =] co oD - > a ° oO % p n% % 0, SG % No.62342 4H.Y. Liang fe 3 1933 ‘ : = . Cackeftaw CUNadTev lea / PLANTS OF HAINAN Britton Herbarium, N.Y. Botanical Garden ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN BS seed one = . ies gas — a EDINBURGH stamen yWllow style cre amy whit esf ¥ oung greene | | WW | ll | | - aon Hainan Expedition of Sun Yatsen University s Podg E01213273 July-Oct. 1933
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213275
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st oO un 2 a g = copyright reserved heats 28a: Blower. ns Se ; Special: Notes). 2. jeen oe fame, BUR AS oe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN - Det.by: E.D.Merrill EDINBURGH MM = 01213275
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Family: Apocynaceae
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Asclepias curassavica L.
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01213277
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Me@Q0564 cs} re i E > o ode i} See Ca r= 4 = ~ a ° rs) a ae alae rae 5 4 Asclep. Herb. No. 17753 FLORA OF TAIWAN Collected and distributed by Prof. T. Tanaka and Fi i ae inst eased yee) 0) Y. Shimada, Taihoku Imperial University. cm Asclepias curssavica Linn. Leg. Kk. Olashims ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Sinten, Taihoku-syu February 11, 1934 EDINBURGH : ; £01213277
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