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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides ringens (Lindl.) Fischer
Collector/Expedition: Wight, R.
Collection number: 907
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00154849
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MQQ0493 copyright reserved hecides aes (i:-dl.) Fgchec Det. £22 A. Chi ceases Jae: : Herb. Wight. propr. % bff ROYAL ily GARDEN Ys 1 / a en Soc. 2c asi.
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides ringens (Lindl.) Fischer
Collector/Expedition: Wight, R.
Collection number: 907
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00154848
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MQ00493 xo} i Pad i co 7?) oO —_ od <= Do = > 2. ° Oo o iN Aerides ringens (Lind].) C.E.C.Fischer det. Eric A. Christenson Dec. 1985 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ino gu 2 a+ \ ioe = ae Cerrts
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides ringens (Lindl.) Fischer
Collector/Expedition: Cleghorn, H.F.C.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00154847
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M@Q0493 ed oe ot: 28 GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved ws eine Plant = Aerides ringens (Lind].) C.E.C.Fisher Infl. = Aerides maculosa Lindl. | Odd flower = Habenaria sp. det. Eric A. Christenson Dec. 1985 a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN eee LIL HERB. H. F. C. CLEGHORN. PRESENTED By Mason Sprot, 1896.
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides ringens (Lindl.) Fischer
Collector/Expedition: Wight, R.
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00154846
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or= NW i-s-5-) BLE] oe] B,Ve (oye) OL 6- S00 «——AjIsuaq E67Q00W sadezane yveq ase sanjen jy wt s60 sco SMUGQIY ¥0G furetovizferotenefonn Ziibirgpitivigt sveyoujueg ———— ~~ &> SS 4 Zz => ic as a] =~ v sz =o ~s —4 vu 7 oe 7 — (ie 2 a0 =o ao c z = ® 2 == w ——— " S == ¢ v SS a ~~ = ; uw Oyen Wis San Nf ee = SS haa aoe a wa 2 = ms) ae . h a < x v oO 5 ~ ‘As = - ree =e° °S : f % ° N Dy ae 2 wn X ¥ oe &. v WS Oo, WwW — ~ a ea 8 c . aa . an * B iv Q i= ‘ sa —le So 5 oS ® 2 8 re o lan >
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides ringens (Lindl.) Fischer
Collector/Expedition: Cleghorn, H.F.C.
Collection date: 1856
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00154845
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MQ00493 ii Fruit = Vanda testacea (Lind].) Reichb. f. det. Eric A. Christenson Dec. 1985 copyright reserved Aécides coyens Ad CEL Fischer ! an ble, Fl fae, Mad tN2 Gaze) . DETERMINAVIT ERIC A + CHRISTENSON / No Vv. lI 52 HERB. H. F. C. CLEGHORN., PRESENTED BY Masox Spror, 1896. Prerreriitii roe eee i 2 | ariaaeiteait ON ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH -mnpiigu es Coto | ! :
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides ringens (Lindl.) Fischer
Collector/Expedition: Wight, R.
Collection number: 3055
Collection date: 1836
Filing region: India, Bangladesh & Pakistan
Country/Territory: India
Barcode: E00154844
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) ea Névdes ln ens ‘Gilb) Gee Fischer ia Gamble , £1. Fees, Nedeas 1972 (1428). DETERMINAVIT ERIC A. CHRISTENSON Herb. Wight. propr. Peninsula Ind. Orientalis. POL, heck a 4 ft JFAA An : / Mit ffir tiriattg ay y J a af 2 Lf Ci Meee493 copyright reserved kpc Sees aes B eS £eont ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH a_i
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides rosea Lodd. ex Lindl. & Paxton
Collection number: 89
Collection date: 4th June 2003
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00212585
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19111003A
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Meee0493 9...10 cS} 7 copyright reserved S24 Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Orchidaceae Aerides rosea Lindl. & Paxton Living collection info.: Garden Collector. Cubey, H. Suzanne No. 89 Accession number & Qualifier: 19111003*A Collected: 04-Jun-03 Garden Location: G48 - Tropical Conifers & Ferns Glasshouse t Service Area Garden Description: Flowers lilac. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Source / donor: Messrs. Sander & Sons Ing sda nasa
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides rosea Lodd. ex Lindl. & Paxton
Collector/Expedition: Ludlow, F. & Sherriff, G.
Collection number: 3166
Collection date: 31st May 1937
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00154843
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L BOTANIC GARDEN “i Aerides rosea Lind]. & Paxt. in Paxt, Fl. Gard. 1852 i 2109, t. GU, es (syn.: A. fieldingii B. S. Wms., A. Williamsii Warn.) det. Eric A. Christenson Dec. 1985 EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF Locality Altitude ? ~ Date F,. LupLow & G. SHERRIFF No. 3166 copyright reserved
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aerides uniflora (Lindl.) Summerh.
Collector/Expedition: Grierson, A.J.C. & Long, D.G.
Collection number: 4207
Collection date: 7th April 1983
Filing region: Bhutan, Sikkim & Darjeeling
Country/Territory: Bhutan
Barcode: E00227730
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha Schltr.
Collection number: 14780
Collection date: 8th January 1991
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00706229
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19721259
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. th 0 A Q) 8 = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS Wane Closso WA ncn Observations in cultivation Unlovencked conno to BSS ann’ leaveo ng TeV, MOTAWS serraed tovoasds tes. \pov ne BQ, or ands o& Coman, sepots S polrato granu ee eos o& \overak <epate Foudkianay; : Vabdedbows QArRan nth LOanicuious eines Cowvrok wage; enti coup blackish Garden location Date 9, $-\-A\ Donor Det./Verif. @. Proenv Details of original collection Werk Nes Swrown, Uo. Taland | — Aale Sforchynchas _ Wy. Tomolup. Mk. 100 - ast ey. NIAAMYY = ee A Sel pire RBGB No. #2, 1259 E00706229
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J.Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Johns, R.J.
Collection number: 9618
Collection date: 14th August 1998
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00176890
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Aglowortqueta biftrra TF Gay. DET I:.T-blovel —_ October 20.0 f x FLORA OF MOUNT JAYA, PAPUA, INDONESIA (NEW GUINEA) ao] ® Pad .< o n 4 a con} 1 — > 2. ° iS) Orchidaceae Aglossorhyncha biflora det. Schuiteman 18/5/1999 4° 15'S 137° TE Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area: Near lower pylon (Brakes inactive). 23.5 km below Tembagapura. Lower montane forest with 'new' Podocarpus. Also young Dipteris, white Rhododendron etc. 14/8/98. Altitude: 1515m. Plants to 60-80 cm tall. Growing near pink flowered Rhododendron. Flowers 'Strongylodon' green. with petals and sepals light green. The lip the very rich green. DNA. Johns, R.J. 9618 14.8.98 With: A. Hidayat, R. Woodman, J. Beaman, M. Sands Herbaria: BO, K, MAN, FREE Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Herbarium Bogori dens, Kew; goriense, Raya Bogor, the Biodiversity Centre, Cenderawasih hee ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Manokwari - wi i io Ti eos — with assistance from Rio Tinto and PT-Freeport IM 7M Pe id oy a , £00176890 R.B.G. Kew, TWO SAE. oe to Irian Jaya Coordinator,
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J.Sm.
Collector/Expedition: Johns, R.J.
Collection number: 9618
Collection date: 14th August 1998
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00176889
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 89 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Agfisrvrlagueha Liflina aie DET...... I. T-burel a October 20.0.0... FLORA OF MOUNT JAYA, PAPUA, INDONESIA (NEW GUINEA) copyright reserved Orchidaceae Aglossorhyncha biflora det. Schuiteman 18/5/1999 4° 15'S 137° Te Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area: Near lower pylon (Brakes inactive). 23.5 km below Tembagapura. Lower montane forest with 'new' Podocarpus. Also young Dipteris, white Rhododendron etc. 14/8/98. Altitude: 1515m. Plants to 60-80 cm tall. Growing near pink flowered Rhododendron. Flowers 'Strongylodon’ green. with petals and sepals light green. The lip the very rich green. DNA. Johns, R.J. 9618 14.8.98 With: A. Hidayat, R. Woodman, J. Beaman, M. Sands, Herbaria: BO, K, MAN, FREE Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Herbarium Bogoriense, K dens, Kew; , Kebun Raya Bogor, the Biodiversity Centre, Cenderawasih Universit Manokwari - with assistance from Rio Tinto and PT-Freeport . Indonesia. . Please send new determinations to Irian i R.B.G. Kew, TW9 3AE, UK. 2
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J.Sm.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01296998
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS Name Prahossovn dace ‘aS love Observations in cultivation Connon Yo YS cm: golden \ormon. Leoveo te SS xb Dom, MU, wd- Green clive, pales baneath. Waves oma Un paus oy tres & come, bviQny pate green, wid- areen lodoellom Cwrhos cop purple. Foi 5 4 copyright reserved Scan’. Garden location Date \¥.2%. AH i @ ug - Donor - Det./Verif. alee ooh, ¥. Weeds =] =I Details of original collection Papua Wes Qumo, Eda Geok ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oe. EDINBURGH See gude. collecion iL fO8E We. 35. agy5
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J.Sm.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01296999
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. xo] cy Pd i cc) ” o _ nd £ oD 4 Py 2 fe} S) FLORA OF NEW GUINEA ORCHIDACEAE ase! A alossorhy ache b:flore Soo Locaurty Tambitanis , he i District Enga Frovince carat Morectvial in Miscanthus | ALT GOO ime Floridulus Ararslanels NOTES Commen a5 semi-terrectriak | Leaves Variah le in Sine, bilebedt | 12— 7-2 x Oo Sai ee Trfloceseences a= pte. Ce oeo eee (ee neem -cream, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ai famine er C Aleoho| Material also af H.0.c. Lovagam }
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J.Sm.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01297000
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN iii FLORA OF NEW GUINEA ORCHIDACEAE Dis Ralessochyneha bifloa TT, Swath. Locatity Mf, aig hot ue +o Fora ora forgera i) hg et br ches) , ce wos ace HABITAT -o rec dein C ALT. 2800 m NOTES th, hake —— a I T.M.REEVENo, (79 DATE 30. ix. 1483 DUPLICATES LAE, Ky Now) , Lt Meees64 xo] o 2 I ® 7 4 od = ek I ea) 2 ° oO
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J.Sm.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01307001
No label status given
ty a ) PAPUA Botanical Collections of the Division of Botany, Department of Forests, Lae. LAE 63143 N.M.U. Clunie & 29/6/75 G, Larivita. fo) = ie) o . ® 77) a i pos = > roy ro) ) 9 Locality; Iaro logging area; SEs slopes of Mt. Giluwe Subdist.. lalibu, Dist. Southern Highlands. Alt. 2300m 6 10 SLong.: 143 57£ Habitat: Steep (about 50) lower gulley slopes with smallish (15-30cem d.b.h.) trees of mixed broadleaf species dominant in the canopy at about 20-25m In Nothofagus pullei-dominant altitudinal zone but Fagaceae absent in moist, shaded gulleys. Good surface drainage. Annot.: Epiphytic herb, at about 15m on moss-covered trunk of Turpinia (LAE 63144). Leaves dark green above; paler below. Flowers corolla pale green. Local Name: NARUMBU used in wigs. Lat shiny Fam.: Orchidaceae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Name: Aglossorhyncha biflora J.J. Sm. EDINBURGH MIN Dupl to: BAI CANB A K NSW £01307001 M BISH—QRS—PNH BO SING —-US—BM- wr. Kittredge \
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha lucida Schltr.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01307002
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 01307002 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF NEW GUINEA ORCHIDACEAE NAME Ralossochy neha Ixcicle Scklte | a Tombete , Komo subdistrict asi District, ai Hig blonds Pein HABITAT? E ei f byte (Possibly fescestried) act 100m NOTES Stems mach branched SUP Clomerey A Clowes hyrche Leawes. lanceolate [5-5-3 x 0-25-0-55 um, Tnkl. sinqle - Plestaresl - , Flowers otter furned Aownvords. areencsh - yee lig more areen, Ae olro Reeve 690 Fron Tans Tari District, [k.cre | T.M. REEVE No. 6074 DATE 23. xii. (9R2 DUPLICATES LAE, K, L, E, CBG, NOW) AMES * 3 un 2 S ; = copyright reserved
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha viridis Schltr.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01307003
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E£01307003 HERB. HORT. EDINB. Ralossorundan vurndis Scal. Det. TL. Mando; 1A VG ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS sizes 7a orrerhincla Observations in cultivation M na -laceeboa, of year ig Pivantt, pars pl frrard Aidedich Pott oapale Adwote & Lio. Hacre em I6 arate Lire, Puclarpe Pam lency Hh voit VS Aas broil. Sahth Adare - Garden location Date 3O.Vv\i\ & Gua O.V\\| BY copyright reserved Donor Det./Verif. Fintoekt | Details of original collection Papin Wero Qoumoo, ES Nalauds Trahan: | N.w. slope ok Yk. Piora , or of Ovura Palvo\ | Posr. 6° Go's : 1US? $4’ E. Mt. 6300-4500 er, 3 Gnas N34 9u RBGE No, J2\S31
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Aglossorhyncha viridis Schltr.
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01307004
No label status given
Me00564 xo] cD Pd he ) 7) ® pt choad on a = ea) fod ° ° ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. C. 6467. CULTIVATED PLANTS. Tiines (270, Agloss os hyncho. —vindis Sct. Plant £ secunrtoert ;foanes dark are obwe. ,peler. benectr ; petats ord sepals poe 42 loriet. grew } labellans pote oO Ber - AEAWPULTE QUeel., MAGUS unrolled ; ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mlumn ple greenish SWHe - Colleered by ?, We ode N° 1666 ee dune A iain Sh aie ioe ue ea Movobe isPuct . News Guimen.. G¥- 2679
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Lim, S.P., Soinin, Postar, Markus G.,
Collection number: 143248
Collection date: 13th April 2000
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00271751
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Det. Ee Din! Ty- 201 b r=) FLORA OF SABAH HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST DEPARTMENT SANDAKAN mo] ® > — bo) ” ® bea od = — — > Qa ° Oo SAN No. 443248, . Family Opgh4daceae Botanical Name Det. Dialect Vernacular , Miau near Locality (see reverse for map) pi go ee w Alt. Maniacs 2 Collector 8.P,Lim,Postar,Markus 13/4/2000 aL Lower montane COakeChestmut forest. a Epiphyte orchid.Ocears 1m above the ground District m.a.s.l. Yu Duplicates to : K/L/SAR/KEP/SING/BO/PNH/AA/OX/ tam Herbaria receiving duplicates are requested to communicate new identifi- cations to the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Centre, Sandakan, Sabah. APC-12193 P.K. 3931 (L)-97 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IBURGH DINBURG:! El E0 l 0271751 7 NN
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Harris, W.K.
Collection number: 1483
Collection date: 2003
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00294104
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00294112
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 20041393A
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Laman, T.G.; Rachman, Ismail A. & Mirmanto, Edi,
Collection number: TL20
Collection date: 20th October 1996
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00077227
No label status given
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Plants of Indonesia 9 copyright reserved Orchidaceae Agrostophyllum Determined by: W.T. Kittredge 7/97 Locality: Borneo. Kalimantan Barat. Ketapang. Gunung Palung National Park, Cabang Panti Research Site, Trail GPO Lat.: 1o 13 ' 7s Long.: 1100 6' “Ee Habitat Alt. 25 m Mixed dipterocarp forest on alluvial bench. 20 m from river edge. Morphology: Epiphyte growing 2 m above ground on small tree trunk. Local name: Notes: photo 1900-20. T. G. Laman, Ismail A. Rachman, Edi Mirmanto ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1 * EDINBURGH i & i HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE & HARVARD UNIVERSITY E00077227 . HERBARIA
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Woods, P.J.B. & Black, M.
Collection number: 1187
Collection date: 13th May 1968
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00424681
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ] Vr Yn Naresbo prallun ge Ags ak whidh hee tanenta het Chosina Rood shots. AR. R-keas odayen : 4 ote. 14.06 202. HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA YAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00424681 RO Herb. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh j lf FLORA OF NEW GUINEA Papeete cae ce p | ma Apaa NO) Qiuimea , Mort dustrel, Reralua ts Raaredi Moana portal Alar Chireimor . el p.J.B. woods wit, M.Rlack S00 ~S'500'(1767-1b7bam) no. 1187 13 Mou 1968 Sia 3 Pe
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collection number: 417
Collection date: 12th May 1954
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00424682
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ORCHIDACEAE figrosto phy lluen Kini Flo vt Schltr. DET. WALTER KITTREDGE 1/1963 a es. Rerum why bas bounce, bu Ba) shustho. Ri Karteroaromn léc.06. LOL). HARV ARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA es | | l i | il | i ROYAL PaiGuee oe | HERB. S ; i FLORA OF Caoua - No, Yt? Name Sy Vern. Name OUAKdacene Locality ?, ALA : Date yf S(sqY Altitude YSoo! Cal 8 PEA. Habitat lie hae CE Description, etc. KG aTiale ae [744A on labelluc nn Ls Keccdhuorws. conomics
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collection number: C14495
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Barcode: E00424684
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19721843
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. faresbe tos ioe A. rn ae founcatt ee 1 A. Karamu Onn aw 6 2O/. HARVARD U ERSITY HERBARIA fo) = SB cy Pad thee i) n ® pa a << dD sy > 2. fo) Oo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH C Mugs CULTIVATED PLANTS , Name / ynoste eplrpllican Lwfler Yin Observations in cultivation Atims eHee ClSem with, fawn 22 shoals arc basal Becta oboe A after (caf fol, Leaves AG fe. a 1 , inf lereilnce seals oronntin, ft vy, flows tle, Lp wih, yelicr thdu Vi base. Garden location 449 Date Donor hep. of doves + Keprieudlhuse Det./Verif. Lao Na Guimea Details of original collection Gt : d ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Rec of from Lae /h AUG W772 RBGE No. 72/543
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collection number: C4561
Collection date: November 1964
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00424685
This specimen is a voucher for RBGE accession: 19630591
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her a ipo) ee manok ee ae wade ou trun coho, hi eles shay. I. Katroammmn Oneal! ee er 14.06. 2old, a HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. Cush CULTIVATED PLANTS. Nev. (Qky ido Sebtin. Zp to do Cw), ON ORE ot fe os i il I | ii nents, Wor JNoviqta. bu ® Meee Mura Matar, entren Orren Framer, ae ae 72, 17 WOW ¥L3 - S41
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Lisowski, S.
Collection number: 54441
Collection date: 5th September 1979
Filing region: New Guinea
Country/Territory: Papua New Guinea
Barcode: E00424694
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. | i } i f i i | | 4) hh ‘ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee / —swilliinn Ih) 00424694 * A Herbarium Instituti Botanici Universitatis Posnaniensis ag
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collection date: 11th December 1987
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00424703
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ll | | DINBURGH Wu £00424703 i I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH CULTIVATED PLANTS ‘ jittitin f J / Name NgroGpu, Cs Observations in cultivation Garden location Date /( Dec (967 Donor ., | : Det./Verif. 4 GOn) S00. 2 QAsgrv 0M Oty Details of original collection WOW by Kel, Walkon 6, 7 Usain) bdfanic ki La prua, Wo Lise, joe 3 a VL) Olintg /9¢ Wo 037 RBGE No. copyright reserved
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Family: Orchidaceae
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Agrostophyllum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Hoover, W.S., Girard, V.F., Macon, S.H. & Wat, W.
Collection number: 5454
Collection date: 7th January 1990
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00202478
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. copyright reserved PLANTS OF THAILAND ORCHIDACEAE Ranong Province: Klong Naka Wildlife Sanctuary, stream branch about 200 m down stream from base camp flowing from north west, ca. 98°20’E long., 9°30’N lat., 100-600 m. On the branch of Eugenia sp., down the stream, dry pods dark brown Scott Hoover 5454 7 Jan 1990 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN with Victor F. Girard, Scott H. Macon, and Wi Wat X43 wo HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA
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