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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049423
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ey Me@e0564 xo} cd) Po . co 17)) o oa £ o)) ‘ > a. fe) cS) ~ +3 Avs”, te Fide ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IS J qf G /-té6 me aaa i TT : E01049423 ee pt ye Oh i Nd St ats Saati aaa la Fie:
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049424
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ln E01049424 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SPAIN Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav. Prov. of Almeria; Sierra de Gador, c.2.5km W of Enix on AL412. 36°53/N, 02°36’W. Dry hills with low matorral. Decumbent herb, stems 25cm; flowers pale pink with white and yellow marking in throat. In rock crevice, partial shade. Alt. 930m Date: 25 May 1992 R A Clement & H S Maxwell 2243 xo] ca) © ) n 4 ad = oy) ‘= = fo} fo} iS) M@00564
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049425
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Herb. Dorfier, Purchased 19192, Plantes de |’ Andalousie. 1890. a I. Reverchon. No ee ell Blytst ; aye Lofts g Be i Pa eee Loe Lark Pe hits Panicum Qo subsp fies Pans Crm Fide tS afte ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mn E01049425 copyright reserved st oO wn 2 fox) Q =
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049426
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Herb. Dérfiey. Purchased 1912, Sos eee ee é OR Of 4k 6 Keb jets meta (S79. | oe natn maltese es Reese re eretncoaasel ae s Ant irvhinin) mothe — fohisy 20 585. s x Len ors ai, Jat « Calvar : 20-70 4 { legasco Seanatice Sees Fe Che as | ‘ ; oa eg Anacl . - GBs. Pawicurm fh. salsp he's pm tre Fide YE a). ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wii E01049426 copyright reserved t oO wn Q Q g =
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049427
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WA E01049427 Herb. Dorfler, Purchased 1919 MELE, ie : 2 Satrintanun elle Xe Alinta, tarnance vk Cabalian , ad 6979 eo : “Bob. schvsloso 2eo-7f0 9. mm: Ayah. Pota of G4; go tea FO Op bad com LE8O. ‘ Gamer Cann, Chews Sele polors Janey oo m Sabi iS Paneer ide IVS q A o ae copyright reserved st Oo wn © oO) © =
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049428
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% Mi, tag i. | t FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYA % PRESENTED. = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN W000 E01049428 A. hespamicuae how: su by A Spansion m Fide 3 4 Jac NE Lb, ae oe 4127 Ee tm molle x Porta of ti Be & Eee. Wa £8 f Len 1. FE pant cet (890. a ey ee & oa, Parente Yel Caballar ef rupees a ol. schi'sfoso 20- Ge oe A yuri hy ae copyright reserved M@e0@564
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049429
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Meee564 $ ~” Plantes del’ Andalousie. 1889. xo] o Pa <i ® 77) o fd Soa Ho nov = > Qa ° [S) PPI ELE 99. ei Sa . roo. 5 j E Reverchon pu A. hispan (cum Chan Subgy h rs Pans cen: ae Fide ME ee als Mena. guy be wihes oe hi ee sett Te ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a Wid
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049430
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Pikes panteun Chow. Subs yp. AS Pomrehn | 4 Fide VW a/t0 2. Plantes del’ Andalousie. 1890.. Purch acd UeOe E. Reverchon. No We. Spfepunte tolls. of Lpitosin. peer ler wihosd tie EC aot’ Case a ES t wo wn Q gS g = copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049431
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ITER ALGERIENSI-HISPANICUM. Deh \gbalin enerse boc4d aK JbactlAD> Hispania. Prope Granatam. Anno 1849. Leg. Boissier et Reuter. a Oe Fide ju ben his Panreuw ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN cir ae] ® . ® 77) 4 ee = io) + > a. fo} (s) © moeese4
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049432
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t wo wn fav} 2 2g Ps UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS HERBARIUM (STA) FLORA OF SPAIN ANTCKNuan kiefonccam Chay. Province: Cy(Qwa hh I LAX ALACTARLAT - RekWed. Torhtrcoy On O14VK- boom. Corkta(trnt Corres muxMe eG Conte, Bile Woh, ities ears UMN cat Pee cines ;SMUMEMIAE ae YY. iu E01049432 DEAR. VALS
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049433
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A. als Pamicum ony Fide Sk bsp: 4 VS Par "eer rm, P Xun Af Te Sc RoPHVLARIACEAE FLORA OF JPA4irv ? : wa Botanical Name : Ankive hina glubinosaere Bah Vernacular Name: Locality : S/tnaa Navara, ntay TREVELEZ Altitude: /200 ™, Dates 1600.60 Habitat : Mal « Loving ~ Gaye head Tock of Voudsite tithing” Notes : ‘ser if p ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN tes: Vitserd. Stems bv il ble E OC Ba, " 01049433 BZ, Sumy rides ea ao] ® Pa I o 77) 2 ~ = io) 5 fo} fe} oO Meee564
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049434
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h/ i <A S Panic am Chav Fide au bop i on" nw PSorecftm gq v7 O » HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. Ex regione subalpina montium Sverra Navada , ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Mi 1049434 in jugis Cerro Tesoro et la Cartajuela. 5—6000. 26 Jun. 1851. sal Mes % Boe earn ao vc aceite ate RG. aber? a 2 rene * J. Ball. xo] o © o 7 o Put a cont D = Po) a ° oO M@00564
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049435
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st oO Ww 2g 2 g = ROYAL Tony. WNi Le GARDEN EDINBURGH E. BOURGEAU, PL. D’ESPAGNE, 1851. fy 1390. ANTIRRHINUM RUPESTRE, Boiss. et Reut. pu- : ill. pl. nov. 2 . (Coss.) a o / o rT) ( Sierra de Gador, dans les rochers. Fs ier Mai. be oO © A a 2 |. Ais pane 4 is \ Jan u KR a Fide ES i a {<iL/ f Oo f g é x 1/24 © = == “ede © nai See 5: 1 0 SeYAE ANG GARDEN Mi 01049435
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E01049436
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iii OG - Fide HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. 6 Ex rupibus calcareis regionis subalpine montium Sterra Nevada. 4—6000. 28 Jun. 1851. J. Ball. =, ; / H Vis SPanvcuw Chay j 2 A 6597. A 5 (Pari wee copyright reserved t+ No} wn 2 fox) g =
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049782
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii Me]: ee f= i PUL Ady LAs haan a tn havnen JROMV LI Chawan BOL I / / (ied par . uy valyr. ; ¢ Be ees Herb. Walker Arnott, ro] cH) Pa a: co no o I ed = 2 = > Qa ° cS) Meee564
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049783
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Meee564 copyright reserved oe oe ee a eet | 1 a HERB, ROY. BOT. GARD. EDINE q 7 5 i i . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee ror Arsfa Ute EDINBURGH Noort: Ba MAI Noort: Edin. i. E01049783
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum subsp. hispanicum
Collector/Expedition: Gardner, M.F. & Gardner, S.G.
Collection number: 1330
Collection date: 20th July 1981
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Spain
Barcode: E00113492
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EX HERBARIO M.F.Gardner & S.G.Knees | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mg 00 Herbarium of Martin & Sabina Gardner FLORA OF SPAIN Antirrhinum hispanicum Chav. ssp. hispanicun Granada: Alhama de Granada; Limestone gorge of Rio Alhama. 800m. 37°2*N. 5°58*W. Vertical limestone cliffs. M. F. & S. G. Gardner 1330. 20 July 1981 copyright reserved M@00564
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum hispanicum subsp. hispanicum
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049784
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Me0e564 xe) ci re C3 no o hm ad oy — = > 2. ° oO ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WW E01049784
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum kelloggii Greene
Collector/Expedition: Douglas, D.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Type of Maurandya stricta Hook. & Arn.
Type of Antirrhinum strictum (Hook. & Arn.) A.Gray
Type of Asarina stricta (Hook. & Arn.) Pennell
Type of Neogaerrhinum stricum (Hook. & Arn.) Rothm.
Barcode: E00369180
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a pemiesay }UBUAdOOS oe oo & 4 ROYAL erie es WN Nees An ALi, he Os Oo) Rear Unrole Fide (.,,. a abrivte) Pee: in Avett. Bet. Mon. 5: &4 (955) (Mask a | GL
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum kingii S.Watson
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E01049730
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Ge" 7 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wii E01049730 V7 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Antirrhinum kingii S. Watson CALIFORNIA: Inyo Co. 22.4 mi SE of Westgard Pass Road along road to Last Chance Mts. and Death Valley. E side of road at 137.00 road marker, elev. 5600 ft (1710 m). Abundant on rocky hillside, especially along drainages. Many plants with only cleistogamous flowers. Corolla white with faint purplish tinge and purple veins near mouth. David M. Thompson 1045 6 May 1992 xo] co) Pa - A) n 2 ad = A ‘<= I a ° oO Meee564
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum kingii S.Watson
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E01049731
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Meee564 | o Ps cS o o 4 =) = Ao) — > 2 ° 2) ANTIRRHINUM KINGII Wats. Bot. King Rep. 215. AZ. 27. f 7-4. Pro 7l. No. 8341, collected May 29, in Silver canyon in the White mountains opposite Laws, Inyo county, growing on slopes in gravel. Plentiful locally, but not noticed elsewhere. ‘The type was collected in ‘Washoe Valley,” Nevada. PLANTS OF CALIFORNIA Inyo County r 8341 ANTIRRHINUM KINGII Wats. Silver Canyon in the White mountains east of Laws ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i io v E01049731
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum kingii S.Watson
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E01049732
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Meee564 c. A. PURPUS No, S%!7 FLORA OF SOUTH-EASTERN CALIFORNIA ¥ a me = aA eet. ge xo] ci . ch no ig cad ao Do A a) a ° tS) 6 APRIL—SEPTEMBER, 1897. Alec, s yi Ke} 2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ini
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum kingii var. watsonii (Vasey & Rose) Munz
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: United States
Barcode: E01049733
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Meee564 FE . ® on z 4 = 4 > roy 2) fs) FLORA OF THE PACIFIC SONORA, 1ss4z ———— SLOPE. Antirrhinum Kingii, Watson. Northwestern mountaing, March 26. C. G. Private, Spice . omy linea Caterer bsinune Kung PALM HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RS. (Verey rhea) oe ey ROYAL oar PRESENTED By HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. Fide PAN, ~~ Poree. LaLil . sv ty HG, p67 (126) Il | ales Ma E01049733 sa cisetnema item nen =
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum latifolium Miller
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049459
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jae AD a ves fer a eeu fh ow af = Lid aL, Ly Lz. Sey fa, — a j * 7 a hice Le Whe cu cu) tak tesa bey: ‘ Haste Be Vober LD byy-o} ee s 6st he 9et} 48: 6:2F{h? 8 ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UM E01049460 0. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 2S! F285 fas (hd) | i a eee A nee, eee copyright reserved 3 Tt o inca LA Q | | g © =
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum latifolium Miller
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049460
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é i Le x ‘ Lat (shen en} (ete; alee 4, f na : ZL, Ds be Mambo heen bny- ov J 48: 6:2pfh? 4) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i fo) = fo) se) 7 . ® r 4 tnd F 4 D - roy ro) 3) 8 vf 6 Ss ry 3 M@00564
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum latifolium Miller
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049461
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t oO wn S 2 S = Da Pe oe i | V/ LU ’ UD Y, ~ > i Ven ey 4 a >. 2 ROYAL BOTANIC Sf 5 aw / copyright reserved We Wy Lifer. weuis - ltl al nit = eo eyes 7 ( uty ve ATE ELE A? eee Lares Ad / Zoe NSA Ae es eae ( oo eee Ce. COLL 2S” . Cp ee & vo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ah ko bee \ , MMA Coe E01049461 we tT, |
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum latifolium Miller
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049462
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st wo Wa) 2 2 2 = ROYAL TONNE Cel GARDEN PBDI LO) CIs copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN = a iin A St. Martin du Canigou, Julio - F01049462 I Unio itineraria, 1829, Endrefs.
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum latifolium Miller
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049463
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s Ut te. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ML E01049463 copyright reserved
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum latifolium Miller
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049464
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MQ00564 a. (oA Fron Bae TT - Ui f xo} ® . co n 2 ~ x o2) k= a) a fe) Oo j fe : ai - ry oy : a ati hee ee fete Car Fearn coecs atts eo, Clee, Ne a et a2 paca gs Get alte tates e oF ca Ww. * £..8 oe Parfergraslyr or] Labd ai Ce Foptn YO ‘ = - g oc S =e LS /f) ofa Ce ase ae Lae Ch tatees te yar. oA: Cale friar ea eee ee a Ca petra. ate ppc h ier 3 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN UT E01049464 bi
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Antirrhinum latifolium Miller
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01049465
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