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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum hypericoides L.
Filing region: E. Tropical South America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208298
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ae) ® Pa he o 7) ® be om fe pS = ES a ° rs) A pepe sen Ee Thea fei go te 6 fC C Wa Aye’ the Han AD J frye ees Firey ; a | Mo ee / ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi Wap G2
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum microsepalum Torr. & A.Gray
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208263
No label status given
& era: PR 4 ce} ® c ® o » ® tee a] = o : 2 5 rot ° rs) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 3 £01208263 a
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum microsepalum Torr. & A.Gray
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208264
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ox-Y,WE-t-r-) MUL 8) BLVe(ofe) OL BS Coy (ats INt ence ! i 5 ens, a =a ee nnn a rd ™ —o a - ee . ee 2 ? j : K DONO. * ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN SENATE OF ” WwW 4 L ¢ ae Syoce ashe ee, A a LA gory Laegeneo o> Fee ects re OA ee Fein g Se EDINBURGH E01208264 COLLEGE, “y
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum pumilum Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208265
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01208265 Curriss’ Seconp Disrrisution or PLants of THE SOUTHERN Unirep States. No. 5829. Ascyrum pumilum, Mics. Dry pine barrens near Jacksonville, Florida. A. H. Curtiss. March 11 and April 24, 1897, 3] 9 10 copyright reserved 7
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum pumilum Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208266
No label status given
PLANTS OF FLORIDA, > COLLECTED AT LAKE CITY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, By Geo. V. NASH, JULY II-19, 1895. 22II. Ascyrum pumilum Michx. 5 A) copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01208266
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208267
No label status given
Curtiss’ Seconp DistrisuTION OF PLANTS Ya SouTHERN Unirep StaTes. No. 5759. Ascyrum stans, Mich. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Dry or damp pine barrens, near Jacksonville, Florida. IYO MMI A. H. Curtiss. August 24, 1896, E01208267 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved aan “on ikl uaibeame dos beady eae 146A.
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208268
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208269
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copyright reserved 6 5 ri Plants of Princess Anne County, Virginia, Collected by KENNETH K. MACKENZIE. Aregnn~ RO Necchry. . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Sammy placro, Sept.. 3-19, 1905. No 1741 Virginia Beach. EDINBURGH 7e OI E01208269
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208270
No label status given
GEORGIA PLANTS Collected by ROLAND M. HARPER, Summer of 1903 7737. ah a... Whe Qn the HE ugh ea, Bambla , ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 7 a ae NBURGH Geological formation : i ee Rea oO - ze) C7 > — ® r = a ead ir D = > roy Fe) 6
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208271
No label status given
ea sa AI PLANTS OF FLORIDA, COLLECTED AT LAKE CITY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, By GEO. V. NASH, AuGusT 29-31, 1895. 2489. Ascyrum stans Michx. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wi ssn xo) ® © ® 1) e ol = D = ) a ° (3)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208272
No label status given
ao) a) Pad I cc) n ® i cad pong Da = Pa) a ° (3) oO - cop) foe) NR Ke) wo bi © N ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208273
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208275
No label status given
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ] NAM 01208275 2-8-2294 ao aS a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN te S63 : s EDINBURGH a aor, ‘ 2 et. ; . pig * ee eo KL tees es Se mn é. | «01208274 —— F 5 : Pen. SP lartS Oo = ae co Po ee ® 7) e a = i) = ES a ° 3) i)
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208274
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ka a Aa 4 Ke Pea Og Bake ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN = ke. ee Ney Te copyright reserved a ; , oo 5 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN on ee Ss EDINBURGH ty IMMIUT a y ee poh Locytecmn
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208277
No label status given
i EX HERB. BALFOUR. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN muni \ E01208276 EX HERB. E. TUCKERMAN JUNIS. copyright reserved e ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH LIPMAN E01208277 Ex. Herb. Dr. G. Watson. Sicyues Maus ; lire Gave ta
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208276
No label status given
: f EX HERB. BALFOUR. i * | A oe + ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01208276 a ! copyright reserved " ‘df y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN. | EDINBURGH E01208277 | EX HERB. E. TUCKERMAN JUNIS. “D. Dr. G. W atson. Bi eo a \ / Ex. Herb | of, Ade Me as. & Sa SCY ‘ | -<. a & leet Pil oe a 4 hl sage Lidl | Men Jem 4 ; Le : VAR: Gaus uA i en (Satay . s8 Bip a: : als: > Philadelphia.”
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208279
No label status given
EX HERB. GREVILLE. a ‘ a Ex. Herb. Dr. G. Waison. te Ayer Coc aks Meurey / : oce pd anor a 4 tase 7 Ihe Philadelphia. ROYAL BOTANIC copyright reserved ) KS Ay is id / f , oe ‘ LL A, + f re wi Lich + C4 A SCHEUML Sand rth = Pei ess : + aia yo j) Sil Bek / (Tonviy png , aS oe ; ROU B18) & ) eae feelin te Vea leg, TOO frOrteg » ¢ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN b eer eer page ener teas a aA EDINBURGH Las: £01208279 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH VMN / YZ if £01208278 —_— Wieeet Yy e ae | wa a ee ae LS a. a Bi cc a
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208278
No label status given
EX HERB. GREVILLE. A. ma Ex. Herb. Dr. G. Waison. cL Ht / YOO tur Ha re Mourey ay Bd anoaw9 Ah ilaye y 7 /) fee SSA Philadelphia. copyright reserved NK Ki Le , Mn a ye WE He Wes Lie 4 Ok bl G2UIr J7and Puc chr. Srey) oo 7 ot fe a it; | hae ‘iiaes j MUS fee pers cet ere hig 20) fOeLHEf . i ? ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN b ee aia ae a See 7" EDINBURGH G2 gai: aT: E01208279 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN (A. EDINBURGH MT y E01208278 Pi ley preter’ Oy feted it oe eee Sn | ‘ ca se
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208280
No label status given
me xo} cd) Pa ho ® ” e ad = hy — Po) a fe) Oo e/ See. : LA ED 5 4 ‘ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH INN 01208280 oo . ae eg
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208281
No label status given
GmAAnAAAS ee ao] ® Pa i 7) (77) 2 od aon = - > ro} ° (3) FLORA OF WASHINGTON, D. C., AND VICINITY. Collected by E. S. Steele in 1896. Ascyrum stans, Michx. Swampy ground. August 12°, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH — LL Ter E01208281
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Ascyrum stans Michx.
Filing region: North America
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01208282
No label status given
EX HERB, GREVILLE,. i | oe eo ie os mm ©] Y) Pd @ o ” 4 ~ oS f°) dA =< CNM , : A : f auflerceali Hk 9 fo barvext of Wor Me . a Cecymm Nane Meck - Determinavit Wf Kybaon 14(1/56 yl. / ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UU hoya: higfaraeetaet a , 7 i i E01208282 i OE AB BEE LL Ege “dt. " os a i i wa ' : “ pies, sR al ie ee etl
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Filed as: Cratoxylon Blume
Current name: Cratoxylum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Sidiyasa, K.
Collection number: PBU102
Collection date: 23rd May 1990
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00283243
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HORT. EDINB ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH PROJECT BARITO ULU c : Qeuniro vw “ue 3 @ tong-term study sites stam Pe x copyright reserved PROJECT BARI TO ULV Kalimantan Tengah (C.Ind.Borneo) approx. 114.06E : 0.025 ade Sidyasa PBU102 Ka GUTTIFERAE PLE on Ge, Bette CraLoxy lon Base camp P.B.U and environs , ; 7 1 Sa a IE RS ES se. "So Say ee Nt 0 Date 23.5. Pole dipterocarp forest ROYAL BO Bune GARDEN EDINBURGH / Tree 37m,dbh 40cm.Bole scaly,dark | | red-brown,innerbark orange with £00283243 orange-pink sap.Flowers dark red il
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Filed as: Cratoxylon Blume
Current name: Cratoxylum Blume
Collector/Expedition: Sidiyasa, K.
Collection number: PBU227
Collection date: 1st June 1990
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Barcode: E00283244
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Mee00493 iy ag PROJECT BARITO ULU xo} o ee re les r fey oa a o pi re oe v ) tammg BARITO D> Nia otc = u Ps) aaa nears = ce o PROJECT BARITO ULU Kalimantan Tengah (C.Ind.Borneo) approx. 114.06E : 0.02S Kade Sidyasa PBU227 a ETT RE 1 SS rere aeons Ure GUTTIFERAE Cele. -0. hon Cratoxylon : Base camp P.B.U and environs Alt. 0 Date 1.6.99 4 Secondary forest. Tree 20m,dbh 15cm diam. Bark fissurred, brownish; innerbark 00283244 yellowish, rubbery, Fruits pea
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Cratoxylon arborescens
Collector/Expedition: Madani, L. & Pereira, J.T.
Collection number: 140090
Collection date: 17th September 1997
Filing region: Malay Islands
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Barcode: E00210966
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ie | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN img 0 0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF SABAH HERBARIUM OF THE FOREST DEPARTMENT SANDAKAN SAN No. 140090 Family § Hypericaceae Botanical Name Cratoxylon a~how esa: Det. Vernacular Dialect Locality (see reverse for map) Mesapol F. Reserve. District Sipitang ~ Alt. 100 ft. m.a.s.l. Collector L. Madani & Date 17.9.97. Habitat J.T. Pereira Notes : Tree height 60m, girth 35cm. Outer vbark low fissured, inner bark brownish grey, sapwood white. Flowers yellowish, fruits redd..ish. Vy v “ Duplicates to : K/L/SAR/KEP/SING/BO/PNH/AA/OX/ EA~~ Herbaria receiving duplicates are re aria uested to communicat identifications tot i : Sl ae 0 the Forest Botanist, Forest Research Centre, Sandakan, APC-12193 xo} ® 2 & be ) n co) ee ood oy D = ry a ° (3) M@ee0493
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Family: Hypericaceae
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Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M F; Thomas, P I; Armstrong, K E; Sengdala, Khamphone & Lamxay, Vichith,
Collection number: LAO 442
Collection date: 22nd October 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00223182
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL ssLoNV UNE Col GARDEN EDINBURGH ra FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. copyright reserved Guttiferae Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer ‘ Khammouan: Houay Wang Jang A 17° 58'20"N 105° 24'17"E Altitude: 596 m Open river banks; muddy ditches Tree to 12m, dbh to 20cm; bark mottled, flaky; leaves eo dark green; fruit brown Collection Number: LAO 442 Collector: Newman, M.F., Thomas, P.I., Armstrong, K.A., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. Collection date: 22 October 2005 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 J Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh & cae Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D.R. EDINBURGH National University of Lao P.D.R. JUCN, Lao P.D.R. RARWIN igi Qn Please communicate any new identifications to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M F; Thomas, P I; Armstrong, K E; Sengdala, Khamphone & Lamxay, Vichith,
Collection number: LAO 575
Collection date: 26th October 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00222293
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN m0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Guttiferae Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer Khammouan: Old Village of Nam Jang 17° 58' 4" N 105° 25 37, E Altitude: 570 m Secondary forest and old fields Tree to 6m, bark pale brown and flaky; fruits brown Collection Number: LAO 575 Collector: Newman, M.F., Thomas, P| A ; , »F 1, Armstr K.A., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. one, Collection date: 26 October 2005 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh : Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D R National University of Lao P.D.R. jo IUCN, Lao P.D.R. DARWIN NUIATIVE Please communicate any new identifi anh Royal Botanic Garden Bcheue to the Pa Sm fA paste ora mano = g a El a a >) ue copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M F; Thomas, P I; Armstrong, K E; Sengdala, Khamphone & Lamxay, Vichith,
Collection number: LAO 729
Collection date: 29th October 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00223180
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. fa Oo s G S G = ROYAL BOTANIC 10 FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. i) Guttiferae s) Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer v4 copyright reserved Khammouan.: Hills north west of Ban Mak Pheuang on north side of Nam Theun dif 51 4f Ne 105220 205 Altitude: 950 m 6 Open grassy area fringed by evergreen forest with Keteleeria evelyniana, Dacrycarpus imbricatus, Podocarpus neriifolius, Lauraceae and Fagaceae, hi Small stands of Pinus merkusii present Tree to 5m, in fruit Collection Number: LAO 729 Collector: Newman, M.F., Thomas, P.I., Armstrong K.A., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. i Collection date: 29 October 2005 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ( Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D.R. National University of Lao P.D.R. P ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN noe Mn EDINBURGH HUATIVE Wn NN | Please communicate ary new enticaton ts 00223180 AITATIVE Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M F; Thomas, P I; Armstrong, K E; Sengdala, Khamphone & Lamxay, Vichith,
Collection number: LAO 900
Collection date: 6th November 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00223183
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Guttiferae Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer Khammouan: Forests along road to Lak Sao 47°53) 43" N 105°3°8 E Altitude: 543 m Roadside verges with mixed evergreen and deciduous forest Tree to 3m; fruits brown Collection Number: LAO 900 Collector: Newman, M.F., Thomas, P.1., Armstrong K.A., Sengdala, K., Lamxay, V. Collection date: 6 November 2005 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh K Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.D R ( National University of LaoP.D.R j ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 7 sari Soranic a IUCN, Lao P.D.R ARMIN AN NA Please communal any new dente SU a Y new identifications to the oyal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Ba copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer
Collector/Expedition: Newman, M F; Thomas, P I; Armstrong, K E; Sengdala, Khamphone & Lamxay, Vichith,
Collection number: LAO 269
Collection date: 17th February 2005
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Laos
Barcode: E00208181
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HERB. HORT. EDINB. (as 0 S S S S = ROYAL ony Wi Col o) copyright reserved FLORA OF LAO P.D.R. Guittferae xylum tormosum nee ao) eee Det KK , armstong January 2006 Lao P.D.R.: Knammouan: roadside vergés and surrounding forests along road from Nakai to Nakai Nam Theun. 17°43'26"N 105°12'28.5"E Altitude: 526 m Dry Dipterocarp and Fagaceae forest Tree to 15m, dbh to cm; new foliage red tinged: petals white sepals wine red } Coll. No.: LAO 269 Collector: Newman,M.F.; Thomas,P.1.; Arms . Sengdala,K. & Lamxay,V. rong,K.E.; 17 Feb 2005 Darwin Initiative Project 163-13-007 BN ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ‘panne Forest Research Center, NAFRI, Lao P.DR i IU SMU Lao ion lUC ae £00208181 ae RaRWN AEIWE Please communicate new identifications t 0 the Royal Botanic G 2arden Edinby gh
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Hypericaceae
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Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer
Collector/Expedition: Middleton, D.J., Boonthavikoon, T., Davies, S.J., Hemrat, C. & Newman, M.F.
Collection number: 345
Collection date: 9th July 2000
Filing region: Indo-China
Country/Territory: Thailand
Barcode: E00152647
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN TL ug HERB. HORT. EDINB. 2 FLORA OF THAILAND GUTTIFERAE Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer Det.: David Middleton, 22nd Dec. 2000 Trang: Amphoe Nayong, Khao Chong National Park. Trail from Botanic Garden Headquarters to Ton Yai. 07° 33' N, 99° 47'E Altitude: 80 m Lowland evergreen forest Tree 25 m tall, 40 cm dbh. Buttresses steep, thick. Bark mid brown, scaly. Slash - Outer bark thin & layered, sapwood red. exuding yellow latex, resinous smelling. Fruit brown, D.J. Middleton, T. Boonthavikoon, S.J. Davie. M.F. Newman 345 9th July 2000 © s, C. Hemrat & Please communicate new identifications to H : ‘arvard Universit i 'y Herbaria ROYAL FOREST DEPARTM HARVARD UNIVERSIT ROYAL BOTANIC GARD ENT BANGKOK Y HERBARIA EN EDINBURGH =] s ~ [e) 2] Z a 5 MQAQQAQ2 copyright reserved
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