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Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. picta (Loisel.) Jacquet & Scappat.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708754
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Orchis..morio.¢. Sussp, ficla. (Lois!) Asch. 2 Graebn. (Gerd Taubenheim) xo) o Pa the co) n “y = a or) cs > 2. ° (3) Orekis moro ee i Ole 4 Jal, 1934 Det. '{. Ubecte Nov Fy HERB. HORT. “BOT REG. ED ING FLORA OF TURKEY. Orchis laxiflora Lan. Prov. Istanbul: Belgrade Woods. Sent for identification by Prof. Kayacik, Istanbul University, Forestry Department. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708754 Mee | No. 5 Collected May 1959,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. picta (Loisel.) Jacquet & Scappat.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708755
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Orcio Move l. i Sa ellen © Determinavit C ' te. (Gerd Taubenheim) picta Clois!) Asch. & Graebn. Orchis..mor/o. £.. subsp. COCO ee i. . FLORA oF = 7URK Eq. 0. wera \/ Vernacular Name: Locality: Mla. ss ug ba. A 2 Altitude: Beveo' Date: / Vofh a Habitat: Lr.dinlinrted Ca : Notes: SO Dred. : Collector: K ni fae Eide ae No, ee / le; oh 5°] ra > = o " 4 = cS 2 = > roy ° 3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. picta (Loisel.) Jacquet & Scappat.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708756
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(Lorsl). Ash. % Gr. det.|gorr” i. 79 = ¢. VtGn. | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH - ii @racs morio He. Det. CG Lee 2 jal, 1924 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI ECZACILIK FAKULTESI HERBARYUMU Farmasotik Botanik Kiirsiisii ” Pogazghiakz Taskdy ru ar sf § LT Se AE ig cco Le ecco nes a ssscestersessetegtecennaeseceuel si ie Ne ee [KasTamonwy). xo] cD) Pa he ® 77) S ad a to?) ‘= > a om (3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. picta (Loisel.) Jacquet & Scappat.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708757
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iii cei sie pial W. Siehe’s botanische oe nach Cilicien 1895/96 Name: Orneha's prrotn, done. Standort: Bb Nath bergpiiiventarbe: peda, Fundort: feuhe Ore. Bemerkungen: Meereshohe: . Oprk : Karl Siegismund, Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin W, Purchased 1898. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708757 | ie) copyright reserved
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708758
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S AS Qi eek be 2 1 cS) v4 copyright reserved blanc, amnusT TEE Cochis moro d. SSP Swe (Borss. & | Fite peliisal oesihee Afar a OYAL poileuee oe i Ke amin } E00708758 | i
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708759
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ko} o Po a ® n a) I on ts iy J ES ot ° a) ; Xx B/auc: ands ede? | Orchi's mortol. Sip. syriaca (Boiss. | Horzum ss CS efolane ss I || Hohe: F500. _ _Jatum: 2? ¢2¢ __ iE ie ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | ———— | EDINBURGH il ' | | Orehi's mono 2. 5p. Sica Bors’ es || Zabspene (Adana) CS AdQua__ _ || Hehe: ZSO0m _ Datum: 22472 _ | a i ee as Mae! | CTauberheim _ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708760 E00708759
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708761
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AvPe belGrunole __ [ALES leg La ; ; f AVChE) CQIAUS NGOS. Orchi's moro &i Sip. SYIACA (Boiss. % et: FTeubernhein _
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708760
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ieee aA Asie made Reo Bok o% copyright reserved ] : Xx Blouc anins eed | Orchi's mortol. Sip. syriaca (Boiss. | Horzum =» CS folang _ F ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Hohe: FSO wn a Datum: 22 ¢Y ?e _ | | cn l| | E00708760 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | | jill | i E00708759 : . blaucke)(amus 7908 OreAr's moro - SSP. SYrALA (Borss.2 Tinie (Adie): CE Adloue | | Hehe: 250m _ Datum: 27472 __ | | Biclop: _ Gebriaeh ___ ee | ae PDE ios Joel : CTiuhertim_ _
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708762
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xo} a) Ps c ) o oO | ps — & iy = Pa) (oF fo) oO i AmuUs F908 | Orchis mone Z , SSp. Syriaca (Boiss.2 Blanche | a WL Ante ee | Hehe: S00 _ Datum: 22¢7p | | Biotop.. _febriaek. € 22a es ae [APE OET-S Meg aed: CTauberberin ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ww E00708762
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708763
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| 2 Bauche) (amus 408 Ochis_morio Z. SSp_syriaca (Boiss. & | Arslankéy ___CS Tgel _ _ —___— Hohe: ¢. 300m Datum: 25-5:78_ __. Biofop:. Ethie Veekgehiisek __ Me 7h 102 leg Jdet: PThubenheim _ a xs aes OC PERS ear 64 ea copyright reserved Aanmus A908 i Blauc: | Orchis L001 0° Z IP. SYNIACA (Boiss. & 7S 7908 i blaucke ) arn: A Orchis morte _L. Shp syriaca Bors. 0 TANIC GARDEN Finder 60° Ganli pasta ___- WING) | Senet 2A 4m AA ersuce Rick tree Ec ett a Teel. ie ea ee Pp 00708765 | Arslan key ai Teed __ ee a | Hohe: 210m. Datum: 26.4 2P romagrauecsoes = | ihe: ¢. £00 m Datum: 20-578 dete — “a= -- 7 TOIT inlge: Acre ae! er foie ie ent ail SOLE Zork Me hp Ce to 3) ROYAL BOTANICGARDEN [RO (oto) Gy. Sn 0 ae cert peter ees ee eee eee | ME 6-7 leg. Leet: CTaubertheim _ il Will | MAE OS leg Jdet: CJauberhoin _ E00708763
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708764
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| Fundert: ta, TS bm WV_l1é: | Arslanksy Bo OS Sem, 7 iat ee Hohe: ¢. 300m _ _Jatum: 25-5:78 __. v4 Furnrdert: 2¢ hun, LI Jarsus Rich, ip Arslankéy CS Tp ____| Hohe: 4. £00 _Patum: 26S07¢ Biolp. _ ebstch fh UNS ee blanch — A Orchis morte _L. Sop syriaca Bors. Fundort._ 66° Genli yay le ome cs Teel. De ees 0) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH ~ g | E00708765 e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH in il E00708764 OYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Biotop. SOLA Mb __ _____-_- Uberpaup 2 picla fash 2elinurpler' _ Melb: (16-7 leg Ldet: PTduberheine — _ Me tE 703 leg Jael: Taubenheia 2 EDINBURGH E00708763 xo} ® > c o o ie = — & = me Pa) ro} roe ()
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis morio subsp. syriaca (E.G.Camus) H.Kretzschmar, Eccarius & H.Dietr.
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708765
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Aishouth hig Ue wg 8. cle Hohe: ¢. 300m __Jatum: | CREE ¢. Qi Biolop. Ethin— Pe Uigefria Me 7h 102 leg Jdet: PTdubenheim _ if xo} ® > a o no oO | = — & Sy = Pa) a fe) 3) 190F | Orchi's n0rl 0 rae ip. “Gyriaca (Borss. a Fundort: 2¢ hun / Tarsus Rihbung | Arslankoy CS Tee? 718 A908 | Orchis morte L. SP ac CBCiSSee. ( Funder: be Gamli gayle ____ __ — ROYAL ere | PAREED ROYAL SP Neuee ae RDEN Mibes dito — Datum: 26% 2F___. | Hohe: 4. £00. Datum: 25.5779 _ || Biotop: ee 1 lili ii iN Ubergaug 5a Sisk 2erclnunpeber' _ Wh (16.1 leg Me: @ Toutronhtinn— — i I ROVAT ROT ANG 2a RPEh ee oe ee ee ee See ae ee as eee reece a EDINBUR ili Mee ee CTauberrhein — _
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708601
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Ole PNGURE SAnbEN ) | ll ene owe De ee ee — Bi pe be forte Som (Lela a ¥ ROYAL poate: em RDE! DT Mans | | ‘4 eee Sortie VIBE ae it | Hihe 20m “ Petum. 76.6. ae =) = (o>) So i) Po be be) 7) co) pa — = dD ‘= a) a 9° oO ) 7
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708602
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) So cv) Po be bc) n ® pe Pad ay Dd = >) a ° oO 7 Ons PSNEURG GARDEN f ROYAL anne eens RDEI i wwii tl Tl os £85 & es ‘dis ar Pen | Gus Tatham CARB Pet. a Hohe: ¢ oa a Gah TE Re .SELTR ON (| Hohe: Lever Datum: 76.6. 7E__ | ce G Taubertheina_ a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708603
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708603 Olas... pales Ars. JACQ. caveon. ag 403. OTHbn (Gerd Taubenheim) by hes fabastr's Jacs, Det | Re, dee ae K. H. RECHINGER, ITER ORIENTALE 1971 FLORA OF PERSIA \ Orchis Prov. Azerbaijan: Damp meadows on south slope of G8ja Bel-pass. Coll. K. H. Rechinger Alt. c. 1650 m 29 May 1971 gil. Jennifer Lamond No. 3653 xo) ® Po i ® n ® Pai a <= Da . Pa a 9° o
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708604
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN det/corr. ZAe 4 BF | & be. (Gerd Taubenheim) Or he's pp abiensrJuy Vaeg ; Det. fhe, dec. 192-5~ X lw lush welt . Priore hee, eC my Dane Cie) 3 : copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708605
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708605 | (Gerd Taubenheim) = 183 : xe} : co) : Po rT $ ® L! 7) 8: 4 = da Oo: AS GC: (o>) aS P<) a fo) oO Vr Avis fobushrs Vacs, Det. Thane ) bee. TFET SEE COLOUR SLIDE COLLECTION K. H. RECHINGER, ITER ORIENTALE 1971 FLORA OF PERSIA Orchis 44a: }40 Prov. Azerbaijan: c. 34 km from Marand on way to Tabriz. Lush moist meadow. Flower very faintly scented, brilliant magenta, whitethroat and chin. Alt. c. 1700 m 6 June 1971 Coll. Jennifer Lamond No. 3769
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708606
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(Gerd Taubenheim) % * Orcha's.. palustris. Ja.0g, det./corr. copyright reserved [x Herb. Inst. Bot. Ac. Sc. Armeniae RSS MERBARIUM nomine Y. L) KOMAROVL Insitiali Betanic! tea demice Scientiar Arnentae oe . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00708606
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708607
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Orohis, palustris JAacge. scticon 187... pt (Gerd Taubenheim) Or Mes pale str (mg, Det. 7. hers, , Wee. TIPS. PLANTS OF THE ORIENT, 1963; May 22. M.JACOBS 6674 ORCHIDACEAE Orchis cf. laxiflora LAM. esp. dielsiana 560 Northern and western Iran. Place: 37°12'N 45°241'R. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Region: Lake Regaiyeh;SW.side. Alt.: 1300-1400 m. | iil | Habitat: im thick grassy sedge-mat, moist peaty/ clayey soil. Notes: leaves not maculate. Flowers purple, the central part of the lip whitish. Numerous in this habitat. _—*/ E00708607 Expedition of the University of Minnesota, U.S.A., Dr. H. E. Wright, Jr., leader. Sets of this collection were distributed by the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, Netherlands (L), to the Herbaria at Vienna (W), Minneapolis (MIN), Edinburgh (E), Kew (K), and Groningen (GRO). a copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708608
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Orchis. palustris. Jap... EGO "(Gerd “Taubenheim) br ts pokustrri taeg Det. 7 Reve , Deck 19 ple copyright reserved det cone 4 77S. K. H. et F. RECHINGER, ITER IRANICUM IL, 1948 PLANTAE P. AELLEN es LECTAE hid, ie fe Prov. xnontle. © thaws oe oo Montes Hazar Masdjid eed elt T2O0 te Inter Ardak et Tolgor, ca. 1200—1600 m Anutishishca—1800_« lel eee 7—10. VI. No. YFG/ ROYAL aoe epnoes a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708613
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9.COE> ‘(Gerd Taubenheim) Othis.. palustris Jacg.,.. S ~~ at a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN con E00708613 =z I o = SON Ov thes peters Jace. Det | Bone, Dee. 99S. copyright reservedhad 9.7 ORD (Gerd Taubenheim) Ochs palustris Ja Che... ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708613 det.jconr $ JGFIP an RY ies N iC, > a 1 me ~ 7 \ > Or es pele clr; Jace. Det. Les » D250. 1927F | Herbarium Florae Asiae Mediae ab Universitate Asiae Mediae editum. Fasc. XIV. Augustus a, 1928. 348. Orchis laxiflorus Lam. Fl. Frane. Ill, p. 504—1778 (n. v.).—Ldb. Fl. Ross. IV, p. 57.—Boiss. FI. Or. V, p. 71.—LUmaapr. Ma. Cp. u KOxn. Pocc. II, erp. 457.—Aschers. et Graebn. Syn. III, p. 710.._Domun u Boponos. Onpea. pacr. Kap. it Kppima. I, erp. 317. Quelques auteurs considérent 1’O. laxiflorus Lam. et l’O. palu- ster Jacq. comme des espéces différentes, d’autres les comptent simples synonymes et les troisiémes les connectant en une espéce les subordonnent d’une maniére différente. Je n’ai pas eu a ma disposition assez de matériaux d’herbier de ces espéces, c’est pourquoi je n’ai pas pu vérifier combien les caractéres mor- phologiques attribués, par exemple, par Ascherson et Graebner (Syn. III, p-p- 100 et 101) a leurs ssp. ensifolius et ssp. paluster repondent aux aires géographiques que les mémes auteurs leur indiquent, et en nom- mant O. laxiflorus Lam. une plante de |’Asie Moyenne, je m’en tiens seulement au plus ancien nom. C’est aussi pour cette raison que je ne cite pas desynonymes. Cependant, il est probable qu’al’Est de Europe et en Asie il y a d’autres sous-espcées de |’O. laxiflorus s. l. Ugrinsky, parexemple (Trav. Soc. Nat. Univer. Khark. XLII, p. 343) étudiant l’O. laxiflorus des environs de Charkov en a déduit que cette plante est un peu isolée de |’O. laxiflorus s. s. et de l’O. paluster, mais que la plante de la flore de Charkov est plus proche du premier. Jai fait la méme résolution en examinant les matériaux de I’ Asie Moyenne. Cependant la lévre varie trés fortement sur nos plantes, et si l’on s'en rapporte formellement 4 la connexité des lobes de la lévre latérales et médiaires, une quantité considérable de plantes de |’Asie Moyenne dev- ront étre rapportées 41’O. paluster, attendu que la lobe de la lévre médiaire est souvent saillante. Mais que-la lobe de lalévre médiaire ou (ce qui est trés rare) les lobes latérales soient saillantes, ou enfin (le plus sou- vent) que la lévre soit entitre (O. caspius Trautv.), elle n’est jamais si brusquement élargie 4 la base que je l’ai observé sur le typique O. palu- ster (par ex.: Fl. hung. exsicc., n° 298]; Fl. exsicc. Rei publ. Boh. Slov., n° 196!), mais au contraire elle a toujours la base cunéiforme. Ce n’est que sur un échantillon des environs de Taschkent (parmi beaucoup de normaux), que j'ai vu la lévre a la base cunéiforme trés large, ne différant presque pas des exemplaires cités de 1’O. paluster. | : Pour ce qui concerne les autres caractéres de nos plantes, je dois faire remarquer que les bractées supérieures étaient toujours plus longues que les boutons, les folioles intérieures du périgone presque 1,5 fois plus courtes que les latérales extérieures (6 —7; 8—9 mm.); ] eperon est tantét droit, tant6t recourbé, pointu ou obtus et parfois méme échancré. : Par le travail de B. Fedtschenko (Mélang. botan. offerts 4 Borodine..., p. 354) je n’ai pas pu éclaircir le point de vue de auteur par rapport A YO. laxiflorus de 1’Asie Moyenne, attendu qu il ne fait pas de remarques critiques, et en citant la littérature ne s’en rapporte qua un de ses travaux (Da. Exp. Pocc.) ot l’O. paluster est censé synonyme de (Omlaxidlomus, i 2 L’O. laxiflorus se rencontre sporadiquement dans les endroits marécageux du rayon de prés des montagnes de la partie méridionale de )’ Asie Moyenne. Nos herbiers permettent d élargir’ son aire plus au Nord (Ulkun-burul, Aulie-ata, Dshiek), que V'indique Fedtshenko (1. c.) dans son dernier apercu (Taschkent). Vvedensky, idionales: Tian-schan occidentalis. In alstces ee Garam eel dicti haud procul ab urbe Taschkent. 3 19260. 211: Leg. Popov et Vvedensky. ee cs copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708609
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| | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708609 Or chis. pQlasttts. Jee... detfoow I 7979... RIFE... + $83 GAL (Gerd Taubenheim) Beh Werks ATS ersitesi Fen Faktiltesi Rotanik Enstitiisd xo} i) Pa I Ce 77) cy a Pad on} ee — Pa) a on Oo
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708610
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00708610 ! + 4B FT. Det. 7 | re ae Hewitt 204 feign Orchis Bax d lore AS eee Ve ee TURKEY, 10-15 ‘wiles from Dogubayazit . to Igdir. 3500 ft. Wet soil & some E of these plants grow where it has dried out, soil is rich loam. Flowers red- pink. 4 August 1969. xo} i) Po “i be) 7) oO ws Pad om Dn = >) a on oO
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708611
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Or Aves folustrs vreg, Det. 7 -Reng , dee. 1975 xo} i) Ps - ® n oO h a) os dD c= >.) a ° Oo Oren LariPlora ode Ssp- aeeles tae Ce pet. ©. Evlem 15 July 1324 HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. —— FLORA OF TURKEY N, Jardine 515 A7 Gumusane: Roadside at summit of Vavuk Sedik pass. 39050' E, 40°22" N. | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i EDINBURGH | | 30th June 1963 ‘ | E00708611
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708612
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—Orehis palustris Jaeg, serio £4 9 Ob +482 2.7 “(Gerd Taubenheim) Eke tiiion CG Ceca Sinn 1975- Gu. EX CBatls, 1/87 3S. A260. Dred, Conptora ae Dr thas pabuelns mcg, igen: eee | Det. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : ; ee | | | E00708612
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708614
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84, Bedsker T Pec | Kagacck Za Elicm Alvo0 dee . 1929 f (Gerd Taubenheim) Orchis, palustris. Jaeg. deticor. Pe AOS. xe] cd) Pa a o 77) o fw _— = Da = > a fe} oO HERBARIUM BAHCEKOY Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakiiltesi Botanik Kiirsiisii (Is TO) Orchidaceae ie an Cephalenthera MOKA ica E00708614 Loe. Balikesir - Edremit, 7/86 Edremit - Burhaniye, Hab, Burhaniye - Oren, deniz kenari,Ra:20 m Or har palate a Jaeg - Leg. H. Kayacak, G. Eligin, 14.5.1964 No. 2100 dec. 197€ rev. / det. J. Renz Appr Tal.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708615
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Y a4 ‘oo aa. Md \< (Gerd Taubenheim) WS. palustris, Jace. ZN a4 % | ¢ é GARDEN & 8 ay Rov nace AS] | Ih 3" ou ; E00708615 Davis 893 Orchiz patustns veg. Orchis Det. 7 Ree. , Dec, TIPS. TURKEY, C10 Hakkari: Nehil gayi, 148-55 km from Hakkari to Yuksekova, 4600-1700 m, River banks, Flowers Onlad 1 pink, sepals pressed backwards. relis axif erates ssp. elegans (Heuffel) $3 No marking on leaves or flowers, Det: F thes. AS Jay 1994 44, June 1966
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708616
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(Gerd Taubenheim) Orchis... palustris. Jacg.... $-0- det|corf, Z1Y77 4487 br hes firbeslres Vaceg . Det. J: Kowa, Dee. 1925 copyright reserved Oye Lsniflora Pet ssp-dielsiana Swe Det. G. Evlem 15 July 1934 f niet Davis & Hedge (D. 28537). Orchis C8 Turkey. Prov. Mardin: Mardin - Savur, on N, side of watershed 11 - 12 miles from Mardin. Marshy stream side. Papers purple, leaves unspotted. 25-1957» | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | EDINBURGH | Mu E00708616
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708617
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£ 2 & & S = iS RE "3 re Se zo} ee . co) ey 9 S 2 SN s te r = NE = medi rs BW 8 Sie ° SS : = Se ee S as ae ae ry Vitus pabastinr beg. Det. 7 ie Dek, tge Tr: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | MN E00708617 Davis 21439. Orchis Turkey. Prove Cankiri * nr Candir in water meadow. (Same sp. as , \ Orcas Lasiflors Lam. ssp. cohen aad 21409). 4 June 1954. Det. (GS) Eh eg hs July 492Y Be
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Orchidaceae
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Anacamptis palustris (Jacq.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00708618
Label data partially captured
Orchi's.. palustris... Jaeg. Oe ae te £483 960 “(Gerd Taubenheim) Or ts patustres lacg. Det. aes dec. 9 7-S- Orcas LasiPlors Low. ssp.clielsiana Gas Det Ci E-ban. dg july 1924 Davis & Hedge (D, 28256) Orchis Turkey. Prov. Urfa: Hilvan - Siverek. 700m. River valley, in marshy ground, Flowers reddish purples leaves green, hooded at tips 1865-1957. copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
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