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Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708936
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copyright reserved Sea (Gh | Aenated puirdlith. Forigar- ____ (| Aenatort: rawr lih Nth giter | He OEE Eta eo ROYAL BOTANI | | Che: 7707 w_ _Jatum: 7 &. Bed EDINBURGH eee Mn HCH E00708936 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708937 mM 76.502 leg aed: @Taubenheim | ||
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708937
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Onkus palustrs Tecquen | Funded parrlith_ Gonian- eee ar) | Hohe: Zion «Datum: 2b oe. | Biole: Wafbinise am fe mul ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN BOTANIC G E00708936 iA EDINBURGH | wi EDINBURGH E00708937 | Onchi, patustra ten (| Aenatort: rawr lih. Nik gitar __ | i faee eB | & | al | ait | copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708938
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copyright reserved ew Lerhitne feel) _ Hohe: UCU 0s Jalum: 20. 6.2 Biotop: __ Juampdnise _ acetates eer DE! i im i he
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708939
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My Me copyright reserved tundort’ 13 hun A) Manush Lichtuny Gamards CS Adma __' *|™ | Hehe L300 ms Datum: bb 8 | Bote: Leryliritge J Se een ees ee | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Wu iO | E00708939
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708940
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eorans ents ae E00708940 atts lan “2 eae ie | Hohe: 1000 ~~ Datum: 2.6. 7% | tse |e 22 34 leg faces. eae i copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708941
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ened o- 10 8 Zé copyright reserved | Orthy 3 pelecabys TAG uty | Anndedt:105 hn nivole Wer chel maak | | Ahora, ane Mzwtrp (eget — eee (| Hohe: ov Jatum: Sb. 2% OYAL Lee GARDEN ee oe eS er se ee “4 | a iil Me
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708942
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. 0) Lal ih 3] copyright reserved 6 3 2aeea Za a2 an is, Orban paluafi, Arm (rt) ™ Finder: 32 Aue urn Gir uk Pervar (39 Siirdf Hohe: £2. For — Jatum: 76.5.F2 Mh E2724 eg /atel : CTauhenheim _ 4- ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | wil | E00708942 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708943
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved Botee: 6 hte bY ute Pa mdeeime _@ DHA) Me BOPP egal: 6 Boles rE Sa cee wl
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708944
Label data partially captured
HERB. HORT. EDINB. 2) oe (0) uA) 5 6 if fs} copyright reserved Eee x 2 ort wa VOn_ prrnahy wack Uete (64 Sirk] Hohe: B40. uw _ Datum: 4.8/8 2 Biotop: Ja wap a Cemeeee tt:tC e Ga. Cal , iii in (eg. /dlel.: G Rau ben hein aah E00708944 eles] 10
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708945
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Oo 10 copyright reserved ROYAL ERB GARDEN | Wil il
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708946
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Funder: 95. dim Van, Richton OB wu un BEET ps ee E00708946
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708947
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. O<5 y [oa he pe ROYAL enue GARDEN Wu il
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708948
Label data partially captured
HERB. HORT. EDINB. QO palustris x 0. coriophora | Funded: 7 hw S Ritktuny hurtalan,\ | Me 22.109 ng /del: @Bubenlein || Bi2nd synhka fl ff |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708949
Label data partially captured
OYAL Pa BE BBEEN wh ili l HERB. HORT. EDINB. alustyrs lam. Sua) Hohe. LE ie Beton 6 ye Lobes Gu _ Datum: 20.S)8 2 Eee 1 ] a | Ee | a | be | | ] 8 copyright reserved 2) 1100)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708950
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved Onchis joa Nushris “3 G7) | Fundort: 75k you _Gortleh nach ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00708950
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708951
Label data partially captured
ae aie fo r a copyright reserved SS iL a Onthes prhishy Tacgur. Funder: (llugen______ LA. & Gr, Hof Biotop. Stitupfvitee met _D, (berica__. Mlartuats t+ Spe. palastyy Osh av. OYAL BOTANIC GARDE : : | R | il EDINBURGH f E00708951
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708952
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aN 15) B cB N se oot Ys ty Oo; 10 copyright reserved Phim hong Styles . - Hohe: __ Tie Datum: 20. . 6: Fe Robe: — himpJames ROYAL BOTANIC GAR | fp — — ee Lo fu | a E007089:
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708953
Label data partially captured
oO 10 ) copyright reserved i Others prberrs Jacques, | Vbuhaca kicktewr Suzgre Hohe: FSU Datum: 4b. FZ | Biotee. COflontrtr _ eee EE EE tn el iter | kA Au grb wl ci (00708953
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708954
Label data partially captured
Che 10) cS} v4 copyright reserved “EOC Lat Oa PIE oe Fundort: Goku oft LA. &G7 1907 Elazg, bowed. Binge! (BF Elézig ) Hthe._2 (24000) Datum: 66.77 ||| Biotop; _ __ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH E00708954 i areleaieeeeneniaeiemeennieeeele = | | | |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708955
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oe ® FS c— ® m7 2 os = ro) ci > roy S| rs) OKch s palus/ns Tacgz } Findert: 28hm_ nordw. [4,2 Gr. 190? L Van iv Richt. Tatnos (B89 Van) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN cn E00708955 i cee
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708956
Label data partially captured
g. Tr Orth 7 | Findert: Yr hue ele | Hohe: T¢LO u__ Datum: 746. FE in 4 eg ce | Bee eueenoee” | S55. SS SS SS SS eee | | ut I) il Ke co) —_ o>) - | 7} FS rT ® r ra od = ro) ay > 2 =| a) 8 iL
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708957
Label data partially captured
MnmoR es) copyright reserved | Ais ris Jacg fundor!’ $2 hu ua, Zara Rich | Susetn AP vas Sivas | | jhe -TKSO mm 3 mi: AOE EAE | il ROYAL BOTANIC GARD! | | EDINBURGH | E00708957 ea
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708958
Label data partially captured
copyright reserved hes GLE « E_Inege/_ fe , BUSSE || Hohe_ ee 26S pF: A7L€ OYA Peo AN AREER
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708959
Label data partially captured
8 9 10 Te copyright reserved Fundert: Julich Saebnei ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee ee ee eee Ui E00708959
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708960
Label data partially captured
ar By copyright reserved | Orchis pate stri's Jacq. || Aanaert.¢. AOku W. kizrleadag __ | Ge korkubels Dees Antalya ae Hohe: 7380 ™ Datum: 29.5 Fe | Biotop.. Sunppige Mahiuite __ Me 26.2577 leg Jaded: PTtubenhoin YAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH I E00708960 RO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708961
Label data partially captured
| Onebpig ae aa U2Shm os. LA.® G07 | aie > Tatvan ae FESO Datum: bb, PP \ ROYAL Seis BEARDEN mn HIN
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708962
Label data partially captured
q } We | | | copyright reserved Orchis palustris Ta CGurh Orthys palustris Jag, | | Fundort:_ 2 G65 Auth Ee e Laredhli da Bithhang Cy, * ROTATES Te Nie GaRDel SS = Hohe: £4. Tore Datum: F6777E | | | || || Hohe: M00 Datum: 276 7f E00708962 || Borge: AGG were __ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708963 Me 76,273 leg Jeet: FJaubernheine _
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708963
Label data partially captured
Orthes palustris Jag, | | Fundort:_ LG. 65 da ned. Tatidvineg e Raraktlay aA Lithbung G oe Fr ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Gay ee ae 5A, EDINBURGH Hohe: £4. Torr Datum: FE 7776 | | | | | Hohe: M000 = Datum: J7rerh_ 00708962 | Biotop. A408 LUEGE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | Me 76.273 leg Jeet: CThuberhein — _ | (a E00708963 copyright reserved
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708964
Label data partially captured
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN l EDIN' | BURGH E00708964 l fundort’ 26 hw nach fidlyat Ricklun Geods CE Maran | Hohe__§S50.m__ Datum: 70.578 | | Boroe: Nab wiese NLP 25% leg /det: @Taubenheim Orehis palustris (2G. | xo} ® Pa ke o 7p oO i ~ aa ra > rod ° oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708965
Label data partially captured
| | ao copyright reserved Ody palerty ee 4 (Ai ak Hohe: Foam __Patum: 776. 74¢ Biofop: __ Ju Mp ese L BOTANIC GARDEN wu
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IIIF Manifest
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