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Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema muscicolum (Hand.-Mazz.) Hand.-Mazz.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018026
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\( & ISSV1D BED RELA Daal Ke (e; Th nh FLORA of the BAST HIMALAYA, Coll, Ribu and Rhomoo. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : FLORA OF EAST HIMALAYA, EDINBURGH i : ; : Fd / ea MITTIN catty. Cp te Ml rhe th 00018026 i FR ? { Attitude G4 EYO / Date , DP ¢g ge o Uh A Ovonwma — tmerume (well. \E dyin No... Gay .. M.A.FARILLE determ. anno 19 vb ae She ae, copyright reserved Approbavit M.F. Watson 6/4¢ ES 7 6 a 5
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema muscicolum (Hand.-Mazz.) Hand.-Mazz.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018028
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is POISSVTO BE RELI AD a xrite a Approbavit M.F. Watson 4/44 hi (hone Cvormme 2) Edo. XX 3 7 > i“ o 179) = i eS 2 = > rot re} a) No ost _ M.A. FARILLE hcarrrennege OF EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF BHUTAN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ining Locality Rydo La, (West side) founrrraw § bist) Altitude 12,500ft. Date 48.1949 Flowers pink-purple y Habitat: In moss and leaf mould in Abies forest co Pe F. LuDLow, G. SHERRIFF, & J. H. HICKS No. 20970
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema muscicolum (Hand.-Mazz.) Hand.-Mazz.
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018027
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Aovorma Comore (well. )Edlgow. Approbavit , M.F. Watson 6/4¥ ; ne +O% MOA GARILUE daterm. anno 1980 pV INBURGR Oe MUSEUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE IA FONDATION COGNACO-JAY (LA JAYSINIA) E00018027 PLANTES DE L’HIMALAYA Revenma crore fled (C.8.Cdonke) H wolf Dispersion : es ol 4 MNHN (Paris) @C & Date : kb IX: (4?) Ne I $I b ‘ a Godavari (Népal) Localité : Sud Loumdamnd, Hmol | DEX Geneve (Conservatoire) Legit. M. A. Farille O Londres (Natural History) Aw bor Bupa Ppl au CoP» ob Lou [ror oa bac, Yloom. HERB. HORT. EDINB. lL SISSVIO BED RELY | bodice i
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema muscicolum (Hand.-Mazz.) Hand.-Mazz.
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00041099
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ye: OISSVIO BED RELY Ke x-rite a acta na) SEL hei mak Auroneur bea rum (b.cJ Edgns. Determinavit M.F. Watson Jue 4y i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved FLORA OF BHUTAN Acronema tenerum (DC.) Edgew. Thimphu District: Darkey Pang Tso, valley leading to Darkey Pang Tso Alt: 3400m 05 AUG 1991 Epiphyte on moist mossy rocks and tree trunk bases in moist Abies forest: Frequent Annual herb from bulbous base, petals linear, greenish-yellow Det: M.F. Watson OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH nag 9 Pa.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema muscicolum (Hand.-Mazz.) Hand.-Mazz.
Collector/Expedition: East Nepal Expedition to Koshi Zone (1991),
Collection number: 9120171
Collection date: 24th July 1991
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00826710
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Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Bowes Lyon, S.A.
Collection number: 11105
Collection date: 28th July 1997
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00075607
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- — Ee HERB. HORT. EDINB. lio i HSSaH 19499Y9) Dp aaies) ‘ ag oe 28 Se Vel oa) al o8 Acrontaan in. HOO EMA fubur J lohort Determinavit M.F. Watson rai My Gp copyright reserved Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Flora of China - Tibet Umbelliferae (80.00) Unknown Umbelliferae China: Xizang (Tibet) Aut. Reg.: S.E. Yarlung Zangbo Jiang [Tsangpo River] basin. Tsari valley. South facing slope. In moss over stones. Growing with Rhododendron seedlings. 6 in. Umbellifer. White flowers. Bowes Lyon, S. No. 11105 28 Jul 1997 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wm) EO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Smith, W.W.
Collection number: 3361
Collection date: 10th July 1910
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: India
Lectotype of Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Barcode: E00265219
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—— 3561 ) Neus KEKE. HORY. BOT. CALCUTTENSI£ Froas Or Staaix, (0-9. lo- xe 334/ 2 bees Bed Pranferinllage guerra , Leute + DAUGISIT cui, W. W, Smith / tn MrVAIK A MOC, ‘ Z Determinavit By EE ae Acroneov. norvtrues..t.Wol#t Mielsbo cS fidlty (Leper. 24.2 dE. C14 J0) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INBURGH HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN yas EDINBURGH ak BER) copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: AGS Expedition to China (1994),
Collection number: 323
Collection date: 16th June 1994
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00198755
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | ie HSSaH 19499Y9/ D<Pa alee * homme nance i ol /f Determinavit M.F. Watson fs = — o n oe o—) << D } — a fe) (2) Alpine Garden Society Expedition to China 1994 Acronema nervosum H. Wolff Yunnan, Zhongdian, Haba Shan. 27°22'28"N 100°05’/50"E 3347m. 16/6/94. Rocks & mossy places in forest. Delicate herb to 15cm; tuberous @ eo rooted; leaves pale green; flowers = whitish. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ni ae E001987
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Boufford, D.E., Donoghue, M.J., Lu, X.F. & Ying, T.-s.
Collection number: 26548
Collection date: 19th June 1995
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00067630
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ny HERB. HORT. EDINB. PLANTS OF CHINA Apiaceae Acronema nervosum Wolff Qinghai Province. Nanggen Xian: ca. 30 km W of the town of Nanggen along the Xiao-qu River in Xiao-long Gou; 32°15’21"N; 96°19°33"E. Elevation 4100-4200 m. Narrow gorge through steep limestone cliffs. Under overhanging cliffs and in crevices of limestone cliffs; flowers purple. D. E. Boufford, M. J. Donoghue, X. F. Lu & T. S. Ying 26548 19-20 June 1995 HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA SISSVIO BED RELI AD ia | | ROYAL BOTANIC (e7.W ODI EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Stainton, J.D.A., Sykes, W.R. & Williams, L.H.J.
Collection number: 6580
Collection date: 2nd August 1954
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00000790
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be OISSVIO BED RELEBD exrite 4 A sample has been removed for DNA extraction for: |ND}S HCLMES SMITH Sent to: Date: |}-JONT -Q Ref.No: SIDR IO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ico wn NN Ex Herbario Musei Britannici Acronema paniculatum (Franch)Wolff NEPAL: Annapurna Himal. Seti Khola. 12,500 Lbs 208.195), AcONRND NQIVOOUW) H.Woltt Among shrubs. Carpels green. Det. |.HOUWES~ SMITH OCT'O4 etl» hates, a a oll. ainton Willi > » Sykes illiams Noe 6580
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018072
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es OISSVIO BED RELI BD <p aaies) % copyright reserved — Aurea NEP VOeUe U. Wolff. f cea —————————— is : ROYAL eo oAnGEN wig | Determinavit M.F. Watson "Jum lay Pistia: nome be dato ay ms) JARDIN BOTANIQUE ALPIN - STATION D’ECOLOGIE VEGETALE «LA JAYSINIA > No bus” Déterm. Gill EP F Ey Mu ftaB ne — . Date Tags
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00000789
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cad : > ZapNle > Z. os : \ a : | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Noite” MONA EO00000789 FLORA OF HIMALAYAS. Locality Ct GA rn. lela Altitude yooe Be Approbavit pe . o/ f ( = Hs a fe be a M.F. Watson 6/94 Remarks. $2. cet. St doa y* Wn Aes forest JARDIN BOTANIQUE ALPIN - STATION D’ECOLOGIE VEGETALE «LA JAYSINIA > e Povmeme AEWA Mama. willl 63+ : rai R. E, Cooper oz ee Deter. foul Date... L186... | Coll, Bees. Ltd. Cheshire, (ls HSSaH J9y99Y9! Paes) - | |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00000793
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fies oIsSv1O BE RELI BD) <P agit) ‘% L Ury wblolud to Aske te Determinavit M.F. Watson May .7¢ | copyright reserved Acronima nipvorum H.wol ft Pye moonawedu man) po wed h Determinavit M.F. Wat M Ds erminavi atson a4 ae ; v M.A.FARILLE determ. anno 1956, eo ak os f NM Wolf | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Erde Niue | i¢@ te es (; Tes EDINBURGH Pe ee ig Bist Rovere mermuson wilh. 1 ee Ne... bleb ... Déterm. folk wv Pik Nu kboice ... Date. lage hea
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00000791
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| oISSVIO PED BLED <P da iecs By BITE TTON TONE 10 =a) io) copyright reserved Wapoliisud fe hold Aurmtnud. sf off. Rervorune i Determinavit M.F. Watson NM ay fy 's) Bowne a Norn wmibdume meV ap. wed , Eas 7 6 Ne ETS ott M.A.FARILLE determ. anno 19.0.5 ila eat Mie oi is a ) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wma GIN ae eee ee co Acrorend rendoum N. Wolff Det. |. NOUMES ~SMITN GT
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00000792
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as OISSVTO BED BLED DDC al ks) a TOOT ATAATONTEN TOD NTT ACOrend ronvooun) HN. Wolff Det. |, HOLMES -SMITH od '03 AOrvormema. Determinavit iM Atoka 23° 3: (98. 3 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 01900 3 FLORA OF NEPAL A, few das Ls to Un p Anal [LONG. 87°-88°E.] to Aoki, vp. app. A-vtrvorun 1956 Ex Herbario Musei Britannici iC D inavit M.F. eterminavit M.F. Watson Max 1F A Valley. Maghang Khola E.of tee 12,500ft. 3070195 A enya Mow nelioe wiv Ape. wrod. On open slopes, Corolla white. Vs M.A.FARILLE determ. anno 190?, Coll. JOHN D. A. STAINTON No. 843
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018076
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[ts foISSV19 BEY REL! BD) Ne x-rite ‘% Reronsmen. op. oh. nervoru Determinavit M.F. Watson Wine ay fi Curdona ef. Mornthune Wolf No. Y woes M.A. FARILLE determ. anno 19h xe} oO Pa i o 77) oe pw aed <= = co I Qa ° °o EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI ROYAL BOTANIG GARDEN i ; FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET kxongbo province img 0 000 is F, Luptow, G. Suerrirr, & H. H. ELLIOT No. 13990 JARDIN BOTANIQUE ALPIN - STATION D’ECOLOGIE VEGETALE «LA JAYSINIA > re Chu Altitude aaa Benomnoma novasue tb, Veee foul MPK Huh. EUnplicalud van, sont to Ante May 4, M¥odabo] No b4o. - Déterm. Fone Date. LGN6... : Date 16.6.1947 | for est among imoss
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema nervosum H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Flora of Nepal Expedition to Bhajang (2009),
Collection number: 20915128
Collection date: 14th July 2009
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00624416
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ( HSSaH) 19499YIIC Dp aaa) col r & Lutilitinliy Gees Recorded for Flora of Nepal by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www. floraofnepal.org copyright reserved Flora of Nepal Umbelliferae Acronema Edgew. Det. by: Watson, M.F., Mar. 2012 Nepal: Far Western Development Region: Seti Zone: Bajhang District: Manane Lekh. Latitude: 29° 36' 47" N Longitude: 80° 59' 43" E Altitude: 3895 m Datum: WGS84 S facing slope. Perennial herb to 10 cm. Stems red. Flowers dark purple red. Growing in full shade under boulders in grassland. Collection No. 20915128 14 July 2009 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Bajhang 2009 Expedition | | | | H. Ikeda, S. Noshiro, M. Amano, T. Tanaka, N. Yamamoto, C.A. Pendry, B. Dell, Y. Wang, G.D. Bhatta & A.P. Bhattarai E00624416
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema pseudotenerum P.K.Mukh.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018078
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No,o° 47, Ee oISSWIO BED RELAY Se xrite or r L- Simon ales eens Vein eZ, ry Mh rh, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN aD At apie EDINBURGH CT. i oon - IONAMIN 7 Fe E00018078 JARDIN BOTANIQUE ALPIN - STATION D'ECOLOGIE VEGETALE «LA JAYSINIA> | Sinn corum... parole. Fore PK tub. Cunyay wd aame te dole, MiJaton— s/4 ee copyright reserved a 4 io Shin A crmuma pserds ten ars | Ne 7B. Déterm.. Tonle one Date.J9¥6.. Be eee ee PK. Muk bts) en | EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI 1 , Determinavit M.F. Watson Tune 4 teh eke FLORA OF SOUTH-EASTERN TIBET of y ) .* ane : P ‘ med KONGBO PROVINCE , (Unpubboedk narec bo date, MtJabo of Reval fete 7 3/4 / T) 9, \O7 No OY Ww woman M.A.FARILLE determ. anno 1905 Locality us ng, Lat. N ' Long. E. : Altitude ( s500—4 > DOC fy, Date Wile 6, i 936 rpl Dase. r é COVE ) i and logs Noe 55:7 pies "OY bY. LupLow, G. SHerrirr, & G. TAYLOR
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema pseudotenerum P.K.Mukh.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018079
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No. Ao. 3 ia oISSVID BED RELI) <P aita) = Can xo} ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 2 EDINBURGH = ® IMINO NA 4 E00018079 = 4 = ae a A Crone MOW AU Wot a oy Ne = MV is) Acronenn pseudo fen eum F.C Mukherjee Ne eae a legis ee Ce ry aPeterminavit M.F. Watson J Unt Ty y { ( } CA 4 i )) Dy Z Omen 42 erm s KO 2 f s s \ ae Paty Dore DNV AG Lc Ay AML
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema pseudotenerum P.K.Mukh.
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018077
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fu OISSVIO BED RELAY Ne xrite Cl * ee TOOT TAA TOT ETT | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wg. 0 0 xo} ® Pa — o 72) o oy a 2 he > Qa fe) 2) Powwmea mown wot x i) ae ? Ne le WA AEULE “detern anno 1907. PK Mukloyeg i j | 3 ~y f ls . C il (nd | ee Eases J Une T¢ : Ex Herbario Musei Britannici | he ‘ 9? See eee ee. k j pce el Acronema MnNGAS? NLR e DD 25 A TSARI. : ) A ; 12,000-13,000ft. heey nee P Serr Ui Vela Ala al celee Fe Kingdon-Ward. NOs 12325
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema schneideri H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 6652
Collection date: September 1910
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00000532
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Le BES) 1949949 Se xrite C - BRITISH MUSEUM HERBARIUM Acre ua. Ligue loot, (Ais he He. Kes. | ae : \ f* DET.. Nnwan . shat BRITISH MUSEUM HERBARIUM Thea lank Ga Wine Aevoneten : Me. forts linprlo fmm 4 Clan tit Lata ch. 4 hari, al Keu/ Fhekere le te theteal wilt Vicalra. Ae. 4G dererif (oorw q Tnploa tu chu ak Gncolh Mh, Vers 40 lly, anf Vipeee a Gen. Mets Le Bi nce Bhs. Ye fr tt. im Vale 10 9 s) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Inga 7 copyright reserved 6 YUNNAN, WEST CHINA ,, 66 are oeaaEE a aaa ae 5 Coll. GHORGE FORREST a , Qe pl-191 0. - Alt. (2,s007l : . | O roy. E Ma Lehkuns hy #8 j Ke el ie Ai Ly bot her du j - 9 ‘ v Ory, U re - 2 ; Ba Lees Fiend gt 7 8 es. Cae redele. ba iss m7 io Largins ian fb
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema schneideri H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 6631
Collection date: September 1910
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00000533
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN vu 10000 EOO0000533 “it, [eae fe. i OISSVID BED RELI BD) a xrite 4 BRITISH MUSEUM HERBARIUM Acronenria Sch, usidenri lth fe Ms u. Hel. he, Cian. ee 192 ] : DET.. YUNNAN, WEST. CHINA Ge Bu. Coll GHORGH FORREST Bft-.191 0 . Locality Contin [lank . Ramps Len 8c G) > ae ‘ Cy ., a é t, % de 0 ; hay Cha ( de a 10), d rtp | hawt G- 20 Aon Pi. hes Jomale
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema schneideri H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Forrest, G.
Collection number: 2684
Collection date: August 1906
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00000534
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rans eI [ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, j | EDINBURGH. \ Is OISSVIO BED RELAY Pda ec) al ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ie ac a Ci? e 10 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN og A —— PLANTS OF E. TIBET AND §.W. CHINA. | Co~LEcTED By GEORGE FORREST. S Contecror For A. K. BULLEY of NESS, NESTON, CHESHIRE. do nL ee Ks welt I A Taevee eto No. 2684. Plant of le2 ft. Filc crimson. Moist, shad) forests on the Lichiang a + 9°9°C La at £6) t ‘a hus, 1006. vers deer situations in mixed the eastern flank of Range. N.W.Yunnan, China. Alt. 10-11000 ft. Ca det Fide Acronema. Schreier’ lot taemecptytte i , or (ha Shaw legs a Mrtiyll te Gand. y= Barer allio , naPty, (124.48) ao/sfasz )
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema schneideri H.Wolff
Collector/Expedition: Chungtien, Lijiang & Dali Expedition (1990),
Collection number: 945
Collection date: 7th October 1990
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00000535
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pS ‘iE “FY \ \ s es Fy Fide Acronema astrantiifoliun Wolff (an chad 8 (ter HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ug 0 FLORA OF YUNNAN, CHINA CHUNGTIEN-LIJIANG-DALI EXPEDITION Acronema cf. schneideri Wolff. Yulong Shan: Bai Shui valley, N of Lijiang Stony areas by stream. Leaves deeply 3-lobed, purplish below; flowers reddish. ALG.) 310 Om T Oct. 1990 CLD-90 Norg45 De OISSVIO BED HELIA D<Pa alts ‘% ce] a) > — ® ” ry be a re eh = ES 2 ° 7) (oe
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Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema sichuanense S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan
Collector/Expedition: Ho, T.N.; Bartholomew, Bruce; Watson, Mark & Gilbert, Michael,
Collection number: 2999
Collection date: 8th September 1996
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00158287
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A sample has been removed for DNA EDINBURGH QUO ode Sent to: E& Date: Bo Nay 2203 £00158287 Ref.No: 29ee HERB. HORT. EDINB. [s SISSVIO BE RELI AD Pca) G ‘% Ho as Se oh} <a} Le7.W aoe ail EDINBURGH A BoA Plants of Qinghai, China Umbelliferae Acronema sichuanense S. L. Liou & R. H. Shan Det: Sheh Meng-lan, Pan Ze-hui & Mark F. Watson 9/1997 copyright reserved Nanggén Xian, Béca Xiang: along the Ba Qu towards the Xizang border from Béca Forest Station, SE of Bécaka. Elev. 3790 m B15 53 NN96: 3 EB Slopes with Picea likiangensis forest, mostly degraded. Slender perennial herb from short tuberous rhizome; stems to 15 cm, weakly ascending; in fruit. Growing in rock crevices under trees. T. N. Ho (HNWP), B. Bartholomew (CAS), M. Watson (BE) and M. Gilbert (MO at BM) 2999, 8 September 1996
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema sichuanense S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan
Collector/Expedition: Miehe, G. & Miehe, S.
Collection number: 00-350-11
Collection date: 4th September 2000
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00158346
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. (Es ISSVIO BED HELIS a Poets) € ‘% Acronema L W of Thanza Danthonia - Kobresia pasture between relict Juniperus indica trees on S-facing slope near village Bhutan alt(m) 4140 Country Flor-Prov N 19 (Upper Pho Chu) 28 °4 N 90° 11'0 District Gasa ' leg. G.&S. Miehe 00-350-11 04.Sep.00 Aaonaed sichuonence Lieo + Shen copyright reserved Det. |, HOUMES-SIIT JONE 2003 Flora of Bhutan 2000 Umbelliferae Acronema sichuanense Bhutan: Upper Pho Chu District: Gasa: W of Thanza. Danthonia - Kobresia pasture between relict Juniperus indica trees on S-facing slope near village. 4,140 m. 28°4'N, SO is ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A sample has Been removed for a Associated material: DNA sampl (Gay EDINBURGH exttacty for: INDIA ROLMES SMITHS iple my Se wD ee aem ooen ep 2000
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema sichuanense S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan
Collector/Expedition: Kingdon-Ward, F.
Collection number: 3377
Collection date: 25th July 1919
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00150015
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st oO wn 2 fax) Q = 7 fees i eae RNR NIN, Nee & F | ROTA LBAPARIC GADDAN | mp2 29k c Tyra! o eaten ah are EET OTL EL h. Acrom GMa +7. off. chitay. H Wolf G, Acro sn i ibaadens 11. Lint H-Shae Determinavit M.F. Watson tA. Suc a Z ( 07 ya. S ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wg 32798 Ee ° | 5 i = (o)) J : ™ det. os Pi ou. Re oe a Altitude a = (CoD Petals, thin, membranous, acutely pointed, He green, edged with chocolate-red. Anthers wade ast 4 chocolate-red. No involucre, flowers in ee ee cymes. Fruit compressed. On steep, mossy P ey panks beneath Rhodos. and bamboos. thn || A we : iA See No. 3271. This appears to be the same RAR 5 i civ Wael species in spite of the difference in the 9,,J | ae chee TAS Westin shape and colour of the petals, and ue Cor nach oe : compactness of the umbel. Found also ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN s emtalts Gnrooores Soin duly Wade wigigggquan "> 8370 in
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema sichuanense S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00018071
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. [es HSsa) 19499491 <P aaies ie r r MONTANE FAT ray | | ROYAL EDINBURGH Uy RS) ‘AR xo} i Pa i co on o Cad x of Do} 7 Qa fe) 12) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ON UM Ramon ndwanome Linwdhan FLORA OF BHUTAN — 4 Determinavit M.F. Watson J unk. 1¥ . Acronema UPPER MO CHU DISTRICT: hillside above Laya 28°07! 89°44" \ Ee In turf on open hillside f | Ovi RMAL Mourweln vo Cw n OV, Mp tal Dwarf umbel with young green fruit youll’ dc ate te Ashe. Midabe. Fe (Uap do eld ADAAQZ to f WW. At] . ING eee 19 September 1984 No.8. M.A. FARILLE determ. anno 19.4? I. W. J. Sinctair & D. G. Lone No. 5749
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema sichuanense S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00000788
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ie OISSVIO BEY RELAY I<Pc ales) % 10 aes (S| aes copyright reserved =a 7 3) px Approbavit / M.F. Watson J wed ¥ Acrowema Si chuanen s2 i —————— pairing ee Sl ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN AQ Cie a ae catia as si eee) ) yi Fide Mukhery ee + lance , (9%3: 126 Ud! d. yigihton Ne JARDIN BOTANIQUE ALPIN - STATION D'ECOLOGIE VEGETALE «LA JAYSINIA» | FLORA OF BAST BiMALAYA, Locality, am WAcheg Meni Atitude /b or ein A} Oumorno ot ymvra vec... Pore of P. Ic. Ma RG. rel naan = i | | } PU a pol fish oA p dublin td saree be Date Py 9 is of - oer ae - heli ne...098 Déterm.... TW Date....[1¥6.... No. 37 { Aernema Lp. Y hee . y 4 Jame ~~) f ep tr hKA By ASUS t 4h bons, ne a — Coil, Rohinoa Lepehea, rer re er i a et ee
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Umbelliferae
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Acronema sichuanense S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan
Collector/Expedition: Ho, T.N.; Bartholomew, Bruce; Watson, Mark & Gilbert, Michael,
Collection number: 2829
Collection date: 3rd September 1996
Filing region: Outer China incl. Tibet
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E00623558
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Ee BHESaH) 19499Y9) <Page G 4 se Pr vale! eS os) ni} 28 ay oH fat o8 Plants of Qinghai, China / Umbelliferae / Acronema sichuanense S. L. Liou & R. H. Shan / Det: Sheh Meng-lan, Pan Ze-hui & Mark F. Watson 9/1997 copyright reserved Nanggén Xian: Xiaolong Gou, W of Nanggén on road to Domba. Elev. 4000-4100 m 32° 17 N, 96° 16° E 4 Narrow limestone gorge with river at bottom. Shrub covered rocky slopes, limestone cliffs, and damp ‘ spring- or stream-fed areas. Week perennial herb from fusiform tuber; stems to 25 a, cm; in fruit. Growing in damp shaded rock crevices and at base of cliffs. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00623558 T, N. Ho (HNWP), B. Bartholomew (CAS), M. Watson (E) | and M. Gilbert (MO at BM) 2829, 3 September 1996
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