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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Knees, S.G.
Collection number: 8532
Collection date: 12th April 2009
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00282529
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L TTTUOOTTI UOT TOnLA copyright reserved FLORA OF GREECE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Family: Alliaceae Allium subhirsutum L. Locality: Dodecanese; Arki island; Port Stretto; narrow headland. 37°22' 26.0 N, 26°44'19.8"E. 8 m. Habitat: Garrigue (Phrygana) vegetation, goat-grazed and wind-pruned. Limestone, rocky slopes dominants include Euphorbia acanthothamnos, Genista spp., Olea europaea, Phagnalon rupestre, Pistacia lentiscus, Prasium majus and Teucrium creticum. Description: 25 cm tall; leaf margins hairy; flowers white; bulbs shallow ROYAL sehen GARDEN EDINBURGH E00. 282529 Collectors: M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees No. 8532 Date: 12" April 2009
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collection number: TU-02-06B
Collection date: 17th May 2007
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00294675
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~ . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH E00294675 | Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Alliaceae Allium subhirsutum L. Determined by: E.J. Clement Living collection info.: Hanson, C Gordon No. TV-02-06B 17 MAY 2007 Cultivated at Ware, Herts. Grown on from original wild collection: Olsson, P. TURKEY: Antalya: Mountainside just north of Kas, Antalya. Seed collected. 12 JUL 2002 a < > fe) os ) copyright reserved
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Lowne, B.T.
Collection date: 1863
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Syria
Barcode: E00344733
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‘ Lolf ye men a pe | Determinavit 7. 0 Lima ay aes » ‘i , q) le Det. Per Wendelb c | endelbo | 196% NE. | PLANTS OF SOUTHERN SYRIA. Collected by B. T. Lowne. 1863-4 CMinsge wi 00 W "i im = eRe
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Archibald, J.C.
Collection number: 897
Collection date: 19th February 1966
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Barcode: E00344770
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(2) ° xe} < or Ko} > aa = @ n @O s < (9-J a. FLORA OF LIBYA BOTANIC GARDEN petal ROYAL FE INBURGH Allium EDI | WM Wh | | | | Tripolitania, W. of Tripolis open shade in £00344770 sparse scrub lands sands: whites not at all numerous Val Khia AA. paket Lt cA CARA X , Alte ce JUSt y : 1966 above sea level 19 F ebruary | det. Per Wendelbo / 1998 Coll. J.C. Archibald Noe 97
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collection number: 613
Collection date: April 1968
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00344769
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° fe) xe} < = Ko} > a x @O o @ 5 < [) 2. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi i EX HERB. UNIV. HIEROSOLYM. Allium trifoliatum Cyr. subsp. hi rsutum(Regel)Kollm. Det. F. Kollmann 1975 po5win? niaayn ApID IA IINA nrawy HERBARIUM UNIVERSITATIS HEBRAICAE HIEROSOLYMITANAE FLORA PALAESTINAE DRIWOTPIN nonnay No 13 \ilium Loc. & Hab... Hermon}... 2! Shams, Sypacma) DIpn Leg...” FON
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Kayacik, H. & Yaltirik, F.
Collection date: 29th April 1958
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00344768
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00344768 fo) pai xo] oO Pa i o n o i ee] = Hey os > 2. ° S) Allium gu bh, a0Alem LY’ Det. F. Kuilmann AG? 2 HERBARIUM BAHCEKOY {istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakiiltesi Botanik Kiirsiisii ugha, fe Phe 2 G 26k hoGax, Tages: Tape Hab. | Kizvhe ae age. sn mama RokMnr. He 50 - ¥ t) , ug J 1h a Leg. cfr * 4: Merete, F, Yoltirth 29 .4./95F Det. No.
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H. & Polunin, O.V.
Collection number: 25,525
Collection date: 30th March 1956
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00344767
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I | | | EDINBURGH II E00344767 | | iH Vi) GOTANTS { cy. mi SS 5) Det. Per Wendelbo 12 -196/ rq ‘ ; ‘ a q +4 a Ve eM 3 e c } bw sad 3 oO] | 7 ai 2 * h, y vee | 4 o ‘ So oO P i= co) 177) o ts P=) a = > a fe} Oo g % c
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 41715
Collection date: 24th April 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00344766
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(?) [e) xe} 4 er io} 3 ay a} 0) ” @O Ce o @o 2. ps to). (etsiiCer:§ Naduvo DINVLOG TVAOU se ae! OC Det. F. Kollmann es we ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH il E00344766 | | Davis 44745 Allium Maquis. Flowers white » Stem te 2h-0l01 965.
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Dudley, T.R.
Collection number: D.34946
Collection date: 24th May 1962
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00344765
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i?) {e} Ko} 4 =e Co} my = = @O 2) 0) = 4 0) a. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00344765 | Allium ee 6 he CD hie we ee VA pee Det. F. Kollmann TI 2. HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. D. 54946 Allium Turkeys Prove Aydin: Samsun Dag, 80 lam. se 68 of Davitlar, north side; 420 m.; end of forest road, Fagus, Castaneza, de woods; hairy lvs. z Rial eo leg. Dudley 24 May 1962
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Gathorne-Hardy, E.
Collection number: 391
Collection date: 29th April 1963
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00344764
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN xo] C3) Pa ts cy 177) co ke eo Fo Sl = 2) a fo} [s) AERBos HORI Bb Ole REG. Ee DINE Allium subhirsutum tL. 3°%% Nisyros: rocky slopes above road inside crater. 4000 ft. 29 April 1963 #. Gathorne-Hardy New 591 PRT
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 2609K
Collection date: 12th March 1841
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00344763
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fer=y,Wl=\-1-) BLU] OB IAXe (eye) EN eS Naduvod SINVLOG 8 Feyl\\Sss BS Co): (etsini larg wen, Werther feast es Det. Per Wendelbo / FLORA OF Ca ews NAME Nyhus LocaLity Quprwina Bene ALT. HABITAT ‘ \ Ww Chesn ww ‘VWAarnhta « REMARKS } WANE, Matas punlian be Paka wilh purl, ew OND gee ROYALE BOTANIC GARDEN COLLECTOR Yar Rer. No. i] wl | bats M04 (10869) Wt.70847/35 5000(4) 5/46 L.&S. C67. Ae Fi
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Forsyth-Major, C.I. & Barbey, W.
Collection number: 558
Collection date: 18th May 1887
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00344762
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9) fe) Ke) < ms Co} > = im oO n f?) Ss < 2) 2. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH il E00344762 . = RR SS Ss iy ‘ Plante a el. Dv? Forsyra MAJOR | in insulis Archipelagi auspice W. Barbey lectie. Cnt C/1666. | | No SFB. 1887 ME, Meio. | FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED. P |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Gathorne-Hardy, E.
Collection number: 756
Collection date: 3rd May 1964
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00344761
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jer=y,Wtst=r-) BLU] 0) BAX e (eye) S HOUNENIGa Naqduvo ris yin Aneyss TVAOU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ll E00344761 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Kayacik, H. & Yaltirik, F.
Collection number: 3759
Collection date: 8th May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00344760
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poeAsioseas JUHUAdOS po to): (Bts(stCerg Naqduvo yin Aney:! TVAOU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ai wi E00344760 \ | | | | | ZA abhi us hep pe ° Allium Det. F. Kollmann HERBARIUM BAHCEKOY istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakiiltesi Botanik Kiirsiisti (ISTO) Fam. Lilisceese Alium Nom. [Se eee See ere - —— — = eae aia Lo. | Tamir:Kugadasi 32/40 Samsundaz,Sarikaya deresi-Balliburun Hab. = ; ___ |. a@resi,yol boyu megcere ke — Leg. Prof. Dr.Kayacik=Dr.Yaltirik, &.V. ae aan i etree ee Mo. BIS | Det. | 0.3759 le eee et =
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Gathorne-Hardy, E.
Collection number: 44/1961
Collection date: 5th May 1961
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Greece
Barcode: E00344759
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rel=y,Wi=\=1-5 mle] 0) Bye (ote) Co A fe Fx a a o poo): (ets( sitar g Naqduvo yin ner:! TVAOU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ih E00344759 | “= - __...__ s HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. Allium subhirsutun
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Archibald, J.C.
Collection number: 1084
Collection date: 6th March 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00344772
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pevieses yyHUAdOO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00344772 | Allium Southern Lebanon, above Ammatour, 5H. of Beit ed Din: moist deciduous woodlands leafsoil over clays whites numerous but most not yet in flower Alte ce ©40 m 6 March 1966 Colle JeC. Archibald ~~
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 2993K
Collection date: 3rd April 1941
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00344771
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00344771 a hig Shere. Det. Per Wendelbo Nits Name Vw \ &, \ \ o Locality ¢éAw ca7 \r lotr Trew Art. (Sty (Tt: HABITAT , (i= \ | ‘ : y Qymtnh Ldn tanr Goin We Old waver: v ac A\ A ae att 5 y Ne 0A \} Leh fi 1 \% (err A\, far scror eles COLLECTOR a Rer. No. IDysGds, \ +) U\ (10869) Wt.70847/35 5000(4) 5/46 L.&S. G67.
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Fleischer, F.v.
Collection date: March 1827
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00344773
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peasiosas yyHUAdOo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00344773 OO Allium subhirsutum Lin. Unio itinéraria. In montosis silvaticig 1827, Fleischer. Smyrnae. Martio, Aprili, rer
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Ern, H.
Collection date: 17th May 1974
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00344777
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fol=Y,W[-\-x-¥ LU) o} BIC (eye) | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH l E00344777 | AL bu mM Sub he Su ey m L Determinavit (//-/“2 yun -1994 EX MUSEO BOTANICO BEROLINENSI
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 3041K
Collection date: 4th April 1941
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Barcode: E00344776
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° {e} Ko} < er vo] i pa ~ 0) o ) | os @ 2. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Il E00344776 eee Aibiiiian Adabblearndbeiann...tes.. naw, bersiabennn Raggh Det. Per Wendelbo / 195 FLORA OF Capw uy NAME Mi haces 4 LocaLity Kn sk CV Oy Nee Paes ee Wrenn Qe #) LT. So) \ ove te HABITAT REMARKS COLLECTOR Pua Rer. No. DaTE \y \ & \ ue H | XK (10869) Wt.70847/35 5000(4) 5/46 L.&8, G67.
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Dinsmore, J.E.
Collection number: 619
Collection date: 3rd April 1903
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00344775
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i?) {e} xe} e me ro bes | oO on ) = oJ @O 2. Athen, rabbaarubeian. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ver, herectan Kegel Det. Per Wendelbo ae ee PLANTAE PALAESTINAE HIEROSOLYMITANAE ET MEDIAE PALAESTINAE _ Nomen Alves ee pea chew Oe Habitat Dory Jhoces. Locus Jerusalem Alt. 800 m. Datum A pe. =), 1903. No... Bl 2... ee at? Mapes. oe leg. of dctern: J. E. Dinsmore. The American Colony, Jerusalem.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Feinbrun, N. & Amdursky, I.
Collection number: 424
Collection date: 22nd April 1933
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00344774
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[BYAXe Coxe) 2 re = 0) o () 1 < [y) fos pCa) (etsisiCar§ Ne fee: G3) OINVLOG TVAOU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \ | | | INBURG' ii E00344774 | | | | SEER RAR GEARS Universitatis Hebeaitae Hierasolymitame =or2wine navn nyo lz NA DIVISIO BOTANICA mprwis> apone POORA DAGAGSTINAG GRSICORTA DRI “VIN eee 222. Allium subhirsutum L. Sp. pl. 424. Phytogeogr. value: A plant of the Mediterranean element. A. subhirsutum is a rather common plant in the mountain- ous part of the Mediterranean territory of Palestine. In Trans- jordania we did not observe it at all. Its favourite habitats are rocky and somewhat shady places, where it is often a compo- nent of the Umbilicus intermedius—Cyclamen persicum association, AS Eve. Ne Peinbrun @ieie Zo hays Deir-esh-Sheikh, near Jerusalem, 22. IV. 1933. Leg. N. Feinbrun et J. Amdursky.
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Collector/Expedition: Eustace, A.
Collection number: 38
Collection date: October 1998
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00187343
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. € AViwn swbhirowlum L. (umikety to flower in October ) Det. L. S. Springate 1999 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH (E) Alliaceae Allium subhirsutum L. Turkey: Antalya: Adrasan: Cavus Kég ces ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN rock crevice with moss and lichen providing EDINBURGH humus. wn i a 15 Oct 1998 op Ve eeie. rer pa
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00825484
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Mm. teacher i oO) 4ZRBARIUM OF MONSEIGNEUR LEVEILLE ——_ SociETE CENOMANE D EXSICCATA Noat77 Allinm subhirzutum L. Var: Toulon,subspontané-naturalisé au cimetiére central. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00825484 | | a te eee Alfred Reynrer. he Ata We cglel | , ee i Le dle copyright reserved
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00825485
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00825486
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g ti ig tf init { | aN SON aA EN if j I y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wii | E00825486 HERB. HORT. EDINB, Bip iy FLORA GRAECA Nom. Attikis, ep. Megaridos: 12 km WNW of Megara along road to OTE station on Mt. Gerania, 550 m. By a track in Open Pinus halepensts forest. Terra rossa. Lat. * 38:02, long. 23.14. 1988-05-07. Petals white, Strid & al. no. 26635 (leg. L. Christian- sen, P. Laulund & A. Strid) = TNO OOH TON TONT TT copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00825487
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i ATION CONT NOAH xo] o > I o 7) = Po = Bd — eS a fe) ) Ornithogalum montanum Cyr. Panormi in monte Martino. 28. Mart. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00825487
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00825488
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a ITTV TVET TOTILATT <j %2 > Herb. De Heldreich. Allium subhirsutum. Lin. In collibus herbidis. Panormi (valle di S. Martino). Maj. 1840. fii” | 9 - co} rs s ih o ” ae 4 Bw : Ss > t= } co is) 72 rn = a } ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00825488
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00825489
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i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00825489 GOWER COLLECTION. Purchased 1896, xo] o | Pad i ® n oO pe ad <= | ) = Py Qa ° (3)
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Family: Alliaceae
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Allium subhirsutum L.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00825490
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