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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E01057742
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MQ00323 g : z m & SS i a Bs a, » — A P + a] o re ® no ~ alent = r=) rs Py roy ro) ) Nameicham otm: Caxteeec ee LOpULGT LETS NOU} Cres eae ee et 2 po at 1c psd gohan foret- Baw Avtheg t. Fleight above mean sea-level _ Jeet. 2 Be Desig cee Date 6 tak, pps = emescnccise Collector James Sinclair. . Reference Nagi SSO a Kas? Fh, Arohe aii E01057742
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E01057743
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MQe00323 ae ce (a ® | 2 — = a = a (o} ae FLORA OF pee eG A cuinnminnn DISTRIBUTED FROM THE HERBARIUM BOTANIC GARDENS, SINGAPORE No 667/ SF. ‘i 14,0885 0 L8th Sept. 1955 Adenosma coerulcum ReBre VCPNACHINGINE |i... MRA Mee ul ane AGC rane ction tre asics J.Sinclair & Kiah bin), d, Sinclair Habitat... MOOm TEVOE OME Alt ooo Herb. Flowers lilace Leaves aromatic. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Notes. von Wii E01057743 2267—2,000—1/55 - 1.4
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E01057753
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om N om 2 2 g = ROYAL BOTANIC FNS) aM EDINBURGH copyright reserved FLORA OF INDO-CHINA HERBARIUM OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY, LINGNAN UNIVERSITY CANTON, CHINA 3rd Indo-China Expedition | No. W.T.Tsang Sept. 11-28, 1939 He. 1.5 ft.; semi-woody; fairly common; growing in thicket on dry clayey soil; fl. greenish. blue, odorless. Taai Wong Mo Shan and vicinity EDINBURGH 3 Tong Fa market : AUN ee COLLECTED IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM, HARVARD UNIVERSIT: E01057753 AND DISTRIBUTED BY THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM ‘ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN co
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E01057754
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN HA E01057754 Adieces Corvules R. Brown Uppsala 1995. determ. Mats Herta fc FLORA OF INDO-CHINA HERBARIUM OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY, LINGNAN UNIVERSITY CANTON, CHINA 3rd Indo-China Expedition No. 29474W.T.Tsang Sept. 11-23, 1939 ZY Ly: shbipgpersit (Omi, ty Lebytee: semi-woody; fairly common; in thicket on dry clayey blue, odorless, growing soil; fl, &reeni sh. Taai Wong Mo Shan and vicinity Tong Fa market Ha-coi, Tonkin HARVARD UNIVERSITy TUM COLLECTED IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM, AND DISTRIBUTED BY THE ARNOLD ARBORE’ copyright reserved om i) @ S =
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Barcode: E01057755
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Det, Vrgate xX [ag & ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi E01057755 FLORA OF INDO-CHINA HERBARIUM OF THE BOTANICAL SURVEY, LINGNAN UNIVERSITY CANTON, CHINA Ath Indo-China Expedition Nos 368 W.T.Tsang July 18-Sept. 9, 1940 Ramada oe Sai Wong Mo Shan (Sai Vong Mo Leng) Lomg Ngong Village Dam-ha, Tonkin COLLECTED IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTED BY THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM om N om 2 2 g = we copyright reserved
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E01057756
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m N m 2 2 © = se Adenosmn cavule, R.Brrwn Uppsala 1999. determ. M ats Hiertsom copyright reserved [G [ FLORA OF THAIVAND C. F. van Beusekom, C. ee | os 1683 Serophulariaceae 17.10.1969 L ag Lindenbergia Py E. Thailand, prov. Nakhon Ratchasima Loc: Khao Yai National Park, Khao Kieo Gl Cpls 45'N 021022 oS Alte 2oOnm. XY Evergreen forest. Roadside, open place. Fls dark blue purple. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 Expedition of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands, and the Forest Herbari E01057756 Thailand, sponsored by DITH, Netherlands, "and the Thai Government. semen Eanokex,
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E01057765
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Ha. HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved Adenosunra caevulesn RB. Brown, Uppestar1a4 Seacceen! aes tye ron Davis 69377 MALAYSIA. Perlis: Near and ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE * S.E. epNeURCK N Titres 20-50m. Marshy hollows iF AT mauve ~ hood stratghteniie, amkigh muve = hood straight, lin recurved a y A. Cao E01057765 20 January 1983,
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00992946
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Meee@323 xo} cy) Pa S cD) 7) 2 rd amy = = > 2. ro iS) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Loilected by EDINBURGH vas von ex IM E00992946
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma caerulea R.Br.
Filing region: Myanmar (Burma)
Country/Territory: Myanmar
Barcode: E00992947
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Meee323 copyright reserved Ahervrvr—n eatrler. Roe \ ' HERB.’ GRIFFITH. Ex Coun. G. WaLkrr-Arnorr. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN al EDINBURGH | | Detetminavie 2. Oxo t, TMM anges | E00992947
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057730
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Mee0e323 copyright reserved ey | Determinavit 4. gate gf a M wither ne | CEYLON PLANTS. | He ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E01057730 Coun. Cot. WALKER.
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057731
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MQe0323 copyright reserved I Ya y Jit Jag e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CEYLON PLANTS. Tait Coun. Cou. WALKER. WSVMNN | E01057731
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057732
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Meee323 él (ft pe Dorn Gan, i CLA Dex a Hoot. f. Determinavit &. Priya to AL} cob Y na 1496 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CEYLON PLANTS. EDINBURGH pee VM E01057732
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057733
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN UT E01057733 PLANTS of CEYLO Adenosma_camphoratum 5 Scrophulariaceae ) Locality Southern Province; Galle District KanneliyaseReserve Forest. i s 3 Occurrence Close to forest stream. Date 6th July, 1975. Alt. Coll. Se Balasubramaniam No. 1259 Remarks Shrubby herb, Flowers yellow, Ceylon Flora Project Meee323 og copyright reserved
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057734
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MQ00323 Coxe) Vato l ais Ae 2, P AY°OES - w na Hook | Bu, Ns Determinavit &- Prgat XY, bey | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ocae UMM Cott. Con. WaALkEr. E01057 134
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057735
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MeQe00323 copyright Ee | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i i oe. | Cott. Cou. WALKER. aT “a 1057735 | /rgb4 Determinavit & - te A
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057736
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Poe cey tc lee OL 6 tS] ZL 9 1 4 i Hn ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN CEYLON PLANTS. Coun. Con. WALKER. E01057736 Determinavit 4. Prgants ha by |
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma camphorata Hook.f.
Filing region: Sri Lanka
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Barcode: E01057737
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fe 1208 CEYLON PLANTS. Coun. Cont. WALKER. Determinavit Agate “/gb4 ROYAL Site cuteen WA E01057737 { A &a—, Z atte s/f Lf ! Be e7.V 8°) ANI 5 = BE BS on N mo fav) o eg = ae copyright reserved
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01057705
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Mee00323 ~ GARDEN aa 8 9 copyright reserved ea lees meee 5 r [ere 3 yA ow kK & @ FR RB herbarium of College of Agriculture Sun Yatsen University, Canton F.No.640 Coll.Tsiang Ying Herb, No. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ADENOSMA GLUTINOSUM (L.) Merr. EDINBURGH | Localit Lant Isl: a LMI neemiggeiity Lantao Island, Hongkong — fE a E£01057705 June 19, 1928 | F nie aR rene 1
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01057706
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Mee0e323 copyright reserved 4 CHINESE HERBARIUM OF DR. J. M. DALZIEL. ih Acquired 1906, eoromuner CS No. Locality. THAI-YONG. A mountain valley, 2000 ft. elevation, sixty miles west from the Port of Swatow, surrounded by hills reaching 1000’ ft., and intersected by glens richly wooded, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ED) ITN 1057706
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01057707
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Meee323 og copyright as f CHINESE HERBARIUM OF DR. J. M. DAL Acquired 1906, No. Locality. THAI-YONG. A mountain valley, 2000 ft. elevation, sixty miles west from the Port of Swatow, surrounded by hills reaching 1000 ft., and intersected by glens richly wooded. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i E01057707 |
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01057708
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wi E01057708 — FLORA OF KWANGTUNG Botanical Institute, College of Agriculture, Sun Yatsen University, Canton. Field No. 3081 Locality: % Om N | on fox) Qo oO) =
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01057709
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MQe@323 Rd reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iii =| it E01057709
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01057710
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copyright reserved Det. 4. AL aectned “DA Les, 1978, f Pers onacee nt 6d | Gurnt ap Hady 1895 | Hong. [ong “ak, pater HERB BARIUM Sy, ee : [MONS ISEIGI ee LEVEILLE : d ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ii
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: Taiwan
Barcode: E01057711
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Meee323 copyright reserved 5297 HAINAN, 1889. Dee ino COM. DR. AUG. guar NOv., From THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED. ROYAL SIRES cana EN | a E01057711 ; : i an i Fe a
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma glutinosa (L.) Druce
Collector/Expedition: Sampson, G.T.
Collection number: 180
Collection date: September 1877
Filing region: Inner China, Korea and Taiwan
Country/Territory: China
Barcode: E01057716
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MeQe00323 copyright reserved Determinavit ¥. GaN ~ Leg bY I Ga uy THEOPHILUS SAMPSON. Herb, No. 48°@? Oi de ALO 211. ar Fr on bile, tact. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN WA ALLE) ines barter .Segts ce E01057716
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma indiana (Lour.) Merr.
Collector/Expedition: Wallich, N.
Collection number: 3926F
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Bangladesh
Syntype of Stemodia capitata Benth.
Barcode: E00313975
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xo] ® § 2 | = | o oF o k= J <= ov) = > 2. ° Oo ill a See SM Ra bors P. zoe Boo ae ee ee ee eee 0 ¢ i iets aba, SUILEC | F pega - r des ; yarn (Lome. | torr. | Repo Cte Mkich BIg Determinavit hug aAAp ie gb 4 SYWrype of ame a SAD Valo. Ben BN ROYAL BOTANIC oie | eh Act. hes ng oe a i coe i (1G3! 00313975 a
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma indiana (Lour.) Merr.
Collector/Expedition: Wallich, N.
Collection number: 3926G
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Syntype of Stemodia capitata Benth.
Barcode: E00313976
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SC OE peAseseas yyBiuAdoo benang A5L Lilt. FF. IG 26 « G. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00313976 hatin, Mollkch, Get. (182%), otfes, vi. i70 ae ye ee
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma indiana (Lour.) Merr.
Collector/Expedition: Rahman, M.A.
Collection number: 4167
Collection date: 29th January 1999
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: Bangladesh
Barcode: E00271288
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. m N om 2 eg g = 9. 10 copyright reserved FLORA OF BANGLADESH ! BIODIVERSITY LINK PROJECT Department of Botany, University of Chittagong Regional Flora: Cox’s Bazar No. 4 167 Date: 2G.0\+44 Family ............. CERRO... Oe hE EL, oe Name .......... lg kuakian Kh... LIAM AMR, ALM] TOCA INI 3 250 corcnests seal segceccesciie ye UN ore oe a Locality Kes. Mauchin's Mana, te scessstestocieeien ORO Note Er. catcouheanecta aa BOTANIC GA\ EDINBURGH WOU E002 M.A.Rahman 2} at. fee
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma indiana (Lour.) Merr.
Collector/Expedition: Botanical Expedition to Central Nepal, Chitwan (1996),
Collection number: 9614281
Collection date: 23rd January 1996
Filing region: Nepal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Barcode: E00229758
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I by Recorded for Flora of Nepal Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh www.loraofnepal.org ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wn 01 HERB. HORT. EDINB. A sample has been removed for DNA extraction for: C.SASUS- LOAMOVACK S : ONG Date: \& +, Be 2 Pee Segre Flora.of Nepal Database Registered by the Society of Himalayan Botany 2002 Tohoku Universitatis Sendaiensis PLORAO PF NEPAL Botanical Expedition in Chitwan National Park in 1996 Monbusho Int. Sci. Res. Program, Field Res. , M. Suzuki 06041043 9614281 Adenosma indianum (Lour:) Merr. det. K. Yonekura On margin of Shorea robusta forest. Erect herb. C. Nepal: Nawalparasi Distr. , Island Jungle Resort (alt. 100 m) -- Pragatinagar -- Chitwan Distr. , Narayanghat -- vicinity of Bharatpur (alt. 160 m). Jan. 23, 1996 M.Mikage, N. Acharya, T. Kurosawa & A. Takahashi Ss cy re ® ” 2 a) nom D ny > Qa fe) (S) Meee323
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Family: Plantaginaceae
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Adenosma indiana (Lour.) Merr.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: D 69387
Collection date: 20th January 1983
Filing region: Malay Peninsula
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00146171
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ing Pedenesma Capi taf om Det. M. Meads Z/rafor HERB. HORT. EDINB. Davis 69387 MAIAYSIA. Perlis: Kaki Bukit (near Thei land border). 100me At mouth of limestone ceve. Erect amuel/ piennial? Flowers pink. c¢0O January 19836 a“ Ils MQG0323 copyright reserved
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